Pairwise LD for functional SNPs

This notebook computes and plots pairwise LD between interesting functional SNPs.


In [1]:
%run setup.ipynb
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
# load in selected missense variants
tbl_variants_selected = etl.frompickle('../data/tbl_variants_missense_selected.pkl')


In [3]:
# load in haplotypes
callset_haps = np.load('../data/haps_phase1.npz')
haps = allel.HaplotypeArray(callset_haps['haplotypes'])
pos = allel.SortedIndex(callset_haps['POS'])
pos.shape, haps.shape

((341998,), (341998, 1530))

In [4]:
def lewontin_d_prime(h, i, j, a=1, b=1):
    """Compute LD between a pair of alleles.
    h : array
        Haplotype array.
    i : int
        First variant index.
    j : int
        Second variant index.
    a : int
        First variant allele.
    b : int
        Second variant allele.
    ld : float
    # setup
    h = allel.HaplotypeArray(h)
    n_a = n_b = 0  # allele counts
    n_ab = 0  # haplotype counts
    n = 0  # allele number (i.e., number of calls)
    # iterate over haplotypes, counting alleles and haplotypes
    for k in range(h.n_haplotypes):
        # access alleles
        allele_ik = h[i, k]
        allele_jk = h[j, k]
        # only count if allele non-missing at both sites
        if allele_ik < 0 or allele_jk < 0:
        # accumulate
        if allele_ik == a:
            n_a += 1
        if allele_jk == b:
            n_b += 1
        if allele_ik == a and allele_jk == b:
            n_ab += 1
        n += 1
#     log('D_prime counts:', 'i', i, 'j', j, 'a', a, 'b', b, 'n', n, 'n_a', n_a, 'n_b', n_b)
    # bail out if no data or either allele is absent or fixed
    if n == 0 or n_a == 0 or n_b == 0 or n == n_a or n == n_b:
        return None
    # N.B., compute D prime using counts rather than frequencies to avoid floating-point errors
    # N.B., preserve the sign of D prime to retain information about linkage versus repulsion
    # compute coefficient of linkage disequilibrium * n**2
    D_ab = (n * n_ab) - (n_a * n_b)
    # compute normalisation coefficient * n**2
    if D_ab >= 0:
        D_max = min(n_a * (n - n_b), (n - n_a) * n_b)
        D_max = min(n_a * n_b, (n - n_a) * (n - n_b))

    # compute D prime
    D_prime = D_ab / D_max
#     log('D_prime', D_prime, i, j, a, b, n, n_a, n_b, D_ab, D_max)
#     if np.isnan(D_prime):
#         log('nan')
#        log(D_prime, i, j, a, b, n, n_a, n_b, D_ab, D_max)
    return D_prime

In [5]:
pos_selected = allel.SortedIndex(sorted(tbl_variants_selected.values('POS').set()))

<SortedIndex shape=(21,) dtype=int32>

In [6]:

0|CHROM 1|POS 2|num_alleles 3|REF 4|ALT 5|AC 6|ALTIX 7|FILTER_PASS 8|NoCoverage 9|LowCoverage 10|HighCoverage 11|LowMQ 12|HighMQ0 13|RepeatDUST 14|RepeatMasker 15|RepeatTRF 16|FS 17|HRun 18|QD 19|ReadPosRankSum 20|SNPEFF_Allele 21|SNPEFF_Annotation 22|SNPEFF_HGVS_c 23|SNPEFF_HGVS_p 24|SNPEFF_Feature_ID 25|SNPEFF_CDS_pos 26|AF_AOM 27|AF_BFM 28|AF_GWA 29|AF_GNS 30|AF_BFS 31|AF_CMS 32|AF_GAS 33|AF_UGS 34|AF_KES 35|check_allele 36|exon_start 37|exon_end 38|exon 39|AGAP004707-RA 40|AGAP004707-RB 41|AGAP004707-RC 42|Davies-C1N2 43|Davies-C3N2 44|Davies-C5N2 45|Davies-C7N2 46|Davies-C8N2 47|Davies-C10N2 48|Davies-C11N2 49|Davies-C1N9 50|Davies-C8N9 51|Davies-C1N9ck
2L 2390177 2 G A 198 0 True 0 3 8 0 0 False False False 0.12695 1 18.625 0.83496 A missense_variant n.761G>A p.Arg254Lys AGAP004707-RA 761 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.316363636364 0.214285714286 0.0 0.0 True 2390129 2390341 7 R254K R254K R254K R260K R217K R260K R260K R271K R260K R260K R260K R271K R260K
2L 2391228 3 G C 10 0 True 0 0 12 0 0 False False False 2.0352 0 14.867 -1.1777 C missense_variant n.1204G>C p.Val402Leu AGAP004707-RA 1204 0.0 0.0724637681159 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 True 2391156 2391320 10 V402L V402L V402L V408L V365L V408L V419L V408L V408L V408L V419L V408L
2L 2391228 3 G T 9 1 True 0 0 12 0 0 False False False 2.0352 0 14.867 -1.1777 None None None None None None 0.0 0.0652173913043 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 True 2391156 2391320 10 V402L V402L V402L V408L V365L V408L V419L V408L V408L V408L V419L V408L
2L 2399997 2 G C 38 0 True 0 1 7 0 0 False False False 13.359 0 15.688 0.11798 C missense_variant n.1396G>C p.Asp466His AGAP004707-RA 1396 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0690909090909 0.0 0.0 0.0 True 2399898 2400173 11i+ D466H D466H D466H D472H D429H D417H D472H D483H D472H D472H D472H D483H D472H
2L 2400071 3 G A 16 0 True 0 0 8 0 0 False False False 5.6875 0 16.969 1.3232 A missense_variant n.1470G>A p.Met490Ile AGAP004707-RA 1470 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.181818181818 True 2399898 2400173 11i+ M490I M490I M490I M496I M453I M441I M496I M507I M496I M496I M496I M507I M496I


In [7]:


In [8]:
loc_selected = pos.locate_keys(pos_selected)


In [9]:
haps_selected = haps[loc_selected]

<HaplotypeArray shape=(21, 1530) dtype=int8>

In [10]:
ac = haps_selected.count_alleles()

<AlleleCountsArray shape=(21, 3) dtype=int32>
01332 198 0
11511 10 9
21492 38 0
31512 16 2
41498 32 0
51100 430 0
6 755 775 0
71519 11 0
81525 5 0
91511 19 0
101420 110 0
111519 11 0
121523 7 0
131502 28 0
141517 13 0
151478 52 0
161501 29 0
171450 80 0
181518 12 0
191514 16 0
201486 44 0

Compute and plot allele frequencies

In [11]:
def compute_allele_af(ax=None):
    global allele_af
    recs = list(tbl_variants_selected.records())
    n = len(recs)
    allele_af = np.zeros(n, dtype='f8')
    for i in range(n):
        i_pos = recs[i].POS
        i_allele = recs[i].ALTIX + 1
        i_vidx = pos_selected.locate_key(i_pos)
#         log('row', i, i_vidx, i_pos, i_allele)
        x = ac[i_vidx, i_allele] * 100 / haps_selected.shape[1]
        allele_af[i] = x


Compute and plot pairwise LD

In [12]:
def compute_ld():
    global ld
    recs = list(tbl_variants_selected.records())
    n = len(recs)
    ld = np.zeros((n, n), dtype='f8')
    for i in range(n):
        i_pos = recs[i].POS
        i_allele = recs[i].ALTIX + 1
        i_vidx = pos_selected.locate_key(i_pos)
#         log('row', i, i_vidx, i_pos, i_allele)
        for j in range(i+1, n):
            j_pos = recs[j].POS
            j_allele = recs[j].ALTIX + 1
            j_vidx = pos_selected.locate_key(j_pos)
    #         log('col', j, j_vidx, j_pos, j_allele)
            v = lewontin_d_prime(haps_selected, i_vidx, j_vidx, i_allele, j_allele)
    #         log('D_prime', v)
            ld[i, j] = v
            ld[j, i] = v

In [13]:

array([-1.        ,  0.79748511,  1.        , -1.        , -1.        ,
       -1.        , -1.        , -1.        , -0.89609508, -1.        ,
       -1.        ,  0.        , -1.        , -1.        , -1.        ,
       -1.        , -1.        , -1.        , -1.        , -1.        ,
       -1.        , -1.        , -1.        ])

In [14]:
def plot_allele_af(ax=None, **kwargs):
    n = len(allele_af)
    if ax is None:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 2))
    left = np.arange(n) + 0.2, allele_af, align='edge', width=0.6, **kwargs)
    ax.set_ylabel('Allele frequency (%)')
    ax.set_xlim(0, n)
    ax.set_yticks(range(0, 60, 10))


In [15]:
def fig_pw_ld():

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7.3), dpi=120)

    gs = mpl.gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2, height_ratios=[1.3, 6], width_ratios=[7, .5])

    # sns.despine(ax=ax, offset=5)
    #sns.heatmap(ld, vmin=-1, vmax=1, center=0, square=True, ax=ax, cmap='Blues', cbar_kws=dict(ticks=[-1, -.5, 0, .5, 1]))

    ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0])
    plot_allele_af(ax, color='k')
    ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0])
    im = ax.pcolormesh(ld, vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap='Blues', shading='flat', edgecolors='gray', linewidths=.5, antialiased=True)

    labels = ['%s:%s>%s %s' % (rec.POS, rec.REF, rec.ALT, rec['AGAP004707-RA'].rjust(6))
              for rec in tbl_variants_selected.records()]
    # ax.invert_yaxis()
    ticks = np.arange(ld.shape[0]) + .5
    ax.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=90, ha='center', va='top', fontdict=dict(family='monospace'))
    ax.set_yticklabels(labels, rotation=0, va='center', ha='right', fontdict=dict(family='monospace'));
    ax.set_xlim(0, ld.shape[0])
    ax.set_ylim(0, ld.shape[0])
    for i in range(ld.shape[0] + 1):
        ax.add_patch(plt.Rectangle((i-1, i-1), 1, 1, color='gray'))

    cax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1])
    fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax, )
#    cax.set_title("Linkage disequilibrium (D')", loc='left')
    cax.set_ylabel("Linkage disequilibrium (D')", va='top')

    fig.savefig('../artwork/fig_ld.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')


In [ ]: