In [1]:
# remove after testing
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
In [2]:
import pickle
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from mclearn.classifier import print_classification_result, predict_unlabelled_objects, map_unlabelled_objects
from import load_results, results_exist, save_results
from mclearn.preprocessing import balanced_train_test_split
%matplotlib inline'ggplot')
In [3]:
fig_dir = '../thesis/figures/4_expt1/'
scaler_path = '../pickle/01_dataset_prepration/sdss_scaler.pickle'
forest_path = '../pickle/05_class_proportion_estimation/forest.pickle'
target_col = 'class'
feature_cols = ['ra', 'dec', 'psfMag_r_w14', 'psf_u_g_w14', 'psf_g_r_w14', 'psf_r_i_w14',
'psf_i_z_w14', 'petroMag_r_w14', 'petro_u_g_w14', 'petro_g_r_w14',
'petro_r_i_w14', 'petro_i_z_w14', 'petroRad_r']
In [4]:
sdss = pd.read_hdf('../data/sdss.h5', 'sdss')
In [5]:
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = balanced_train_test_split(sdss[feature_cols],
sdss[target_col], train_size=279000*3, test_size=100000*3, random_state=11)
# separate features and coordinates
coords_train = X_train[:, 0:2]
coords_test = X_test[:, 0:2]
X_train = X_train[:, 2:]
X_test = X_test[:, 2:]
if not results_exist(forest_path):
forest = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=300, n_jobs=-1, class_weight='subsample', random_state=23), y_train)
save_results(forest, forest_path)
forest = load_results(forest_path)
correct_boolean, confusion = print_classification_result(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test,
classifier=forest, coords_test=coords_test, output='forest_all', fig_dir=fig_dir, trained=True)
In [6]:
data_cols = ['ra', 'dec', 'psfMag_u', 'psfMag_g', 'psfMag_r', 'psfMag_i', 'psfMag_z', 'petroMag_u',
'petroMag_g', 'petroMag_r', 'petroMag_i', 'petroMag_z', 'extinction_r', 'petroRad_r']
feature_cols = ['psfMag_r_w14', 'psf_u_g_w14', 'psf_g_r_w14', 'psf_r_i_w14',
'psf_i_z_w14', 'petroMag_r_w14', 'petro_u_g_w14', 'petro_g_r_w14',
'petro_r_i_w14', 'petro_i_z_w14', 'petroRad_r']
pickle_paths = ['../pickle/05_class_proportion_estimation/galaxy_map.pickle',
fig_paths = [fig_dir + 'map_prediction_forest_all.png',
fig_dir + 'map_prediction_forest_galaxies.png',
fig_dir + 'map_prediction_forest_quasars.png',
fig_dir + 'map_prediction_forest_stars.png']
targets = ['Galaxy', 'Quasar', 'Star']
if not results_exist(pickle_paths):
predict_unlabelled_objects('../data/sdss_full.h5', 'sdss_full', classifier=forest, data_cols=data_cols,
feature_cols=feature_cols, chunksize=50000, pickle_paths=pickle_paths, scaler_path=scaler_path)
galaxy_map, quasar_map, star_map = load_results(pickle_paths)
map_unlabelled_objects(galaxy_map, quasar_map, star_map, fig_paths)
Let's now correct for the class proportion. First we construct the normalised confusion matrix.
In [8]:
# order: galaxy, quasar star
confusion_matrix = np.array(
[[97608, 1892, 500],
[ 2801, 93376, 3823],
[ 1633, 8878, 89489]])
class_total = confusion_matrix.sum(axis=0)
class_total = np.tile(class_total, (3, 1))
normalised_confusion = confusion_matrix / class_total
# put normalised confusion matrix in a DataFrame
classes = ['Galaxies', 'Quasars', 'Stars']
pred_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(zip(['Predicted'] * 3, classes)))
act_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(zip(['Actual'] * 3, classes)))
confusion_features_df = pd.DataFrame(normalised_confusion, columns=pred_index, index=act_index)
# display results
print('Here\'s the normalised confusion matrix:')
confusion_features_df.applymap(lambda x: '{:.1%}'.format(x))
Let's now correct for the potential misclassification.
In [9]:
total_galaxies = 357910241
total_quasars = 170020129
total_stars = 266083661
total = total_galaxies + total_quasars + total_stars
corrected_galaxies = int(normalised_confusion[0][0] * total_galaxies + \
normalised_confusion[0][1] * total_quasars + \
normalised_confusion[0][2] * total_stars)
corrected_quasars = int(normalised_confusion[1][0] * total_galaxies + \
normalised_confusion[1][1] * total_quasars + \
normalised_confusion[1][2] * total_stars)
corrected_stars = int(normalised_confusion[2][0] * total_galaxies + \
normalised_confusion[2][1] * total_quasars + \
normalised_confusion[2][2] * total_stars)
corrected_total = corrected_galaxies + corrected_quasars + corrected_stars
p_galaxies = corrected_galaxies / corrected_total
p_stars = corrected_stars / corrected_total
p_quasars = corrected_quasars / corrected_total
print('Adjusted number of predicted as galaxies: {:,} ({:.1%})'.format(p_galaxies * total, p_galaxies))
print('Adjusted number of predicted as stars: {:,} ({:.1%})'.format(p_stars * total, p_stars))
print('Adjusted number of predicted as quasars: {:,} ({:.1%})'.format(p_quasars * total, p_quasars))
Proportion of the data that has been labelled
In [5]:
training = 1707233+714313+379456
100 * training / total