LDA on vertebrates

Notes on the data

  1. In this example the tree is contstrained
  2. In this example we have to extract position,transition, and branch.
  3. The total position are broken into N 'splits'
  4. Each split contains 30,000 files (except the last file that has less)
  5. So that means that there are 30,000 * N total positions

Browsing the data

In [34]:
import os
import numpy as np
from vertebratesLib import *

In [39]:
split = "SPLIT1"
summaryTree,summarySpecies,splitPositions = get_split_data(split)
print summaryTree.shape

(30000, 400)

a sentence of words is represented as the transitions for a given position

In [36]:
def get_sentence(position,splitPositions,summary,ignore=False):
    splitIndex = np.where(splitPositions==position)[0]
    nonZero = np.where(summary[splitIndex,:] != 0)[1]
    sentence = []
    for nz in nonZero:
        if ignore and TRANSITIONS[nz].count(TRANSITIONS[nz][0]) == 2:
        count = int(summary[splitIndex,nz][0])
        sentence.extend([TRANSITIONS[nz]] * count)
    return sentence
position = '8500'
sentence1 = get_sentence(position,splitPositions,summaryTree,ignore=False)
sentence2 = get_sentence(position,splitPositions,summaryTree,ignore=True)
print("with same AA transition")
print("without same AA transition")

with same AA transition
['AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AA', 'AL', 'AV', 'FF', 'FF', 'FF', 'FF', 'GG', 'II', 'II', 'LA', 'LA', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LL', 'LV', 'LV', 'MM', 'TT', 'TT', 'TT', 'TT', 'TT', 'VA', 'VA', 'VF', 'VI', 'VL', 'VL', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV', 'VV']
without same AA transition
['AL', 'AV', 'LA', 'LA', 'LV', 'LV', 'VA', 'VA', 'VF', 'VI', 'VL', 'VL']

Simple test run with lda package

In [37]:
import lda

## the data matrix are the sentences by vocabulary


#inPlaceTransitions = []
#for t in TRANSITIONS:

Recall that the Dirichlet Process (DP) (Ferguson, 1973) is essentially a distribution over distributions, where each draw from a DP is itself a distribution and importantly for clustering applications it serves as a natural prior that lets the number of clusters grow as the data grows. The DP has a base distribution parameter $\beta$ and a strength or concentration parameter $\alpha$.

  • $\alpha$ is a hyperprior for the DP over per-document topic distributions
  • $\beta$ is the hyperprior for the DP over per-topic word distributions
  • $\theta_{m}$ is the topic distribution for document $m$
  • $\phi_{k}$ is the word distribution for topic $k$
  • $z_{m,n}$ is the topic for the $n$th word in document $m$
  • $w_{m,n}$ is the specific word

The generative story for phylogenetics

We are still modeling topics. However, documents become sites and words become transitions. Transitions may defined in nucleotide, amino acid or codon space. Perhaps more logically though a document would be all of the sites for a given gene.

  • $\alpha$ is a hyperprior for the DP over per-site topic distributions
  • $\beta$ is the hyperprior for the DP over per-topic transition distributions
  • $\theta_{m}$ is the topic distribution for gene $m$
  • $\phi_{k}$ is the nucleotide transition distribution for topic $k$
  • $z_{m,n}$ is the topic for the $n$th nucleotide transition in gene $m$
  • $w_{m,n}$ is the specific transition

The generative process

  1. Choose $\theta_{m} \sim \textrm{Dir}(\alpha)$, where $m \in \{1,...M\}$ and $\textrm{Dir}(\alpha)$ is the Dirichlet distribtion for $\alpha$
  2. Choose $\phi_{k} \sim \textrm{Dir}(\beta)$, where $k \in \{1,...K\}$
  3. For each of the transition positions ($m$,$n$), where $n \in \{1,...N\}$, and $m \in \{1,...M\}$

    • Choose a topic $z_{m,n} \sim \textrm{Multinomial}(\theta_{m})$
    • Choose a transition $w_{m,n} \sim \textrm{Multinomial}(\phi_{m,n})$

$\phi$ is a $K*V$ Markov matrix each row of which denotes the transition distribution of a topic.

The type of data to expect

Here I am borrowing from the package LDA, which uses a collapsed version of Gibbs sampling.

In this example.

  • Positions are documents
  • First 1000 positions
  • We consider in place transitions
  • 20 topics
  • 1500 MCMC iterations
  • 7 words in a topic (transitions)


  • Topic 0: EE ED EQ EK EG DE EA
  • Topic 1: YY YF FY FF YH YC YS
  • Topic 2: RR KK RK QQ RQ HH KR
  • Topic 3: AA AS AT AV SS VA SA
  • Topic 4: II MM IV IL IM MI ML
  • Topic 5: SS ST SA SN SP TT SG
  • Topic 6: WW WL YW WS SW WV WG
  • Topic 7: KK KR RR KQ RK KE KN
  • Topic 8: HH HY HQ HR HN QH YH
  • Topic 9: CC CS SC CY SS CF LC
  • Topic 10: VV VI IV VA VL II VM
  • Topic 11: TT TA TS TV TI ST TM
  • Topic 12: DD DE DN ED EE DG ND
  • Topic 13: QQ QK QE QH QR QL QP
  • Topic 14: FF FL LF FY FI FV FC
  • Topic 15: PP PS SP PA PL PT PQ
  • Topic 16: NN NS SS ND NK SN NT
  • Topic 17: LL LI LV LM LF MM LQ
  • Topic 18: RR RK RQ RT RW RY RV
  • Topic 19: GG GS GA GE GN SG GD

top topics

  • position - 0 (top topic: 3)
  • position - 1 (top topic: 19)
  • position - 10 (top topic: 3)
  • position - 100 (top topic: 18)
  • position - 1000 (top topic: 7)
  • position - 10000 (top topic: 7)
  • position - 10001 (top topic: 7)
  • position - 10002 (top topic: 19)
  • position - 10003 (top topic: 7)
  • position - 10004 (top topic: 5)

In [38]:
from IPython.display import Image
dataDir = None
for ddir in [os.path.join("..","data","herve-vertebrates"),\
    if os.path.isdir(ddir):
        dataDir = ddir

split = "SPLIT1"
position = "0"
treeList = get_trees(split,position,dataDir)
countMatrix = np.zeros((len(treeList),len(TRANSITIONS)),)
t = 0
for t,pbTree in enumerate(treeList):
    fixedTree,treeSummary = fix_tree(pbTree)
    tlist = []
    for item in treeSummary.itervalues():
    counts = transitions_to_counts(tlist)
    countMatrix[t,:] = counts

figName1 = os.path.join("figures","lda-bplot-check.png")
profile_box_plot(countMatrix,figName1,figTitle='position - %s'%position)


Where to go

  • whole tree summary
  • species specific tree summary
  • incorporate gene boundries
  • parameter search to optimize num. of words per topic and num. topics
  • add distance calculator (KL-divergence) to get distance between any two topic distributions
  • port to MALLET (U. Mass) or another tuned library

In [ ]:


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  • Blei, D. M.; Ng, A. Y. & Jordan, M. I. Latent Dirichlet Allocation Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2003, 3, 993-1022
  • Ferguson, T. S. A Bayesian Analysis of Some Nonparametric Problems The Annals of Statistics, 1973, 1, 209-230
  • Huelsenbeck, J. P.; Jain, S.; Frost, S. W. D. & Pond, S. L. K. A Dirichlet process model for detecting positive selection in protein-coding DNA sequences PNAS, 2006, 103, 6263-8
  • Robinson, D. M.; Jones, D. T.; Kishino, H.; Goldman, N. & Thorne, J. L. Protein evolution with dependence among codons due to tertiary structure Mol. Biol. Evol., 2003, 20, 1692-1704
  • Rodrigue, N.; Kleinman, C. L.; Philippe, H. & Lartillot, N. Computational methods for evaluating phylogenetic models of coding sequence evolution with dependence between codons. Molecular biology and evolution, 2009, 26, 1663-76

In [ ]: