Insert your introduction here. You should write your intro before lab.
Write a short paragraph about the purpose of the lab, the technique(s) you're using, the samples you're analyzing, and any additional background information you can think of that will help frame the purpose of the lab. At minimum you should include and overview (not detail) of:
Fill in all of the exact details necessary for you to repeat the study without any additional resources.
Much of this section should be filled in during lab!
In [1]:
###### Use this function to calculate stand concentrations. ############################
## Leave the function alone
function concentrations = serialDilution(stock, pipettes, flasks)
concentrations =[];
for i = 1:length(pipettes)
if i == 1
concentrations(i) = stock * pipettes(i)/flasks(i); # calculate first dilution
concentrations(i) = concentrations(i-1) * pipettes(i)/flasks(i); # calculate all other dilutions
concentrations = flip(concentrations)'; # reverse the vector from lowest to highest and transpose to column vector
In [ ]:
####### Insert standard info here ######################################################
## insert correct values as arguments to serialDilution() below
concentrations = serialDilution(stock, pipettes, flasks); # conc in ppm, volume of pipettes in ml, vol of flasks in ml
disp("Standard Concentrations (in ppm) = ");
output_precision(4); # display 4 sig figs - change if needed
In [ ]:
######## Insert QC Info Here ############################################################
qc_stock = 100.6; # units: ppm, insert concentration of the stock soln. used for QC
qc_pipette = 10; # units: ml
qc_flask = 50; # units: ml (must be same length and units as 'qc_pipette')
qc_conc = qc_pipette / qc_flask * qc_stock;
disp("QC Concentration (in ppm) = ");
output_precision(4); # display 4 sig figs - change if needed
In [ ]:
#### Import the data
## Input your datafile name (and/or path) in the csvread() function below
X = csvread('data/your-datafile-name.csv'); ## import data
X(1:2, :) ## print to screen to make sure data imported OK (optional)
In [ ]:
wavelengths = X(:, 1); ## extract wavelength column to it's own vector
X = X(:, 2:2:end); ## extract even columns (intensity columns) and discard wavelength columns
X(1:2, :) ## print to screen to make sure clean up worked as expected (optional)
In [ ]:
##### Plot the emission spectrum
plot(wavelengths, X(:, 5), 'DisplayName', 'Name of Sample');
xlabel('Wavelength (nm)');
ylabel('Intensity (arbitrary)');
xlim([380 700]); ylim([0 0.25]);
hold on
plot(wavelengths, X(:, 9), 'DisplayName', 'Name of Sample');
hold off
In [ ]:
##### find max emission wavelength #######################
[max_values indices] = max(X(:, 5));
lambda_max = wavelengths(indices);
disp("Wavelength of maximum emission (in nm) = ");
output_precision(0); # only display to nearest nm
In [ ]:
disp("The intensities at the analytical wavelength are:")
intensity_values = X(wavelengths == (lambda_max), :)
In [118]:
##### Define function to calculate linear fit and R2 ###############################
##### Leave this section alone
function [fit_params, r2, fitline] = fitlm(x, y)
X = [ones(length(x), 1) x];
fit_params = (pinv(X'*X))*X'*y;
# watch this video to understand this code:
ss_tot = sum((y - mean(y)).^2);
ss_reg = sum(((X*fit_params) - mean(y)).^2);
r2 = ss_reg/ss_tot;
fitline = [x, X*fit_params];
In [ ]:
standards = intensity_values(4:6) .- intensity_values(1); ## subtract blank reading
### (Choose the correct columns above by number)
##### Plot Data
plot(concentrations', standards', '*', 'DisplayName', 'Experimental Data');
xlabel('Concentration (ppm)');
ylabel('Intensity (arbitrary)');
##### Calculate linear model / cal curve
[fit_params, r2, fitline] = fitlm(concentrations, standards');
##### Plot cal curve
hold on; # this keeps our previous plot of the training data visible
plot(fitline(:, 1), fitline(:, 2), 'b--', 'DisplayName', 'Linear regression')
legend('location', 'northwest')
hold off # Don't put any more plots on this figure
##### print values to screen
output_precision(4); # only display to 4 sf
disp("Slope =")
disp("Intercept =")
disp("R2 =")
In [120]:
###### Calculate concentration of samples & QC
samples_qc = intensity_values(7:12) .- intensity_values(1); ## Subtract blank - Choose the correct columns here by number
concs = ### insert code here to calculate concentrations
In [ ]:
###### Calculate mean QC value
mean_qc = mean(concs(1:3)); ## Choose correct QC columns
sd_qc = std(concs(1:3)); ## Choose correct QC columns
qc_percent_diff = ## Insert code here to calculate percent difference
output_precision(1); # display 1 decimal - change if needed
disp("Avearge [Quinine] in QC (in ppm) = ");
disp("Expected [Quinine] in QC (in ppm) = ");
disp("QC Difference in percent = ");
In [ ]:
###### Calculate mean sample values
mean_samples = ## Calculate sample mean here
sd_samples = ## Calculate SD here
# Display average sample conc.
disp("Avearge [Quinine] in sample (in ppm) = ");
## Display sample SD.
##### Fill in code here
## Display sample RSD
##### Fill in code here
In [130]:
mean_blank = mean(intensity_values(1:3)); ## Choose correct blank columns
sd_blank = std(intensity_values(1:3)); ## Choose correct blank columns
## Do calculations here...