Have you ever:
In these cases, and no doubt others, a version control system should make your life easier.
To create your own clone of a repository, simply run:
git clone <repository address>
Let's go ahead and clone https://github.com/pelson/tutorial_classroom to our machines.
In [ ]:
!git clone https://github.com/pelson/tutorial_classroom
%cd tutorial_classroom
We now have a full copy of the tutorial_classroom repository in our current working directory. We could make as many changes as we liked to the repository, commit them, and nobody need know that we've done so - this really is a standalone repository.
The concept of a commit is fundamental to Git - a commit has a unique ID (SHA1 hash) which is made up of the ID of a single "tree" (basically like a directory), meta-information such as timestamp and author, and importantly contains a pointer to proceeding commit(s).
Therefore a single commit represents a state of a repository and can ultimately reference all other proceeding states. Because of the commit ID being made on the ID of proceeding commit(s), it is not possible to change old commits without affecting later commits.
Committing to your repository requires two phases:
git add
git commit
At all points, using git status
will tell you what state your repository is in, and provide some useful hints with staging.
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!git log
With git, branching is made exceptionally easy. A branch is a simple means to make changes to a repository without directly updating the master/main branch(es), making a branch the prefect place to try out new ideas, implement new features, fix bugs, and generally make any changes.
If a circle is used to represent a commit, then a branch, from any point, allows one to add commits without modifying other branches:
We can create a branch from any point in our history, or by default, from the last commit of the current branch (known as HEAD).
git branch <branch name> <reference point>
Switching between branches is a matter of simply doing git checkout <branch name>
. Finding out what branches are available is just git branch
After separating work into individual branches, we inevitably will want to bring successful changes back into the master (or any other) branch. This is known as merging.
Sometimes merging is as simple as appending commits to the target branch, known as fast-forward merging. However, it is often the case that both branches have moved forwards, requiring what is known as a "3-way merge", as demonstrated in the following image:
Luckily, git takes care of this merging for you - to merge another branch into the current branch, simply git merge <name of other branch>
will start the merge process.
As we already know, the repository that we have cloned is a complete copy of the original repository, but there are also complete copies of the repository elsewhere, which sometimes are convenient to reference.
These references are known as remotes in git, and by cloning https://github.com/pelson/tutorial_classroom
earlier, git has already made github's version of the repository available as a remote. We can see this with:
In [ ]:
!git remote --verbose
We can add remotes with
git remote add <new remote name> <URI>
and can move existing remotes with
git remote rename <old remote name> <new remote name>
Note: Normal terminology suggests calling the "blessed" github repository "upstream" and your fork "origin".
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!git status
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!git branch euroscipy_2014
!git checkout euroscipy_2014
And just confirm that the status of the repository has changed.
In [ ]:
!git status
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%mkdir euroscipy_2014
In [ ]:
%%writefile euroscipy_2014/ABOUT
This directory contains all the attendees of the
"Lessons for a scientific programmer" tutorial held at EuroScipy'14.
In [ ]:
!git status
In [ ]:
!git add euroscipy_2014/ABOUT
!git status
In [ ]:
!git commit -m "Added the class attendees folder."
Simply checking out master, and then merging the euroscipy_2014 branch would be sufficient to pull these changes in to our local master branch. e.g.
git checkout master
git merge euroscipy_2014
However, typically this is not what we would do if we wanted these changes to be integrated into the original repository on github.
Instead we would normally make this branch available publicly (on github) and submit a "pull request" (simply a request to merge) for the branch to be merged on the blessed repository.
To submit a pull request to merge our branch into the original github repository we need to make our branch available on github. However, since repositories generally have very limited permissions, we do not have sufficient privileges to write to the original github repository.
At this point we are going to need our own copy of the original repository under our own name on github. On github this is known as "forking" and is essentially just a git clone <upstream repo>
to your own space on github's servers.
Your forked repo's clone URL will now show something like
git@github.com:<YOUR USERNAME>/tutorial_classroom.git
Add this as a remote called "origin" to your local clone.
Verify that git remote --verbose
shows the expected URLs and that the command
git fetch --all
successfully runs (effectively fetching any commits which have been applied since the clone was last updated).
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!git remote rename origin upstream
# !git remote add origin git@github.com:<YOUR USERNAME>/tutorial_classroom.git
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!git remote --verbose
In [ ]:
!git push origin euroscipy_2014
If this fails, add the --verbose
flag and go through the following steps:
Sometimes you have branches on your fork which are no longer desired.
Simply doing git branch -d <branch name>
(or -D if you know that you really want it deleted) will remove a branch locally, but you cannot run git commands on your fork which is sitting on github's servers. Instead, we have to jump through a hoop and push "nothing" to this branch:
git push origin :euroscipy_2014
This command makes a little more sense when you know that git push accepts the following:
git push origin <local_branch_name>:<remote_branch_name>
But admittedly, it is still fairly obscure.
1. Split into groups of 2 or 3 and work on a single machine.
2. Update the git repo with git fetch --all
and create a branch called my_euroscipy_group
based on upstream/master (which is probably not the current branch).
3. Create a single file euroscipy_2014/<YOUR GITHUB USERNAME>.yaml
listing all of your group's github usernames in the form:
- <username 1>
- <username 2>
4. Commit the new files to your branch.
5. Push the my_euroscipy_group
branch to your fork.
6. Submit a single PR per group to register as having attended this tutorial.
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%run resources/load_style.py