Seminar 15

Conjugate gradient method


  1. Newton method
  2. Convergence theorem
  3. Comparison with gradient descent
  4. Quasi-Newton methods

Linear system vs. unconstrained minimization problem

Consider the problem

$$ \min_{x \in \mathbb{R}^n} \frac{1}{2}x^{\top}Ax - b^{\top}x, $$

where $A \in \mathbb{S}^n_{++}$. From the necessary optimality condition follows

$$ Ax^* = b $$

Also denote gradient $f'(x_k) = Ax_k - b$ by $r_k$

How to solve linear system $Ax = b$?

  • Direct methods are based on the matrix decompositions:
    • Dense matrix $A$: dimension is less then some thousands
    • Sparse matrix $A$: dimension of the order $10^4 - 10^5$
  • Iterative methods: the method of choice in many cases, the single approach which is appropriate for system with dimension $ > 10^6$

Some history...

M. Hestenes and E. Stiefel proposed conjugate gradient method (CG)

to solve linear system in 1952 as direct method.

Many years CG was considered only as theoretical interest, because

  • CG does not work with slide rule
  • CG has not a lot advantages over Gaussian elimination while working with calculator

CG method has to be considered as iterative method, i.e. stop after

achieve required tolerance!

More details see here

Conjugate directions method

  • Descent direction in gradient descent method is anti-gradient
  • Convergence is veryyy slow for convex functions with pooorly conditioned hessian

Idea: move along directions that guarantee converegence in $n$ steps.

Definition. Nonzero vectors $\{p_0, \ldots, p_l\}$ are called conjugate with tespect to matrix $A \in \mathbb{S}^n_{++}$, where

$$ p^{\top}_iAp_j = 0, \qquad i \neq j $$

Claim. For every initial guess vector $x_0 \in \mathbb{R}^n$ the sequence $\{x_k\}$, which is generated by conjugate gradient method, converges to solution of linear system $Ax = b$ not more than after $n$ steps.

def ConjugateDirections(x0, A, b, p):

    x = x0

    r = - b

    for i in range(len(p)):

        alpha = - ([i])) / (p[i].dot([i])))

        x = x + alpha * p[i]

        r = - b

    return x

Example of conjugate directions

  • Eigenvectors of matrix $A$
  • For every set of $n$ vectors one can perform analogue of Gram-Scmidt orthogonalization and get conjugate dorections

Q: What is Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process? :)

Geometrical interpretation (Mathematics Stack Exchange)

Conjugate gradient method

Idea: new direction $p_k$ is searched in the form $p_k = -r_k + \beta_k p_{k-1}$, where $\beta_k$ is based on the requirement of conjugacy of directions $p_k$ and $p_{k-1}$:

$$ \beta_k = \dfrac{p^{\top}_{k-1}Ar_k}{p^{\top}_{k-1}Ap^{\top}_{k-1}} $$

Thus, to get the next conjugate direction $p_k$ it is necessary to store conjugate direction $p_{k-1}$ and residual $r_k$ from the previous iteration.

Q: how to select step size $\alpha_k$?

Convergence theorems

Theorem 1. If matrix $A \in \mathbb{S}^n_{++}$ has only $r$ distinct eigenvalues, then conjugate gradient method converges in $r$ iterations.

Theorem 2. The following convergence estimate holds

$$ \| x_{k+1} - x^* \|_A \leq \left( \dfrac{\sqrt{\kappa(A)} - 1}{\sqrt{\kappa(A)} + 1} \right)^k \|x_0 - x^*\|_A, $$

where $\|x\|_A = x^{\top}Ax$ and $\kappa(A) = \frac{\lambda_n(A)}{\lambda_1(A)}$ - condition number of matrix $A$

Remark: compare coefficient of the linear convergence with

corresponding coefficiet in gradient descent method.

Interpretations of conjugate gradient method

  • Gradient descent in the space $y = Sx$, where $S = [p_0, \ldots, p_n]$, in which the matrix $A$ is digonal (or identity if the conjugate directions are orthonormal)
  • Search optimal solution in the Krylov subspace $\mathcal{K}(A) = \{b, Ab, A^2b, \ldots \}$

Improved version of CG method

In practice the following equations for step size $\alpha_k$ and coefficient $\beta_{k}$ are used.

$$ \alpha_k = \dfrac{r^{\top}_k r_k}{p^{\top}_{k}Ap_{k}} \qquad \beta_k = \dfrac{r^{\top}_k r_k}{r^{\top}_{k-1} r_{k-1}} $$

Q: why do they better than base version?

Pseudocode of CG method

def ConjugateGradientQuadratic(x0, A, b):

    r = - b

    p = -r

    while np.linalg.norm(r) != 0:

        alpha = /

        x = x + alpha * p

        r_next = r + alpha *

        beta = /

        p = -r_next + beta * p

        r = r_next

    return x

Using CG method in Newton method

  • To find descent direction in Newton method one has to solve the following linear system $H(x_k) h_k = -f'(x_k)$
  • If the objective function is strongly convex, then $H(x_k) \in \mathbb{S}^n_{++}$ and to solve this linear system one can use CG. In this case the merhod is called inexact Newton method.
  • What's new?
    • Explicit storage of hessian is not needed, it's enough to have function that perform multiplication hessian by vector
    • One can control accuracy of solving linear system and do not solve it very accurate far away from minimizer. Important: inexact solution may be not descent direction!
    • Convergence is only suprlinear if backtracking starts with $\alpha_0 = 1$ similarly to Newton method

CG method for non-quadratic function

Idea: use gradients instead of residuals $r_k$ and backtracking for search $\alpha_k$ instead of analytical expression. We get Fletcher-Reeves method.

def ConjugateGradientFR(f, gradf, x0):

    x = x0

    grad = gradf(x)

    p = -grad

    while np.linalg.norm(gradf(x)) != 0:

        alpha = StepSearch(x, f, gradf, **kwargs)

        x = x + alpha * p

        grad_next = gradf(x)

        beta = /

        p = -grad_next + beta * p

        grad = grad_next

        if restart_condition:

            p = -gradf(x)

    return x

Convergence theorem

Theorem. Assume

  • level set $\mathcal{L}$ is bounded
  • there exists $\gamma > 0$: $\| f'(x) \|_2 \leq \gamma$ for $x \in \mathcal{L}$ Then
$$ \lim_{j \to \infty} \| f'(x_{k_j}) \|_2 = 0 $$


  1. To speed up convergence of CG one can use restart technique: remove stored history, consider current point as $x_0$ and run method from this point
  2. There exist different conditions which indicate the necessity of restart, i.e.
    • $k = n$
    • $\dfrac{|\langle f'(x_k), f'(x_{k-1}) \rangle |}{\| f'(x_k) \|_2^2} \geq \nu \approx 0.1$
  3. It can be shown (see Nocedal, Wright Numerical Optimization, Ch. 5, p. 125), that Fletcher-Reeves method without restarts can converge veryyy slow!
  4. Polak-Ribiere method and its modifications have not this drawback


  • The great notes "An Introduction to the Conjugate Gradient Method Without the Agonizing Pain" is available here
  • Besides Fletcher-Reeves method there exist other ways to compute $\beta_k$: Polak-Ribiere method, Hestens-Stiefel method...
  • The CG method requires to store 4 vectors, what vectors?
  • The bottleneck is matrix by vector multiplication


Quadratic objective function

In [1]:
import numpy as np
n = 100
# Random
# A = np.random.randn(n, n)
# A =
# Clustered eigenvalues
A = np.diagflat([np.ones(n//4), 10 * np.ones(n//4), 100*np.ones(n//4), 1000* np.ones(n//4)])
U = np.random.rand(n, n)
Q, _ = np.linalg.qr(U)
A =
A = (A + A.T) * 0.5
print("A is normal matrix: ||AA* - A*A|| =", np.linalg.norm( -
b = np.random.randn(n)
# Hilbert matrix
# A = np.array([[1.0 / (i+j - 1) for i in xrange(1, n+1)] for j in xrange(1, n+1)])
# b = np.ones(n)

f = lambda x: 0.5 * -
grad_f = lambda x: - b
x0 = np.zeros(n)

A is normal matrix: ||AA* - A*A|| = 0.0

Eigenvalues distribution

In [2]:

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

if not USE_COLAB:
    plt.rc("text", usetex=True)
    plt.rc("font", family='serif')
    !pip install git+
import seaborn as sns

eigs = np.linalg.eigvalsh(A)
plt.ylabel("Eigenvalues", fontsize=20)
_ = plt.yticks(fontsize=18)

Exact solution

In [3]:
import scipy.optimize as scopt

def callback(x, array):

In [4]:
scopt_cg_array = []
scopt_cg_callback = lambda x: callback(x, scopt_cg_array)
x = scopt.minimize(f, x0, method="CG", jac=grad_f, callback=scopt_cg_callback)
x = x.x
print("||f'(x*)|| =", np.linalg.norm( - b))
print("f* =", f(x))

||f'(x*)|| = 1.0369185281750917e-05
f* = -11.862243075233534

Implementation of conjugate gradient method

In [5]:
def ConjugateGradientQuadratic(x0, A, b, tol=1e-8, callback=None):
    x = x0
    r = - b
    p = -r
    while np.linalg.norm(r) > tol:
        alpha = /
        x = x + alpha * p
        if callback is not None:
        r_next = r + alpha *
        beta = /
        p = -r_next + beta * p
        r = r_next
    return x

In [6]:
import liboptpy.unconstr_solvers as methods
import liboptpy.step_size as ss

print("\t CG quadratic")
cg_quad =, b)
x_cg = cg_quad.solve(x0, tol=1e-7, disp=True)

print("\t Gradient Descent")
gd =, grad_f, ss.ExactLineSearch4Quad(A, b))
x_gd = gd.solve(x0, tol=1e-7, disp=True)

print("Condition number of A =", abs(max(eigs)) / abs(min(eigs)))

	 CG quadratic
Convergence in 4 iterations
Function value = -11.862243075235172
Norm of gradient = 3.8187218127914515e-09
	 Gradient Descent
Convergence in 100 iterations
Function value = -5.587954614458977
Norm of gradient = 4.080288108928145
Condition number of A = 1000.0000000003688

Convergence plot

In [7]:
plt.semilogy([np.linalg.norm(grad_f(x)) for x in cg_quad.get_convergence()], label=r"$\|f'(x_k)\|^{CG}_2$", linewidth=2)
plt.semilogy([np.linalg.norm(grad_f(x)) for x in scopt_cg_array[:50]], label=r"$\|f'(x_k)\|^{CG_{PR}}_2$", linewidth=2)
plt.semilogy([np.linalg.norm(grad_f(x)) for x in gd.get_convergence()], label=r"$\|f'(x_k)\|^{G}_2$", linewidth=2)
plt.legend(loc="best", fontsize=20)
plt.xlabel(r"Iteration number, $k$", fontsize=20)
plt.ylabel("Convergence rate", fontsize=20)
_ = plt.yticks(fontsize=18)

In [8]:
print([np.linalg.norm(grad_f(x)) for x in cg_quad.get_convergence()])

[8.845930974954362, 14.015059201881973, 10.16744487372933, 5.610074694671215, 3.8187218127914515e-09]

In [9]:
plt.plot([f(x) for x in cg_quad.get_convergence()], label=r"$f(x^{CG}_k)$", linewidth=2)
plt.plot([f(x) for x in scopt_cg_array], label=r"$f(x^{CG_{PR}}_k)$", linewidth=2)
plt.plot([f(x) for x in gd.get_convergence()], label=r"$f(x^{G}_k)$", linewidth=2)
plt.legend(loc="best", fontsize=20)
plt.xlabel(r"Iteration number, $k$", fontsize=20)
plt.ylabel("Function value", fontsize=20)
_ = plt.yticks(fontsize=18)

Non-quadratic function

In [10]:
import numpy as np
import sklearn.datasets as skldata
import scipy.special as scspec

n = 300
m = 1000

X, y = skldata.make_classification(n_classes=2, n_features=n, n_samples=m, n_informative=n//3)
C = 1
def f(w):
    return np.linalg.norm(w)**2 / 2 +  C * np.mean(np.logaddexp(np.zeros(X.shape[0]), -y *

def grad_f(w):
    denom = scspec.expit(-y *
    return w - C * * denom) / X.shape[0]
# f = lambda x: -np.sum(np.log(1 - - np.sum(np.log(1 - x*x))
# grad_f = lambda x: np.sum( / (1 -, axis=1) + 2 * x / (1 - np.power(x, 2))
x0 = np.zeros(n)
print("Initial function value = {}".format(f(x0)))
print("Initial gradient norm = {}".format(np.linalg.norm(grad_f(x0))))

Initial function value = 0.6931471805599454
Initial gradient norm = 1.9334391059533118

Implementation of Fletcher-Reeves method

In [11]:
def ConjugateGradientFR(f, gradf, x0, num_iter=100, tol=1e-8, callback=None, restart=False):
    x = x0
    grad = gradf(x)
    p = -grad
    it = 0
    while np.linalg.norm(gradf(x)) > tol and it < num_iter:
        alpha = utils.backtracking(x, p, method="Wolfe", beta1=0.1, beta2=0.4, rho=0.5, f=f, grad_f=gradf)
        if alpha < 1e-18:
        x = x + alpha * p
        if callback is not None:
        grad_next = gradf(x)
        beta = /
        p = -grad_next + beta * p
        grad = grad_next.copy()
        it += 1
        if restart and it % restart == 0:
            grad = gradf(x)
            p = -grad
    return x

Convergence plot

In [12]:
import scipy.optimize as scopt
import liboptpy.restarts as restarts

n_restart = 60
tol = 1e-5
max_iter = 600

scopt_cg_array = []
scopt_cg_callback = lambda x: callback(x, scopt_cg_array)
x = scopt.minimize(f, x0, tol=tol, method="CG", jac=grad_f, callback=scopt_cg_callback, options={"maxiter": max_iter})
x = x.x
print("\t CG by Polak-Rebiere")
print("Norm of garient = {}".format(np.linalg.norm(grad_f(x))))
print("Function value = {}".format(f(x)))

print("\t CG by Fletcher-Reeves")
cg_fr =, grad_f, ss.Backtracking("Wolfe", rho=0.9, beta1=0.1, beta2=0.4, init_alpha=1.))
x = cg_fr.solve(x0, tol=tol, max_iter=max_iter, disp=True)

print("\t CG by Fletcher-Reeves with restart n")
cg_fr_rest =, grad_f, ss.Backtracking("Wolfe", rho=0.9, beta1=0.1, beta2=0.4, 
                                         init_alpha=1.), restarts.Restart(n // n_restart))
x = cg_fr_rest.solve(x0, tol=tol, max_iter=max_iter, disp=True)

print("\t Gradient Descent")
gd =, grad_f, ss.Backtracking("Wolfe", rho=0.9, beta1=0.1, beta2=0.4, init_alpha=1.))
x = gd.solve(x0, max_iter=max_iter, tol=tol, disp=True)

	 CG by Polak-Rebiere
Norm of garient = 1.4300709199609023e-05
Function value = 0.49027579401250215
	 CG by Fletcher-Reeves
Convergence in 114 iterations
Function value = 0.4902757939862087
Norm of gradient = 8.247750869146107e-06
	 CG by Fletcher-Reeves with restart n
Convergence in 82 iterations
Function value = 0.4902757939880006
Norm of gradient = 7.016046988177081e-06
	 Gradient Descent
Convergence in 361 iterations
Function value = 0.49027579399156757
Norm of gradient = 9.535301105947104e-06

In [13]:
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
plt.semilogy([np.linalg.norm(grad_f(x)) for x in cg_fr.get_convergence()], label=r"$\|f'(x_k)\|^{CG_{FR}}_2$ no restart", linewidth=2)
plt.semilogy([np.linalg.norm(grad_f(x)) for x in cg_fr_rest.get_convergence()], label=r"$\|f'(x_k)\|^{CG_{FR}}_2$ restart", linewidth=2)
plt.semilogy([np.linalg.norm(grad_f(x)) for x in scopt_cg_array], label=r"$\|f'(x_k)\|^{CG_{PR}}_2$", linewidth=2)

plt.semilogy([np.linalg.norm(grad_f(x)) for x in gd.get_convergence()], label=r"$\|f'(x_k)\|^{G}_2$", linewidth=2)
plt.legend(loc="best", fontsize=16)
plt.xlabel(r"Iteration number, $k$", fontsize=20)
plt.ylabel("Convergence rate", fontsize=20)
_ = plt.yticks(fontsize=18)

Running time

In [14]:
%timeit scopt.minimize(f, x0, method="CG", tol=tol, jac=grad_f, options={"maxiter": max_iter})
%timeit cg_fr.solve(x0, tol=tol, max_iter=max_iter)
%timeit cg_fr_rest.solve(x0, tol=tol, max_iter=max_iter)
%timeit gd.solve(x0, tol=tol, max_iter=max_iter)

11 ms ± 1.79 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
620 ms ± 5.31 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
533 ms ± 3.54 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
1.73 s ± 8.11 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)


  1. Conjugate directions
  2. Conjugate gradient method
  3. Convergence
  4. Experiments