
In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
import datetime
import html2text
import re
from nltk.corpus import stopwords

In [2]:
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from wordcloud import WordCloud
%matplotlib inline

In [3]:
from plotly import __version__
from plotly.offline import download_plotlyjs, init_notebook_mode, plot, iplot
from plotly.offline.offline import _plot_html
import cufflinks as cf


IOPub data rate exceeded.
The notebook server will temporarily stop sending output
to the client in order to avoid crashing it.
To change this limit, set the config variable

In [4]:
from sklearn import metrics
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer

In [6]:
def clean_txt(text):
    search = ['أ','آ','إ','ة','ى']
    replace = ['ا','ا','ا','ه','ي']
    for i in range(len(search)):
        text = text.replace(search[i], replace[i])
    words = re.split("[^0-9a-zA-Zابتثجحخدزرزسشصضطظعغفقكلومنهةىؤئء,يأآئ]*", text)
    return " ".join(words).strip().lower()

def filter_exp_years(text):
    #check if there are numbers
    text = text.replace("-", ' - ')
    text = text.replace("+", ' - ')
    text = text.replace("/", ' - ')
    text = text.replace("~", ' - ')
    text = word_tokenize(text)
    numbers = [int(s) for s in text if s.isdigit()]
    words = [s.lower().strip() for s in text if not s.isdigit()]
    per = 'year'
    if('month' in words or 'months' in words):
        per = 'month'
    if(len(numbers) == 1):
        if('less' in words or 'maximum' in words): 
            return (0,max(numbers), per)
        elif('more' in words or 'above' in words or 'minimum' in words):
            return (max(numbers),max(numbers), per)
            return (0,max(numbers), per)
    elif (len(numbers) > 1):
        return (min(numbers), max(numbers), per)
        return (0,0, per)

Load Data

In [5]:
df = pd.read_csv('data_science_dataset_wuzzuf.csv')

Define/Edit New Data Clone

In [18]:
# copy df and append new cols
df_2 = df.copy()
df_2['salary_avg'] = pd.Series(0, index=df.index)
df_2['clean_description'] = pd.Series('', index=df.index)
df_2['clean_job_requirements'] = pd.Series('', index=df.index)
df_2['date_year'] = pd.Series('', index=df.index)
df_2['date_month'] = pd.Series('', index=df.index)
df_2['experience_years_type'] = pd.Series('year', index=df.index)
df_2['experience_years_min'] = pd.Series(0, index=df.index)
df_2['experience_years_max'] = pd.Series(0, index=df.index)

Data Cleaning

In [19]:
err = 0
for i in range(df_2.shape[0]):
    # filter salary
    if(int(df_2.iloc[i]['salary_min']) <= 0 ):
        df_2.set_value(i, 'salary_min', 0)
    if(int(df_2.iloc[i]['salary_max']) <= 0 ):
        df_2.set_value(i, 'salary_max', 0)

    df_2.set_value(i, 'salary_avg', (df_2.iloc[i]['salary_max'] + df_2.iloc[i]['salary_min'])/2.0 )
    # filter num vacancies
    if(int(df_2.iloc[i]['num_vacancies']) <= 0 ):
        df_2.set_value(i, 'num_vacancies', 0)
    # filter exp years
    exp_yrs = filter_exp_years(str(df_2.iloc[i]['experience_years']))
    df_2.set_value(i, 'experience_years_min', exp_yrs[0])
    df_2.set_value(i, 'experience_years_max', exp_yrs[1])
    df_2.set_value(i, 'experience_years_type', exp_yrs[2])
    # parse date/time
    d = df_2.iloc[i]['post_date'].split('-')
    df_2.set_value(i, 'date_year', d[0])
    df_2.set_value(i, 'date_month',, int(d[1]), 1).strftime('%B'))
    # filter job_reqs
    df_2.set_value(i, 'clean_description', html2text.html2text(str(df_2.iloc[i]['description'])))
    df_2.set_value(i, 'clean_job_requirements', html2text.html2text(str(df_2.iloc[i]['job_requirements'])))
    # filter city_name
    df_2.set_value(i, 'city_name', clean_txt(df_2.iloc[i]['city_name']))

/usr/lib/python3.5/ FutureWarning:

split() requires a non-empty pattern match.

City Names Normalizing | Cleaning

In [20]:
# load cities lexicon
c_lex = []
for line in open('cities.csv'):
    words = clean_txt(line).split(',')

/usr/lib/python3.5/ FutureWarning:

split() requires a non-empty pattern match.

