Introduction to Research Module

This tutorial introduces Research functionality of batchflow.

Research class allows you to easily:

  • experiment with models parameters combinations
  • run multiple pipeline configurations (e.g. simultanious train and test workflow)
  • add functions, customizing research process
  • save and load results of experiments in a unified form

Basic example

Imports and Utilities

We start with some useful imports and constant definitions

In [1]:
import os
import shutil

import warnings

from tensorflow import logging
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3'

import sys

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

from batchflow import Pipeline, B, C, V, D, L
from batchflow.opensets import MNIST
from batchflow.research import Research, Option, Domain, Results, PrintLogger, RP, REP
from batchflow.models.metrics import Loss

Research doesn't depends on the model type (torch or tf) but for the sake of unification you can choose what kind of model you will use in that tutorial by MODEL constant. Constant will influence on model imports (from or batchflow.models.torch) and some framework specific things: channels dimension ('channels_first' for torch and 'channels_last' for tf) or name of parameter to enable 'bias' in convolutions or not.

In [2]:
MODEL = 'torch'

In [3]:
if MODEL == 'tf':
    from import VGG7, VGG16
    from batchflow.models.torch import VGG7, VGG16
CHANNELS = 'last' if MODEL == 'tf' else 'first'

In [4]:

In [5]:
def clear_previous_results(res_name):
    if os.path.exists(res_name):

Single-experiment Research

First we define a simple pipeline that loads some MNIST data and trains VGG7 model on it. It also saves the loss on each iteration in a pipeline variable. Let's call it an experiment.

Loading Data and Creating Pipeline

We call a lazy version of pipeline's run method to define batch size to use. We pass n_epochs=None, because the duration of our experiment will be controlled by Research.

In [6]:
mnist = MNIST()

    'inputs/images/shape': B('image_shape'),
    'inputs/labels/classes': D('num_classes'),
    'inputs/labels/name': 'targets',
    'initial_block/inputs': 'images',

train_template = (Pipeline()
            .init_model('dynamic', VGG7, 'conv', config=model_config)
            .train_model('conv', images=B('images'), targets=B('labels'),
                         fetches='loss', save_to=V('loss', mode='w'))
            .run_later(BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True, n_epochs=None))

train_ppl = train_template << mnist.train

Creating Research

The simpliest thing we can do with Research is running this experiment several times to see how loss dynamics changes from run to run.

To do this we define a Research object, pass the number of experiment iterations n_reps=4 via init_domain and add the pipeline with add_pipeline, passing train_ppl as first parameter. The variables parameter gets a string or a list of strings that indicates which pipeline variables will be monitored by Research and written to research results on each iteration (note that we update loss variable with mode 'w'). We also provide name that will be written to results, indicating their origin. Finally, logging=True adds additional logging of the pipeline execution to log stream. By default, all messages are streamed into research.log file in research folder. To change logging stream, use Logger classes from research and add them by add_logger method (we will show use case below).

In [7]:
research = (Research()
            .add_pipeline(train_ppl, variables='loss', name='train_ppl', logging=True))

Running Research

Each research is assigned with a name and writes its results to a folder with this name. The names must be unique, so if one attempts to run a research with a name that already exists, an error will be thrown. In the cell below we clear the results of previous research runs so as to allow multiple runs of a research. This is done solely for purposes of this tutorial and should not be done in real work.

In [8]:

Now we run this Research with following parameters:

  • n_iters - how many iterations will the experiment consist of. Each iteration here consists of processing a single batch
  • name - research name, also acts as a name for corresponding save folder
  • bar - toggles tqdm progress bar

In [9]:, name=res_name, bar=True)

Research vgg7_research is starting...
Domain updated: 0: 100%|██████████| 4000/4000.0 [04:08<00:00, 16.08it/s]
<batchflow.research.research.Research at 0x7f87a5e41eb8>

Investigating Research Results

Each research is assigned with a name argument provided to run. Results of the research and its log are saved in a folder with the same name in the working directory. If we check current directory content we'll see vgg7_research folder with results of the research done above.

In [10]:
!ls -la | grep --color -E 'vgg7_research|$'

total 2096
drwxr-xr-x 17 root root    4096 Apr  1 20:46 .
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root    4096 Mar 26 09:41 ..
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root    4096 Mar 27 15:48 .ipynb_checkpoints
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   38021 Apr  1 20:46 01_introduction_to_research.ipynb
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   92727 Apr  1 20:11 02_advanced_usage_of_research.ipynb
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 1870289 Mar 27 15:48 03_plotting_research_results.ipynb
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   21561 Mar 26 09:41 04_advance_usage_of_domain.ipynb
-rw-r--r--  1 root root    8540 Mar 31 12:29 05_update_domain_in_research.ipynb
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   25977 Mar 26 09:41 06_callables.ipynb
-rw-r--r--  1 root root    1387 Mar 26 09:41
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Apr  1 19:34 cv_research
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Mar 30 12:33 dynamic_domain_research
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Apr  1 19:19 faster_research
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Mar 30 09:21 fn_research
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Mar 30 09:30 get_metrics_research
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Mar 30 09:34 get_test_loss_research
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root    4096 Mar 26 09:41 img
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Apr  1 19:15 no_extra_dataload_research
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Apr  1 19:17 on_root_research
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Apr  1 19:11 simple_research
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Mar 30 08:51 train_test_research
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Apr  1 20:44 vgg7_research
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Mar 30 08:23 vgg_layout_bias_poolstrides_research
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Mar 30 08:37 vgg_layout_bias_poolstrides_research_loaded

To see the experiments' results we call load_result method which returns pandas.Dataframe of 5 columns:

  • name — name of pipeline that acts as a source for the variable
  • loss — variable name passed earlier in add_pipeline
  • iteration — experiment iteration number
  • repetition — experiment repetition number
  • sample_index — unique id for each experiment
  • update - the number of domain updates before that experiment (idea will be described in the following tutorials)

In [11]:
results = research.load_results().df

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 4000 entries, 0 to 3999
Data columns (total 6 columns):
name            4000 non-null object
loss            4000 non-null float64
iteration       4000 non-null int64
sample_index    4000 non-null object
repetition      4000 non-null int64
update          4000 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(1), int64(3), object(2)
memory usage: 187.6+ KB

In [12]:

name loss iteration sample_index repetition update
631 train_ppl 0.007730 631 1388107509 0 0
2100 train_ppl 0.128262 100 2852829034 3 0
2727 train_ppl 0.119309 727 2852829034 3 0
2066 train_ppl 0.111582 66 2852829034 3 0
1190 train_ppl 0.025290 190 2041413587 2 0
2648 train_ppl 0.105185 648 2852829034 3 0
2294 train_ppl 0.034171 294 2852829034 3 0
3165 train_ppl 0.078799 165 3785476387 1 0
3001 train_ppl 2.349017 1 3785476387 1 0
2143 train_ppl 0.203874 143 2852829034 3 0

We can now draw a nice plot showing our loss dynamics on each experiment repetition.

In [13]:
results.pivot(index='iteration', columns='repetition', values='loss').plot()

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f8786c807f0>

Introducing Domain

We have learned to run multiple repetitions of a single experiment with Research.

We can also run several experiments with different parameters in one research. Suppose we want to compare the performance of:

  • VGG7 and VGG16 models with different layouts ('convolution-normalization-activation' vs 'convolution-activation-normalization') and same default bias and pool_strides settings (which are no bias and 2)
  • VGG7 with pool_stride 1 and VGG16 with pool_stride 2, both with bias and default 'cna' layout

Defining Domain

We define a domain of parameters as follows. We define an Option that consists of the parameter to vary and a list of values that we want to try in our research. Each parameter value defines a node in a parameter domain. We can add (+) domains to unite the nodes, multiply (*) them to get Cartesian product and also multiply domain options node-wise (@).

domain.iterator is a generator that yields one node (that is, a single experiment specification) at a time. Printing a list of all nodes shows us all experiment modifications in a dict-like mode.

In [14]:
domain = (Option('layout', ['cna', 'can']) * Option('model', [VGG7, VGG16]) * Option('bias', [False]) * Option('stride', [2])
        +  Option('layout', ['cna']) * Option('bias', [True]) * (Option('model', [VGG7, VGG16]) @ Option('stride', [1, 2])))

[ConfigAlias({'layout': 'cna', 'model': 'VGG7', 'bias': 'False', 'stride': '2', 'repetition': '0'}),
 ConfigAlias({'layout': 'cna', 'model': 'VGG16', 'bias': 'False', 'stride': '2', 'repetition': '0'}),
 ConfigAlias({'layout': 'can', 'model': 'VGG7', 'bias': 'False', 'stride': '2', 'repetition': '0'}),
 ConfigAlias({'layout': 'can', 'model': 'VGG16', 'bias': 'False', 'stride': '2', 'repetition': '0'}),
 ConfigAlias({'layout': 'cna', 'bias': 'True', 'model': 'VGG7', 'stride': '1', 'repetition': '0'}),
 ConfigAlias({'layout': 'cna', 'bias': 'True', 'model': 'VGG16', 'stride': '2', 'repetition': '0'})]

Resulting configs have 'repetition' key to specify the index for repetition for current config. By default there is an one only repetition but it can be specified by n_reps parameters of Domain (see tutorial 4)

Creating Pipelines With Variable Parameters

We should now update model_config so that it could read the values from domain defined above.

Passing config option named expressions C() as parameters values with names from our parameter domain we define layout, pool_strides and bias in the model config. Then, we define model type passing named expression to init_model method of the pipeline.

In [15]:
    'body/block/layout': C('layout'),
    'body/block/pool_strides': C('stride')

if MODEL == 'tf':
    model_config['common/conv/use_bias'] = C('bias')
    model_config['common/conv/bias'] = C('bias')

# For reference: previous train_template definition 
#     train_template = (Pipeline()
#                 .init_variable('loss', init_on_each_run=list)
#                 .init_model('dynamic', VGG7, 'conv', config=model_config) # Note model class defined explicitly
#                 .to_array(channels=CHANNELS)
#                 .train_model('conv', 
#                              images=B('images'), targets=B('labels'),
#                              fetches='loss', save_to=V('loss', mode='w'))
#     )

train_template = (Pipeline()
            .init_variable('loss', default=[])
            .init_model('dynamic', C('model'), 'conv', config=model_config) # Model class defined via named expression
                         images=B('images'), targets=B('labels'),
                         fetches='loss', save_to=V('loss', mode='w'))
            .run_later(BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True, n_epochs=None))

train_ppl = train_template << mnist.train

Adding Domain To Research

We define a new research as before but also add the domain of parameters with init_domain method. After that we run the research, and it takes much longer because we are now running 6 different experiments 2 times each beacuse we set n_reps=2.

In [16]:
res_name = 'vgg_layout_bias_poolstrides_research'

research = (Research()
            .init_domain(domain, n_reps=2)
            .add_pipeline(train_ppl, variables='loss', name='train')), name=res_name, bar=True)

Research vgg_layout_bias_poolstrides_research is starting...
Domain updated: 0: 100%|██████████| 12000/12000.0 [13:27<00:00, 14.87it/s]
<batchflow.research.research.Research at 0x7f88faebe518>

Research results now contain new columns layout, stride, bias and model with corresponding parameter values.

In [17]:
results = research.load_results().df

name loss iteration sample_index layout model bias stride repetition update
0 train 2.408963 0 234816273 can VGG7 False 2 1 0
1 train 2.397755 1 234816273 can VGG7 False 2 1 0
2 train 2.080967 2 234816273 can VGG7 False 2 1 0
3 train 1.809735 3 234816273 can VGG7 False 2 1 0
4 train 1.692350 4 234816273 can VGG7 False 2 1 0

Controlling load_results Output

Loading Results With Single-column Config Representation

To combine different config options in a single-column string representation we can pass concat_config=True to load_results method.

In [18]:
results = research.load_results(concat_config=True).df

name loss iteration sample_index config repetition update
0 train 2.408963 0 234816273 bias_False-layout_can-model_VGG7-stride_2 1 0
1 train 2.397755 1 234816273 bias_False-layout_can-model_VGG7-stride_2 1 0
2 train 2.080967 2 234816273 bias_False-layout_can-model_VGG7-stride_2 1 0
3 train 1.809735 3 234816273 bias_False-layout_can-model_VGG7-stride_2 1 0
4 train 1.692350 4 234816273 bias_False-layout_can-model_VGG7-stride_2 1 0

This is very useful when comparing separate experiments.

In [19]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=(15, 15))
for i, (config, df) in enumerate(results.groupby('config')):
    x, y = i//2, i%2
    df.pivot(index='iteration', columns='repetition', values='loss').plot(ax=ax[x, y])
    ax[x, y].set_title(config)
    ax[x, y].set_xlabel('iteration')
    ax[x, y].set_ylabel('loss')
    ax[x, y].grid(True)
    ax[x, y].legend()

Filtering loaded results

We can filter the results to use certain parameter values.

In [20]:
research.load_results(aliases={'model': 'VGG7'}).df.head()

name loss iteration sample_index layout model bias stride repetition update
0 train 2.408963 0 234816273 can VGG7 False 2 1 0
1 train 2.397755 1 234816273 can VGG7 False 2 1 0
2 train 2.080967 2 234816273 can VGG7 False 2 1 0
3 train 1.809735 3 234816273 can VGG7 False 2 1 0
4 train 1.692350 4 234816273 can VGG7 False 2 1 0

The code below does effectively the same but when passing config we define actual parameter values (like model class), not their string representations.

In [21]:
research.load_results(configs={'model': VGG7}).df.head()

name loss iteration sample_index layout model bias stride repetition update
0 train 2.408963 0 234816273 can VGG7 False 2 1 0
1 train 2.397755 1 234816273 can VGG7 False 2 1 0
2 train 2.080967 2 234816273 can VGG7 False 2 1 0
3 train 1.809735 3 234816273 can VGG7 False 2 1 0
4 train 1.692350 4 234816273 can VGG7 False 2 1 0

We can also get results corresponding to certain repetitions of experiments or certain iterations.

Here we have only one output variable - loss - but if we had many we could also load only some of them using variables parameter.

In [22]:
research.load_results(repetition=1, iterations=[0,9], variables=['loss']).df.head()

name loss iteration sample_index layout model bias stride repetition update
0 train 2.408963 0 234816273 can VGG7 False 2 1 0
1 train 1.159854 9 234816273 can VGG7 False 2 1 0
2 train 2.363252 0 3067213326 cna VGG7 False 2 1 0
3 train 1.127140 9 3067213326 cna VGG7 False 2 1 0
4 train 2.564377 0 1462525281 cna VGG16 True 2 1 0

Loading Saved Research

As mentioned above, after each run of a research a folder with log information and results is created. Now that 2 researches have run, we can see their resulting folders vgg7_research and vgg_layout_bias_poolstrides_research.

In [23]:
!ls -la | grep --color -E 'vgg|$'

total 2128
drwxr-xr-x 17 root root    4096 Apr  1 21:00 .
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root    4096 Mar 26 09:41 ..
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root    4096 Mar 27 15:48 .ipynb_checkpoints
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   69930 Apr  1 21:00 01_introduction_to_research.ipynb
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   92727 Apr  1 20:11 02_advanced_usage_of_research.ipynb
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 1870289 Mar 27 15:48 03_plotting_research_results.ipynb
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   21561 Mar 26 09:41 04_advance_usage_of_domain.ipynb
-rw-r--r--  1 root root    8540 Mar 31 12:29 05_update_domain_in_research.ipynb
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   25977 Mar 26 09:41 06_callables.ipynb
-rw-r--r--  1 root root    1387 Mar 26 09:41
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Apr  1 19:34 cv_research
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Mar 30 12:33 dynamic_domain_research
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Apr  1 19:19 faster_research
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Mar 30 09:21 fn_research
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Mar 30 09:30 get_metrics_research
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Mar 30 09:34 get_test_loss_research
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root    4096 Mar 26 09:41 img
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Apr  1 19:15 no_extra_dataload_research
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Apr  1 19:17 on_root_research
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Apr  1 19:11 simple_research
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Mar 30 08:51 train_test_research
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Apr  1 20:44 vgg7_research
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Apr  1 20:48 vgg_layout_bias_poolstrides_research
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Mar 30 08:37 vgg_layout_bias_poolstrides_research_loaded

Research.load class method is used to load a previousely saved research by its name.

In [24]:
loaded_research = Research.load('vgg_layout_bias_poolstrides_research')

We can check its parameters...

In [25]:

{'_update_config': None,
 '_update_domain': None,
 'bar': True,
 'branches': 1,
 'devices': [[{'device': [None]}]],
 'domain': Domain([[Option(layout, ['cna', 'can']), Option(model, ['VGG7', 'VGG16']), Option(bias, ['False']), Option(stride, ['2'])], [Option(layout, ['cna']), Option(bias, ['True']), Option(model, ['VGG7']), Option(stride, ['1'])], [Option(layout, ['cna']), Option(bias, ['True']), Option(model, ['VGG16']), Option(stride, ['2'])]]),
 'executables': OrderedDict([('train',
                              <batchflow.research.executable.Executable object at 0x7f878a943828>)]),
 'loaded': True,
 'logger': <batchflow.research.logger.FileLogger object at 0x7f88f8879048>,
 'n_configs': None,
 'n_iters': 1000,
 'n_reps': 2,
 'n_updates': 0,
 'name': 'vgg_layout_bias_poolstrides_research',
 'repeat_each': 100,
 'timeout': 5,
 'trials': 2,
 'worker_class': <class 'batchflow.research.workers.PipelineWorker'>,
 'workers': 1}

... and run it one more time

In [26]:
res_name = 'vgg_layout_bias_poolstrides_research_loaded'
clear_previous_results(res_name), name=res_name, bar=True)

Starting loaded research. All parameters passed to run except name, bar and devices are ignored.
 If `devices` is not provided it will be inherited
Research vgg_layout_bias_poolstrides_research_loaded is starting...
Domain updated: 0: 100%|██████████| 12000/12000.0 [13:33<00:00, 14.75it/s]
<batchflow.research.research.Research at 0x7f88faebe780>

In [27]:

name loss iteration sample_index layout model bias stride repetition update
3891 train 0.112891 891 1078814229 cna VGG16 True 2 0 0
2105 train 0.114824 105 2339877347 cna VGG7 False 2 1 0
10114 train 0.544252 114 87093936 cna VGG16 False 2 0 0
1713 train 0.041713 713 2401641326 cna VGG7 True 1 0 0
2219 train 0.075560 219 2339877347 cna VGG7 False 2 1 0
953 train 0.034036 953 3512828548 can VGG7 False 2 1 0
11635 train 0.031439 635 3138591943 cna VGG7 True 1 1 0
6710 train 0.055180 710 675969675 can VGG16 False 2 0 0
7176 train 0.067646 176 3381182950 cna VGG16 False 2 1 0
8358 train 0.045727 358 3824811265 can VGG7 False 2 0 0

More Complex Execution Strategies

Usually we would like to run more than a single train pipeline.

Let's define a test pipeline to that predicts labels for the test set with the model from the train pipeline on the last iteration of the research.

Creating Research with Multiple Pipelines

Creating Train Pipeline

We start with defining a train pipeline as before.

In [28]:
domain = Option('layout', ['cna', 'can'])

    'inputs/images/shape': B('image_shape'),
    'inputs/labels/classes': D('num_classes'),
    'inputs/labels/name': 'targets',
    'initial_block/inputs': 'images',
    'body/block/layout': C('layout'),

train_template = (Pipeline()
            .init_model('dynamic', VGG7, 'conv', config=model_config)
                         images=B('images'), targets=B('labels'),
                         fetches='loss', save_to=V('train_loss', mode='w'))
            .run_later(BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True, n_epochs=None))

train_ppl = train_template << mnist.train

Creating Test Pipeline

We want to run the test pipeline on the whole test set from time to time during training.

In order to get this, we specify lazy-run in test pipeline with n_epochs=1 and then pass run=True to research's add_pipeline. These 2 parameter values tell Research to run the pipeline on the whole test set for 1 epoch, instead of running it batch-wise (which is how the test pipeline is run). We will also pass execute='last parameter to add_pipeline to tell Research that this pipeline should be executed only on the last iteration.

To let the test pipeline using the model from train pipeline we'll pass it via C('import_from'), setting it's value when creating Research.

We update the pipeline variable V('predictions') with mode='a' so that it collects infomation from all batches in test_ppl

In [29]:
test_template = (Pipeline()
                 .init_variable('predictions', default=list())
                 .import_model('conv', C('import_from'))
                                fetches='predictions', save_to=V('predictions', mode='a'))
                 .run_later(BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=False, n_epochs=1) #Note  n_epochs=1

test_ppl = test_template << mnist.test

Creating Research with 2 Pipelines

As mentioned before, we pass execute='last' parameter to add_pipeline to tell Research that this pipeline should be executed only on the last iteration.

execute parameter defines frequency of pipeline execution. One can tell research to execute a pipeline periodically and pass an int, or to execute it on specific iteration by passing zero-based iteration number in following format: '#{it_no}' or by simply passing 'last'. execute can also be a list, for example, execute=["#0', '#123', 100, 'last'] means that a pipeline will be executed on first iteration, 124-th iteration, every 100-th iteration and on the last one.

In order to import model from train to test pipeline, we pass import_from='train_ppl' parameter to add_pipeline, where 'train_ppl' is the name of our train pipeline.

In [30]:

res_name = 'train_test_research'

research = (Research()
            .add_pipeline(train_ppl, variables='train_loss', name='train_ppl')
            .add_pipeline(test_ppl, variables='predictions', name='test_ppl',
                        execute=TEST_EXECUTE_FREQ, run=True, import_from=RP('train_ppl'))) # Note run=True, name=res_name, bar=True)

Research train_test_research is starting...
Domain updated: 0: 100%|██████████| 2000/2000.0 [02:21<00:00, 14.13it/s]
<batchflow.research.research.Research at 0x7f8786cabd30>

Now our research results contain entries for test_ppl.

In [31]:

name train_loss predictions iteration sample_index layout repetition update
0 test_ppl NaN [[[-2.8348763, -1.7782962, 0.97550595, -0.6503... 999 3856030047 can 0 0
1 test_ppl NaN [[[-2.7078369, -2.7728837, 0.43785742, -0.1622... 999 3731026089 cna 0 0


In order to perform some computations while running pipelines or to acquire values that are not produced by the model explicitely, one can use functions.

We will now add a function that saves model's snapshots on different stages of learning and reports the path of saved snapshot.

Defining Functions To Be Executed By Reasearch

We define a function to be executed during experiment's iterations. Such functions take 2 required parameters: iteration and experiment which are fed to it by Research and optional keyword parameters which should be provided externally.

Here we declare additional parameters pipeline and model_name with the names of the model to save and the pipeline is it defined in. We also provide opional path parameter. Firstly, we construct target path using experiment descripton and iteration number. After that we get the pipeline needed by its name. Finally, we save the model with the name from parameters in this pipeline. Our function will return target path, so that one could easyly find the saved model.

In [32]:
def save_model(pipeline, model_name, path):
    """ Save model to a path."""
    pipeline.save_model_now(model_name, path)
    return path

Adding Functions To Research

We define a new reseach.

To add a function we call add_callable method, providing it with a function object and returns parameters that specifies what should be written to research results. We also pass keyword parameters pipeline='train_ppl', model_name='conv', path='my_mdl' that will be substituted to save_model function.

In [33]:
res_name = 'fn_research'

research = (Research()
            .add_pipeline(train_ppl, variables='train_loss', name='train_ppl')
            .add_callable(save_model, returns='snapshot_path', name='save_model_fn',
                          execute=TEST_EXECUTE_FREQ, pipeline=RP('train_ppl'), model_name='conv', path=L(lambda p: os.path.join(p, 'saved_model'))(REP()))
            .init_domain(domain, n_reps=1)), name=res_name, bar=True)

Research fn_research is starting...
Domain updated: 0: 100%|██████████| 2000/2000.0 [02:09<00:00, 15.42it/s]
<batchflow.research.research.Research at 0x7f88f5eb0748>

Research results now contain paths to models snapshots from 'save_model_fn'

We can load results that come from a certain source by passing names parameter to load_results

In [34]:

name train_loss snapshot_path iteration sample_index layout repetition update
0 save_model_fn NaN fn_research/results/layout_can-repetition_0-up... 999 1302694311 can 0 0
1 save_model_fn NaN fn_research/results/layout_cna-repetition_0-up... 999 838112456 cna 0 0

We can inspect current folder contents and see, that fn_research directory was created.

In [35]:
!ls -la | grep --color -E 'fn_research|$'

total 2304
drwxr-xr-x 17 root root    4096 Apr  1 21:18 .
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root    4096 Mar 26 09:41 ..
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root    4096 Mar 27 15:48 .ipynb_checkpoints
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  252899 Apr  1 21:18 01_introduction_to_research.ipynb
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   92727 Apr  1 20:11 02_advanced_usage_of_research.ipynb
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 1870289 Mar 27 15:48 03_plotting_research_results.ipynb
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   21561 Mar 26 09:41 04_advance_usage_of_domain.ipynb
-rw-r--r--  1 root root    8540 Mar 31 12:29 05_update_domain_in_research.ipynb
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   25977 Mar 26 09:41 06_callables.ipynb
-rw-r--r--  1 root root    1387 Mar 26 09:41
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Apr  1 19:34 cv_research
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Mar 30 12:33 dynamic_domain_research
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Apr  1 19:19 faster_research
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Apr  1 21:18 fn_research
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Mar 30 09:30 get_metrics_research
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Mar 30 09:34 get_test_loss_research
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root    4096 Mar 26 09:41 img
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Apr  1 19:15 no_extra_dataload_research
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Apr  1 19:17 on_root_research
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Apr  1 19:11 simple_research
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Apr  1 21:16 train_test_research
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Apr  1 20:44 vgg7_research
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Apr  1 20:48 vgg_layout_bias_poolstrides_research
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 Apr  1 21:02 vgg_layout_bias_poolstrides_research_loaded

It contains subdirectories with models snapshots

In [36]:
!tree fn_research/results

├── layout_can-repetition_0-update_0
│   └── 1302694311
│       ├── save_model_fn_1000
│       ├── saved_model
│       └── train_ppl_1000
└── layout_cna-repetition_0-update_0
    └── 838112456
        ├── save_model_fn_1000
        ├── saved_model
        └── train_ppl_1000

4 directories, 6 files

Getting metrics

There is a special research method get_metrics for collecting metrics.

Defining Test Pipeline That Gathers Metrics

First we redefine the test pipeline and add variables to store predictions and metrics computed for these predictions via gather_metrics.

We update V('predictions') with default mode mode='w', that is overwrite it on each test_ppl iteration, because we need it only to compute metrics. We update V('metrics') with mode='a' because we want it to keep metrics from all batches in test_ppl.

In [37]:
TEST_EXECUTE_FREQ = [100, 'last']

test_template = (Pipeline()
                 .import_model('conv', C('import_from'))
                                fetches='predictions', save_to=V('predictions'))
                 .gather_metrics('class', targets=B('labels'), predictions=V('predictions'), 
                                fmt='logits', axis=-1, save_to=V('metrics', mode='a'))
                 .run_later(BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True, n_epochs=1))

test_ppl = test_template << mnist.test

Collecting Metrics in Research

We pass test pipeline name to collect metrics from it (pipeline='test_ppl'), named expression storing collected metrics (metrics_var='metrics') and string indicating which metric to calculate (metrics_name='accuracy'). We also can add PrintLogger as logger and all messages will be streamed into stdout.

In [38]:
res_name = 'get_metrics_research'

research = (Research()
            .add_pipeline(train_ppl, variables='train_loss', name='train_ppl')
            .add_pipeline(test_ppl, name='test_ppl',
                         execute=TEST_EXECUTE_FREQ, run=True, import_from=RP('train_ppl'))
            .get_metrics(pipeline='test_ppl', metrics_var='metrics', metrics_name='accuracy',
                         returns='accuracy', execute=TEST_EXECUTE_FREQ)
            .init_domain(domain)), name=res_name, bar=True)

