Use PLANETOPLOT to compute and plot derivatives

Author: Aymeric SPIGA

The goal of this tutorial is to use PLANETOPLOT to compute (and plot) derivatives of a given field (say, temperature $T$).

-- Note that we make use here of the convenient planets library to get planetary constants. You can download and learn about here

First and foremost, import all the necessary librairies. Note that you need the ppcompute utility from PLANETOPLOT: derivatives functions are in this library.

In [88]:
from ppclass import pp
import ppplot
import ppcompute
import planets
import numpy as np

In [89]:
# This line configures matplotlib to show figures embedded in the notebook.
%matplotlib inline

Set up the planet and file to consider. Here we use the file used in the main PLANETOPLOT tutorial.

In [90]:
myplanet = planets.Mars
fff = ""

Get the temperature field at a given time and zonally averaged

In [91]:
temp,lon,lat,z,t = pp(file=fff,var="temp",t=0.8,x="-180,180").getfd()

Convert degree to radian

In [92]:
phi = lat*np.pi/180.
sinphi = np.sin(phi)
cosphi = np.cos(phi)

Convert altitudes from km to m

In [93]:
z = z*1000.

Compute latitudinal & vertical derivatives using ppcompute

In [94]:
dTdphi,dTdz = ppcompute.deriv2d(temp,phi,z)

Plot with ppplot the meridional gradient of temperature as shaded field and temperature as contoured field

In [95]:
pl = ppplot.plot2d()
pl.f = dTdphi
pl.c = temp 
pl.x = lat
pl.y = z
pl.ylabel = 'altitude (m)'
pl.xlabel = 'latitude ($^{\circ}$N)'
pl.title = '$dT/d\phi$'

Compute the Brunt-Väisälä frequency $$ N^2 = \frac{g}{T_0} \left( \frac{-g}{c_p} + \frac{\text{d}T}{\text{d}z} \right) $$ We use here the function defined in the planets library

In [96]:
bv = myplanet.N2(T0=temp,dTdz=dTdz)

Plot with ppplot the BV frequency as shaded field and temperature as contoured field. We can actually use the plot2d() object defined above since a bunch of settings are in common.

In [97]:
pl.f = bv 
pl.title = '$N^2$'
pl.vmax = 2.e-4