In [21]:
# clean city names [filter|normalize]
city_jobs_counts = {}
dbl = 0
dbl_queue = []
for i in range(df.shape[0]):
    if i+1%100 == 0: print(i)
    city_words = word_tokenize(df_2.iloc[i]['city_name'].lower())

    for c in c_lex:
        for w in city_words:
            if w in c or  w.replace('ال','') in c:
                df_2.set_value(i, 'city_name', c[0])
                if c[0] in city_jobs_counts:
                    city_jobs_counts[c[0]] += 1
                    city_jobs_counts[c[0]] = 0

# sort by top countries
df_2['city_name'].value_counts().sort_values(inplace=True, ascending=False)

In [23]:

id                                                                 afb02d06
city_name                                                             cairo
displayed_job_title                                      Web Content Writer
job_category_1                                            Editorial/Writing
job_category_2                                                    Marketing
job_category_3                                                     Research
job_industry_1                                          Writing and Editing
job_industry_2                                 Marketing and Advertising   
job_industry_3                                                  Research   
salary_min                                                             2000
salary_max                                                             2500
num_vacancies                                                             1
career_level                                                    Entry Level
experience_years                                                         1+
post_date                                               2014-01-22 15:01:21
views                                                                  1937
description               <p>Do you love to write? Are you proficient it...
job_requirements          <strong>You must meet the following criteria t...
salary_avg                                                             2250
clean_description         Do you love to write? Are you proficient it wr...
clean_job_requirements    **You must meet the following criteria to appl...
date_year                                                              2014
date_month                                                          January
experience_years_type                                                  year
experience_years_min                                                      0
experience_years_max                                                      1
Name: 208, dtype: object

Job Titles Normalizing | Cleaning

In [24]:
# clean displayed_job_title
for i in range(df_2.shape[0]):
    df_2.set_value(i, 'displayed_job_title', clean_txt(df_2.iloc[i]['displayed_job_title']))

/usr/lib/python3.5/ FutureWarning:

split() requires a non-empty pattern match.



In [25]:
# top cities jobs
dt = [ df_2['city_name'].value_counts().index[z] for z in range(7)]
counts = [ df_2['city_name'].value_counts()[z] for z in range(7)]


<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fd56c381ef0>


In [29]:
# view per months [violinplot]
ax = sns.violinplot(x="date_month", y="views",hue='date_year', data=df_2,palette='rainbow',estimator=sum)
ax.set(xlabel='Month', ylabel='Views')

In [30]:
# view per months [bar] - per three years
ax = sns.barplot(x="date_month", y="views", data=df_2,hue='date_year',palette='rainbow',estimator=sum)
ax.set(xlabel='Month', ylabel='Views')

In [31]:
# sum(views) per month
df_2.pivot_table(values='views',index='date_month',columns='date_year',aggfunc=sum, fill_value=0)

date_year 2014 2015 2016
April 731758 1031766 1147785
August 693186 1464019 0
December 1117150 1546430 0
February 617031 1005274 1218766
January 429304 892766 1302518
July 722772 1096054 0
June 696230 1044796 0
March 744087 1214453 1476539
May 847516 1146969 474433
November 1018203 1658478 0
October 839122 1718907 0
September 873996 1314405 0

In [33]:
# years / views
ax = sns.barplot(x="date_year", y="views", data=df_2,palette='rainbow',estimator=sum)
ax.set(xlabel='Year', ylabel='Views')

Published Jobs

In [40]:
# jobs published per months/year
ax = sns.countplot(x="date_month", hue='date_year' ,data=df_2)
ax.set(xlabel='Month', ylabel='# Jobs',title="Published Jobs")

In [41]:
df_2.pivot_table(values='views',index='date_month',columns='date_year',aggfunc=len, fill_value=0)

date_year 2014 2015 2016
April 395 755 1162
August 492 934 0
December 771 1135 0
February 389 759 1065
January 303 625 1137
July 497 679 0
June 455 717 0
March 458 856 1243
May 527 909 849
November 661 1106 0
October 537 1075 0
September 552 807 0

In [43]:
# top 6 categories published jobs
ax = sns.countplot(x="job_category_1", hue='date_year' ,data=df_2, order=df_2['job_category_1'].value_counts().iloc[:6].index)
ax.set(xlabel='Main Category', ylabel='# Jobs',title="Published Jobs/Category")

In [44]:
# jobs published category/month
ax = sns.countplot(x="job_category_1", hue='date_month' ,data=df_2, order=df_2['job_category_1'].value_counts().iloc[:6].index)
ax.set(xlabel='Main Category', ylabel='# Jobs',title="Published Jobs/Category")

In [47]:
# jobs published industry/year
ax = sns.countplot(x="job_industry_1", hue='date_year' ,data=df_2, order=df_2['job_industry_1'].value_counts().iloc[:6].index)
ax.set(xlabel='Main Industry', ylabel='# Jobs',title="All Published Jobs/Industry")

In [48]:
# jobs published industry/year
ax = sns.countplot(x="job_industry_1", hue='date_month' ,data=df_2, order=df_2['job_industry_1'].value_counts().iloc[:6].index)
ax.set(xlabel='Main Industry', ylabel='# Jobs',title="Published Jobs/Industry")

In [51]:
# number of missed/existed job_category_2
print("Non-Selected: ",sum(df_2[df_2['job_category_2']!='Select']['job_category_2'].value_counts()))
print("Selected: ",df_2[df_2['job_category_2']=='Select']['job_category_2'].value_counts())

# number of missed/existed job_category_3
print("Non-Selected: ",sum(df_2[df_2['job_category_3']!='Select']['job_category_3'].value_counts()))
print("Selected: ",df_2[df_2['job_category_3']=='Select']['job_category_3'].value_counts())

Non-Selected:  11591
Selected:  Select    10259
Name: job_category_2, dtype: int64
Non-Selected:  3062
Selected:  Select    18788
Name: job_category_3, dtype: int64

In [52]:
# number of missed/existed job_category_2
print("Non-Selected: ",sum(df_2[df_2['job_industry_2']!='Select']['job_industry_2'].value_counts()))
print("Selected: ",df_2[df_2['job_industry_2']=='Select']['job_industry_2'].value_counts())

# number of missed/existed job_category_3
print("Non-Selected: ",sum(df_2[df_2['job_industry_3']!='Select']['job_industry_3'].value_counts()))
print("Selected: ",df_2[df_2['job_industry_3']=='Select']['job_industry_3'].value_counts())

Non-Selected:  9149
Selected:  Select    12701
Name: job_industry_2, dtype: int64
Non-Selected:  4074
Selected:  Select    17776
Name: job_industry_3, dtype: int64


In [54]:
# not dedicated salaries
print("Not Dedicated Salaries: ",df_2[(df_2['salary_min'] ==0) & (df_2['salary_min'] ==0)].shape[0])

Not Dedicated Salaries:  189

In [56]:
# mean of min salaries / year
ax = sns.barplot(x="date_year", y="salary_min", data=df_2,palette='rainbow')
ax.set(xlabel='Year', ylabel='Mean(Min Salary)')

In [57]:
# mean of max salaries / year
ax = sns.barplot(x="date_year", y="salary_max", data=df_2,palette='rainbow')
ax.set(xlabel='Year', ylabel='Mean(Max Salary)')

In [58]:
# mean of max salaries / year
ax = sns.barplot(x="date_year", y="salary_avg", data=df_2,palette='rainbow')
ax.set(xlabel='Year', ylabel='Mean(Avg Salary)')

In [60]:
# mean of avg salaries / job_category_1 - all
ax = sns.barplot(x="salary_avg", y="job_category_1", data=df_2,palette='rainbow')
ax.set(xlabel='Mean(Avg Salary)', ylabel='Mean Category')

In [61]:
# avg salaries per top 6 published categories jobs
ax = sns.barplot(x="salary_avg", y="job_category_1", data=df_2,palette='rainbow',order=df_2['job_category_1'].value_counts().iloc[:6].index)
ax.set(xlabel='Mean(Avg Salary)', ylabel='Mean Category')

In [63]:
# mean of avg salaries / job_industry_1 - all
ax = sns.barplot(x="salary_avg", y="job_industry_1", data=df_2,palette='rainbow')
ax.set(xlabel='Mean(Avg Salary)', ylabel='Mean Industry')

In [64]:
ax = sns.barplot(x="salary_avg", y="job_industry_1", data=df_2,palette='rainbow',order=df_2['job_industry_1'].value_counts().iloc[:6].index)
ax.set(xlabel='Mean(Avg Salary)', ylabel='Mean Industry')

In [65]:
# Overall Mean Projects

experience_years_max experience_years_min num_vacancies salary_avg salary_max salary_min views
date_year 2014 2015 2016 2014 2015 2016 2014 2015 2016 2014 ... 2016 2014 2015 2016 2014 2015 2016 2014 2015 2016
April 3.217722 3.863576 3.567986 0.832911 1.075497 1.081756 8.987342 4.719205 6.048193 3208.420253 ... 3977.730637 3946.711392 5838.357616 4876.561962 2470.129114 3511.063576 3078.901893 1852.551899 1366.577483 987.766781
August 3.398374 3.643469 NaN 0.973577 1.118844 NaN 6.955285 5.033191 NaN 4031.646341 ... NaN 5103.821138 5343.888651 NaN 2959.471545 3170.862955 NaN 1408.914634 1567.472163 NaN
December 3.769131 3.566520 NaN 1.068742 0.935683 NaN 5.181582 6.769163 NaN 4314.578470 ... NaN 5356.390402 6496.236123 NaN 3272.770428 4197.595595 NaN 1448.962387 1362.493392 NaN
February 3.673522 3.802372 3.745540 1.074550 1.077734 1.054460 6.375321 4.038208 4.230047 4117.030848 ... 4429.411268 5103.084833 5280.096179 5447.897653 3130.976864 3231.524374 3410.929577 1586.197943 1324.471673 1144.381221
January 3.462046 3.547200 3.463500 0.970297 0.857600 0.959543 6.937294 6.441600 6.032542 3794.821782 ... 4668.882146 4730.026403 5239.459200 5589.662269 2859.620462 3044.396800 3748.105541 1416.844884 1428.425600 1145.574318
July 3.364185 3.480118 NaN 0.782696 1.078056 NaN 5.955734 4.001473 NaN 3907.257545 ... NaN 5326.026157 5295.702504 NaN 2488.507042 3283.758468 NaN 1454.269618 1614.217968 NaN
June 3.347253 3.543933 NaN 0.949451 1.012552 NaN 6.896703 5.938633 NaN 3895.206593 ... NaN 4841.760440 5120.926081 NaN 2948.657143 3013.824268 NaN 1530.175824 1457.177127 NaN
March 3.831878 3.538551 3.525342 1.102620 0.934579 1.068383 6.703057 6.389019 5.849558 3955.329694 ... 4264.663717 4956.672489 7491.241822 5231.854385 2953.993450 3540.587617 3297.477876 1624.644105 1418.753505 1187.883347
May 3.294118 3.572057 3.699647 0.998102 0.991199 1.180212 9.056926 7.006601 4.559482 3489.791271 ... 4237.050648 4265.284630 5280.187019 5221.664311 2714.297913 3059.213421 3252.440518 1608.189753 1261.792079 558.813899
November 3.754917 3.479204 NaN 1.173979 0.893309 NaN 6.237519 6.216094 NaN 3872.636914 ... NaN 4785.467474 6251.448463 NaN 2959.806354 4141.556962 NaN 1540.397882 1499.528029 NaN
October 3.348231 3.944186 NaN 0.813780 1.052093 NaN 6.560521 4.496744 NaN 3908.951583 ... NaN 4970.707635 7169.018605 NaN 2847.199255 4697.768372 NaN 1562.610801 1598.983256 NaN
September 3.403986 3.762082 NaN 0.898551 1.006196 NaN 5.536232 5.809170 NaN 3773.369565 ... NaN 4869.021739 5241.257745 NaN 2677.721014 3185.247831 NaN 1583.326087 1628.754647 NaN

12 rows × 21 columns


In [67]:
# vacancies [months/years]
ax = sns.barplot(x="date_month", y="num_vacancies", data=df_2,hue='date_year',palette='rainbow',estimator=sum)
ax.set(xlabel='Month', ylabel='# Vacancies')

Career Levels

In [71]:
# no. career levels jobs / top job_categories
ax = sns.countplot(x="job_category_1", hue='career_level' ,data=df_2, order=df_2['job_category_1'].value_counts().iloc[:6].index)
ax.set(xlabel='Category', ylabel='Career Level')

In [70]:
# career levels count / top job_industries
ax = sns.countplot(x="job_industry_1", hue='career_level' ,data=df_2, order=df_2['job_industry_1'].value_counts().iloc[:6].index)
ax.set(xlabel='Industry', ylabel='# Jobs')

job Titles

In [72]:
# remove english stop words
all_text = " ".join(df_2['displayed_job_title'])
clean_text = [word for word in all_text.split() if word not in stopwords.words('english')]
clean_text = " ".join(clean_text)

In [73]:
# WordCloud of Job Titles
wordcloud = WordCloud(max_font_size=30).generate(clean_text)
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 16), dpi=300, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
plt.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation="bilinear")

In [75]:
# top 50 job titles [2,3]-grams
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
word_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(2,4), analyzer='word')
sparse_matrix = word_vectorizer.fit_transform(df_2['displayed_job_title'])
frequencies = sum(sparse_matrix).toarray()[0]

In [76]:
job_title_keywords = pd.DataFrame(frequencies, index=word_vectorizer.get_feature_names(), columns=['frequency'])
job_title_keywords.sort_values(['frequency'], ascending=[False], inplace=True)

customer service 1000
call center 772
graphic designer 755
sales engineer 653
marketing specialist 613
social media 503
web developer 490
center agent 480
call center agent 478
technical support 421
software developer 398
service agent 366
customer service agent 365
php developer 361
account manager 357
net developer 328
media specialist 314
web designer 312
social media specialist 306
telesales agent 293
service representative 287
customer service representative 281
software engineer 278
marketing executive 278
project manager 269
senior software 263
java developer 248
sales executive 228
technical office 227
marketing manager 227
digital marketing 226
quality control 218
support engineer 212
ios developer 211
quality assurance 200
sales representative 197
sales account 195
site engineer 194
mechanical engineer 193
android developer 192
maintenance engineer 188
support agent 185
senior net 171
sales account manager 169
senior php 169
office engineer 158
team leader 156
technical office engineer 152
front end 149
sales marketing 133

Machine Learnign - Data Mining

In [77]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fd56ead8898>

In [78]:
# null heatmap

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fd56eb1f5c0>

Data Pre-Processing

In [79]:
# change categories to numbers
df_2['job_industry_1'] = pd.Categorical(df_2['job_industry_1'])
df_2['job_industry_1_codes'] = df_2['job_industry_1']

df_2['job_category_1'] = pd.Categorical(df_2['job_category_1'])
df_2['job_category_1_codes'] = df_2['job_category_1']

df_2['career_level'] = pd.Categorical(df_2['career_level'])
df_2['career_level_codes'] = df_2['career_level']

df_2['city_name'] = pd.Categorical(df_2['city_name'])
df_2['city_name_codes'] = df_2['city_name']

df_2['date_month'] = pd.Categorical(df_2['date_month'])
df_2['date_month_codes'] = df_2['date_month']

Views Linear Regression

In [119]:
# Linear regression to predict views
train_data = df_2[df_2['views']>0][['experience_years_min', 'experience_years_max','date_month_codes','salary_avg',
                    'job_industry_1_codes', 'job_category_1_codes', 'career_level_codes']]
train_cls = df_2[df_2['views']>0]['views']

In [120]:
# cross validation
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(train_data, train_cls, test_size=0.5, random_state=101)

In [121]:
lm = LinearRegression(),y_train)

LinearRegression(copy_X=True, fit_intercept=True, n_jobs=1, normalize=False)

In [122]:
# Coefficients Table
coeff_df = pd.DataFrame(lm.coef_,train_data.columns,columns=['Coefficient'])

experience_years_min -7.188270
experience_years_max 18.157674
date_month_codes 12.963801
salary_avg -0.001273
num_vacancies 4.111769
job_industry_1_codes 0.954166
job_category_1_codes -11.335219
career_level_codes -22.666678

In [124]:
# root mean squared errro | evaluation
print('RMSE:', np.sqrt(metrics.mean_squared_error(y_test, predictions)))

RMSE: 1106.31143616

Avg Salaries Regression

In [137]:
# Linear regression to predict avg salaries
train_data = df_2[df_2['salary_avg']>0][['experience_years_min', 'experience_years_max','date_month_codes',
                   'job_industry_1_codes', 'job_category_1_codes', 'career_level_codes']]
train_cls = df_2[df_2['salary_avg']>0]['salary_avg']

In [138]:
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(train_data, train_cls, test_size=0.5, random_state=101)

lm = LinearRegression(),y_train)

coeff_df = pd.DataFrame(lm.coef_,train_data.columns,columns=['Coefficient'])

experience_years_min -442.363891
experience_years_max 1015.899177
date_month_codes 17.211951
num_vacancies 3.481535
views -0.036280
job_industry_1_codes 0.339017
job_category_1_codes 11.779490
career_level_codes 1260.586171

In [139]:
predictions = lm.predict(X_test)
# root mean squared errro | evaluation
print('RMSE:', (metrics.mean_squared_error(y_test, predictions)))

RMSE: 57953206.19