The fitting tools have been updated in to unify the way that the MultiBeam or drizzled stacks are fit.

Update (9/12/17): The code has now been merged into the master branch so the branch command below is not necessary if your repo is up-to-date.

This requires the development branch "clean_fit_outputs" ( To check out that branch, use the following in the grizli repo directory

git checkout -b clean_fit_outputs origin/clean_fit_outputs

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
import glob
import time
import os

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import as pyfits
import drizzlepac

import grizli

The following task in the stsci.skypac package can be run with TEAL:
The following tasks in the drizzlepac package can be run with TEAL:
    astrodrizzle       imagefindpars           mapreg              photeq       
     pixreplace           pixtopix            pixtosky        refimagefindpars  
     resetbits          runastrodriz          skytopix           tweakback      
      tweakreg           updatenpol

NB: The example below uses the "ERS" exposures pre-processed as described in the WFC3IR_Reduction notebook.

In [3]:
    os.chdir('Prep') # May be necessary depending on where the notebook is run

all_grism_files = ['ib6o21qmq_flt.fits', 'ib6o21qoq_flt.fits', 'ib6o21r6q_flt.fits', 
                   'ib6o21r8q_flt.fits', 'ib6o23rsq_flt.fits', 'ib6o23ruq_flt.fits', 

grp = grizli.multifit.GroupFLT(grism_files=all_grism_files, direct_files=[], 

Load ib6o21qmq.01.GrismFLT.fits!
Load ib6o21qoq.01.GrismFLT.fits!
Load ib6o21r6q.01.GrismFLT.fits!
Load ib6o21r8q.01.GrismFLT.fits!
Load ib6o23rsq.01.GrismFLT.fits!
Load ib6o23ruq.01.GrismFLT.fits!
Load ib6o23ryq.01.GrismFLT.fits!
Load ib6o23s0q.01.GrismFLT.fits!
Files loaded - 4.21 sec.

Now provide two ways of saving the extracted 2D spectra of a given object: "beams" cutouts from the FLT files and drizzled combinations of them, combined for the available grisms separately and for combinations of the available PAs.

In [4]:
# Fitting templates

# First is set with combined emission line complexes for the redshift fit 
# (don't allow infinite freedom) of the line ratios / fluxes
templ0 = grizli.utils.load_templates(fwhm=1200, line_complexes=True, stars=False, 
                                     full_line_list=None,  continuum_list=None, 

# Second set has individual line templates for fitting the line fluxes
templ1 = grizli.utils.load_templates(fwhm=1200, line_complexes=False, stars=False, 
                                     full_line_list=None, continuum_list=None, 

# Show the template names / dictionary keys
fmt = '{0:<36s} {1:<36s}'
print(fmt.format('templ0', 'templ1'))
print(fmt.format('------', '------'))

for i in range(len(templ1)):
    if i > len(templ0)-1:
        print(fmt.format('', list(templ1.keys())[i]))
        print(fmt.format(list(templ0.keys())[i], list(templ1.keys())[i]))

# Parameters for drizzled line maps
pline = {'kernel': 'point', 'pixfrac': 0.2, 'pixscale': 0.1, 'size': 8, 'wcs': None}

templ0                               templ1                              
------                               ------                              
fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_001.dat  fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_001.dat 
fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_002.dat  fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_002.dat 
fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_003.dat  fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_003.dat 
fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_004.dat  fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_004.dat 
fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_005.dat  fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_005.dat 
fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_006.dat  fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_006.dat 
fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_007.dat  fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_007.dat 
fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_008.dat  fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_008.dat 
fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_009.dat  fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_009.dat 
fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_010.dat  fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_010.dat 
fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_011.dat  fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_011.dat 
fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_012.dat  fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_012.dat 
line Ha+NII+SII+SIII+He              line PaB                            
line OIII+Hb                         line HeI-1083                       
line OII+Ne                          line SIII                           
line Lya+CIV                         line SII                            
                                     line Ha                             
                                     line OI-6302                        
                                     line OIII                           
                                     line Hb                             
                                     line OIII-4363                      
                                     line Hg                             
                                     line Hd                             
                                     line NeIII                          
                                     line OII                            
                                     line NeVI                           
                                     line NeV                            
                                     line MgII                           
                                     line CIV-1549                       
                                     line CIII-1908                      
                                     line OIII-1663                      
                                     line HeII-1640                      
                                     line NIII-1750                      
                                     line NIV-1487                       
                                     line NV-1240                        
                                     line Lya                            

In [5]:
# grp `GroupFLT` object created as defined in WFC3IR_Reduction from the WFC3 ERS grism data
target = 'ers-grism'

