KubeFlow Pipeline: Github Issue Summarization using Tensor2Tensor

This notebook assumes that you have already set up a GKE cluster with Kubeflow installed as per this codelab: g.co/codelabs/kubecon18. Currently, this notebook must be run from the Kubeflow JupyterHub installation, as described in the codelab.

In this notebook, we will show how to:

  • Interactively define a KubeFlow Pipeline using the Pipelines Python SDK
  • Submit and run the pipeline
  • Add a step in the pipeline

This example pipeline trains a Tensor2Tensor model on Github issue data, learning to predict issue titles from issue bodies. It then exports the trained model and deploys the exported model to Tensorflow Serving. The final step in the pipeline launches a web app which interacts with the TF-Serving instance in order to get model predictions.


Do some installations and imports, and set some variables. Set the WORKING_DIR to a path under the Cloud Storage bucket you created earlier. The Pipelines SDK is bundled with the notebook server image, but we'll make sure that we're using the most current version for this example. You may need to restart your kernel after the SDK update.

In [ ]:
!pip install -U kfp

In [ ]:
import kfp  # the Pipelines SDK.  
from kfp import compiler
import kfp.dsl as dsl
import kfp.gcp as gcp
import kfp.components as comp
from kfp.dsl.types import Integer, GCSPath, String

import kfp.notebook

In [ ]:
# Define some pipeline input variables. 
WORKING_DIR = 'gs://YOUR_GCS_BUCKET/t2t/notebooks' # Such as gs://bucket/object/path
GITHUB_TOKEN = 'YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN'  # needed for prediction, to grab issue data from GH


Create an Experiment in the Kubeflow Pipeline System

The Kubeflow Pipeline system requires an "Experiment" to group pipeline runs. You can create a new experiment, or call client.list_experiments() to get existing ones.

In [ ]:
# Note that this notebook should be running in JupyterHub in the same cluster as the pipeline system.
# Otherwise, additional config would be required to connect.
client = kfp.Client()

In [ ]:
exp = client.create_experiment(name='t2t_notebook')

Define a Pipeline

Authoring a pipeline is like authoring a normal Python function. The pipeline function describes the topology of the pipeline. The pipeline components (steps) are container-based. For this pipeline, we're using a mix of predefined components loaded from their component definition files, and some components defined via the dsl.ContainerOp constructor. For this codelab, we've prebuilt all the components' containers.

While not shown here, there are other ways to build Kubeflow Pipeline components as well, including converting stand-alone python functions to containers via kfp.components.func_to_container_op(func). You can read more here.

This pipeline has several steps:

  • An existing model checkpoint is copied to your bucket.
  • Dataset metadata is logged to the Kubeflow metadata server.
  • A Tensor2Tensor model is trained using preprocessed data. (Training starts from the existing model checkpoint copied in the first step, then trains for a few more hundred steps-- it would take too long to fully train it now). When it finishes, it exports the model in a form suitable for serving by TensorFlow serving.
  • Training metadata is logged to the metadata server.
  • The next step in the pipeline deploys a TensorFlow-serving instance using that model.
  • The last step launches a web app for interacting with the served model to retrieve predictions.

We'll first define some constants and load some components from their definition files.

In [ ]:
COPY_ACTION = 'copy_data'
TRAIN_ACTION = 'train'
WORKSPACE_NAME = 'ws_gh_summ'
DATASET = 'dataset'
MODEL = 'model'

copydata_op = comp.load_component_from_url(
  'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubeflow/examples/master/github_issue_summarization/pipelines/components/t2t/datacopy_component.yaml'  # pylint: disable=line-too-long

train_op = comp.load_component_from_url(
  'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubeflow/examples/master/github_issue_summarization/pipelines/components/t2t/train_component.yaml' # pylint: disable=line-too-long

metadata_log_op = comp.load_component_from_url(
  'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubeflow/examples/master/github_issue_summarization/pipelines/components/t2t/metadata_log_component.yaml' # pylint: disable=line-too-long

Next, we'll define the pipeline itself.

In [ ]:
  name='Github issue summarization',
  description='Demonstrate Tensor2Tensor-based training and TF-Serving'
def gh_summ(  #pylint: disable=unused-argument
  train_steps: 'Integer' = 2019300,
  project: str = 'YOUR_PROJECT_HERE',
  github_token: str = 'YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN_HERE',
  working_dir: 'GCSPath' = 'YOUR_GCS_DIR_HERE',
  checkpoint_dir: 'GCSPath' = 'gs://aju-dev-demos-codelabs/kubecon/model_output_tbase.bak2019000/',
  deploy_webapp: str = 'true',
  data_dir: 'GCSPath' = 'gs://aju-dev-demos-codelabs/kubecon/t2t_data_gh_all/'

  copydata = copydata_op(
    model_dir='%s/%s/model_output' % (working_dir, dsl.RUN_ID_PLACEHOLDER),

  log_dataset = metadata_log_op(

  train = train_op(
    action=TRAIN_ACTION, train_steps=train_steps,

  log_model = metadata_log_op(

  serve = dsl.ContainerOp(
      arguments=["--model_name", 'ghsumm-%s' % (dsl.RUN_ID_PLACEHOLDER,),
          "--model_path", train.outputs['train_output_path']

  with dsl.Condition(train.outputs['launch_server'] == 'true'):
    webapp = dsl.ContainerOp(
        arguments=["--model_name", 'ghsumm-%s' % (dsl.RUN_ID_PLACEHOLDER,),
            "--github_token", github_token]


Submit an experiment run

In [ ]:
compiler.Compiler().compile(gh_summ, 'ghsumm.tar.gz')

The call below will run the compiled pipeline. We won't actually do that now, but instead we'll add a new step to the pipeline, then run it.

In [ ]:
# You'd uncomment this call to actually run the pipeline. 
# run = client.run_pipeline(exp.id, 'ghsumm', 'ghsumm.tar.gz',
#                           params={'working_dir': WORKING_DIR,
#                                   'github_token': GITHUB_TOKEN,
#                                   'project': PROJECT_NAME})

Add a step to the pipeline

Next, let's add a new step to the pipeline above. As currently defined, the pipeline accesses a directory of pre-processed data as input to training. Let's see how we could include the pre-processing as part of the pipeline.

We're going to cheat a bit, as processing the full dataset will take too long for this workshop, so we'll use a smaller sample. For that reason, you won't actually make use of the generated data from this step (we'll stick to using the full dataset for training), but this shows how you could do so if we had more time.

First, we'll define the new pipeline step. Note the last line of this new function, which gives this step's pod the credentials to access GCP.

In [ ]:
# defining the new data preprocessing pipeline step. 
# Note the last line, which gives this step's pod the credentials to access GCP
def preproc_op(data_dir, project):
  return dsl.ContainerOp(
    arguments=[ "--data-dir", data_dir, "--project", project]

Modify the pipeline to add the new step

Now, we'll redefine the pipeline to add the new step. We're reusing the component ops defined above.

In [ ]:
# Then define a new Pipeline. It's almost the same as the original one, 
# but with the addition of the data processing step.

  name='Github issue summarization',
  description='Demonstrate Tensor2Tensor-based training and TF-Serving'
def gh_summ2(
  train_steps: 'Integer' = 2019300,
  project: str = 'YOUR_PROJECT_HERE',
  github_token: str = 'YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN_HERE',
  working_dir: 'GCSPath' = 'YOUR_GCS_DIR_HERE',
  checkpoint_dir: 'GCSPath' = 'gs://aju-dev-demos-codelabs/kubecon/model_output_tbase.bak2019000/',
  deploy_webapp: str = 'true',
  data_dir: 'GCSPath' = 'gs://aju-dev-demos-codelabs/kubecon/t2t_data_gh_all/'

  # The new pre-processing op.
  preproc = preproc_op(project=project,
      data_dir=('%s/%s/gh_data' % (working_dir, dsl.RUN_ID_PLACEHOLDER)))

  copydata = copydata_op(
    model_dir='%s/%s/model_output' % (working_dir, dsl.RUN_ID_PLACEHOLDER),

  log_dataset = metadata_log_op(

  train = train_op(
    action=TRAIN_ACTION, train_steps=train_steps,


  log_model = metadata_log_op(

  serve = dsl.ContainerOp(
      arguments=["--model_name", 'ghsumm-%s' % (dsl.RUN_ID_PLACEHOLDER,),
          "--model_path", train.outputs['train_output_path']

  with dsl.Condition(train.outputs['launch_server'] == 'true'):
    webapp = dsl.ContainerOp(
        arguments=["--model_name", 'ghsumm-%s' % (dsl.RUN_ID_PLACEHOLDER,),
            "--github_token", github_token]


Compile the new pipeline definition and submit the run

In [ ]:
compiler.Compiler().compile(gh_summ2, 'ghsumm2.tar.gz')

In [ ]:
run = client.run_pipeline(exp.id, 'ghsumm2', 'ghsumm2.tar.gz',
                          params={'working_dir': WORKING_DIR,
                                  'github_token': GITHUB_TOKEN,
                                  'deploy_webapp': DEPLOY_WEBAPP,
                                  'project': PROJECT_NAME})

You should be able to see your newly defined pipeline run in the dashboard:

The new pipeline has the following structure:

Below is a screenshot of the pipeline running.

When this new pipeline finishes running, you'll be able to see your generated processed data files in GCS under the path: WORKING_DIR/<pipeline_name>/gh_data. There isn't time in the workshop to pre-process the full dataset, but if there had been, we could have defined our pipeline to read from that generated directory for its training input.

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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.