If the stratigraphic structure is turned on in the XmL input file, pyBadlands produces sedimentary layers Hdf5 files. The stratigraphic layers are defined on a regularly spaced grid and a layer is recorded at each layer time interval given by the user.
Here we show how we can visualise quickly the structure of the stratigraphic layer in an IPython notebook.
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import numpy as np
import matplotlib.mlab as ml
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.ndimage.filters as filters
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter
import pybadlands_companion.stratalAnalyse_DT as strata
# display plots in SVG format
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'
%matplotlib inline
First we need to load the stratigraphic file. The files are located in the h5/ folder in the simulation main output folder and are named using the following convention:
with T the display time index and X the number of the partition (used in the parallel version). In cases where you ran your simulation in parallel you will also need to give the number of CPUs used (cpus).
To load a file you will need to give the folder name and the number of processors used in your simulation.
For more information regarding the function uncomment the following line.
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# help(strata.stratalSection.__init__)
In [ ]:
folder = '/workspace/volume/Examples/dyntopo1/output/h5/'
strat = strata.stratalSection(folder)
Then we need to load a particular output time interval (this is the T parameter in the hdf5 file name convention).
This number is not always the number of sedimentary layers for this particular time step as you could have chosen in the input file to have more than 1 sedimentary layer recorded by output interval!
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# help(strat.loadStratigraphy)
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We then slice the stratigraphic mesh to visualise the sedimentary architecture along a given cross-section.
To create the cross-section you will need to provide:
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# Build a cross-section along X axis
x1 = 0.
x2 = 300000.
y1 = 100000
y2 = 100000
# Interpolation parameters
nbpts = 301
gfilt = 1
In [ ]:
# help(strat.buildSection)
In [ ]:
strat.buildSection(xo = x1, yo = y1, xm = x2, ym = y2, pts = nbpts, gfilter = gfilt)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
strata.viewSection(width = 1000, height = 500, cs = strat,
dnlay = 2, rangeX=[220000, 300000], rangeY=[-1050,-50],
linesize = 0.5, title='Stratal stacking pattern coloured by time')
New analytical methods are proposed in recent years on the interpretation of depositional systems. Here, we apply three methods, including
There are several models of systems tracts within depositional sequences, here we use the most simple one called the four systems tract model (figure is from Helland-Hansen & Hampson (2009)):
For each of these system tracts we define a given color. We use the 'colorlover' library link
In [ ]:
time, Sealevel = strata.readSea('data/sealevel.csv')
timeStep = 1e5
# Plot sea-level
strata.viewData(x0 = time/timeStep, y0 = Sealevel, width = 600, height = 400, linesize = 3,
color = '#6666FF',title='Sea-level curve',xlegend='display steps',ylegend='sea-level position')
We will assign 4 different colors based on relative sea-level change. To visualise the colors you can copy the html code below in the following website:
<!DOCTYPE html><html>
#p1 {background-color:rgba(213,139,214,0.8);}
#p2 {background-color:rgba(215,171,117,0.8);}
#p3 {background-color:rgba(39,123,70,0.8);}
#p4 {background-color:rgba(82,128,233,0.8);}
<p>RGB colors with opacity for Systems-Tracts:</p>
<p id="p1">HST</p>
<p id="p2">FSST</p>
<p id="p3">LST</p>
<p id="p4">TST</p>
Define different colors for different systems tracts
In [ ]:
cHST = 'rgba(213,139,214,0.8)'
cFSST = 'rgba(215,171,117,0.8)'
cLST = 'rgba(39,123,70,0.8)'
cTST = 'rgba(82,128,233,0.8)'
Specify the extent of every systems tracts according to the relative sea-level change
In [ ]:
HST1 = np.array([0,11],dtype=int)
FSST1 = np.array([11,26],dtype=int)
LST1 = np.array([26,30],dtype=int)
TST1 = np.array([30,36],dtype=int)
HST2 = np.array([36,42],dtype=int)
FSST2 = np.array([42,69],dtype=int)
LST2 = np.array([69,78],dtype=int)
TST2 = np.array([78,88],dtype=int)
HST3 = np.array([88,100],dtype=int)
Build the color list for each systems tract
In [ ]:
# Build the color list
STcolors = []
for k in range(HST1[0],HST1[1]):
for k in range(FSST1[0],FSST1[1]):
for k in range(LST1[0],LST1[1]):
for k in range(TST1[0],TST1[1]):
for k in range(HST2[0],HST2[1]):
for k in range(FSST2[0],FSST2[1]):
for k in range(LST2[0],LST2[1]):
for k in range(TST2[0],TST2[1]):
for k in range(HST3[0],HST3[1]):
In [ ]:
# help(strata.viewSectionST)
In [ ]:
strata.viewSectionST(width = 1000, height = 500, cs=strat, colors=STcolors,
dnlay = 2, rangeX=[220000, 300000], rangeY=[-1050,-50],
linesize=0.5, title='Systems tracts interpreted based on relative sea-level (RSL)')
Before doing the interpretation using the two another methods, we need to calculate the shoreline positions (shoreline trajectory), the accommodation change ($\delta A$) and sedimentation change ($\delta S$) at shoreline position through time.