# Line-emitter

# Weak continuum features

# Strong continuum 

# Pull out the 2D cutouts
beams = grp.get_beams(id, size=80)
mb = grizli.multifit.MultiBeam(beams, fcontam=0.5, group_name=target, psf=False)

# Save a FITS file with the 2D cutouts (beams) from the individual exposures

# Fit polynomial model for initial continuum subtraction
wave = np.linspace(2000,2.5e4,100)
poly_templates = grizli.utils.polynomial_templates(wave, order=7)
pfit = mb.template_at_z(z=0, templates=poly_templates, fit_background=True, 
                        fitter='lstsq', get_uncertainties=2)

# Drizzle grisms / PAs
hdu, fig = mb.drizzle_grisms_and_PAs(fcontam=0.2, flambda=False, kernel='point', 
                                     size=32, zfit=pfit)

# Save drizzle figure FITS file
fig.savefig('{0}_{1:05d}.stack.png'.format(target, id))
hdu.writeto('{0}_{1:05d}.stack.fits'.format(target, id), clobber=True)


In [6]:
from imp import reload

# High-level wrapper script for doing everything (redshift fits, line fluxes, drizzled line 
# maps).  More explanation of the details of individual steps TBD.
# Needs to be able to find {target}_{id:05d}.beams.fits and {target}_{id:05d}.stack.fits 
# generated above
out = grizli.fitting.run_all(id, t0=templ0, t1=templ1, fwhm=1200, 
                             zr=[0.5, 2.3], dz=[0.004, 0.0005], 
                             fitter='nnls', group_name=target, prior=None, fcontam=0.,
                             pline=pline, mask_sn_limit=7, fit_beams=True, fit_stacks=False,  
                             root=target+'_', fit_trace_shift=False, verbose=False, 
                             phot=None, scale_photometry=False, show_beams=True)

Load file ers-grism_40776.stack.fits
Mask 0 additional pixels for ext G102,75.0
Mask 0 additional pixels for ext G141,74.0
1 ib6o21qmq_flt.fits G102
2 ib6o21qoq_flt.fits G102
3 ib6o21r6q_flt.fits G102
4 ib6o21r8q_flt.fits G102
5 ib6o23rsq_flt.fits G141
6 ib6o23ruq_flt.fits G141
7 ib6o23ryq_flt.fits G141
8 ib6o23s0q_flt.fits G141
Drizzle line -> OIII (15.00 0.99)
Drizzle line -> Hb   (3.46 0.83)
Drizzle line -> OII  (9.53 1.12)

In [7]:
# Products
mb, st, fit, tfit, line_hdu = out

# Objects that are used for the fitting.  They are 
# both subclasses of grizli.fitting.GroupFitter, 
# which provides the fitting methods.
print('mb: ', mb.__class__) # From "beams.fits"
print('st: ', st.__class__) # Drizzled spectra from "stack.fits"

mb:  <class 'grizli.multifit.MultiBeam'>
st:  <class 'grizli.stack.StackFitter'>

In [8]:
# Properties of the fit on the redshift grid
# stored in an astropy.table.Table
print('Fit table:', fit.colnames)
for k in fit.meta:
    print(k, fit.meta[k])
plt.plot(fit['zgrid'], fit['chi2'])

Fit table: ['zgrid', 'chi2', 'coeffs', 'covar', 'pdf', 'risk']
N (2, 'Number of spectrum extensions')
polyord (3, 'Order polynomial fit')
chi2poly (2681.0663122824176, 'Chi^2 of polynomial fit')
DoF (2461, 'Degrees of freedom (number of pixels)')
chimin (2402.6922592464998, 'Minimum chi2')
chimax (2778.5537046062791, 'Maximum chi2')
fitter ('nnls', 'Minimization algorithm')
bic_poly (325.22399133826411, 'BIC of polynomial fit')
bic_temp (39.041615251955278, 'BIC of template fit')
NTEMP (16, 'Number of fitting templates')
T001NAME ('fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_001.dat', 'Template name')
T002NAME ('fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_002.dat', 'Template name')
T003NAME ('fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_003.dat', 'Template name')
T004NAME ('fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_004.dat', 'Template name')
T005NAME ('fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_005.dat', 'Template name')
T006NAME ('fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_006.dat', 'Template name')
T007NAME ('fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_007.dat', 'Template name')
T008NAME ('fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_008.dat', 'Template name')
T009NAME ('fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_009.dat', 'Template name')
T010NAME ('fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_010.dat', 'Template name')
T011NAME ('fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_011.dat', 'Template name')
T012NAME ('fsps/fsps_QSF_12_v3_nolines_012.dat', 'Template name')
T013NAME ('line Ha+NII+SII+SIII+He', 'Template name')
T013FWHM (1200, 'FWHM, if emission line')
T014NAME ('line OIII+Hb', 'Template name')
T014FWHM (1200, 'FWHM, if emission line')
T015NAME ('line OII+Ne', 'Template name')
T015FWHM (1200, 'FWHM, if emission line')
T016NAME ('line Lya+CIV', 'Template name')
T016FWHM (1200, 'FWHM, if emission line')
hasprior (False, 'Prior applied to PDF')
Z02 (1.7403303028597936, 'Integrated p(z) = 0.025')
Z16 (1.7412501287910978, 'Integrated p(z) = 0.16')
Z50 (1.7421761260278645, 'Integrated p(z) = 0.5')
Z84 (1.7430881124098196, 'Integrated p(z) = 0.84')
Z97 (1.7439811486776877, 'Integrated p(z) = 0.975')
ZWIDTH1 (0.0018379836187218945, 'Width between the 16th and 84th p(z) percentiles')
ZWIDTH2 (0.0036508458178940995, 'Width between the 2.5th and 97.5th p(z) percentiles')
z_map (1.74231556359568, 'Redshift at MAX(PDF)')
z_risk (1.7423066256670665, 'Redshift at minimum risk')
min_risk (5.0673554642654722e-06, 'Minimum risk')
gam_loss (0.15, 'Gamma factor of the risk/loss function')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x13ea56518>]

In [9]:
# Results of the fit at the best determined redshift
print('z = {0}'.format(tfit['z']))

print('Continuum template, cont1d: ', tfit['cont1d'].__class__)
plt.plot(tfit['cont1d'].wave/1.e4, tfit['cont1d'].flux, label='continuum')
plt.plot(tfit['line1d'].wave/1.e4, tfit['line1d'].flux, label='total')
plt.xlim(0.8, 1.7); plt.ylim(0,1.e-18); plt.grid()
plt.xlabel(r'$\lambda$, microns'); plt.ylabel(r'$f_\lambda$, erg/s/cm2/A'); plt.legend()

# cfit, coeffs, covar are coefficients of the template fit
# and their covariance

odict_keys(['cont1d', 'line1d', 'cfit', 'coeffs', 'covar', 'z', 'templates'])
z = 1.7417753724743283
Continuum template, cont1d:  <class 'grizli.utils.SpectrumTemplate'>
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x1335f7240>

Retrieving the fit output

All of the information above is also stored in the *full.fits file, so you don't have to retrieve the outputs directly from the fitting script.

In [10]:
fit_hdu ='{0}_{1:05d}.full.fits'.format(target, id))

Filename: ers-grism_40776.full.fits
No.    Name         Type      Cards   Dimensions   Format
  0  PRIMARY     PrimaryHDU      48   ()      
  1  ZFIT_STACK  BinTableHDU     64   231R x 6C   [D, D, 18D, 324D, D, D]   
  2  ZFIT_BEAM   BinTableHDU     64   62R x 6C   [D, D, 24D, 576D, D, D]   
  3  TEMPL       BinTableHDU    150   5665R x 3C   [D, D, D]   
  4  COVAR       ImageHDU       153   (44, 44)   float64   
  5  DSCI        ImageHDU        20   (80, 80)   float32   
  6  DWHT        ImageHDU        20   (80, 80)   float32   
  7  LINE        ImageHDU        24   (80, 80)   float32   
  8  CONTINUUM   ImageHDU        24   (80, 80)   float32   
  9  CONTAM      ImageHDU        24   (80, 80)   float32   
 10  LINEWHT     ImageHDU        24   (80, 80)   float32   
 11  LINE        ImageHDU        24   (80, 80)   float32   
 12  CONTINUUM   ImageHDU        24   (80, 80)   float32   
 13  CONTAM      ImageHDU        24   (80, 80)   float32   
 14  LINEWHT     ImageHDU        24   (80, 80)   float32   
 15  LINE        ImageHDU        24   (80, 80)   float32   
 16  CONTINUUM   ImageHDU        24   (80, 80)   float32   
 17  CONTAM      ImageHDU        24   (80, 80)   float32   
 18  LINEWHT     ImageHDU        24   (80, 80)   float32   

In [11]:
# Basic properties of the input data

SIMPLE  =                    T / conforms to FITS standard                      
BITPIX  =                    8 / array data type                                
NAXIS   =                    0 / number of array dimensions                     
EXTEND  =                    T                                                  
ID      =                40776 / Object ID                                      
RA      =    53.06570059828267 / Central R.A.                                   
DEC     =   -27.72041410492861 / Central Decl.                                  
PIXFRAC =                  0.2 / Drizzle PIXFRAC                                
DRIZKRNL= 'point   '           / Drizzle kernel                                 
NINPUT  =                    8 / Number of drizzled beams                       
FILE0001= 'ib6o21qmq_flt.fits' / Parent filename                                
GRIS0001= 'G102    '           / Beam grism element                             
PA0001  =                 74.7 / PA of dispersion axis                          
FILE0002= 'ib6o21qoq_flt.fits' / Parent filename                                
GRIS0002= 'G102    '           / Beam grism element                             
PA0002  =                 74.7 / PA of dispersion axis                          
FILE0003= 'ib6o21r6q_flt.fits' / Parent filename                                
GRIS0003= 'G102    '           / Beam grism element                             
PA0003  =                 74.7 / PA of dispersion axis                          
FILE0004= 'ib6o21r8q_flt.fits' / Parent filename                                
GRIS0004= 'G102    '           / Beam grism element                             
PA0004  =                 74.7 / PA of dispersion axis                          
FILE0005= 'ib6o23rsq_flt.fits' / Parent filename                                
GRIS0005= 'G141    '           / Beam grism element                             
PA0005  =    74.40000000000001 / PA of dispersion axis                          
FILE0006= 'ib6o23ruq_flt.fits' / Parent filename                                
GRIS0006= 'G141    '           / Beam grism element                             
PA0006  =    74.40000000000001 / PA of dispersion axis                          
FILE0007= 'ib6o23ryq_flt.fits' / Parent filename                                
GRIS0007= 'G141    '           / Beam grism element                             
PA0007  =    74.40000000000001 / PA of dispersion axis                          
FILE0008= 'ib6o23s0q_flt.fits' / Parent filename                                
GRIS0008= 'G141    '           / Beam grism element                             
PA0008  =    74.40000000000001 / PA of dispersion axis                          
REDSHIFT=    1.741775372474328 / Redshift used                                  
NUMLINES=                    3 / Number of lines in this file                   
LINE001 = 'OIII    '                                                            
FLUX001 = 1.50044893258799E-16 / Line flux, 1e-17 erg/s/cm2                     
ERR001  = 9.91810863524660E-18 / Line flux err, 1e-17 erg/s/cm2                 
LINE002 = 'Hb      '                                                            
FLUX002 = 3.46045814957973E-17 / Line flux, 1e-17 erg/s/cm2                     
ERR002  = 8.31146872448036E-18 / Line flux err, 1e-17 erg/s/cm2                 
LINE003 = 'OII     '                                                            
FLUX003 = 9.52702831551467E-17 / Line flux, 1e-17 erg/s/cm2                     
ERR003  = 1.12038086906289E-17 / Line flux err, 1e-17 erg/s/cm2                 
HASLINES= 'OIII Hb OII'        / Lines in this file                             
T_G102  =          4211.742066 / Total exposure time [s]                        
T_G141  =          4211.742066 / Total exposure time [s]                        

In [12]:
from astropy.table import Table

# same as the fit table above, redshift fit to the stacked spectra
fit_stack = Table(fit_hdu['ZFIT_STACK'].data) 
plt.plot(fit_stack['zgrid'], fit_stack['pdf'], label='Stacked')

# zoom in around the initial best-guess with the individual "beam" spectra
fit_beam = Table(fit_hdu['ZFIT_BEAM'].data)   
plt.plot(fit_beam['zgrid'], fit_beam['pdf'], label='Zoom, beams')

plt.xlim(1.6, 1.9); plt.semilogy(); plt.grid()
plt.xlabel('z'); plt.ylabel('PDF(z)'); plt.legend()

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x134f3f2b0>

In [13]:
# Best-fit templates, like `tfit` above
templ = Table(fit_hdu['TEMPL'].data)

['wave', 'continuum', 'full']

In [14]:
# Extensions 'DSCI', 'LINE', 'LINEWHT'... contain the drizzled line maps
print('{0} has lines [{1}]'.format(fit_hdu.filename(), fit_hdu[0].header['HASLINES']))

# Helper script for plotting them, not generated automatically
fig = grizli.fitting.show_drizzled_lines(fit_hdu, size_arcsec=1.6, cmap='plasma_r')
fig.savefig('{0}_{1:05d}.line.png'.format(target, id))

ers-grism_40776.full.fits has lines [OIII Hb OII]

Fit stellar templates to a point source

In [15]:
target = 'ers-grism'
id = 43823 # point source

beams = grp.get_beams(id, size=80)
EPSF_FILES = os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.getenv('GRIZLI'), 'CONF',

mb = grizli.multifit.MultiBeam(beams, fcontam=0.5, group_name=target, psf=EPSF_FILES)

# Stellar templates
tstar = grizli.utils.load_templates(fwhm=1200, line_complexes=True, fsps_templates=True, stars=True)
# Just makes the plot now, outputs not saved
fig = mb.xfit_star(tstar=tstar)
