These results plot our simulation metrics against various combinations of sync and local probabilities.
This notebook is intended to read a simulation results file with multiple simulations and results and create aggregate analyses and visualizations.
Experimental control variables:
In [1]:
%load_ext memory_profiler
%matplotlib inline
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib as mpl
import graph_tool.all as gt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from operator import itemgetter
from itertools import groupby, chain
from collections import defaultdict, Counter
# Modify the Notebook path
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".."))
from cloudscope.colors import ColorMap
from cloudscope.results import Results
from cloudscope.results.graph import extract_graph
from cloudscope.results.analysis import create_per_replica_dataframe as create_replica_dataframe
from cloudscope.results.analysis import create_per_experiment_dataframe as create_dataframe
In [2]:
In [3]:
# Specify a path to a results file
# If None, will attempt to look one up
FIXTURES = os.path.join("..", "fixtures", "results")
FIGURES = os.path.join("..", "fixtures", "figures", "sync-local-prob")
RESULTS = os.path.join(FIXTURES, "federated-sync-20160907.json")
def get_results_data(path=RESULTS):
with open(path, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
yield Results.load(line)
In [4]:
df = create_dataframe(get_results_data())
In [5]:
def get_message_rows(df):
for row in df[['message types', 'type', 'sync probability', 'local probability']].itertuples():
item = row[1]
item['experiment'] = "{} Ps = {:0.2f} Pl = {:0.2f}".format(row[2], row[3], row[4])
yield item
# Create the data frame
msgs = pd.DataFrame(sorted(get_message_rows(df), key=lambda item: item['experiment']))
# Create the figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,48))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
mpl.rcParams.update({'font.size': 22})
# Plot the bar chart
g = msgs.plot(
x='experiment', kind='barh', stacked=True, ax=ax,
title="Message Counts by Type", color=sns.color_palette()
# Modify the figure
ax.set_xlabel("message count")
# Save the figure to disk
plt.savefig(os.path.join(FIGURES, 'message_counts.png'))
In [11]:
def get_experiment_rows(df):
for idx, row in df.iterrows():
row['type'] = row['type'].title()
if row['type'] == 'Raft':
row['experiment'] = 'Raft'
for lp in (0.2, 0.5, 0.8):
row = row.copy()
row['local probability'] = lp
yield row
elif row['type'] == 'Federated':
row['experiment'] = 'Federated Ps={:0.2f}'.format(row['sync probability'])
yield row
row['experiment'] = row['type']
yield row
# Create the data frame
data = pd.DataFrame(sorted(get_experiment_rows(df), key=lambda item: item['experiment']))
In [13]:
# Forked Writes (two keys: "inconsistent writes" and "forked writes")
g = sns.lmplot(
x="local probability", y="forked writes", hue='experiment',
data=data, fit_reg=False, size=7, aspect=1.4, markers=["s","x","x", "x", "o"],
scatter_kws={'s': 48}
# Set the title and the labels
title_fmt = "Writes Forked for {:,} Accesses".format(df.writes.max())
# Modify the axis limits
for ax in g.axes:
# Save the figure to disk
plt.savefig(os.path.join(FIGURES, 'forked_writes.png'))
In [14]:
# Forked Writes (two keys: "inconsistent writes" and "forked writes")
g = sns.lmplot(
x="local probability", y="inconsistent writes", hue='experiment',
data=data, fit_reg=False, size=7, aspect=1.4, markers=["s","x", "x", "x","o"],
scatter_kws={'s': 48}
# Set the title and the labels
title_fmt = "Inconsistent Writes for {:,} Accesses".format(df.writes.max())
# Modify the axis limits
for ax in g.axes:
# Save the figure to disk
plt.savefig(os.path.join(FIGURES, 'inconsistent_writes.png'))
In [15]:
# Dropped Writes
g = sns.lmplot(
x="local probability", y="dropped writes", hue='experiment',
data=data, fit_reg=False, size=7, aspect=1.4, markers=["s","x", "x", "x","o"],
scatter_kws={'s': 48}
# Set the title and the labels
title_fmt = "Dropped Writes for {:,} Accesses".format(df.writes.max())
# Modify the axis limits
for ax in g.axes:
# Save the figure to disk
plt.savefig(os.path.join(FIGURES, 'dropped_writes.png'))
In [16]:
# Stale Reads
g = sns.lmplot(
x="local probability", y="stale reads", hue='experiment',
data=data, fit_reg=False, size=7, aspect=1.4, markers=["s","x", "x", "x","o"],
scatter_kws={'s': 48}
# Set the title and the labels
title_fmt = "Stale Reads for {:,} Accesses".format(df.reads.max())
# Modify the axis limits
for ax in g.axes:
# Save the figure to disk
plt.savefig(os.path.join(FIGURES, 'stale_reads.png'))
In [20]:
# Visible Writes
g = sns.lmplot(
x="local probability", y="visible writes", hue='experiment',
data=data, fit_reg=False, size=7, aspect=1.4, markers=["s","x", "x", "x","o"],
scatter_kws={'s': 48}
# Set the title and the labels
title_fmt = "Visible Writes for {:,} Accesses".format(df.writes.max())
# Modify the axis limits
for ax in g.axes:
# Save the figure to disk
plt.savefig(os.path.join(FIGURES, 'visible_writes.png'))
In [21]:
# Comitted Writes
g = sns.lmplot(
x="local probability", y="committed writes", hue='experiment',
data=data, fit_reg=False, size=7, aspect=1.4, markers=["s","x", "x", "x","o"],
scatter_kws={'s': 48}
# Set the title and the labels
title_fmt = "Committed Writes for {:,} Accesses".format(df.writes.max())
# Modify the axis limits
for ax in g.axes:
# Save the figure to disk
plt.savefig(os.path.join(FIGURES, 'committed_writes.png'))
In [22]:
# Number of Messages
g = sns.lmplot(
x="local probability", y="sent messages", hue='experiment',
data=data, fit_reg=False, size=7, aspect=1.4, markers=["s","x", "x", "x","o"],
scatter_kws={'s': 48}
# Set the title and the labels
title_fmt = "Total Sent Messages"
# Modify the axis limits
for ax in g.axes:
# Save the figure to disk
plt.savefig(os.path.join(FIGURES, 'messages_sent.png'))
In [23]:
# Read cost (ms delay before read)
g = sns.lmplot(
x="local probability", y="mean read latency (ms)", hue='experiment',
data=data, fit_reg=False, size=7, aspect=1.4, markers=["s","x", "x", "x","o"],
scatter_kws={'s': 48}
# Set the title and the labels
title_fmt = "Read Latency for {:,} Accesses".format(df.reads.max())
# Modify the axis limits
for ax in g.axes:
# Save the figure to disk
plt.savefig(os.path.join(FIGURES, 'read_latency.png'))
In [24]:
# Write Cost (ms delay before write)
g = sns.lmplot(
x="local probability", y="mean write latency (ms)", hue='experiment',
data=data, fit_reg=False, size=7, aspect=1.4, markers=["s","x", "x", "x","o"],
scatter_kws={'s': 48}
# Set the title and the labels
title_fmt = "Write Latency for {:,} Accesses".format(df.writes.max())
# Modify the axis limits
for ax in g.axes:
# Save the figure to disk
plt.savefig(os.path.join(FIGURES, 'write_latency.png'))
In [25]:
# Replication Cost (Visibility Latency)
g = sns.lmplot(
x="local probability", y="mean visibility latency (ms)", hue='experiment',
data=data, fit_reg=False, size=7, aspect=1.4, markers=["s","x", "x", "x","o"],
scatter_kws={'s': 48}
# Set the title and the labels
title_fmt = "Replication (Visibility) Latency for {:,} Accesses".format(df.writes.max())
# Modify the axis limits
for ax in g.axes:
# Save the figure to disk
plt.savefig(os.path.join(FIGURES, 'visibility_latency.png'))
In [26]:
# Commit Cost (Commit Latency)
g = sns.lmplot(
x="local probability", y="mean commit latency (ms)", hue='experiment',
data=data, fit_reg=False, size=7, aspect=1.4, markers=["s","x", "x", "x","o"],
scatter_kws={'s': 48}
# Set the title and the labels
title_fmt = "Commit Latency for {:,} Accesses".format(df.writes.max())
# Modify the axis limits
for ax in g.axes:
# Save the figure to disk
plt.savefig(os.path.join(FIGURES, 'commit_latency.png'))
In [27]:
# Simulation Time
g = sns.lmplot(
x="local probability", y="simulation time (secs)", hue='experiment',
data=data, fit_reg=False, size=7, aspect=1.4, markers=["s","x", "x", "x","o"],
scatter_kws={'s': 48}
# Set the title and the labels
title_fmt = "Elapsed Real Simulation Time"
g.set(ylabel="simulation time (secs - log scale)")
# Modify the axis limits
for ax in g.axes:
# ax[0].set_ylim(-100,)
# Save the figure to disk
plt.savefig(os.path.join(FIGURES, 'simulation_time.png'))
In [32]:
def find_results(etype='federated', Ps=None, Pl=None):
for result in get_results_data():
if result.settings['type'] == etype:
if (Ps and Ps == result.settings['sync_prob']) or Ps is None:
if (Pl and Pl == result.settings['local_prob']) or Pl is None:
name = "{}-Ps{}-Pl{}.png".format(etype, Ps, Pl)
return result, name
return None, None
# Find the desired results
result, name = find_results('federated', 0.8, 0.8)
if result is None: raise ValueError("Could not find results!")
# Extract the Graph Tool graph
G = extract_graph(result, by_message_type=True)
# Draw the graph
vlabel = G.vp['id']
vsize = G.vp['writes']
vsize = gt.prop_to_size(vsize, ma=60, mi=20)
# Set the vertex color
vcolor = G.new_vertex_property('string')
vcmap = ColorMap('flatui', shuffle=False)
for vertex in G.vertices():
vcolor[vertex] = vcmap(G.vp['consistency'][vertex])
# Set the edge color
ecolor = G.new_edge_property('string')
ecmap = ColorMap('paired', shuffle=False)
for edge in G.edges():
ecolor[edge] = ecmap(G.ep['label'][edge])
elabel = G.ep['label']
esize = G.ep['norm']
esize = gt.prop_to_size(esize, mi=1, ma=5)
# Create the layout with the edge weights.
# pos = gt.arf_layout(G, weight=G.ep['weight'])
pos = gt.sfdp_layout(G, eweight=G.ep['weight'], vweight=vsize)
# pos = gt.fruchterman_reingold_layout(G, weight=G.ep['weight'])
G, pos=pos, output_size=(1200,1200), output=os.path.join(FIGURES, name),
vertex_text=vlabel, vertex_size=vsize, vertex_font_weight=1,
vertex_pen_width=1.3, vertex_fill_color=vcolor,
edge_pen_width=esize, edge_color=ecolor, edge_text=elabel