The endpoint of every deposited layer is also calculated to plot the Wheeler Diagram.
In order to calculate the shoreline trajectory, $\delta A$ and $\delta S$ at the shoreline, we need the information of the sedimentary layers when they deposited. In this example, 100 outputs are recorded (nbout
). We use a loop to read the output every two timesteps (nstep
In [ ]:
nbout = 100
nstep = 2
The sed.time
file starts from time1. Therefore, the first file we load is T=1, then followed by T=2, 4, 6, 8, ..., 100
In [ ]:
strat_all = [strata.stratalSection(folder)]
k = 1
for i in range(2,nbout+1,nstep):
strat = strata.stratalSection(folder)
k += 1
We then slice the stratigraphic mesh to visualise the sedimentary architecture along a given cross-section.
To create the cross-section you will need to provide the position of the segment in the simulation space (xo,yo) and (xm,ym), a gaussian filter value for smoothing (gfilt a value of 0 can be used for non-smoothing) and the resolution of the cross-section (based on a number of points: nbpts).
In [ ]:
# Extract the value of sea-level for each stratigraphic layer
Time = np.array(time[::nstep])
sealevel = np.array(Sealevel[::nstep])
sealevel[0] = Sealevel[1]
In [ ]:
strata.viewData(x0 = Time/timeStep, y0 = sealevel, width = 600, height = 400, linesize = 3,
color = '#6666FF',title='Sea-level curve',xlegend='display steps',ylegend='sea-level position')
In [ ]:
npts = len(strat_all)
for i in range(0,npts):
strat_all[i].buildSection(xo = x1, yo = y1, xm = x2, ym = y2, pts = nbpts, gfilter = gfilt)
In [ ]:
Here we use a second method to interpret the depositional units based on the shifts of shoreline (from Helland-Hansen & Hampson (2009)):
In [ ]:
xval = Time/timeStep
yval = strat_all[0].dist[strat.shoreID_gs.astype(int)]
gval = np.gradient(yval)
# View shoreline position through time
#strata.viewData(x0 = xval, y0 = yval, width = 600, height = 400, linesize = 3, color = '#6666FF',
# title='Shoreline trajectory',xlegend='display steps',ylegend='shoreline position in metres')
# Define the gradient evolution
#strata.viewData(x0 = xval, y0 = gval, width = 600, height = 400, linesize = 3, color = '#f4a142',
# title='Shoreline trajectory gradient',xlegend='display steps',ylegend='gradient shoreline position')
We will assign 4 different colors based on relative shoreline change. To visualise the colors you can copy the html code below in the following website:
<!DOCTYPE html><html>
#p1 {background-color:rgba(56,110,164,0.8);}
#p2 {background-color:rgba(60,165,67,0.8);}
#p3 {background-color:rgba(112,54,127,0.8);}
#p4 {background-color:rgba(246,146,80,0.8);}
<p>RGB colors with opacity for Systems-Tracts:</p>
<p id="p1">TC</p>
<p id="p2">DRC</p>
<p id="p3">ARC</p>
<p id="p4">STC</p>
Define different colors for different shoreline trajectory classes
In [ ]:
# Default color used:
TC = 'rgba(56,110,164,0.8)'
DRC = 'rgba(60,165,67,0.8)'
ARC = 'rgba(112,54,127,0.8)'
STC = 'rgba(252,149,7,0.8)'
# You can change them by specifying new values in the function
STcolors_ST = strata.build_shoreTrajectory(xval,yval,gval,sealevel,nbout,
In [ ]:
strata.viewSectionST(width = 1000, height = 500, cs = strat, colors = STcolors_ST,
dnlay = 2, rangeX=[220000, 300000], rangeY=[-1050,-50],
linesize = 0.5, title = 'Classes interpreted based on shoreline trajectory (ST)')
This accommodation succession method is referred to Neal & Abreu (2009)), which is based on the relationship between the rate of changes in accommodation and sedimentation.
In [ ]:
xval = Time/timeStep
ASval = strat.accom_shore-strat.sed_shore
gval = np.gradient(ASval)
# Accommodation (A) and sedimentation (S) change differences
#strata.viewData(x0 = xval, y0 = ASval, width = 600, height = 400, linesize = 3,
# color = '#6666FF',title='Change between accomodation & sedimentation',xlegend='display steps',
# ylegend='A-S')
# Define the gradient evolution
#strata.viewData(x0 = xval, y0 = gval, width = 600, height = 400, linesize = 3, color = '#f4a142',
# title='A&S gradient',xlegend='display steps',ylegend='gradient A&S')
We will assign 3 different colors based on relative accommodation space and sedimentation rate. To visualise the colors you can copy the html code below in the following website:
<!DOCTYPE html><html>
#p1 {background-color:rgba(51,79,217,0.8);}
#p2 {background-color:rgba(252,149,7,0.8);}
#p3 {background-color:rgba(15,112,2,0.8);}
<p>RGB colors with opacity for Systems-Tracts:</p>
<p id="p1">RSS</p>
<p id="p2">PASS</p>
<p id="p3">APDSS</p>
Define different colors for different accommodation succession sequence sets.
In [ ]:
# Default color used:
R = 'rgba(51,79,217,0.8)'
PA = 'rgba(252,149,7,0.8)'
APD= 'rgba(15,112,2,0.8)'
# You can change them by specifying new values in the function
STcolors_AS = strata.build_accomSuccession(xval,ASval,gval,nbout,cR=R,cPA=PA,cAPD=APD)
In [ ]:
strata.viewSectionST(width = 1000, height = 500, cs = strat, colors = STcolors_AS, dnlay = 2,
rangeX=[220000, 300000], rangeY=[-1050,-50], linesize = 0.5,
title = 'Sequence sets interpreted based on change of accommodation and sedimentation (AS)')
Wheeler diagram (or chronostratigraphic chart) is a powerful tool to document unconformities between sequences, and to understand the stacking patterns of sedimentary successions and their relationship to sea level. It displays the horizontal distribution of contemporaneous sedimentary layer sequences, as well as hiatuses in sedimentation.
We define paleo-depositional environments (depositional facies) based on deposition depth. For example,
In [ ]:
# Specify the depositional environment based on water depth
envIDs = [-30, 0, 50, 200, 400, 600]
# Change the unit to be Myr
timeMA = [x/1e6 for x in Time]
# For each depositional environments define a color
color = ['limegreen','darkkhaki','sandybrown','khaki','c', 'teal', 'white']
In [ ]:
# help(strata.depthID)
# help(strata.viewWheeler)
Visualise the wheeler diagram
In [ ]:
# Get the position of depositional environments on each extracted layer
waterIDs = np.zeros((len(envIDs), npts))
for i in range(0,npts):
waterIDs[:,i] = strata.depthID(cs = strat_all[i], sealevel = sealevel[i], envIDs = envIDs)
# Add the endpoint of deposition to the depositional environments extent
envi = np.append(waterIDs, [strat.depoend_gs], axis=0)
strata.viewWheeler(width = 10, height = 6, time = timeMA, rangeE = envi, shoreID = strat.shoreID,
dnlay = nstep, npts = npts, color = color, rangeX = [200, 300], rangeY = [-0.1,10.2],
linesize = 3, title = 'Wheeler Diagram', xlegend = 'Distance (km)', ylegend = 'Time (Myr)')
Vertical stacking patterns (synthetic wells) could also be extracted at different positions to show the thickness of parasequences and the trend of depositional units through time.
To extract the vertical staking, first we need to calculate the stacked strata thickness at each position, then color the strata according to the water depth when they are deposited.
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# help(strata.getStack)
In [ ]:
# position of wells /km
posit = [230, 240, 250, 260, 270]
colorFill, layTh = strata.getStack(cs = strat, posit = posit, envIDs = envIDs, color = color, dn = nstep)
Visualise the synthetic wells
In [ ]:
strata.viewStack(width = 4, height = 5, layTh = layTh, colorFill = colorFill)
In [ ]: