Workshop 4 - Performance Metrics

In this workshop we study 2 performance metrics(Spread and Inter-Generational Distance) on GA optimizing the POM3 model.

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%matplotlib inline
# All the imports
from __future__ import print_function, division
import pom3_ga, sys
import pickle

# TODO 1: Enter your unity ID here 
__author__ = "<unity_id>"

To compute most measures, data(i.e objectives) is normalized. Normalization is scaling the data between 0 and 1. Why do we normalize?

TODO2 : Answer the above question

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def normalize(problem, points):
  Normalize all the objectives
  in each point and return them
  meta = problem.objectives
  all_objs = []
  for point in points:
    objs = []
    for i, o in enumerate(problem.evaluate(point)):
      low, high = meta[i].low, meta[i].high
      # TODO 3: Normalize 'o' between 'low' and 'high'; Then add the normalized value to 'objs'
  return all_objs

Data Format

For our experiments we store the data in the following format.

data = {
            "expt1":[repeat1, repeat2, ...], 
            "expt2":[repeat1, repeat2, ...], 
repeatx = [objs1, objs2, ....]     // All of the final population
objs1 = [norm_obj1, norm_obj2, ...] // Normalized objectives of each member of the final population.

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Performing experiments for [5, 10, 50] generations.
problem = pom3_ga.POM3()
pop_size = 10
repeats = 10
test_gens = [5, 10, 50]

def save_data(file_name, data):
  Save 'data' to 'file_name.pkl'
  with open(file_name + ".pkl", 'wb') as f:
    pickle.dump(data, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
def load_data(file_name):
  Retrieve data from 'file_name.pkl'
  with open(file_name + ".pkl", 'rb') as f:
    return pickle.load(f)

def build(problem, pop_size, repeats, test_gens):
  Repeat the experiment for 'repeats' number of repeats for each value in 'test_gens'
  tests = {t: [] for t in test_gens}
  tests[0] = [] # For Initial Population
  for _ in range(repeats):
    init_population = pom3_ga.populate(problem, pop_size)
    for gens in test_gens:
      tests[gens].append(normalize(problem,, init_population, retain_size=pop_size, gens=gens)[1]))
    tests[0].append(normalize(problem, init_population))
  return tests

Repeat Experiments
# tests = build(problem, pop_size, repeats, test_gens)

Save Experiment Data into a file
# save_data("dump", tests)

Load the experimented data from dump.
tests = load_data("dump")

Reference Set

Almost all the traditional measures you consider need a reference set for its computation. A theoritical reference set would be the ideal pareto frontier. This is fine for a) Mathematical Models: Where we can solve the problem to obtain the set. b) Low Runtime Models: Where we can do a one time exaustive run to obtain the model.

But most real world problems are neither mathematical nor have a low runtime. So what do we do?. Compute an approximate reference set

One possible way of constructing it is:

  1. Take the final generation of all the treatments.
  2. Select the best set of solutions from all the final generations

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def make_reference(problem, *fronts):
  Make a reference set comparing all the fronts.
  Here the comparison we use is bdom. It can
  be altered to use cdom as well
  retain_size = len(fronts[0])
  reference = []
  for front in fronts:

  def bdom(one, two):
    Return True if 'one' dominates 'two'
    else return False
    :param one - [pt1_obj1, pt1_obj2, pt1_obj3, pt1_obj4]
    :param two - [pt2_obj1, pt2_obj2, pt2_obj3, pt2_obj4]
    dominates = False
    for i, obj in enumerate(problem.objectives):
      gt, lt =,
      better = lt if obj.do_minimize else gt
      # TODO 3: Use the varaibles declared above to check if one dominates two
    return dominates
  def fitness(one, dom):
    return len([1 for another in reference if dom(one, another)])
  fitnesses = []
  for point in reference:
    fitnesses.append((fitness(point, bdom), point))
  reference = [tup[1] for tup in sorted(fitnesses, reverse=True)]
  return reference[:retain_size]
make_reference(problem, tests[5][0], tests[10][0], tests[50][0])


Calculating spread:

  • Consider the population of final gen(P) and the Pareto Frontier(R).
  • Find the distances between the first point of P and first point of R(df) and last point of P and last point of R(dl)
  • Find the distance between all points and their nearest neighbor di and their nearest neighbor
    • Then:

  • If all data is maximally spread, then all distances di are near mean d which would make Δ=0 ish.

Note that less the spread of each point to its neighbor, the better since this means the optimiser is offering options across more of the frontier.

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def eucledian(one, two):
  Compute Eucledian Distance between
  2 vectors. We assume the input vectors
  are normalized.
  :param one: Vector 1
  :param two: Vector 2
  # TODO 4: Code up the eucledian distance.
  dist = 0
  return dist

def sort_solutions(solutions):
  Sort a list of list before computing spread
  def sorter(lst):
    m = len(lst)
    weights = reversed([10 ** i for i in xrange(m)])
    return sum([element * weight for element, weight in zip(lst, weights)])
  return sorted(solutions, key=sorter)

def closest(one, many):
  min_dist = sys.maxint
  closest_point = None
  for this in many:
    dist = eucledian(this, one)
    if dist < min_dist:
      min_dist = dist
      closest_point = this
  return min_dist, closest_point

def spread(obtained, ideals):
  Calculate the spread (a.k.a diversity)
  for a set of solutions
  s_obtained = sort_solutions(obtained)
  s_ideals = sort_solutions(ideals)
  d_f = closest(s_ideals[0], s_obtained)[0]
  d_l = closest(s_ideals[-1], s_obtained)[0]
  n = len(s_ideals)
  distances = []
  for i in range(len(s_obtained)-1):
    distances.append(eucledian(s_obtained[i], s_obtained[i+1]))
  d_bar = sum(distances)/len(distances)
  # TODO 5: Compute the value of spread using the definition defined in the previous cell.
  return delta

ref = make_reference(problem, tests[5][0], tests[10][0], tests[50][0])

print(spread(tests[5][0], ref))
print(spread(tests[10][0], ref))
print(spread(tests[50][0], ref))

IGD = inter-generational distance; i.e. how good are you compared to the best known?

  • Find a reference set (the best possible solutions)
  • For each optimizer
    - For each item in its final Pareto frontier
    - Find the nearest item in the reference set and compute the distance to it.
    - Take the mean of all the distances. This is IGD for the optimizer

Note that the less the mean IGD, the better the optimizer since this means its solutions are closest to the best of the best.

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def igd(obtained, ideals):
  Compute the IGD for a
  set of solutions
  :param obtained: Obtained pareto front
  :param ideals: Ideal pareto front
  # TODO 6: Compute the value of IGD using the definition defined in the previous cell.
  igd_val = 0
  return igd_val

ref = make_reference(problem, tests[5][0], tests[10][0], tests[50][0])

print(igd(tests[5][0], ref))
print(igd(tests[10][0], ref))
print(igd(tests[50][0], ref))

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import sk
sk = reload(sk)

def format_for_sk(problem, data, measure):
  Convert the experiment data into the format
  required for and computet the desired
  'measure' for all the data.
  gens = data.keys()
  reps = len(data[gens[0]])
  measured = {gen:["gens_%d"%gen] for gen in gens}
  for i in range(reps):
    ref_args = [data[gen][i] for gen in gens]
    ref = make_reference(problem, *ref_args)
    for gen in gens:
      measured[gen].append(measure(data[gen][i], ref))
  return measured

def report(problem, tests, measure):
  measured = format_for_sk(problem, tests, measure).values()
print("*** IGD ***")
report(problem, tests, igd)
print("\n*** Spread ***")
report(problem, tests, spread)

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