UV-vis Notebook Template

Your Name
Janaury Day, Year


Insert your introduction here.

Your intro should usually be written before lab.

Write a short paragraph about the purpose of the lab, the technique(s) you're using, the samples you're analyzing, and any additional background information you can think of that will help frame the purpose of the lab. At minimum you should include and overview (not detail) of:

  • What the sample/analyte is
  • The technique(s) you are using

Materials and Methods

Fill in all of the exact details necessary for you to repeat the study without any additional resources.

Much of this section should be filled in during lab!


  • Insert chemicals/materials here.

Sample Preparation

  1. Insert step-by-step procedures here.
  2. Next step...

Standard & QC Preparation


The following code chunk contains a function to calculate serial dilutions, which was copied directly from the Octave Cookbook in the Lab Manual (Appendix B). Run it as-is and then you can call the function serialDilution() to do your calculations for you.

In [1]:
###### Use this function to calculate stand concentrations. ############################
## Leave the function alone 
function concentrations = serialDilution(stock, pipettes, flasks)
    concentrations =[];
    for i = 1:length(pipettes)
        if i == 1
            concentrations(i) = stock * pipettes(i)/flasks(i);  # calculate first dilution
            concentrations(i) = concentrations(i-1) * pipettes(i)/flasks(i); # calculate all other dilutions
    concentrations = flip(concentrations)'; # reverse the vector from lowest to highest and transpose to column vector

Quality Control


Fill in the instrument settings table. Look up the values on the Vernier website.

Table 2: Instrument Settings
Parameter Value
Make & Model Vernier SpectroVis
Source (fluorescence)
Optical Resolution
Wavelength Range
Data Acquisition Software

Results and Data Analysis

Add code cells here to process data. You should intersperse them with headings and text (i.e. Markdown cells) to explain what you're doing as you process the data.

Refer to the example on at alphonse.github.io/archive/chem370-s2020/notebooks for more info.

The following code chunk contains a function to calculate serial dilutions, which was copied directly from the Octave Cookbook in the Lab Manual (Appendix B). Run it as-is and then you can call the function [fit_params, r2, fitline] = fitlm(concentration_vector, standards_vector); to perform a linear fit (like linest in Excel).

In [118]:
##### Define function to calculate linear fit and R2 ###############################
##### Leave this section alone

function [fit_params, r2, fitline] = fitlm(x, y)
    X = [ones(length(x), 1) x];
    fit_params = (pinv(X'*X))*X'*y;
    # watch this video to understand this code: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2FKXOa0HGA
    ss_tot = sum((y - mean(y)).^2);
    ss_reg = sum(((X*fit_params) - mean(y)).^2);
    r2 = ss_reg/ss_tot;
    fitline = [x, X*fit_params];

Limits of Detection and Quantitation

Calculate your LOD and LOQ here.

Note that you can add equations with $\LaTeX$ functions, e.g.:

$$ LOD = \frac{3\sigma_{blank}}{m} $$

For more on $\LaTeX$ see: https://www.caam.rice.edu/~heinken/latex/symbols.pdf


Insert your conclusion here. You should state what you found and whether or not the results seem accurate. Be sure to include the percent composition of your sample in the conclusion. Also discuss the polarity the compounds relative to each other.


[1] Insert references here in ACS format.