Research get_metrics_research is starting...
Distributor [id:19938] is preparing workers
Create queue of jobs
Run 1 worker
0it [00:00, ?it/s]
Start Worker 0 [id:7738] (devices: [[None]])
Domain updated: 0: : 0it [00:00, ?it/s]
Worker 0 is creating process for Job 0
Job 0 was started in subprocess [id:7746] by Worker 0
Job 0 has the following configs:
{'layout': 'cna', 'update': '0', 'repetition': '0'}
Domain updated: 0:  50%|████▉     | 999/2000.0 [01:46<01:46,  9.41it/s] 
Job 0 [7746] was finished by Worker 0
Domain updated: 0:  50%|█████     | 1000/2000.0 [01:46<01:46,  9.42it/s]
Worker 0 is creating process for Job 1
Job 1 was started in subprocess [id:10775] by Worker 0
Job 1 has the following configs:
{'layout': 'can', 'update': '0', 'repetition': '0'}
Domain updated: 0: 100%|█████████▉| 1999/2000.0 [03:23<00:00,  9.81it/s]
Job 1 [10775] was finished by Worker 0
Domain updated: 0: 100%|██████████| 2000/2000.0 [03:23<00:00,  9.81it/s]
All workers have finished the work
<batchflow.research.research.Research at 0x7f88f5eb0cc0>

get_metrics implicitly adds a function with a name [pipelinename][metrics_var].

In [39]:

name train_loss accuracy iteration sample_index layout repetition update
0 test_ppl_metrics NaN 0.920880 99 1370557405 can 0 0
10 test_ppl_metrics NaN 0.935211 99 1696720679 cna 0 0
13 test_ppl_metrics NaN 0.982683 399 1696720679 cna 0 0
19 test_ppl_metrics NaN 0.980991 999 1696720679 cna 0 0
17 test_ppl_metrics NaN 0.976811 799 1696720679 cna 0 0

Getting Test Loss

Defining Test Pipeline That Calculates Tets Loss

In order to monitor test loss one can use Metrics machinery. We add gather_metrics of type 'loss' and pass current loss and batch size

In [40]:
test_template = (Pipeline()
                .import_model('conv', C('import_from'))
                               images=B.images, labels=B.labels,
                               fetches=['loss', 'predictions'],
                               save_to=[V('loss'), V('predictions')])
                .gather_metrics('class', targets=B('labels'), predictions=V('predictions'), 
                                fmt='logits', axis=-1, save_to=V('metric_class', mode='a'))
                .gather_metrics('loss', loss=V('loss'), batch_len=B.images.shape[0], save_to=V('test_loss', mode='a'))
                .run_later(BATCH_SIZE, n_epochs=1, shuffle=False)

test_ppl = test_template << mnist.test

Collecting Test Loss In Research

We collect test loss in research as before

In [41]:

research = (Research()
    .add_pipeline(train_ppl, variables='train_loss', name='train_ppl')
    .add_pipeline(test_ppl, name='test_ppl',
                  execute=TEST_EXECUTE_FREQ, run=True, import_from=RP('train_ppl'), drop_last=True)
    .get_metrics(pipeline='test_ppl', metrics_var='test_loss', metrics_name='loss',
                 returns='test_loss', execute=TEST_EXECUTE_FREQ)
    .get_metrics(pipeline='test_ppl', metrics_var='metric_class', metrics_name='accuracy',
                 returns='accuracy', execute=TEST_EXECUTE_FREQ)
), name=res_name, bar=True)

Research get_test_loss_research is starting...
Domain updated: 0: 100%|██████████| 2000/2000.0 [03:24<00:00,  9.76it/s]
<batchflow.research.research.Research at 0x7f88f8895400>

In [42]:
df = research.load_results(concat_config=True).df

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 2040 entries, 0 to 2039
Data columns (total 9 columns):
name            2040 non-null object
train_loss      2000 non-null float64
test_loss       20 non-null float64
accuracy        20 non-null float64
iteration       2040 non-null int64
sample_index    2040 non-null object
config          2040 non-null object
repetition      2040 non-null int64
update          2040 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(3), int64(3), object(3)
memory usage: 143.6+ KB

In [43]:
from batchflow.utils import plot_results_by_config

plot_results_by_config(df, {'train_ppl': 'train_loss', 
                            'test_ppl_test_loss': 'test_loss', 
                            'test_ppl_metric_class': 'accuracy'},
                       figsize=(20, 15))

In [ ]: