In [1]:
import numpy as np
import h5py
import os
import vos
If you have not downloaded apStar_combined_main.h5 uncomment the below code to copy the file
Note: This file requires 10.3GB. It is necessary to download this file to run particular notebook, although this notebook can be skipped by downloading the files created here seperately. See $1\_Download\_Data.ipynb$ for instructions on how to do so.
In [2]:
def starnet_download_file(filename):
vclient = vos.Client()
vclient.copy('vos:starnet/public/'+filename, datadir+filename)
print(filename+' downloaded')
In [3]:
filename = datadir + 'apStar_combined_main.h5'
F = h5py.File(filename,'r')
print('Dataset keys in file: \n')
Load the data into memory
For the testing of StarNet, it is necessary to obtain the spectra, error spectra, combined S/N, and labels, but we need to make eliminations to the test set to obtain the labels of highest validity to compare with, so we will first include the APOGEEIDs, the S/N of the combined spectra, $T{\mathrm{eff}}$, $\log(g)$, [Fe/H], $V_{scatter}$, STARFLAGs, and ASPCAPFLAGs to make certain eliminations. Once the stars for the test sets have been collected we will then gather the spectra and error spectra and save the two test sets to an h5 file.
In [4]:
ap_id = F['IDs'][:,0]
combined_snr = F['stacked_snr'][:]
starflag = F['star_flag']
aspcapflag = F['aspcap_flag']
teff = F['TEFF'][:]
logg = F['LOGG'][:]
fe_h = F['FE_H'][:]
vscatter = F['VSCATTER']
print('Obtainined data for '+str(len(list(set(list(ap_id)))))+' stars.')
Collect label normalization data
Create a file that contains the mean and standard deviation for $T_{\mathrm{eff}}$, $\log(g)$, and $[Fe/H]$ in order to normalize labels during training and testing. Ignore values equal to -9999.
In [5]:
mean = np.array([np.mean(teff[teff!=-9999.]),np.mean(logg[logg!=-9999.]),np.mean(fe_h[fe_h!=-9999.])])
std = np.array([np.std(teff[teff!=-9999.]),np.std(logg[logg!=-9999.]),np.std(fe_h[fe_h!=-9999.])])
mean_and_std = np.row_stack((mean,std))'mean_and_std', mean_and_std)
print('mean_and_std.npy saved')
Separate out a dataset with good labels.
In [6]:
teff_min = 4000.
teff_max = 5500.
vscatter_max = 1.
fe_h_min = -3.
In [7]:
indices, cols = np.where((aspcapflag[:]==0.)&(starflag[:]==0.)&(vscatter[:]<vscatter_max)&(fe_h[:]>fe_h_min)&(teff[:]>teff_min)&(teff[:]<teff_max)&(logg[:]!=-9999.).reshape(len(ap_id),1))
ap_id = ap_id[indices]
teff = teff[indices]
logg = logg[indices]
fe_h = fe_h[indices]
combined_snr = combined_snr[indices]
print(str(len(list(set(list(ap_id)))))+' stars remain.')
Load test set APOGEE IDs
Load previously created file that contains the training data. We do not want to include any of the APOGEE IDs used in the training set in our test set. This file was created in 2_Preprocessing_of_Training_Data.ipynb
In [8]:
savename = 'training_data.h5'
with h5py.File(datadir + savename, "r") as f:
train_ap_id = f['Ap_ID'][:]
Separate data for High S/N test set
In [9]:
indices_test = [i for i, item in enumerate(ap_id) if item not in train_ap_id]
test_ap_id = ap_id[indices_test]
test_teff = teff[indices_test]
test_logg = logg[indices_test]
test_fe_h = fe_h[indices_test]
test_combined_snr = combined_snr[indices_test]
indices_test_set = indices[indices_test] # These indices will be used to index through the spectra
print('Test set includes '+str(len(test_ap_id))+' combined spectra')
Now collect spectra and error spectra. Then normalize each spectrum and save the data
Steps taken to normalize spectra:
In [10]:
# Define edges of detectors
blue_chip_begin = 322
blue_chip_end = 3242
green_chip_begin = 3648
green_chip_end = 6048
red_chip_begin = 6412
red_chip_end = 8306
In [11]:
savename = 'test_data.h5'
with h5py.File(datadir + savename, "w") as f:
# Create datasets for your test data file
spectra_ds = f.create_dataset('spectrum', (1,7214), maxshape=(None,7214), dtype="f", chunks=(1,7214))
error_spectra_ds = f.create_dataset('error_spectrum', (1,7214), maxshape=(None,7214), dtype="f", chunks=(1,7214))
teff_ds = f.create_dataset('TEFF', test_teff.shape, dtype="f")
logg_ds = f.create_dataset('LOGG', test_logg.shape, dtype="f")
fe_h_ds = f.create_dataset('FE_H', test_fe_h.shape, dtype="f")
combined_snr_ds = f.create_dataset('combined_snr', test_combined_snr.shape, dtype="f")
ap_id_ds = f.create_dataset('Ap_ID', test_ap_id.shape, dtype="S18")
# Save data to data file
teff_ds[:] = test_teff
logg_ds[:] = test_logg
fe_h_ds[:] = test_fe_h
combined_snr_ds[:] = test_combined_snr
ap_id_ds[:] = test_ap_id.tolist()
# Collect spectra
for i in indices_test_set:
spectrum = F['spectrum'][i:i+1]
err_spectrum = F['error_spectrum'][i:i+1]
# Separate spectra into chips
blue_sp = spectrum[0:1,blue_chip_begin:blue_chip_end]
green_sp = spectrum[0:1,green_chip_begin:green_chip_end]
red_sp = spectrum[0:1,red_chip_begin:red_chip_end]
blue_sp_med = np.median(blue_sp, axis=1)
green_sp_med = np.median(green_sp, axis=1)
red_sp_med = np.median(red_sp, axis=1)
# Normalize spectra by chips
blue_sp = (blue_sp.T/blue_sp_med).T
green_sp = (green_sp.T/green_sp_med).T
red_sp = (red_sp.T/red_sp_med).T
# Recombine spectra
spectrum = np.column_stack((blue_sp,green_sp,red_sp))
# Normalize error spectrum using the same method
# Separate error spectra into chips
blue_sp = err_spectrum[0:1,blue_chip_begin:blue_chip_end]
green_sp = err_spectrum[0:1,green_chip_begin:green_chip_end]
red_sp = err_spectrum[0:1,red_chip_begin:red_chip_end]
# Normalize error spectra by chips
blue_sp = (blue_sp.T/blue_sp_med).T
green_sp = (green_sp.T/green_sp_med).T
red_sp = (red_sp.T/red_sp_med).T
# Recombine error spectra
err_spectrum = np.column_stack((blue_sp,green_sp,red_sp))
if first_entry:
spectra_ds[0] = spectrum
error_spectra_ds[0] = err_spectrum
spectra_ds.resize(spectra_ds.shape[0]+1, axis=0)
error_spectra_ds.resize(error_spectra_ds.shape[0]+1, axis=0)
spectra_ds[-1] = spectrum
error_spectra_ds[-1] = err_spectrum
print(savename+' has been saved as the test set to be used in 5_Test_Model.ipynb')
In [ ]: