Fetching assignments

.. seealso:: :doc:`/command_line_tools/nbgrader-fetch` Command line options for ``nbgrader fetch`` :doc:`/command_line_tools/nbgrader-list` Command line options for ``nbgrader list``

From the student's perspective, they can list what assignments have been released, and then fetch a copy of the assignment to work on. First, we'll create a temporary directory to represent the student's home directory:

In [ ]:

# remove the fake student home directory if it exists, for demo purposes
rm -rf /tmp/student_home

# create the fake student home directory and switch to it
mkdir /tmp/student_home

If you are not using the default exchange directory (as is the case here), you will additionally need to provide your students with a configuration file that sets the appropriate directory for them:

In [ ]:
%%file /tmp/student_home/nbgrader_config.py

c = get_config()
c.TransferApp.exchange_directory = '/tmp/exchange'

From the student's perspective, they can see what assignments have been released using nbgrader list, and passing the name of the class:

In [ ]:
export HOME=/tmp/student_home && cd $HOME

nbgrader list "example_course"

They can then fetch an assignment for that class using nbgrader fetch and passing the name of the class and the name of the assignment:

In [ ]:
export HOME=/tmp/student_home && cd $HOME

nbgrader fetch "example_course" "Problem Set 1"

Running nbgrader fetch copies the assignment files from the exchange directory to the local directory:

In [ ]:

ls -l "/tmp/student_home/Problem Set 1"