
Pandas Objects

In the previous chapter we discussed the very basics of Python and NumPy. Here we go one step further and introduce the Pandas package and its data structures. At the very basic level, Pandas can be thought of as enhanced versions of NumPy arrays in which rows and columns come with labels (rather than simple integer indices). Pandas obviously provides more features than this, but it is important to first get an understanding of Pandas' data structure before delving into more advanced topics.

In [1]:
# We start by importing the NumPy, Pandas packages
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

Pandas Series

While a NumPy array has an implicitly defined index, Pandas allows for an explicitly defined index. That could mean strings or nonsequential indices. We first look at Pandas Series objects. These are one-dimensional arrays of indexed data. We can use lists or arrays to create it.

In [2]:
data = pd.Series([0.25, 0.5, 0.25, 1])

0    0.25
1    0.50
2    0.25
3    1.00
dtype: float64

In [3]:
data = pd.Series([0.25, 0.5, 0.25, 1], index=['w', 'x', 'y', 'z'])

w    0.25
x    0.50
y    0.25
z    1.00
dtype: float64

In [4]:
# Item access works as we would expect


In [5]:
# Another example
data = pd.Series([0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1],
                 index=[2, 7, 4, 1])

2    0.25
7    0.50
4    0.75
1    1.00
dtype: float64

In [6]:


In [7]:
# Pandas series from NumPy array
vec = np.linspace(start=0.2, stop=1, num=5)

0    0.2
1    0.4
2    0.6
3    0.8
4    1.0
dtype: float64

NumPy array operations (as discussed in the previous chapter) such as filtering with a boolean array, scalar multiplication, or applying math functions, will preserve the index-value link.

Pandas' Data Frames

Constructing Data Frames

While Pandas' Series are comparable to a one-dimensional array with flexible indices, DataFrames are comparable to two-dimensional arrays with both flexible row and column names.

In [8]:
data = {'Company': ['Schindler', 'ABB', 'GF', 'Sulzer'],
        'yrEndClose': [179.6, 21.48, 834, 105],
        'eps': [7.14, 0.87, 53, 1.73]}

comps = pd.DataFrame(data)

Company yrEndClose eps
0 Schindler 179.60 7.14
1 ABB 21.48 0.87
2 GF 834.00 53.00
3 Sulzer 105.00 1.73

In [9]:
data = [{'Company': 'Schindler', 'yrEndClose': 179.6, 'eps': 7.14},
        {'Company': 'ABB',  'yrEndClose': 21.48, 'eps': 0.87},
        {'Company': 'GF',  'yrEndClose': 834,  'eps': 53},
        {'Company': 'Sulzer',  'yrEndClose': 105,  'eps': 1.73}]

Company yrEndClose eps
0 Schindler 179.60 7.14
1 ABB 21.48 0.87
2 GF 834.00 53.00
3 Sulzer 105.00 1.73

Ultimately, there are many more ways to create a DataFrame but we'll leave it with the above two examples. Reason being, as we will see later on, that data for a DataFrame is usually imported from a txt, csv or xls file. This process is fairly simple and will be discussed later on. Regarding DataFrames, check the excellent overview by Chris Moffit (2016) or see the help page pd.DataFrame? for more examples on how to create a DataFrame.

As we would expect, each DataFrame has some callable attributes.

In [10]:
print(comps.size, comps.shape, comps.ndim)

RangeIndex(start=0, stop=4, step=1)
12 (4, 3) 2

Working with data and adding new data columns is straight forward:

In [11]:
comps['PE'] = comps['yrEndClose'] / comps['eps']
comps['Year'] = 2016

Company yrEndClose eps PE Year
0 Schindler 179.60 7.14 25.154062 2016
1 ABB 21.48 0.87 24.689655 2016
2 GF 834.00 53.00 15.735849 2016
3 Sulzer 105.00 1.73 60.693642 2016

In [12]:
# Reorder columns
comps = comps[['Company', 'Year', 'PE', 'eps', 'yrEndClose']]

     Company  Year         PE    eps  yrEndClose
0  Schindler  2016  25.154062   7.14      179.60
1        ABB  2016  24.689655   0.87       21.48
2         GF  2016  15.735849  53.00      834.00
3     Sulzer  2016  60.693642   1.73      105.00

In [13]:
# Renaming columns
comps.columns = ['Company', 'Year', 'PE', 'EPS', 'Price']

array(['Company', 'Year', 'PE', 'EPS', 'Price'], dtype=object)

In [14]:
# Or renaming just one column
colNms = comps.columns.values
colNms[4] = 'yrEndClose'
comps.columns = colNms

array(['Company', 'Year', 'PE', 'EPS', 'yrEndClose'], dtype=object)

Indexing and Selection

In the previous chapter we discussed how to access elements of NumPy arrays. In general, the same patterns are applicable to Pandas objects. However, there are a few quirks that we'll discuss to prevent confusion.

In [15]:
data = pd.Series([0, 1, 2], index=['a', 'b', 'c'])

# Adding a float
data['d'] = 2.5

a    0.0
b    1.0
c    2.0
d    2.5
dtype: float64

In [16]:
# Slicing by explicit index

a    0.0
b    1.0
c    2.0
dtype: float64

In [17]:
# Slicing by implicit index

a    0.0
b    1.0
dtype: float64


Notice that when using the explicit index, the final index is included. On the other hand, when you use the implicit index (i.e. data[0:2]), the final index is excluded.

Let's consider an example where the Series object has an explicit integer index.

In [18]:
data = pd.Series(['a', 'b', 'c'], index=[1, 3, 5])

1    a
3    b
5    c
dtype: object

In [19]:
# Explicit index when indexing


In [20]:
# Implicit index when slicing

3    b
5    c
dtype: object

Because this was recognized as a source of confusion, Pandas introduced the loc and iloc attribute. loc allows indexing and slicing with the explicit index, iloc allows slicing that always references the implicit index.

In [21]:


In [22]:

1    a
3    b
dtype: object

In [23]:


In [24]:

3    b
5    c
dtype: object

Indexing for DataFrame works similar to what we discussed thus far.

In [25]:
comps[['Company', 'PE']]

Company PE
0 Schindler 25.154062
1 ABB 24.689655
2 GF 15.735849
3 Sulzer 60.693642

The index will always be shown. Thus if we reset the index such that the company names represent the index, then we could simply use comps['PE'].

In [26]:
compsInd = comps.set_index('Company')

           Year         PE    EPS  yrEndClose
Schindler  2016  25.154062   7.14      179.60
ABB        2016  24.689655   0.87       21.48
GF         2016  15.735849  53.00      834.00
Sulzer     2016  60.693642   1.73      105.00

In [27]:

Schindler    25.154062
ABB          24.689655
GF           15.735849
Sulzer       60.693642
Name: PE, dtype: float64

We can also use dot notation to access a column.

In [28]:

0    7.14
1    0.87
Name: EPS, dtype: float64

One slicing option you might come across when studying python scripts is the .ix indexer. It is a hybrid of the two functions .loc and .iloc. However, the .ix indexer is deprecated in favor of the more strict .iloc and .loc and thus we won't discuss it here.

Index Alignment

Pandas will align indices in the process of performing operations for both Series as well as DataFrames. This proves to be very convenient when dealing with incomplete data.

In [29]:
A = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(low=10, high=99, size=(2,2)),
                 columns=['A', 'C'])

0 57 93
1 48 63

In [30]:
B = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(low=0, high=10, size=(3,3)),

0 4 8 9
1 1 7 9
2 6 8 0

In [31]:
A + B

0 65.0 NaN 102.0
1 55.0 NaN 72.0
2 NaN NaN NaN

If we wish to fill the blanks with another value than NaN, we can do so by using the add() method and specify the fill_value.

In [32]:
A.add(B, fill_value=0)

0 65.0 4.0 102.0
1 55.0 1.0 72.0
2 8.0 6.0 0.0

Handling Missing Data

So far we have always dealt with complete data sets. Real world data, however, is hardly ever clean and homogeneous. Often data sets will have some amount of missing values. Further complicating the issue is the fact that different conventions exists to indicate missing data (NaN, None, NA, null, -9999).

Developers of NumPy and Pandas chose to use NaN (acronym for Not a Number) as missing data representation. Operations on np.arrays, Series or DataFrames containing NaN values are possible. However, one needs to keep in mind that any arithmetic operation with NaN will be another NaN.

In [33]:
val = np.array([0, np.nan, 1, 2])
val + 1

array([ 1., nan,  2.,  3.])

In [34]:
val * 0

array([ 0., nan,  0.,  0.])

NumPy provides special functions which can deal with NaN values.

In [35]:
print(val.sum(), val.min(), val.max())
print(np.nansum(val), np.nanmin(val), np.nanmax(val))

nan nan nan
3.0 0.0 2.0

While NumPy only accepts np.nan, Pandas is also able do handle None as input. Yet internally, Pandas will convert None values to NaN.

In [36]:
seq = pd.Series([1, np.nan, 2, None])

0    1.0
1    NaN
2    2.0
3    NaN
dtype: float64

But how do we deal with NaN values? Python provides some specific methods:

Method Description
.isnull() Generates boolean mask indicating missing values
.notnull() Opposite of .isnull()
.dropna() Returns a filtered version of the data
.fillna() Returns a copy of the data with missing values filled or imputed

In [37]:
# Sample Series
ser = pd.Series([1, None, 2., np.nan])

# Boolean mask

# Sliced Series

0    False
1     True
2    False
3     True
dtype: bool
0    1.0
2    2.0
dtype: float64

In [38]:
# Create a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(10 + np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3),
                  columns= ['A', 'B', 'C'])
df.iloc[0, 1] = np.nan; df.iloc[2, 0] = np.nan

0 10.0 NaN 12
1 13.0 14.0 15
2 NaN 17.0 18

.dropna() can not drop single values, but it can drop full columns or rows. For this, the method takes the parameter axis='rows' or axis='columns'.

In [39]:
df.dropna()  # Similar to df.dropna(axis=0)

1 13.0 14.0 15

In [40]:
df.dropna(axis='columns')  # similar to df.dropna(axis=1)

0 12
1 15
2 18

Beyond the axis you can specify the parameter how and thresh.

For parameter how, default is set to how='any' which means that any row or column (depending on your selection) with NaN values will be dropped. Alternatively you could set it to how='all' to remove only those rows/columns where all entries are of sort NaN.

For parameter thresh, default is set to thresh=None. For example setting a thresh=3 will drop rows/columns with less than 3 non-null values.

In [41]:
df['D'] = np.nan

0 10.0 NaN 12 NaN
1 13.0 14.0 15 NaN
2 NaN 17.0 18 NaN

In [42]:
df.dropna(axis='columns', how='all')

0 10.0 NaN 12
1 13.0 14.0 15
2 NaN 17.0 18

In [43]:
df.dropna(axis='rows', thresh=3)

1 13.0 14.0 15 NaN

Sometimes it is also adequate to replace NaN cells with a specific value. For this method .fillna() is available.

In [44]:

0 10.0 -9999.0 12 -9999.0
1 13.0 14.0 15 -9999.0
2 -9999.0 17.0 18 -9999.0

In [45]:
# Forward-fill to propagate previous value forward
df.fillna(axis='rows', method='ffill')

0 10.0 NaN 12 NaN
1 13.0 14.0 15 NaN
2 13.0 17.0 18 NaN

In [46]:
# Backward-fill to propagate previous value forward
df.fillna(axis='rows', method='bfill')

0 10.0 14.0 12 NaN
1 13.0 14.0 15 NaN
2 NaN 17.0 18 NaN

Combining Datasets

Concat and Append

Concatenating, appending, merging or joining data sets is a deep (and some say 'dull') topic. Anyone who had the pleasure of learning relational algebra can tell. Pandas has four functions that will do the job for you and of which you should have heard:

  • pd.append()
  • pd.concat()
  • pd.merge()
  • pd.join()

From time to time one of these functions will appear in this course. However, we will not properly discuss these functions in any detail. Unfortunately, doing it would consume too much time and would be beyond the purpose of this course. Nonetheless, I recommend to spend 15min in learning the basics by reading through Pandas' intuitive introduction which can be found here. It is kept fairly brief and with all the examples and visual representations, the functions are explained in a much better way than this tutorial could ever do.

Another valuable resource is of course again Jake VanderPlas' Data Science Handbook. You might find his explanations and examples very helpful and since it's freely available on GitHub, why not give it a shot. Here's the link (Combining Datasets).

Pandas Time Series

Timestamps and Periods

Pandas was developed with a focus on financial data. It thus does not surprise that Pandas has incorporated an easy and reliable way of handling datetime formats. Pandas handling of date/time objects improves on the existing package datetime and NumPy's numpy.datetime64 object and provides the necessary tools to efficiently handle datetimes.

The most basic kind of time series object in Pandas are pd.Series or pd.DataFrame objects indexed with timestamps.

In [47]:
# Simple Time Stamps
print(pd.Timestamp(day=31, year=2017, month=12))
print(pd.Timestamp(2017, 12, 31, 13, 8))
print(pd.Timestamp('10.03.2018 17:32:15'))
print(pd.Timestamp('31.03.2018 17:32:15'))
print(pd.to_datetime("1st of August, 1992"))

2017-12-31 00:00:00
2017-12-31 13:08:00
2018-10-03 17:32:15
2018-03-31 17:32:15
2018-03-31 00:00:00
2000-07-01 00:00:00
1992-08-01 00:00:00

Notice that pd.Timestamp('10.03.2018') is interpreted as 3rd of October 2018 while pd.Timestamp('31.03.2018') as 31st of March. Here it is important to realize that the default format is the American way of writing a date: 'mm.dd.yyyy'.

Besides pd.Timestamp Pandas does also have a function for periods: pd.Period. The difference is subtle: The former is for a specific point in time, the latter represents a bounded interval.

In [48]:
# Time Periods
Q3 = pd.Period('2017-09', freq='Q')

Period('2017Q3', 'Q-DEC')

In [49]:
M9 = pd.Period('2017-09', freq='M')

Period('2017-09', 'M')

The pd.Period function has specific properties such as start_time and end_time.

In [50]:

Timestamp('2017-07-01 00:00:00')

In [51]:

Timestamp('2017-09-30 23:59:59.999999999')

Date Ranges

The command pd.date_range generates an index with indicated length according to a particular frequency.

In [52]:
pd.date_range(start='20180104', end='20180108')

DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-04', '2018-01-05', '2018-01-06', '2018-01-07',
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='D')

You could also pass just a start or end date combined with a number of periods to generate.

In [53]:
pd.date_range(start='2017-12-17', periods=2)

DatetimeIndex(['2017-12-17', '2017-12-18'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='D')

In [54]:
pd.date_range(end='2017-09-30', periods=4)

DatetimeIndex(['2017-09-27', '2017-09-28', '2017-09-29', '2017-09-30'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='D')

As became obvious from above examples, pd.date_range by default generates daily timestamps. If you wish another frequency - such as monthly, annual, etc. - you add the freq= argument to your command.

In [55]:
pd.date_range(end='2017-12-31', periods=4, freq='BQS')

DatetimeIndex(['2017-01-02', '2017-04-03', '2017-07-03', '2017-10-02'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='BQS-JAN')

Here's an overview of Pandas frequency codes:

Code Description Code Description
D Calendar day A Year end
B Business day AS Year start
W Weekly BA Business year end
M Month end BAS Business year start
MS Month start H Hours
BM Business month end BH Business hours
BMS Business month start T Minutes
Q Quarter end S Seconds
QS Quarter start L Miliseconds
BQ Business quarter end U Microseconds
BQS Business quarter start N Nanoseconds

Beyond the above frequencies, Pandas has one more useful further option: "week of month". This enables you to get dates like the third Friday of each month. Anyone dealing with options will recoginze these dates as the standard dates of monthly expiry.

In [56]:
# Third Friday of each month between Jan-18 and Sep-18
pd.date_range('2018-01-01', '2018-09-01', freq='WOM-3FRI')

DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-19', '2018-02-16', '2018-03-16', '2018-04-20',
               '2018-05-18', '2018-06-15', '2018-07-20', '2018-08-17'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='WOM-3FRI')

Indexing, Selection, Subsetting of Time Series

Both Timestamp and Period can be used as index. Lists of Timestamp and Period are automatically coerced to DatetimeIndex and PeriodIndex, respectively. This is convenient as it allows us to index and slice the data object as if it were a regular Series or DataFrame.

In [57]:
dates = pd.date_range(start='2015-01-01', end='2017-12-31', freq='D')
ts = pd.Series(np.random.randn(len(dates)), index=dates)
print(ts.head(), '\n')

2015-01-01   -2.073882
2015-01-02   -0.161588
2015-01-03   -0.085147
2015-01-04   -0.659354
2015-01-05    0.824481
Freq: D, dtype: float64 

2017-12-27   -0.389967
2017-12-28    0.255279
2017-12-29   -0.609727
2017-12-30    1.379011
2017-12-31   -1.081839
Freq: D, dtype: float64

To select a subset, we can apply the same logic as shown before.

In [58]:
# Fancy indexing
rng = pd.date_range(start='2016-02-28', end='2016-03-01')

2016-02-28   -0.463114
2016-02-29   -1.232976
2016-03-01    0.881544
Freq: D, dtype: float64

In [59]:
# Indexing by string


Similarly, you could choose a full year or a specific month with ts['2015'] or ts['2016-05'].

In [60]:
# Slicing

2017-12-25   -0.945551
2017-12-26    0.311025
2017-12-27   -0.389967
2017-12-28    0.255279
2017-12-29   -0.609727
2017-12-30    1.379011
Freq: D, dtype: float64

Importing Data

File Path

For most of this course we will use data stored in csv format which we will have to import. For this we can make use of Panda's read_csv() function. If you check the function's help page, you might be overwhelmed by all the possible parameter. Below follows an example which loads Swiss stock market data for the four companies Schindler, ABB, Georg Fischer, and Sulzer from a csv. To load it we necessarily need to specify the file name and its path.

Pandas will start looking from where your current python file or notebook is located. Python's working directory is set to where your current .py or .ipynb file is stored. If you have stored your file in a subfolder, one can simply preced the file name with the path: pd.read_csv('dataSubFolder/anotherSubFolder/data.csv). Given your file is located in another folder, one could either use an explicit path as in pd.read_csv('C:/Users/Username/Path/To/Your/Folder/data.csv) or you can move from your current directory to where your data is located with '..' For example pd.read_csv('../../../dataFolder/data.csv') will go 3 levels up and then into a dataFolder. If you wish to check the path of your current working directory, use !cd (Windows) or !pwd (Mac) to find out.

In [61]:
# Print working directory (uncomment to run)

In [62]:
pd.read_csv('Data/ShareData.csv', sep=',').head(3)

Date Ticker Open Close High Low Volume
0 21.07.2017 SCHN 203.2 199.5 203.3 199.2 16'343
1 20.07.2017 SCHN 202.1 203 203.9 201.7 18'967
2 19.07.2017 SCHN 202.8 200.9 203 200.5 12'813

A few notes:

  • CSV stands for comma separated values. The majority of csv-files indeed use commas to separate the values. Sometimes there are however other separators used such as semicolons or (worse) tabs. If that is the case, set argument e.g. sep=';' as the separator.
  • To make the function parse the 'Date' column as dates we have to add parse_dates=['Dates'].
  • The dates in the csv have format ''. Pandas default is 'mm.dd.yyyy'. Thus we need to specify that the dates have days first, then months. For this we specify dayfirst=True.
  • 'Date' and 'Ticker' uniqueliy identify each row. Therefore we wish to set these two columns as index. This is done by adding index_col=['NameOfColumn'].
  • Due to the thousands separator sign, entries are not loaded as actual numbers but strings. This can be corrected by specifying the thousands="'" parameter.
  • The above import shows that Pandas has taken the file's first row as the headers. Alternatively one could set header=None or add the argument skiprows=n where n defines the number of rows (from top) that should be skipped.

In [63]:
df = pd.read_csv('Data/ShareData.csv', sep=',',
                 parse_dates=['Date'], dayfirst=True, 
                 index_col=['Date', 'Ticker'], thousands="'")

# Print first 3 data rows

Open Close High Low Volume
Date Ticker
2017-07-21 SCHN 203.2 199.5 203.3 199.2 16343
2017-07-20 SCHN 202.1 203.0 203.9 201.7 18967
2017-07-19 SCHN 202.8 200.9 203.0 200.5 12813

When data is updated on a regular basis, it is certainly more convenient to directly load a related file from an existing (static) url than to manually download it time and time again before running a script. Since Pandas version 0.19.2, pd.read_csv() is able to handle that. A simple example is provided below, where the csv file with historical closing prices of the 30 day volatility index on the SMI (VSMI) is downloaded.

In [64]:
url = ''
data = pd.read_csv(url, sep=';', parse_dates=['Date'], 
                   dayfirst=True, index_col='Date')

ISIN Indexvalue
2020-02-03 CH0019900841 14.3796
2020-02-04 CH0019900841 12.8112
2020-02-05 CH0019900841 12.1623
2020-02-06 CH0019900841 11.9043
2020-02-07 CH0019900841 12.6164

For further details on how to load/import data to Python check Pandas' tutorial on the topic.

Example: Working with Stock Data

In what follows it is shown how DataFrames are helpful in analyzing data. For that we will make use of the previously loaded stock data. The functions run below will not be introduced individually. But based on the annotated code, the comments in class and the output, the functions should easily be understood.

In [65]:
# Sort df for dates (ascending)
df = df.sort_index(ascending=True)

Let us say we want to have a statistical summary of the closing prices per share. We can use the .groupby() method to first split the values, select the closing prices, and then apply the .describe() method to have the desired summary.

In [66]:

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
ABBN 1392.0 19.547371 2.247741 14.14 17.9100 19.640 20.930 24.83
FIN 1392.0 607.095323 181.234939 296.52 424.1075 617.435 730.500 1107.00
SCHN 1392.0 147.328376 26.840857 104.60 129.3000 136.550 170.925 207.00
SUN 1392.0 118.224210 20.669572 76.30 102.0500 114.200 135.525 169.90

In [67]:
# Add a column with the returns 
shft = len(df.index.levels[1])
df['Return'] = np.log(df['Close'] / df['Close'].shift(shft))

# Check for NA values

Open      0
Close     0
High      0
Low       0
Volume    0
Return    4
dtype: int64

Assume we wish to investigate ABB's stock a bit further. For this we need to slice the multiindex objcet df. Slicing multiindex objects is a bit trickier than doing the same on a simple data frame with only a single index. Below is an example how you slice the DataFrame based on a date range (here we take all dates) and on the ticker 'ABBN'. For further examples on how to slice multiindex objects, see here.

In [68]:
# Assign ABB data to variable abb
idx = pd.IndexSlice
abb = df.loc[idx[:, ['ABBN']], idx[:]].copy()

In [69]:
# Add column indicating the quarter (but excl. year)
abb['Quarter'] = pd.PeriodIndex(abb.index.levels[0], freq='Q').strftime('Q%q')

# Add rolling 252d mean
abb['Rol252dMean'] = abb['Close'].rolling(window=252).mean()

# Add (annualized) historical rolling volatility
abb['Rol252dVol'] = abb['Return'].rolling(window=252).std() * np.sqrt(252)

In [70]:
# Drop Ticker Index as it is all ABB data now
abb = abb.reset_index(level=1, drop=True)

In [71]:

Open Close High Low Volume Return Quarter Rol252dMean Rol252dVol
2017-07-19 23.86 23.90 24.02 23.78 5111343 0.005034 Q3 22.531111 0.152190
2017-07-20 23.36 23.24 23.41 23.05 12044012 -0.028004 Q3 22.541905 0.153347
2017-07-21 23.01 22.54 23.06 22.44 12821603 -0.030583 Q3 22.549683 0.156443

Having the data set up helps run further analysis. Note that plots will be discussed in a separate chapter and thus we will not get into it here.

In [72]:
# Setup for plotting
%matplotlib inline 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'seaborn-whitegrid')
import seaborn as sns
import scipy as sp
import statsmodels.api as sm

In [73]:
abb[['Close', 'Rol252dMean']].plot(figsize=(16, 10));

In [74]:
abb[['Close', 'Rol252dVol', 'Return']].plot(subplots=True, figsize=(16, 10));

Let's check if the returns follow a normal distribution. We have many approaches to check this, both with plots and statistics. Below are some options presented. We will make use of the stats sublibrary of the scipy package.

In [75]:
# Select returns
rets = abb['Return'].dropna()

# Calc skewness (Norm.dist: 0)
print('Skewness:', sp.stats.skew(rets))

# Calc kurtosis (Norm.dist: 3); for excess kurt set 'fisher=False'
print('Kurtosis: ', sp.stats.kurtosis(rets, fisher=False))

Skewness: -0.5934548936901249
Kurtosis:  7.703713116158396

Often the Shapiro Wilk test is used to check if values follow a normal distribution. The function sp.stats.shapiro() tests the null hypothesis that the data was drawn from a normal distribution. If the p-value is very small, it means it is unlikely that the data came from a normal distribution.

In [76]:
# Apply Shapiro-Wilk test
print('Shapiro Wilk Test:')
print('Test Statistic: ', sp.stats.shapiro(rets)[0])
print('p-Value:        ', sp.stats.shapiro(rets)[1])

Shapiro Wilk Test:
Test Statistic:  0.9554131627082825
p-Value:         3.535358628941703e-20

In [77]:
# Plot the log-returns with a normal distribution
plt.hist(rets, bins=50, density=True, label='frequency')
x = np.linspace(np.min(rets), np.max(rets))
plt.plot(x, sp.stats.norm.pdf(x, loc=np.mean(rets), scale=np.std(rets)), 
         'r', lw=2.0, label='pdf')

Or alternatively we could combine the histogram with a kernel density estimation (KDE).

In [78]:
# KDE plot in Seaborn

In [79]:
# qqplot
sm.qqplot(rets, line='s');

Further Resources

In writing this notebook, many ressources were consulted. For internet ressources the links are provided within the textflow above and will therefore not be listed again. Beyond these links, the following ressources are recommended as further reading on the discussed topic:

  • Vanderplas, Jake, 2016, Python Data Science Handbook (O'Reilly Media, Sebastopol, CA).
  • Hilpisch, Yves, 2015, Python for Finance (O'Rilly Media, Sebastopol, CA).
  • McKinney, Wes, 20123, Python for Data Analysis (O'Rilly Media, Sebastopol, CA).
  • Sheppard, Kevin, 2017, Introduction to Python for Econometrics, Statistics and Data Analysis from Website, 07/07/2017.