In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os,sys
from ast import literal_eval

Read the regional paygap data:

In [2]:

Unnamed: 0 Lat Lon MeanDiff Region Uni
0 0 [52.8189952] [-1.03307005] 13.041827 East Midlands 0
1 1 [52.8189952] [-1.03307005] 14.216667 East Midlands 1
2 2 [52.0443714] [0.28881048] 12.399242 East of England 0
3 3 [52.0443714] [0.28881048] 18.171429 East of England 1
4 4 [51.51111988] [-0.13177043] 15.159816 London 0

Extract the column of pay gap values:

In [3]:

Set up a function that converts the values to RGB colour codes:

In [4]:
def get_colour_for_val(val, plotly_scale, colours01, vmin, vmax):
    if (vmin>=vmax):
        raise ValueError('vmin should be < vmax')
    v = (val - vmin) / float((vmax - vmin)) 
    idx = 0
    left_scale_val = plotly_scale[idx]
    right_scale_val = plotly_scale[idx+1]
    vv=(v - left_scale_val)/(right_scale_val - left_scale_val)
    val_colour_0255=map(np.uint8, 255*val_colour01+0.5)
    return 'rgb'+str(tuple(val_colour_0255))

Define the colour scale:

In [5]:
pl_colourscale= [[0.0, 'rgb(255, 255, 204)'],
                [0.35, 'rgb(161, 218, 180)'],
                [0.5, 'rgb(65, 182, 196)'], 
                [0.6, 'rgb(44, 127, 184)'],
                [0.7, 'rgb(8, 104, 172)'],
                [1.0, 'rgb(37, 52, 148)']]

Make the corresponding colours and scales in a mutable form:

In [6]:
pl_scale, pl_colours=map(float, np.array(pl_colourscale)[:,0]), np.array(pl_colourscale)[:,1]
colours01=np.array(map(literal_eval,[colour[3:] for colour in pl_colours] ))/255.0

Calculate the corresponding colour for each pay gap value:

In [8]:
facecolour=[get_colour_for_val(z, pl_scale, colours01, zmin, zmax) for z in paygap]

/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log
  """Entry point for launching an IPython kernel.
/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log
  """Entry point for launching an IPython kernel.

Put the colours into a column of the pandas dataframe:

In [ ]:
# find out how to add a column of data to a pandas dataframe
df['Colours'] = facecolour

Write out the updated csv file:

In [ ]:
# write output csv file:
if os.path.exists(outfile):
    os.sys('rm -rf '+outfile+' \n')


In [ ]:

In [ ]: