Seminar 19

Projected gradient method and Frank-Wolfe method


  • History notes on linear programming
  • Concept of interior point methods
  • Primal barier method

What problems can we already solve?

  • Unconstrained minimization: objective is sufficiently smooth, but no constraints on feasible set
  • Linear programming: linear objective and linear constraints (equalities and inequalities)

The next step:

  • arbitrary sufficiently smooth function
  • sufficiently simple feasible set, which is not necessarily polyhedral

What is "simple feasible set"?


A set is called simple if one can compute projection on this set significantly faster (often analytically) compared with solving of the original problem


The above definition used projection is a particular case of the more general concept of simple structure set, that used proximal mapping. More details see here

Examples of simple sets

  • Polyhedron $Ax = b, Cx \leq d$
    • affine set
    • hyperplane
    • halpspace
    • interval and half-interval
    • simplex
  • Cones
    • non-negative orthant
    • Lorentz cone
    • $\mathbb{S}^n_{+}$

Remark: make sure that you understand what mean these notations and terms

Reminder: how to find projection?

For given point $y \in \mathbb{R}^n$ required to solve the following problem

$$ \min_{x \in P} \|x - y \|_2 $$

Notation: $\pi_P(y)$ is a projection of the point $y$ on the set $P$.

Examples of projections

  • Interval $P = \{x | l \leq x \leq u \}$ $$ (\pi_P(y))_k = \begin{cases} u_k & y_k \geq u_k \\ l_k & y_k \leq l_k \\ y_k & \text{otherwise.} \end{cases} $$
  • Affine set $P = \{ x| Ax = b \}$
$$ \pi_P(y) = y - A^+(Ay - b), $$

where $A^+$ is pseudoinverse matrix. If $A$ has full rank, then $A^+ = (A^{\top}A)^{-1}A^{\top}$.

  • Cones of SPD $P = \mathbb{S}^n_+ = \{X \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n} | X \succeq 0, \; X^{\top} = X \}$
$$ \pi_P(Y) = \prod_{i=1}^n (\lambda_i)_+ v_i v_i^{\top}, $$

where $(\lambda_i, v_i)$ is a pair of eigenvalue and corresponding eigenvector of matrix $Y$.

Projected gradient method

$$ \min_{x \in P} f(x) $$

Idea: make step with gradient descent and project obtained point on the feasible set $P$.


def ProjectedGradientDescent(f, gradf, proj, x0, tol):

    x = x0

    while True:

        gradient = gradf(x)

        alpha = get_step_size(x, f, gradf, proj)

        x = proj(x - alpha * grad)

        if check_convergence(x, f, tol):


    return x
  • Constant step: $\alpha_k = \alpha$, where $\alpha$ is suffuciently small
  • Steepest descent:
$$ \min_{\alpha > 0} f(x_k(\alpha)), $$

where $x_k(\alpha) = \pi_P (x_k - \alpha f'(x_k))$

  • Backtracking: use Armijo rule or smth similar untill the following becomes true
$$ f(x_k(\alpha)) - f(x_k) \leq c_1 \langle f'(x_k), x_k(\alpha) - x_k \rangle $$

Convergence theorem (B.T. Polyak "Introduction to optimization", Ch. 7, $\S$ 2)

Theorem. Let $f$ be convex differentiable function and its gradient is Lipschitz with constant $L$. Let feasible set $P$ is convex and closed and $0 < \alpha < 2 / L$.


  • $x_k \to x^*$
  • if $f$ is strongly convex, then $x_k \to x^*$ linearly
  • if $f$ is twice differentiable and $f''(x) \succeq l\mathbf{I}, \; x \in P$, $l > 0$, then convergence factor $q = \max \{ |1 - \alpha l|, |1 - \alpha L|\}$.

Stopping criterion

  • Convergence in $x$
  • $x_k = x^*$ if $x_k = \pi_P(x_{k+1})$

Important remark: there is no reason to check gradient norm since we

have constrained optimization problem!

Affine invariance

Exercise. Check projected gradient method on affine invariance.

Pro & Contra


  • often projection can be computed analytically
  • convergence is similar to convergence of gradient descent in unconstrained optimization
  • it can be generalized on the non-smooth case - subgradient projection method


  • in the case of large dimensions $n$, analytical projection computations can be too large: $O(n)$ for interval vs. solving quadratic programming problem for polyhedral set
  • while update current approximation, structure of the solution can be lost, i.e. sparsity, low-rank constraints, etc

What is set with simple LMO?

Definition. A set $D$ is called with simple LMO, if the following problem

$$ \min_{x \in D} c^{\top}x $$

can be solved significantly faster compared with original problem.

LMO is linear minimization oracle that gives the solution of the above problem.


  • Polyhedral set - linear programmikng problem instead of quadratic programming problem
  • Simplex - $x^* = e_i$, where $c_i = \max\limits_{k = 1,\ldots, n} c_k$
  • Lorentz cone - $x^* = -\frac{ct}{\| c\|_2}$
  • All other sets from previous part

Remark 1: the difference this definition from the previous is the linear objective function instead of the quadratic one. Therefore, the sets with simple LMO is much more than simple structure sets.

Remark 2: sometimes projection is easy to compute, but optimal objective in LMO is $-\infty$. For example, consider the set

$$ D = \{ x \in \mathbb{R}^n \; | \; x_i \geq 0 \}, $$

such that projection on this set is easy to compute, but the optimal objective in linear programming problem is equal to $-\infty$, if there is at lerast one negative entry in the vector $c$. Theorem below will explain this phenomenon.

Conditional gradient method
(aka Frank-Wolfe algorithm (1956))

$$ \min_{x \in D} f(x) $$

Idea: make step not along the gradient descent, but along the direction that leads to feasible point.

Coincidence with gradient descent: linear approximation in feasible set:

$$ f(x_k + s_k) = f(x_k) + \langle f'(x_k), s_k \rangle \to \min_{{\color{red}{s_k \in D}}} $$

Conditional gradient

Definition The direction $s_k - x_k$ is called conditional gradient of function $f$ in the point $x_k$ on feasible set $D$.


def FrankWolfe(f, gradf, linprogsolver, x0, tol):

    x = x0

    while True:

        gradient = gradf(x)

        s = linprogsolver(gradient)

        alpha = get_step_size(s, x, f)

        x = x + alpha * (s - x)

        if check_convergence(x, f, tol):


    return x

Step size selection

  • Constant step size: $\alpha_k = \alpha$
  • Decreasing sequence, standard choice $\alpha_k = \frac{2}{k + 2}$
  • Steepest descent:
$$ \min_{{\color{red}{0 \leq \alpha_k \leq 1}}} f(x_k + \alpha_k(s_k - x_k)) $$
  • Bactracking with Armijo rule
$$ f((x_k + \alpha_k(s_k - x_k)) \leq f(x_k) + c_1 \alpha_k \langle f'(x_k), s_k - x_k \rangle $$

Search has to be started with $\alpha_k = 1$

Stopping criterion

  • Since convergence to stationary point $x^*$ was shown, stopping criterion indicates convergence in argument
  • If $f(x)$ is convex, then $f(s) \geq f(x_k) + \langle f'(x_k), s - x_k \rangle$ for any vector $s$, and in particular for any $s \in D$.


$$ f(x^*) \geq f(x) + \min_{s \in D} \langle f'(x), s - x\rangle $$


$$ f(x) - f(x^*) \leq -\min_{s \in D} \langle f'(x), s - x\rangle = \max_{s \in D} \langle f'(x), x - s\rangle = g(x) $$

We get analogue of the duality gap to control accuracy and stability of the solution.

Affine invariance

  • Frank-Wolfe method is affine invariant w.r.t. surjective maps
  • Convergence speed and the form of iteration are not changed

Convergence theorem (see lectures)

Theorem 4.2.1. Пусть $X$ - выпуклый компакт and $f(x)$ is differentiable function on the set $X$ with Lipschitz gradient. Step size is searched accirding to Armijo rule. Then for any ${\color{red}{x_0 \in X}}$

  • Frank-Wolfe method generates sequence $\{x_k\}$, which has limit points
  • any limit point $x^*$ is stationary
  • if $f(x)$ is convex in $X$, then $x^*$ is a minimizer

Convergence theorem

Theorem (primal).(Convex Optimization: Algorithms and Complexity, Th 3.8.) Let $f$ be convex and differentiable function and its gradient is Lipschitz with constant $L$. A set $X$ is convex compact with diameter $d > 0$. Then Frank-Wolfe method with step size $\alpha_k = \frac{2}{k + 1}$ converges as

$$ f(x^*) - f(x_k) \leq \dfrac{2d^2L}{k + 2}, \quad k \geq 1 $$

Theorem (dual) see this paper. After performing $K$ iterations of the Frank-Wolfe method for convex and smooth function, the following inequality holds for function $g(x) = \max\limits_{s \in D} \langle x - s, f'(x) \rangle $ and any $k \leq K$

$$ g(x_k) \leq \frac{2\beta C_f}{K+2} (1 + \delta), $$

where $\beta \approx 3$, $\delta$ is accuracy of solving intermediate problems, $C_f$ is estimate of the function $f$ curvature on the set $D$

$$ C_f = \sup_{x, s \in D; \gamma \in [0,1]} \frac{2}{\gamma^2}\left(f(x + \gamma(s - x)) - f(x) - \langle \gamma(s - x), f'(x)\rangle\right) $$

Equation in supremum operation is also known as Bregman divergence.

What is a way for constructive describing of sets with simple LMO?

Definition. Atomic norm is called the following function

$$ \|x\|_{\mathcal{D}} = \inf_{t \geq 0} \{ t \; | \; x \in t\mathcal{D} \} $$

It is a norm, if it is symmetric and $0 \in \mathrm{int}(\mathcal{D})$

Conjugate atomic norm

$$ \|y\|^*_{\mathcal{D}} = \sup_{s \in \mathcal{D}} \langle s, y \rangle $$
  • From the definition of convex hull follows that linear function attains its maximum in one of the "vertex" of the convex set
  • Consequently, $\| y \|^*_{\mathcal{D}} = \| y \|^*_{\mathrm{conv}(\mathcal{D})}$
  • This property leads to fast solving of the intermediate problem to find $s$

Table is from this paper

Sparsity vs. accuracy

  • Frank-Wolfe method adds new element of the set $\mathcal{A}$ to the approximation of solution in every iteration
  • Solution can be represented as linear combination of the elements from $\mathcal{A}$
  • Caratheodori theorem
  • Number of elements can be much smaller than Caratheodori theorem requires


Example 1

\begin{equation*} \begin{split} & \min \frac{1}{2}\|Ax - b \|^2_2\\ \text{s.t. } & 0 \leq x_i \leq 1 \end{split} \end{equation*}

In [1]:
def func(x, A, b):
    return 0.5 * np.linalg.norm( - b)**2

f = lambda x: func(x, A, b)

def grad_f(x, A, b):
    grad =
    grad = grad +
    return grad

grad = lambda x: grad_f(x, A, b)

In [2]:
def linsolver(gradient):
    x = np.zeros(gradient.shape[0])
    pos_grad = gradient > 0
    neg_grad = gradient < 0
    x[pos_grad] = np.zeros(np.sum(pos_grad == True))
    x[neg_grad] = np.ones(np.sum(neg_grad == True))
    return x

In [3]:
def projection(y):
    return np.clip(y, 0, 1)

In [4]:
import liboptpy.constr_solvers as cs
import liboptpy.step_size as ss
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm

n = 200
m = 100
A = np.random.randn(m, n)
x_true = np.random.rand(n)
b = + 0.01 * np.random.randn(m)

In [5]:
def myplot(x, y, xlab, ylab, xscale="linear", yscale="log"):
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
    for key in y:
        plt.plot(x[key], y[key], label=key)
    plt.legend(loc="best", fontsize=24)
    plt.xlabel(xlab, fontsize=24)
    plt.ylabel(ylab, fontsize=24)

In [6]:
x0 = np.random.rand(n)
cg = cs.FrankWolfe(f, grad, linsolver, ss.Backtracking(rule_type="Armijo", rho=0.5, beta=0.1, init_alpha=1.))
x_cg = cg.solve(x0=x0, max_iter=200, tol=1e-10, disp=1)
print("Optimal value CG =", f(x_cg))

Convergence in 183 iterations
Function value = 2.1767788576659386e-09
Difference in function values = 8.828102439733807e-11
Difference in argument = 2.833713993344139e-06
Optimal value CG = 2.1767788576659386e-09

In [7]:
pg = cs.ProjectedGD(f, grad, projection, ss.Backtracking(rule_type="Armijo", rho=0.5, beta=0.1, init_alpha=1.))
x_pg = pg.solve(x0=x0, max_iter=200, tol=1e-10, disp=1)
print("Optimal value PG =", f(x_pg))

Convergence in 61 iterations
Function value = 1.2657215268393827e-10
Difference in function values = 1.9511761669947454e-11
Difference in argument = 4.409104752657129e-07
Optimal value PG = 1.2657215268393827e-10

In [8]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
plt.rc("text", usetex=True)
y_hist_f_cg = [f(x) for x in cg.get_convergence()]
y_hist_f_pg = [f(x) for x in pg.get_convergence()]
myplot({"CG": range(1, len(y_hist_f_cg) + 1), "PG": range(1, len(y_hist_f_pg) + 1)},
       {"CG": y_hist_f_cg, "PG": y_hist_f_pg}, "Number of iteration",
       r"Objective function, $\frac{1}{2}\|Ax - b\|^2_2$")

In [9]:
import cvxpy as cvx

x = cvx.Variable(n)
obj = cvx.Minimize(0.5 * cvx.norm(A * x - b, 2)**2)
constr = [x >= 0, x <= 1]
problem = cvx.Problem(objective=obj, constraints=constr)
value = problem.solve()
x_cvx = np.array(x.value).ravel()
print("CVX optimal value =", value)

CVX optimal value = 5.846140959946567e-14

Dependence of running time and number of iterations on the required tolerance

In [11]:
eps = [10**(-i) for i in range(8)]
time_pg = np.zeros(len(eps))
time_cg = np.zeros(len(eps))
iter_pg = np.zeros(len(eps))
iter_cg = np.zeros(len(eps))
pg = cs.ProjectedGD(f, grad, projection, ss.Backtracking(rule_type="Armijo", rho=0.5, beta=0.1, init_alpha=1.))
cg = cs.FrankWolfe(f, grad, linsolver, ss.Backtracking(rule_type="Armijo", rho=0.5, beta=0.1, init_alpha=1.))
for i, tol in tqdm(enumerate(eps)):
    res = %timeit -o -q pg.solve(x0=x0, tol=tol, max_iter=100000)
    time_pg[i] = res.average
    iter_pg[i] = len(pg.get_convergence())
    res = %timeit -o -q cg.solve(x0=x0, tol=tol, max_iter=100000)
    time_cg[i] = res.average
    iter_cg[i] = len(cg.get_convergence())

8it [01:33, 11.70s/it]

In [12]:
myplot({"CG":eps, "PG": eps}, {"CG": time_cg, "PG": time_pg}, r"Accuracy, $\varepsilon$", "Time, s", xscale="log")

In [13]:
myplot({"CG":eps, "PG": eps}, {"CG": iter_cg, "PG": iter_pg}, r"Accuracy, $\varepsilon$", "Number of iterations", xscale="log")

Example 2

Consider the following problem: \begin{equation*} \begin{split} & \min \frac{1}{2}\|Ax - b \|^2_2 \\ \text{s.t. } & \| x\|_1 \leq 1 \\ & x_i \geq 0 \end{split} \end{equation*}

In [14]:
def linsolver(gradient):
    x = np.zeros(gradient.shape[0])
    idx_min = np.argmin(gradient)
    if gradient[idx_min] > 0:
        x[idx_min] = 0
        x[idx_min] = 1
    return x

In [15]:
def projection(y):
    x = y.copy()
    if np.all(x >= 0) and np.sum(x) <= 1:
        return x
    x = np.clip(x, 0, np.max(x))
    if np.sum(x) <= 1:
        return x
    n = x.shape[0]
    bget = False
    x = x[::-1]
    temp_sum = 0
    t_hat = 0
    for i in range(n - 1):
        temp_sum += x[i]
        t_hat = (temp_sum - 1.0) / (i + 1)
        if t_hat >= x[i + 1]:
            bget = True
    if not bget:
        t_hat = (temp_sum + x[n - 1] - 1.0) / n
    return np.maximum(y - t_hat, 0)

In [30]:
x0 = np.random.rand(n) * 10
x0 = x0 / x0.sum()
cg = cs.FrankWolfe(f, grad, linsolver, ss.Backtracking(rule_type="Armijo", rho=0.5, beta=0.1, init_alpha=1.))
x_cg = cg.solve(x0=x0, max_iter=200, tol=1e-10)
print("Optimal value CG =", f(x_cg))

Optimal value CG = 3007.501708711499

In [31]:
pg = cs.ProjectedGD(f, grad, projection, ss.Backtracking(rule_type="Armijo", rho=0.5, beta=0.1, init_alpha=1.))
x_pg = pg.solve(x0=x0, max_iter=200, tol=1e-10)
print("Optimal value PG =", f(x_pg))

Optimal value PG = 3007.5017087083984

In [32]:
y_hist_f_cg = [f(x) for x in cg.get_convergence()]
y_hist_f_pg = [f(x) for x in pg.get_convergence()]
myplot({"CG": range(1, len(y_hist_f_cg) + 1), "PG": range(1, len(y_hist_f_pg) + 1)},
       {"CG": y_hist_f_cg, "PG": y_hist_f_pg}, "Number of iteration",
       r"Objective function, $\frac{1}{2}\|Ax - b\|^2_2$")

Dependence of running time and number of iterations on the required tolerance

In [22]:
eps = [10**(-i) for i in range(8)]
time_pg = np.zeros(len(eps))
time_cg = np.zeros(len(eps))
iter_pg = np.zeros(len(eps))
iter_cg = np.zeros(len(eps))
pg = cs.ProjectedGD(f, grad, projection, ss.Backtracking(rule_type="Armijo", rho=0.5, beta=0.1, init_alpha=1.))
cg = cs.FrankWolfe(f, grad, linsolver, ss.Backtracking(rule_type="Armijo", rho=0.5, beta=0.1, init_alpha=1.))
for i, tol in tqdm(enumerate(eps)):
    res = %timeit -o -q pg.solve(x0=x0, tol=tol, max_iter=100000)
    time_pg[i] = res.average
    iter_pg[i] = len(pg.get_convergence())
    res = %timeit -o -q cg.solve(x0=x0, tol=tol, max_iter=100000)
    time_cg[i] = res.average
    iter_cg[i] = len(cg.get_convergence())

8it [01:19,  9.95s/it]

In [23]:
myplot({"CG":eps, "PG": eps}, {"CG": time_cg, "PG": time_pg}, 
       r"Accuracy, $\varepsilon$", "Time, s", xscale="log")

In [24]:
myplot({"CG":eps, "PG": eps}, {"CG": iter_cg, "PG": iter_pg}, 
       r"Accuracy, $\varepsilon$", "Number of iterations", xscale="log")

In [25]:
x = cvx.Variable(n)
obj = cvx.Minimize(0.5 * cvx.norm2(A * x - b)**2)
constr = [cvx.norm(x, 1) <= 1, x >= 0]
problem = cvx.Problem(objective=obj, constraints=constr)
value = problem.solve()
x_cvx = np.array(x.value).ravel()
print("CVX optimal value =", value)

CVX optimal value = 3007.501670877276

Pro & Contra


  • Estimate of convergence speed does not depend on dimensionality of the problem
  • If feasible set is polyhedron, then $x_k$ is a convex combination of $k$ vertices of the polyhedron, therefore we have sparse solution in the case $k \ll n$
  • If feasible set is a convex hull of some elements, then solution is a linear combination of elements from some subset of these elements
  • Convergence estimate in objective is tight even for strongly convex functions
  • There is some analogue of the duality gap and theoretical results on convergence


  • Convergence in function is only sublinear $\frac{C}{k}$
  • Can not be generalized for non-smooth problems


  • Simple structure set
  • Projection
  • Projection gradient methos
  • Frank-Wolfe method