Preprocess training and test set for StarNet

This notebook takes you through the steps of how to pre-process the training data necessary for training StarNet and separate out a high S/N test set.


  • python packages: numpy h5py vos
  • required data files: apStar_visits_main.h5

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import h5py
import os
import vos


If you have not downloaded apStar_visits_main.h5 uncomment the below code to copy the file

Note: This file requires 38.6GB. It is necessary to download this file to run this particular notebook, although this notebook can be skipped by downloading the files created here seperately. See $1\_Download\_Data.ipynb$ for instructions on how to do so.

In [2]:
def starnet_download_file(filename):
    vclient = vos.Client()
    vclient.copy('vos:starnet/public/'+filename, datadir+filename)
    print(filename+' downloaded')

"\ndef starnet_download_file(filename):\n    vclient = vos.Client()\n    vclient.copy('vos:starnet/public/'+filename, datadir+filename)\n    print(filename+' downloaded')\n    \nstarnet_download_file('apStar_visits_main.h5')\n"

Load the file that contains individual visit spectra along with APOGEE data associated with each star

In [3]:
filename = datadir + 'apStar_visits_main.h5'

F = h5py.File(filename,'r')
print('Dataset keys in file: \n')

Dataset keys in file: 

['0_FE', '0_FE_ERR', 'ALPHA_M', 'AL_FE', 'AL_FE_ERR', 'CA_FE', 'CA_FE_ERR', 'C_FE', 'C_FE_ERR', 'FE_H', 'FE_H_ERR', 'IDs', 'K_FE', 'K_FE_ERR', 'LOGG', 'LOGG_ERR', 'MG_FE', 'MG_FE_ERR', 'MN_FE', 'MN_FE_ERR', 'NA_FE', 'NA_FE_ERR', 'NI_FE', 'NI_FE_ERR', 'N_FE', 'N_FE_ERR', 'PARAM', 'SI_FE', 'SI_FE_ERR', 'S_FE', 'S_FE_ERR', 'TEFF', 'TEFF_ERR', 'TI_FE', 'TI_FE_ERR', 'VRAD', 'VRAD_ERR', 'VSCATTER', 'V_FE', 'V_FE_ERR', 'aspcap_flag', 'bluegreen_persist', 'error_spectrum', 'greenred_persist', 'num_visits', 'spectrum', 'stacked_snr', 'star_flag', 'star_flag_indiv', 'targ1_flag', 'targ2_flag', 'visit_snr']

Load the APOGEE data set into memory

For the training of StarNet, it is only necessary to obtain the spectra and labels, but we need to set restrictions on the training set to obtain the labels of highest validity so we will first include APOGEEIDs, the spectra, the S/N of the combined spectra, $T{\mathrm{eff}}$, $\log(g)$, [Fe/H], $V_{scatter}$, STARFLAGs, and ASPCAPFLAGs

In [4]:
ap_id = F['IDs'][:,0]
combined_snr = F['stacked_snr']
starflag = F['star_flag']
aspcapflag = F['aspcap_flag']
teff = F['TEFF'][:]
logg = F['LOGG'][:]
fe_h = F['FE_H'][:]
vscatter = F['VSCATTER']

print('Obtained data for '+str(len(ap_id))+' individual visits from '+str(len(list(set(list(ap_id)))))+' stars.')

Obtained data for 559484 individual visits from 143467 stars.

Separate out a dataset with good labels

  • combined spectral S/N $\geq$ 200
  • STARFLAG = 0
  • 4000K < $T_{\mathrm{eff}}$ < 5500K
  • -3.0 dex < [Fe/H]
  • $\log(g)$ $\neq$ -9999. (value defined by ASPCAP when no ASPCAP labels are given)
  • $V_{scatter}$ < 1.0 km/s

In [5]:
snr_min = 200.
teff_min = 4000.
teff_max = 5500.
vscatter_max = 1.
fe_h_min = -3.

In [6]:
indices, cols = np.where((aspcapflag[:]==0.)&(starflag[:]==0.)&(combined_snr[:]>=snr_min)&(vscatter[:]<vscatter_max)&(fe_h[:]>fe_h_min)&(teff[:]>teff_min)&(teff[:]<teff_max)&(logg[:]!=-9999.).reshape(len(ap_id),1))

ap_id_high_snr = ap_id[indices]
print(str(len(ap_id_high_snr))+' individual visits from '+str(len(set(ap_id_high_snr)))+' stars remain.')

53135 individual visits from 17149 stars remain.

Select the first $num\_ref$ visits for the reference set

We shuffle around the data to avoid local effects. Later on, it will be be split into training and cross-validation sets. The remaining high S/N spectra will be used in the test set

In [7]:
num_ref = 44784 # number of reference spectra

indices_ref = indices[0:num_ref]

ap_id_ref = ap_id[indices_ref]
teff = teff[indices_ref]
logg = logg[indices_ref]
fe_h = fe_h[indices_ref]

print('Reference set includes '+str(len(ap_id_ref))+' individual visits from '+str(len(set(ap_id_ref)))+' stars.')

Reference set includes 44784 individual visits from 14498 stars.

Now collect individual visit spectra, normalize each spectrum, and save data

Normalize spectra

  1. separate into three chips
  2. divide by median value in each chip
  3. recombine each spectrum into a vector of 7214 flux values

In [8]:
# Define edges of detectors
blue_chip_begin = 322
blue_chip_end = 3242
green_chip_begin = 3648
green_chip_end = 6048   
red_chip_begin = 6412
red_chip_end = 8306

In [9]:
savename = 'training_data.h5'

with h5py.File(datadir + savename, "w") as f:
    # Create datasets for your reference data file 
    spectra_ds = f.create_dataset('spectrum', (1,7214), maxshape=(None,7214), dtype="f", chunks=(1,7214))
    teff_ds = f.create_dataset('TEFF', teff.shape, dtype="f")
    logg_ds = f.create_dataset('LOGG', logg.shape, dtype="f")
    fe_h_ds = f.create_dataset('FE_H', fe_h.shape, dtype="f")
    ap_id_ds = f.create_dataset('Ap_ID', ap_id_ref.shape, dtype="S18")
    teff_ds[:] = teff
    logg_ds[:] = logg
    fe_h_ds[:] = fe_h
    ap_id_ds[:] = ap_id_ref.tolist()
    for i in indices_ref:

        spectrum = F['spectrum'][i:i+1]

        # Separate spectra into chips
        blue_sp = spectrum[0:1,blue_chip_begin:blue_chip_end]
        green_sp = spectrum[0:1,green_chip_begin:green_chip_end]
        red_sp = spectrum[0:1,red_chip_begin:red_chip_end]

        # Normalize spectra by chips

        blue_sp = (blue_sp.T/np.median(blue_sp, axis=1)).T
        green_sp = (green_sp.T/np.median(green_sp, axis=1)).T
        red_sp = (red_sp.T/np.median(red_sp, axis=1)).T 

        # Recombine spectra

        spectrum = np.column_stack((blue_sp,green_sp,red_sp))
        if first_entry:
            spectra_ds[0] = spectrum
            spectra_ds.resize(spectra_ds.shape[0]+1, axis=0)

            spectra_ds[-1] = spectrum

print(savename+' has been saved as the reference set to be used in 4_Train_Model.ipynb')

training_data.h5 has been saved as the reference set to be used in 4_Train_Model.ipynb

In [ ]: