In [1]:
import gensim
from gensim import corpora, models
from sklearn.externals import joblib
from datetime import datetime
from gensim.models import CoherenceModel, LsiModel, HdpModel
import pickle
import glob
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from gensim.models import CoherenceModel, LdaModel, LsiModel, HdpModel
from gensim.models.wrappers import LdaMallet

import pyLDAvis
import pyLDAvis.gensim

import logging
# logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)

In [3]:

# dataset = 'karbala'
dataset = 'all'

corpus_dictionary_file = 'data/eos/ngram/bigram_dict_'+dataset+'.dict'
corpus_doc2bow_file = 'data/eos/ngram/bigram_bow_corpus_'+dataset+'.mm'

# Load to memory
corpus = gensim.corpora.MmCorpus(corpus_doc2bow_file)
dictionary = gensim.corpora.Dictionary.load(corpus_dictionary_file)


2017-06-21 17:43:17,259 : INFO : loaded corpus index from data/eos/ngram/
2017-06-21 17:43:17,260 : INFO : initializing corpus reader from data/eos/ngram/
2017-06-21 17:43:17,261 : INFO : accepted corpus with 459977 documents, 100000 features, 86838816 non-zero entries
2017-06-21 17:43:17,261 : INFO : loading Dictionary object from data/eos/ngram/bigram_dict_all.dict
2017-06-21 17:43:17,299 : INFO : loaded data/eos/ngram/bigram_dict_all.dict
MmCorpus(459977 documents, 100000 features, 86838816 non-zero entries)
Dictionary(100000 unique tokens: ['sco', 'قابل_توجهی', 'dog_accessibility', 'auschwitz_birkenau', 'judicial_inquiry']...)
CPU times: user 64 ms, sys: 20 ms, total: 84 ms
Wall time: 80.1 ms

Topic modeling with LSI

In [4]:

def lsi_model_build(lsi_model_path):
    print ("start modeling lsi " +"%H:%M:%S"))
    lsimodel = LsiModel(corpus=corpus, num_topics=10, id2word=dictionary)
    joblib.dump(lsimodel, lsi_model_path)
    lsimodel.show_topics(num_topics=10)  # Showing only the top 5 topics
    print ("finished modeling lsi " +"%H:%M:%S"))
    return lsimodel

# lsimodel = joblib.load(lsi_model_path)

CPU times: user 0 ns, sys: 0 ns, total: 0 ns
Wall time: 4.29 µs

In [ ]:

Topic modeling with HDP

In [5]:

def hdp_model_build(hdp_model_path):
    print ("start modeling hdp " +"%H:%M:%S"))
    hdpmodel = HdpModel(corpus=corpus, id2word=dictionary)
    joblib.dump(hdpmodel, hdp_model_path)
    print ("finished modeling hdp " +"%H:%M:%S"))
    return hdpmodel

# hdpmodel = joblib.load(hdp_model_path)

CPU times: user 0 ns, sys: 0 ns, total: 0 ns
Wall time: 5.96 µs

In [ ]:

In [6]:

def mallet_lda_build(mallet_model_path):
    mallet_bin = '/home/sonic/sonic/mallet-2.0.8/bin/mallet'

    lda_mallet_model = gensim.models.wrappers.LdaMallet(mallet_bin, corpus=corpus, 
                                               num_topics=20, id2word=dictionary)

    joblib.dump(lda_mallet_model, mallet_model_path)

# lda_mallet_model = joblib.load(mallet_model_path)

CPU times: user 0 ns, sys: 0 ns, total: 0 ns
Wall time: 4.05 µs

In [7]:

lsi_model_path = 'data/eos/models/lsimodel_10_EOS.pkl'
hdp_model_path = 'data/eos/models/hdpmodel_EOS.pkl'
mallet_model_path = 'data/eos/models/malletmodel_EOS.pkl'

def generateModels():

CPU times: user 0 ns, sys: 0 ns, total: 0 ns
Wall time: 3.81 µs

In [8]:

# Generate and save models

2017-06-21 17:44:05,302 : INFO : using serial LSI version on this node
2017-06-21 17:44:05,303 : INFO : updating model with new documents
start modeling lsi 17:44:05
2017-06-21 17:44:11,890 : INFO : preparing a new chunk of documents
2017-06-21 17:44:12,376 : INFO : using 100 extra samples and 2 power iterations
2017-06-21 17:44:12,376 : INFO : 1st phase: constructing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:44:12,856 : INFO : orthonormalizing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:44:19,354 : INFO : 2nd phase: running dense svd on (110, 20000) matrix
2017-06-21 17:44:19,776 : INFO : computing the final decomposition
2017-06-21 17:44:19,779 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 37.412% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:44:19,818 : INFO : processed documents up to #20000
2017-06-21 17:44:19,847 : INFO : topic #0(1675.304): 0.418*"turkish" + 0.397*"istanbul" + 0.361*"turkey" + 0.137*"police" + 0.121*"2014" + 0.116*"protest" + 0.112*"city" + 0.109*"continue" + 0.102*"border" + 0.098*"people"
2017-06-21 17:44:19,850 : INFO : topic #1(1037.634): 0.245*"city" + -0.237*"turkish" + -0.225*"istanbul" + -0.200*"turkey" + 0.162*"one" + 0.142*"2014" + 0.139*"can" + 0.128*"also" + 0.124*"people" + 0.121*"make"
2017-06-21 17:44:19,852 : INFO : topic #2(534.528): -0.286*"1" + 0.278*"police" + -0.242*"2" + -0.236*"game" + -0.190*"3" + 0.189*"hong_kong" + 0.187*"protester" + 0.185*"protest" + -0.173*"win" + 0.168*"government"
2017-06-21 17:44:19,855 : INFO : topic #3(501.496): 0.302*"1" + 0.256*"3" + 0.253*"2" + 0.243*"2014" + 0.240*"police" + 0.200*"protest" + 0.191*"protester" + 0.182*"hong_kong" + 0.159*"4" + 0.155*"city"
2017-06-21 17:44:19,858 : INFO : topic #4(450.713): -0.459*"2014" + 0.244*"police" + 0.213*"protester" + 0.213*"hong_kong" + 0.200*"game" + 0.183*"protest" + -0.162*"december" + -0.160*"comment" + -0.157*"city" + 0.110*"win"
2017-06-21 17:44:27,019 : INFO : preparing a new chunk of documents
2017-06-21 17:44:27,540 : INFO : using 100 extra samples and 2 power iterations
2017-06-21 17:44:27,540 : INFO : 1st phase: constructing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:44:28,024 : INFO : orthonormalizing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:44:34,534 : INFO : 2nd phase: running dense svd on (110, 20000) matrix
2017-06-21 17:44:34,952 : INFO : computing the final decomposition
2017-06-21 17:44:34,955 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 26.681% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:44:34,991 : INFO : merging projections: (100000, 10) + (100000, 10)
2017-06-21 17:44:35,020 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 3.856% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:44:35,034 : INFO : processed documents up to #40000
2017-06-21 17:44:35,037 : INFO : topic #0(2925.203): 0.444*"turkish" + 0.422*"istanbul" + 0.383*"turkey" + 0.127*"police" + 0.114*"protest" + 0.111*"continue" + 0.108*"border" + 0.101*"2014" + 0.096*"kill" + 0.087*"first"
2017-06-21 17:44:35,039 : INFO : topic #1(1365.317): -0.188*"turkish" + 0.186*"city" + -0.181*"istanbul" + 0.172*"one" + -0.153*"turkey" + 0.151*"2014" + 0.141*"also" + 0.135*"people" + 0.134*"can" + 0.127*"make"
2017-06-21 17:44:35,042 : INFO : topic #2(712.029): -0.308*"new_york" + -0.296*"police" + -0.267*"protest" + -0.245*"grand_jury" + -0.194*"decision" + -0.185*"garner" + -0.170*"2014" + -0.167*"police_officer" + -0.161*"death" + -0.156*"city"
2017-06-21 17:44:35,045 : INFO : topic #3(657.338): 0.244*"game" + -0.213*"report" + -0.212*"cia" + 0.188*"1" + -0.176*"government" + 0.173*"3" + 0.170*"win" + 0.161*"city" + 0.157*"2" + 0.148*"point"
2017-06-21 17:44:35,048 : INFO : topic #4(556.675): 0.427*"cia" + 0.362*"report" + 0.236*"2014" + 0.175*"1" + 0.154*"2" + -0.148*"people" + -0.147*"city" + 0.145*"3" + 0.128*"detainee" + 0.121*"u.s."
2017-06-21 17:44:41,943 : INFO : preparing a new chunk of documents
2017-06-21 17:44:42,432 : INFO : using 100 extra samples and 2 power iterations
2017-06-21 17:44:42,432 : INFO : 1st phase: constructing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:44:42,915 : INFO : orthonormalizing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:44:49,414 : INFO : 2nd phase: running dense svd on (110, 20000) matrix
2017-06-21 17:44:49,834 : INFO : computing the final decomposition
2017-06-21 17:44:49,836 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 36.084% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:44:49,873 : INFO : merging projections: (100000, 10) + (100000, 10)
2017-06-21 17:44:49,901 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 0.861% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:44:49,919 : INFO : processed documents up to #60000
2017-06-21 17:44:49,922 : INFO : topic #0(3421.938): 0.440*"turkish" + 0.419*"istanbul" + 0.380*"turkey" + 0.129*"police" + 0.115*"protest" + 0.111*"continue" + 0.108*"border" + 0.104*"2014" + 0.096*"kill" + 0.089*"first"
2017-06-21 17:44:49,924 : INFO : topic #1(1702.202): 0.205*"city" + -0.195*"turkish" + -0.187*"istanbul" + 0.171*"one" + -0.161*"turkey" + 0.152*"2014" + 0.139*"also" + 0.137*"can" + 0.134*"people" + 0.127*"make"
2017-06-21 17:44:49,927 : INFO : topic #2(869.679): -0.318*"police" + -0.280*"new_york" + -0.265*"protest" + -0.222*"grand_jury" + -0.174*"decision" + -0.173*"2014" + -0.168*"garner" + -0.156*"police_officer" + -0.151*"death" + -0.150*"city"
2017-06-21 17:44:49,930 : INFO : topic #3(799.449): 0.257*"game" + 0.221*"1" + 0.211*"3" + -0.191*"government" + 0.184*"2" + 0.179*"win" + 0.157*"2014" + 0.147*"point" + 0.145*"new_york" + 0.138*"city"
2017-06-21 17:44:49,932 : INFO : topic #4(690.826): 0.636*"2014" + -0.200*"police" + 0.185*"december" + 0.146*"comment" + 0.131*"1" + 0.124*"report" + 0.120*"2" + -0.117*"new_york" + -0.111*"game" + 0.109*"dec"
2017-06-21 17:44:57,020 : INFO : preparing a new chunk of documents
2017-06-21 17:44:57,525 : INFO : using 100 extra samples and 2 power iterations
2017-06-21 17:44:57,525 : INFO : 1st phase: constructing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:44:58,011 : INFO : orthonormalizing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:45:04,596 : INFO : 2nd phase: running dense svd on (110, 20000) matrix
2017-06-21 17:45:05,013 : INFO : computing the final decomposition
2017-06-21 17:45:05,014 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 31.236% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:45:05,050 : INFO : merging projections: (100000, 10) + (100000, 10)
2017-06-21 17:45:05,082 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 0.774% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:45:05,099 : INFO : processed documents up to #80000
2017-06-21 17:45:05,101 : INFO : topic #0(4027.995): 0.442*"turkish" + 0.421*"istanbul" + 0.382*"turkey" + 0.128*"police" + 0.115*"protest" + 0.111*"continue" + 0.108*"border" + 0.103*"2014" + 0.096*"kill" + 0.088*"first"
2017-06-21 17:45:05,104 : INFO : topic #1(1930.445): -0.191*"turkish" + 0.185*"city" + -0.184*"istanbul" + 0.172*"one" + -0.156*"turkey" + 0.152*"2014" + 0.141*"also" + 0.135*"can" + 0.135*"people" + 0.127*"make"
2017-06-21 17:45:05,108 : INFO : topic #2(1009.889): -0.310*"new_york" + -0.290*"police" + -0.273*"protest" + -0.247*"grand_jury" + -0.197*"decision" + -0.182*"garner" + -0.181*"2014" + -0.167*"police_officer" + -0.161*"city" + -0.159*"death"
2017-06-21 17:45:05,111 : INFO : topic #3(926.920): 0.251*"game" + 0.206*"1" + -0.190*"government" + 0.185*"3" + -0.176*"report" + 0.175*"win" + 0.173*"2" + -0.159*"cia" + 0.150*"city" + 0.150*"point"
2017-06-21 17:45:05,113 : INFO : topic #4(777.997): 0.523*"2014" + 0.238*"report" + 0.207*"1" + 0.190*"2" + 0.188*"cia" + -0.170*"police" + 0.160*"3" + 0.147*"december" + -0.124*"people" + 0.118*"4"
2017-06-21 17:45:11,576 : INFO : preparing a new chunk of documents
2017-06-21 17:45:12,041 : INFO : using 100 extra samples and 2 power iterations
2017-06-21 17:45:12,042 : INFO : 1st phase: constructing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:45:12,500 : INFO : orthonormalizing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:45:18,873 : INFO : 2nd phase: running dense svd on (110, 20000) matrix
2017-06-21 17:45:19,309 : INFO : computing the final decomposition
2017-06-21 17:45:19,310 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 34.369% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:45:19,345 : INFO : merging projections: (100000, 10) + (100000, 10)
2017-06-21 17:45:19,376 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 1.065% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:45:19,388 : INFO : processed documents up to #100000
2017-06-21 17:45:19,391 : INFO : topic #0(4406.355): 0.442*"turkish" + 0.421*"istanbul" + 0.382*"turkey" + 0.127*"police" + 0.114*"protest" + 0.111*"continue" + 0.108*"border" + 0.103*"2014" + 0.096*"kill" + 0.088*"first"
2017-06-21 17:45:19,394 : INFO : topic #1(2134.282): -0.191*"turkish" + -0.184*"istanbul" + 0.172*"one" + 0.158*"city" + -0.156*"turkey" + 0.149*"2014" + 0.144*"also" + 0.135*"can" + 0.132*"people" + 0.128*"make"
2017-06-21 17:45:19,398 : INFO : topic #2(1104.295): 0.309*"new_york" + 0.274*"police" + 0.263*"protest" + 0.248*"grand_jury" + 0.199*"decision" + 0.189*"2014" + 0.182*"garner" + 0.165*"police_officer" + 0.165*"city" + 0.159*"death"
2017-06-21 17:45:19,401 : INFO : topic #3(1026.629): 0.245*"game" + -0.210*"report" + -0.193*"cia" + -0.191*"government" + 0.168*"win" + 0.158*"1" + 0.156*"3" + 0.148*"city" + 0.144*"point" + 0.133*"2"
2017-06-21 17:45:19,404 : INFO : topic #4(853.442): 0.407*"cia" + 0.345*"report" + -0.165*"city" + 0.162*"1" + 0.153*"game" + -0.147*"people" + 0.144*"2" + 0.140*"point" + 0.131*"3" + 0.130*"u.s."
2017-06-21 17:45:25,818 : INFO : preparing a new chunk of documents
2017-06-21 17:45:26,287 : INFO : using 100 extra samples and 2 power iterations
2017-06-21 17:45:26,288 : INFO : 1st phase: constructing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:45:26,744 : INFO : orthonormalizing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:45:33,089 : INFO : 2nd phase: running dense svd on (110, 20000) matrix
2017-06-21 17:45:33,478 : INFO : computing the final decomposition
2017-06-21 17:45:33,479 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 42.107% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:45:33,514 : INFO : merging projections: (100000, 10) + (100000, 10)
2017-06-21 17:45:33,542 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 0.781% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:45:33,555 : INFO : processed documents up to #120000
2017-06-21 17:45:33,557 : INFO : topic #0(4617.733): 0.440*"turkish" + 0.418*"istanbul" + 0.380*"turkey" + 0.127*"police" + 0.113*"protest" + 0.111*"continue" + 0.108*"border" + 0.105*"2014" + 0.096*"kill" + 0.089*"first"
2017-06-21 17:45:33,560 : INFO : topic #1(2337.945): -0.195*"turkish" + -0.188*"istanbul" + 0.172*"one" + -0.159*"turkey" + 0.146*"2014" + 0.146*"also" + 0.138*"can" + 0.137*"city" + 0.131*"make" + 0.128*"people"
2017-06-21 17:45:33,563 : INFO : topic #2(1157.820): -0.252*"police" + -0.217*"new_york" + 0.215*"game" + -0.209*"protest" + -0.181*"grand_jury" + -0.153*"2014" + 0.147*"win" + -0.146*"decision" + 0.141*"point" + -0.135*"u.s."
2017-06-21 17:45:33,566 : INFO : topic #3(1102.653): 0.230*"new_york" + 0.217*"2014" + 0.194*"game" + 0.188*"city" + 0.168*"3" + -0.168*"government" + 0.168*"grand_jury" + 0.164*"protest" + -0.162*"report" + -0.147*"cia"
2017-06-21 17:45:33,568 : INFO : topic #4(920.748): -0.414*"cia" + -0.339*"report" + -0.177*"game" + 0.172*"city" + -0.156*"point" + -0.142*"u.s." + -0.125*"detainee" + 0.125*"2014" + -0.123*"official" + -0.116*"torture"
2017-06-21 17:45:40,472 : INFO : preparing a new chunk of documents
2017-06-21 17:45:40,975 : INFO : using 100 extra samples and 2 power iterations
2017-06-21 17:45:40,975 : INFO : 1st phase: constructing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:45:41,453 : INFO : orthonormalizing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:45:47,939 : INFO : 2nd phase: running dense svd on (110, 20000) matrix
2017-06-21 17:45:48,366 : INFO : computing the final decomposition
2017-06-21 17:45:48,367 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 28.270% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:45:48,406 : INFO : merging projections: (100000, 10) + (100000, 10)
2017-06-21 17:45:48,433 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 0.512% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:45:48,445 : INFO : processed documents up to #140000
2017-06-21 17:45:48,448 : INFO : topic #0(5131.448): 0.442*"turkish" + 0.420*"istanbul" + 0.382*"turkey" + 0.126*"police" + 0.113*"protest" + 0.111*"continue" + 0.108*"border" + 0.103*"2014" + 0.096*"kill" + 0.089*"first"
2017-06-21 17:45:48,450 : INFO : topic #1(2503.380): -0.190*"turkish" + -0.184*"istanbul" + 0.171*"one" + -0.154*"turkey" + 0.147*"also" + 0.146*"2014" + 0.135*"can" + 0.130*"make" + 0.129*"people" + 0.129*"report"
2017-06-21 17:45:48,453 : INFO : topic #2(1263.754): -0.260*"new_york" + -0.248*"police" + -0.228*"protest" + -0.214*"grand_jury" + -0.173*"decision" + 0.172*"game" + -0.164*"2014" + -0.157*"garner" + -0.149*"u.s." + -0.145*"death"
2017-06-21 17:45:48,455 : INFO : topic #3(1212.113): -0.224*"report" + -0.215*"cia" + 0.202*"new_york" + 0.201*"game" + 0.183*"2014" + 0.180*"city" + -0.167*"government" + 0.149*"3" + 0.146*"grand_jury" + 0.136*"protest"
2017-06-21 17:45:48,459 : INFO : topic #4(1023.441): 0.462*"cia" + 0.352*"report" + 0.195*"game" + 0.168*"point" + 0.138*"detainee" + -0.130*"city" + 0.127*"torture" + 0.122*"win" + -0.122*"government" + -0.118*"people"
2017-06-21 17:45:55,486 : INFO : preparing a new chunk of documents
2017-06-21 17:45:55,996 : INFO : using 100 extra samples and 2 power iterations
2017-06-21 17:45:55,996 : INFO : 1st phase: constructing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:45:56,490 : INFO : orthonormalizing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:46:03,529 : INFO : 2nd phase: running dense svd on (110, 20000) matrix
2017-06-21 17:46:03,920 : INFO : computing the final decomposition
2017-06-21 17:46:03,921 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 38.028% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:46:03,956 : INFO : merging projections: (100000, 10) + (100000, 10)
2017-06-21 17:46:03,986 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 1.887% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:46:03,998 : INFO : processed documents up to #160000
2017-06-21 17:46:04,001 : INFO : topic #0(5401.506): 0.444*"turkish" + 0.417*"istanbul" + 0.385*"turkey" + 0.126*"police" + 0.113*"protest" + 0.110*"continue" + 0.107*"border" + 0.101*"2014" + 0.096*"kill" + 0.090*"first"
2017-06-21 17:46:04,004 : INFO : topic #1(2680.919): -0.193*"turkish" + -0.189*"istanbul" + 0.174*"one" + -0.154*"turkey" + 0.147*"also" + 0.135*"can" + 0.131*"people" + 0.130*"make" + 0.129*"government" + 0.125*"report"
2017-06-21 17:46:04,007 : INFO : topic #2(1311.790): -0.212*"police" + 0.199*"game" + -0.190*"new_york" + -0.183*"report" + -0.179*"protest" + -0.163*"u.s." + -0.162*"grand_jury" + -0.145*"cia" + -0.142*"kill" + 0.138*"win"
2017-06-21 17:46:04,009 : INFO : topic #3(1263.102): 0.259*"new_york" + 0.237*"2014" + 0.207*"city" + 0.192*"grand_jury" + 0.192*"protest" + 0.172*"police" + -0.157*"government" + 0.152*"decision" + 0.151*"3" + 0.143*"game"
2017-06-21 17:46:04,013 : INFO : topic #4(1051.158): 0.474*"cia" + 0.369*"report" + 0.186*"game" + 0.156*"point" + 0.142*"detainee" + -0.135*"city" + -0.134*"government" + 0.131*"torture" + -0.127*"people" + 0.114*"win"
2017-06-21 17:46:10,879 : INFO : preparing a new chunk of documents
2017-06-21 17:46:11,371 : INFO : using 100 extra samples and 2 power iterations
2017-06-21 17:46:11,372 : INFO : 1st phase: constructing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:46:11,870 : INFO : orthonormalizing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:46:18,423 : INFO : 2nd phase: running dense svd on (110, 20000) matrix
2017-06-21 17:46:18,843 : INFO : computing the final decomposition
2017-06-21 17:46:18,844 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 43.346% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:46:18,881 : INFO : merging projections: (100000, 10) + (100000, 10)
2017-06-21 17:46:18,909 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 2.880% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:46:18,923 : INFO : processed documents up to #180000
2017-06-21 17:46:18,927 : INFO : topic #0(5557.732): 0.444*"turkish" + 0.411*"istanbul" + 0.388*"turkey" + 0.126*"police" + 0.112*"protest" + 0.108*"continue" + 0.104*"border" + 0.100*"2014" + 0.096*"kill" + 0.093*"first"
2017-06-21 17:46:18,930 : INFO : topic #1(2870.414): -0.199*"turkish" + -0.198*"istanbul" + 0.176*"one" + -0.157*"turkey" + 0.147*"also" + 0.135*"can" + 0.134*"people" + 0.131*"government" + 0.129*"make" + 0.118*"report"
2017-06-21 17:46:18,933 : INFO : topic #2(1357.848): 0.220*"game" + -0.194*"report" + -0.175*"government" + -0.153*"u.s." + 0.150*"win" + -0.145*"cia" + 0.143*"get" + -0.138*"police" + 0.136*"play" + -0.135*"force"
2017-06-21 17:46:18,934 : INFO : topic #3(1297.287): 0.299*"new_york" + 0.282*"2014" + 0.238*"protest" + 0.236*"police" + 0.227*"grand_jury" + 0.218*"city" + 0.180*"decision" + 0.165*"garner" + 0.156*"man" + 0.155*"december"
2017-06-21 17:46:18,937 : INFO : topic #4(1061.326): 0.473*"cia" + 0.384*"report" + 0.175*"game" + 0.150*"point" + 0.141*"detainee" + -0.140*"city" + -0.138*"people" + 0.132*"torture" + -0.124*"government" + 0.113*"release"
2017-06-21 17:46:25,802 : INFO : preparing a new chunk of documents
2017-06-21 17:46:26,297 : INFO : using 100 extra samples and 2 power iterations
2017-06-21 17:46:26,298 : INFO : 1st phase: constructing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:46:26,781 : INFO : orthonormalizing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:46:33,288 : INFO : 2nd phase: running dense svd on (110, 20000) matrix
2017-06-21 17:46:33,693 : INFO : computing the final decomposition
2017-06-21 17:46:33,696 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 42.221% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:46:33,732 : INFO : merging projections: (100000, 10) + (100000, 10)
2017-06-21 17:46:33,758 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 1.744% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:46:33,772 : INFO : processed documents up to #200000
2017-06-21 17:46:33,775 : INFO : topic #0(5717.258): 0.445*"turkish" + 0.406*"istanbul" + 0.391*"turkey" + 0.125*"police" + 0.111*"protest" + 0.106*"continue" + 0.102*"border" + 0.098*"2014" + 0.096*"kill" + 0.095*"first"
2017-06-21 17:46:33,778 : INFO : topic #1(3042.713): -0.206*"istanbul" + -0.206*"turkish" + 0.177*"one" + -0.161*"turkey" + 0.146*"also" + 0.135*"people" + 0.134*"can" + 0.133*"government" + 0.128*"make" + 0.115*"go"
2017-06-21 17:46:33,781 : INFO : topic #2(1418.308): 0.210*"game" + -0.202*"government" + -0.172*"report" + -0.160*"force" + 0.148*"get" + 0.144*"win" + -0.141*"iraq" + -0.138*"u.s." + -0.136*"official" + -0.135*"syria"
2017-06-21 17:46:33,783 : INFO : topic #3(1326.026): 0.302*"2014" + 0.295*"new_york" + 0.260*"police" + 0.250*"protest" + 0.226*"grand_jury" + 0.212*"city" + 0.179*"decision" + 0.165*"garner" + 0.162*"december" + 0.156*"man"
2017-06-21 17:46:33,786 : INFO : topic #4(1086.487): 0.462*"2014" + -0.169*"people" + -0.138*"one" + -0.137*"police" + 0.134*"company" + 0.133*"report" + 0.129*"1" + 0.118*"market" + 0.118*"december" + 0.117*"2"
2017-06-21 17:46:40,532 : INFO : preparing a new chunk of documents
2017-06-21 17:46:41,016 : INFO : using 100 extra samples and 2 power iterations
2017-06-21 17:46:41,017 : INFO : 1st phase: constructing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:46:41,503 : INFO : orthonormalizing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:46:48,390 : INFO : 2nd phase: running dense svd on (110, 20000) matrix
2017-06-21 17:46:48,812 : INFO : computing the final decomposition
2017-06-21 17:46:48,815 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 42.963% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:46:48,851 : INFO : merging projections: (100000, 10) + (100000, 10)
2017-06-21 17:46:48,882 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 1.508% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:46:48,897 : INFO : processed documents up to #220000
2017-06-21 17:46:48,900 : INFO : topic #0(5869.916): 0.444*"turkish" + 0.400*"istanbul" + 0.392*"turkey" + 0.125*"police" + 0.110*"protest" + 0.104*"continue" + 0.100*"border" + 0.098*"first" + 0.097*"2014" + 0.096*"kill"
2017-06-21 17:46:48,903 : INFO : topic #1(3211.097): -0.214*"istanbul" + -0.213*"turkish" + 0.177*"one" + -0.166*"turkey" + 0.145*"also" + 0.136*"people" + 0.135*"government" + 0.134*"can" + 0.127*"make" + 0.115*"go"
2017-06-21 17:46:48,905 : INFO : topic #2(1482.687): -0.212*"government" + 0.193*"game" + -0.173*"force" + -0.152*"iraq" + -0.150*"report" + 0.150*"get" + -0.146*"syria" + -0.139*"group" + -0.137*"official" + 0.137*"go"
2017-06-21 17:46:48,908 : INFO : topic #3(1358.529): 0.310*"2014" + 0.271*"new_york" + 0.268*"police" + 0.250*"protest" + 0.209*"grand_jury" + 0.200*"city" + -0.192*"turkey" + 0.164*"decision" + 0.158*"december" + 0.152*"garner"
2017-06-21 17:46:48,911 : INFO : topic #4(1136.455): 0.413*"2014" + 0.154*"company" + -0.148*"people" + -0.139*"one" + 0.134*"market" + -0.113*"go" + 0.111*"december" + 0.105*"1" + -0.103*"force" + 0.103*"new"
2017-06-21 17:46:56,086 : INFO : preparing a new chunk of documents
2017-06-21 17:46:56,606 : INFO : using 100 extra samples and 2 power iterations
2017-06-21 17:46:56,607 : INFO : 1st phase: constructing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:46:57,154 : INFO : orthonormalizing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:47:03,835 : INFO : 2nd phase: running dense svd on (110, 20000) matrix
2017-06-21 17:47:04,265 : INFO : computing the final decomposition
2017-06-21 17:47:04,266 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 32.647% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:47:04,300 : INFO : merging projections: (100000, 10) + (100000, 10)
2017-06-21 17:47:04,329 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 0.879% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:47:04,343 : INFO : processed documents up to #240000
2017-06-21 17:47:04,346 : INFO : topic #0(6199.859): 0.446*"turkish" + 0.401*"istanbul" + 0.394*"turkey" + 0.125*"police" + 0.110*"protest" + 0.104*"continue" + 0.100*"border" + 0.097*"first" + 0.096*"kill" + 0.096*"2014"
2017-06-21 17:47:04,348 : INFO : topic #1(3352.593): -0.212*"istanbul" + -0.210*"turkish" + 0.178*"one" + -0.163*"turkey" + 0.145*"also" + 0.137*"people" + 0.136*"government" + 0.133*"can" + 0.126*"make" + 0.114*"country"
2017-06-21 17:47:04,350 : INFO : topic #2(1552.721): -0.205*"government" + 0.183*"game" + -0.177*"force" + -0.157*"iraq" + -0.154*"report" + -0.150*"syria" + 0.149*"get" + -0.142*"group" + -0.140*"official" + -0.139*"islamic_state"
2017-06-21 17:47:04,353 : INFO : topic #3(1424.691): 0.295*"2014" + 0.273*"new_york" + 0.266*"police" + 0.250*"protest" + 0.210*"grand_jury" + -0.200*"turkey" + 0.195*"city" + 0.166*"decision" + 0.154*"december" + 0.153*"garner"
2017-06-21 17:47:04,355 : INFO : topic #4(1174.634): 0.347*"2014" + 0.158*"company" + -0.141*"islamic_state" + -0.139*"syria" + 0.133*"market" + -0.133*"force" + -0.128*"one" + -0.126*"people" + -0.126*"iraq" + 0.122*"report"
2017-06-21 17:47:10,567 : INFO : preparing a new chunk of documents
2017-06-21 17:47:11,021 : INFO : using 100 extra samples and 2 power iterations
2017-06-21 17:47:11,021 : INFO : 1st phase: constructing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:47:11,464 : INFO : orthonormalizing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:47:17,762 : INFO : 2nd phase: running dense svd on (110, 20000) matrix
2017-06-21 17:47:18,194 : INFO : computing the final decomposition
2017-06-21 17:47:18,195 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 33.697% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:47:18,230 : INFO : merging projections: (100000, 10) + (100000, 10)
2017-06-21 17:47:18,259 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 0.240% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:47:18,273 : INFO : processed documents up to #260000
2017-06-21 17:47:18,276 : INFO : topic #0(6461.082): 0.446*"turkish" + 0.403*"istanbul" + 0.393*"turkey" + 0.125*"police" + 0.110*"protest" + 0.104*"continue" + 0.101*"border" + 0.096*"first" + 0.096*"2014" + 0.096*"kill"
2017-06-21 17:47:18,279 : INFO : topic #1(3465.898): -0.210*"istanbul" + -0.207*"turkish" + 0.178*"one" + -0.161*"turkey" + 0.146*"also" + 0.136*"government" + 0.136*"people" + 0.133*"can" + 0.127*"make" + 0.114*"country"
2017-06-21 17:47:18,281 : INFO : topic #2(1611.033): -0.201*"government" + 0.185*"game" + -0.173*"force" + -0.166*"report" + -0.155*"iraq" + -0.149*"syria" + 0.148*"get" + -0.142*"official" + -0.140*"group" + -0.139*"attack"
2017-06-21 17:47:18,283 : INFO : topic #3(1479.871): 0.294*"2014" + 0.283*"new_york" + 0.260*"police" + 0.248*"protest" + 0.218*"grand_jury" + 0.198*"city" + -0.184*"turkey" + 0.172*"decision" + 0.158*"december" + 0.158*"garner"
2017-06-21 17:47:18,285 : INFO : topic #4(1225.414): 0.334*"2014" + 0.197*"report" + 0.191*"cia" + 0.151*"company" + -0.147*"syria" + -0.147*"islamic_state" + -0.139*"force" + -0.136*"iraq" + -0.130*"people" + 0.127*"market"
2017-06-21 17:47:23,675 : INFO : preparing a new chunk of documents
2017-06-21 17:47:24,072 : INFO : using 100 extra samples and 2 power iterations
2017-06-21 17:47:24,072 : INFO : 1st phase: constructing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:47:24,475 : INFO : orthonormalizing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:47:30,563 : INFO : 2nd phase: running dense svd on (110, 20000) matrix
2017-06-21 17:47:30,986 : INFO : computing the final decomposition
2017-06-21 17:47:30,987 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 52.349% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:47:31,022 : INFO : merging projections: (100000, 10) + (100000, 10)
2017-06-21 17:47:31,051 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 0.430% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:47:31,063 : INFO : processed documents up to #280000
2017-06-21 17:47:31,066 : INFO : topic #0(6513.809): 0.444*"turkish" + 0.401*"istanbul" + 0.391*"turkey" + 0.125*"police" + 0.110*"protest" + 0.105*"continue" + 0.101*"border" + 0.098*"2014" + 0.097*"first" + 0.096*"kill"
2017-06-21 17:47:31,069 : INFO : topic #1(3568.332): -0.212*"istanbul" + -0.212*"turkish" + 0.177*"one" + -0.166*"turkey" + 0.145*"also" + 0.135*"can" + 0.134*"government" + 0.134*"people" + 0.127*"make" + 0.114*"go"
2017-06-21 17:47:31,072 : INFO : topic #2(1652.120): -0.208*"government" + 0.193*"game" + -0.170*"report" + -0.167*"force" + 0.150*"get" + -0.146*"iraq" + -0.142*"syria" + -0.139*"official" + -0.136*"group" + 0.136*"go"
2017-06-21 17:47:31,074 : INFO : topic #3(1518.118): 0.310*"2014" + 0.279*"new_york" + 0.261*"police" + 0.245*"protest" + 0.215*"grand_jury" + 0.198*"city" + -0.177*"turkey" + 0.169*"decision" + 0.162*"december" + 0.156*"garner"
2017-06-21 17:47:31,077 : INFO : topic #4(1276.747): 0.402*"2014" + 0.164*"company" + 0.143*"market" + -0.139*"people" + -0.135*"one" + -0.117*"syria" + -0.114*"islamic_state" + 0.114*"december" + -0.113*"force" + -0.110*"go"
2017-06-21 17:47:36,371 : INFO : preparing a new chunk of documents
2017-06-21 17:47:36,774 : INFO : using 100 extra samples and 2 power iterations
2017-06-21 17:47:36,775 : INFO : 1st phase: constructing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:47:37,178 : INFO : orthonormalizing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:47:43,292 : INFO : 2nd phase: running dense svd on (110, 20000) matrix
2017-06-21 17:47:43,713 : INFO : computing the final decomposition
2017-06-21 17:47:43,714 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 49.719% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:47:43,751 : INFO : merging projections: (100000, 10) + (100000, 10)
2017-06-21 17:47:43,779 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 0.433% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:47:43,791 : INFO : processed documents up to #300000
2017-06-21 17:47:43,794 : INFO : topic #0(6577.249): 0.442*"turkish" + 0.400*"istanbul" + 0.389*"turkey" + 0.125*"police" + 0.110*"protest" + 0.105*"continue" + 0.101*"border" + 0.099*"2014" + 0.098*"first" + 0.096*"kill"
2017-06-21 17:47:43,796 : INFO : topic #1(3668.371): -0.215*"turkish" + -0.215*"istanbul" + 0.177*"one" + -0.170*"turkey" + 0.145*"also" + 0.136*"can" + 0.133*"government" + 0.133*"people" + 0.128*"make" + 0.115*"go"
2017-06-21 17:47:43,799 : INFO : topic #2(1691.178): -0.215*"government" + 0.200*"game" + -0.174*"report" + -0.161*"force" + 0.152*"get" + -0.140*"iraq" + -0.138*"official" + -0.137*"country" + 0.136*"go" + -0.136*"syria"
2017-06-21 17:47:43,802 : INFO : topic #3(1540.590): 0.334*"2014" + 0.269*"new_york" + 0.264*"police" + 0.238*"protest" + 0.207*"grand_jury" + 0.196*"city" + -0.176*"turkey" + 0.166*"december" + 0.162*"decision" + 0.152*"man"
2017-06-21 17:47:43,804 : INFO : topic #4(1331.731): 0.434*"2014" + 0.164*"company" + -0.151*"people" + 0.148*"market" + -0.137*"one" + 0.120*"december" + -0.109*"go" + 0.109*"price" + 0.106*"new" + -0.105*"police"
2017-06-21 17:47:49,088 : INFO : preparing a new chunk of documents
2017-06-21 17:47:49,483 : INFO : using 100 extra samples and 2 power iterations
2017-06-21 17:47:49,484 : INFO : 1st phase: constructing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:47:49,887 : INFO : orthonormalizing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:47:55,992 : INFO : 2nd phase: running dense svd on (110, 20000) matrix
2017-06-21 17:47:56,410 : INFO : computing the final decomposition
2017-06-21 17:47:56,411 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 50.548% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:47:56,445 : INFO : merging projections: (100000, 10) + (100000, 10)
2017-06-21 17:47:56,475 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 0.547% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:47:56,487 : INFO : processed documents up to #320000
2017-06-21 17:47:56,490 : INFO : topic #0(6637.651): 0.440*"turkish" + 0.398*"istanbul" + 0.388*"turkey" + 0.125*"police" + 0.110*"protest" + 0.105*"continue" + 0.101*"2014" + 0.100*"border" + 0.098*"first" + 0.096*"kill"
2017-06-21 17:47:56,493 : INFO : topic #1(3764.090): -0.219*"turkish" + -0.217*"istanbul" + 0.176*"one" + -0.174*"turkey" + 0.144*"also" + 0.137*"can" + 0.132*"government" + 0.131*"people" + 0.129*"make" + 0.116*"go"
2017-06-21 17:47:56,495 : INFO : topic #2(1727.971): -0.223*"government" + 0.207*"game" + -0.173*"report" + -0.155*"force" + 0.154*"get" + -0.142*"country" + 0.137*"win" + 0.137*"go" + 0.135*"play" + -0.135*"official"
2017-06-21 17:47:56,498 : INFO : topic #3(1563.057): 0.358*"2014" + 0.265*"police" + 0.258*"new_york" + 0.231*"protest" + 0.198*"grand_jury" + 0.191*"city" + -0.176*"turkey" + 0.169*"december" + 0.154*"decision" + 0.149*"man"
2017-06-21 17:47:56,500 : INFO : topic #4(1382.739): 0.454*"2014" + 0.167*"company" + -0.159*"people" + 0.148*"market" + -0.134*"one" + 0.123*"december" + -0.119*"police" + 0.110*"price" + -0.108*"go" + 0.105*"share"
2017-06-21 17:48:01,820 : INFO : preparing a new chunk of documents
2017-06-21 17:48:02,222 : INFO : using 100 extra samples and 2 power iterations
2017-06-21 17:48:02,222 : INFO : 1st phase: constructing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:48:02,624 : INFO : orthonormalizing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:48:09,045 : INFO : 2nd phase: running dense svd on (110, 20000) matrix
2017-06-21 17:48:09,465 : INFO : computing the final decomposition
2017-06-21 17:48:09,466 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 49.288% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:48:09,500 : INFO : merging projections: (100000, 10) + (100000, 10)
2017-06-21 17:48:09,527 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 0.426% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:48:09,539 : INFO : processed documents up to #340000
2017-06-21 17:48:09,542 : INFO : topic #0(6697.279): 0.438*"turkish" + 0.396*"istanbul" + 0.386*"turkey" + 0.125*"police" + 0.109*"protest" + 0.105*"continue" + 0.102*"2014" + 0.100*"border" + 0.099*"first" + 0.096*"kill"
2017-06-21 17:48:09,544 : INFO : topic #1(3856.557): -0.223*"turkish" + -0.220*"istanbul" + -0.178*"turkey" + 0.176*"one" + 0.144*"also" + 0.139*"can" + 0.131*"government" + 0.129*"people" + 0.129*"make" + 0.116*"go"
2017-06-21 17:48:09,547 : INFO : topic #2(1766.253): -0.229*"government" + 0.213*"game" + -0.173*"report" + 0.156*"get" + -0.149*"force" + -0.145*"country" + 0.141*"win" + 0.138*"play" + 0.137*"go" + -0.131*"official"
2017-06-21 17:48:09,549 : INFO : topic #3(1592.827): 0.380*"2014" + 0.266*"police" + 0.250*"new_york" + 0.226*"protest" + 0.193*"city" + 0.192*"grand_jury" + -0.172*"turkey" + 0.172*"december" + 0.149*"decision" + 0.146*"man"
2017-06-21 17:48:09,552 : INFO : topic #4(1433.599): 0.457*"2014" + 0.167*"company" + -0.167*"people" + 0.149*"market" + -0.133*"police" + -0.132*"one" + 0.118*"december" + 0.112*"price" + 0.109*"1" + 0.108*"share"
2017-06-21 17:48:15,368 : INFO : preparing a new chunk of documents
2017-06-21 17:48:15,794 : INFO : using 100 extra samples and 2 power iterations
2017-06-21 17:48:15,795 : INFO : 1st phase: constructing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:48:16,225 : INFO : orthonormalizing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:48:22,480 : INFO : 2nd phase: running dense svd on (110, 20000) matrix
2017-06-21 17:48:22,891 : INFO : computing the final decomposition
2017-06-21 17:48:22,894 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 45.411% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:48:22,930 : INFO : merging projections: (100000, 10) + (100000, 10)
2017-06-21 17:48:22,956 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 0.260% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:48:22,967 : INFO : processed documents up to #360000
2017-06-21 17:48:22,970 : INFO : topic #0(6800.046): 0.436*"turkish" + 0.395*"istanbul" + 0.384*"turkey" + 0.126*"police" + 0.109*"protest" + 0.105*"continue" + 0.104*"2014" + 0.100*"border" + 0.099*"first" + 0.096*"kill"
2017-06-21 17:48:22,972 : INFO : topic #1(3961.108): -0.226*"turkish" + -0.222*"istanbul" + -0.181*"turkey" + 0.175*"one" + 0.143*"also" + 0.139*"can" + 0.129*"government" + 0.129*"make" + 0.129*"people" + 0.116*"go"
2017-06-21 17:48:22,975 : INFO : topic #2(1815.143): -0.231*"government" + 0.220*"game" + -0.176*"report" + 0.156*"get" + -0.146*"country" + 0.144*"win" + -0.144*"force" + 0.141*"play" + 0.136*"go" + -0.129*"official"
2017-06-21 17:48:22,977 : INFO : topic #3(1644.619): 0.395*"2014" + 0.263*"police" + 0.250*"new_york" + 0.225*"protest" + 0.197*"city" + 0.192*"grand_jury" + 0.177*"december" + -0.163*"turkey" + 0.149*"decision" + 0.144*"man"
2017-06-21 17:48:22,979 : INFO : topic #4(1482.983): 0.455*"2014" + -0.172*"people" + 0.166*"company" + 0.149*"market" + -0.147*"police" + -0.131*"one" + 0.116*"1" + 0.113*"december" + 0.112*"price" + 0.108*"share"
2017-06-21 17:48:29,256 : INFO : preparing a new chunk of documents
2017-06-21 17:48:29,717 : INFO : using 100 extra samples and 2 power iterations
2017-06-21 17:48:29,717 : INFO : 1st phase: constructing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:48:30,176 : INFO : orthonormalizing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:48:36,555 : INFO : 2nd phase: running dense svd on (110, 20000) matrix
2017-06-21 17:48:36,980 : INFO : computing the final decomposition
2017-06-21 17:48:36,981 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 39.395% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:48:37,016 : INFO : merging projections: (100000, 10) + (100000, 10)
2017-06-21 17:48:37,042 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 0.403% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:48:37,054 : INFO : processed documents up to #380000
2017-06-21 17:48:37,057 : INFO : topic #0(6966.084): 0.435*"turkish" + 0.395*"istanbul" + 0.383*"turkey" + 0.126*"police" + 0.110*"protest" + 0.105*"continue" + 0.105*"2014" + 0.100*"border" + 0.099*"first" + 0.096*"kill"
2017-06-21 17:48:37,059 : INFO : topic #1(4071.884): -0.227*"turkish" + -0.222*"istanbul" + -0.182*"turkey" + 0.175*"one" + 0.143*"also" + 0.139*"can" + 0.129*"make" + 0.129*"people" + 0.128*"government" + 0.116*"go"
2017-06-21 17:48:37,062 : INFO : topic #2(1869.784): -0.231*"government" + 0.226*"game" + -0.178*"report" + 0.155*"get" + 0.149*"win" + -0.145*"country" + 0.143*"play" + -0.140*"force" + 0.134*"go" + -0.128*"official"
2017-06-21 17:48:37,064 : INFO : topic #3(1697.186): 0.396*"2014" + 0.270*"police" + 0.249*"new_york" + 0.226*"protest" + 0.205*"city" + 0.189*"grand_jury" + 0.176*"december" + -0.157*"turkey" + 0.146*"decision" + 0.142*"man"
2017-06-21 17:48:37,067 : INFO : topic #4(1522.237): 0.473*"2014" + -0.172*"people" + -0.163*"police" + 0.154*"company" + 0.139*"market" + -0.131*"one" + 0.129*"1" + 0.118*"2" + 0.114*"december" + -0.110*"man"
2017-06-21 17:48:43,630 : INFO : preparing a new chunk of documents
2017-06-21 17:48:44,108 : INFO : using 100 extra samples and 2 power iterations
2017-06-21 17:48:44,108 : INFO : 1st phase: constructing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:48:44,565 : INFO : orthonormalizing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:48:50,933 : INFO : 2nd phase: running dense svd on (110, 20000) matrix
2017-06-21 17:48:51,328 : INFO : computing the final decomposition
2017-06-21 17:48:51,329 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 28.845% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:48:51,363 : INFO : merging projections: (100000, 10) + (100000, 10)
2017-06-21 17:48:51,389 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 0.316% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:48:51,402 : INFO : processed documents up to #400000
2017-06-21 17:48:51,404 : INFO : topic #0(7303.595): 0.437*"turkish" + 0.399*"istanbul" + 0.385*"turkey" + 0.126*"police" + 0.110*"protest" + 0.106*"continue" + 0.104*"2014" + 0.101*"border" + 0.098*"first" + 0.096*"kill"
2017-06-21 17:48:51,407 : INFO : topic #1(4169.215): -0.220*"turkish" + -0.217*"istanbul" + -0.176*"turkey" + 0.176*"one" + 0.144*"also" + 0.138*"can" + 0.129*"people" + 0.129*"government" + 0.129*"make" + 0.116*"go"
2017-06-21 17:48:51,409 : INFO : topic #2(1924.033): -0.220*"government" + 0.219*"game" + -0.192*"report" + 0.153*"get" + 0.146*"win" + -0.142*"force" + 0.139*"play" + -0.137*"country" + 0.133*"go" + -0.133*"official"
2017-06-21 17:48:51,412 : INFO : topic #3(1755.648): 0.373*"2014" + 0.266*"police" + 0.263*"new_york" + 0.230*"protest" + 0.206*"city" + 0.200*"grand_jury" + 0.173*"december" + 0.156*"decision" + -0.150*"turkey" + 0.149*"man"
2017-06-21 17:48:51,414 : INFO : topic #4(1553.813): 0.490*"2014" + -0.161*"people" + 0.154*"company" + -0.148*"police" + 0.140*"market" + -0.133*"one" + 0.122*"december" + 0.118*"1" + 0.109*"2" + 0.109*"dec"
2017-06-21 17:48:58,178 : INFO : preparing a new chunk of documents
2017-06-21 17:48:58,676 : INFO : using 100 extra samples and 2 power iterations
2017-06-21 17:48:58,677 : INFO : 1st phase: constructing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:48:59,147 : INFO : orthonormalizing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:49:05,627 : INFO : 2nd phase: running dense svd on (110, 20000) matrix
2017-06-21 17:49:06,052 : INFO : computing the final decomposition
2017-06-21 17:49:06,053 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 35.481% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:49:06,088 : INFO : merging projections: (100000, 10) + (100000, 10)
2017-06-21 17:49:06,114 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 0.277% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:49:06,126 : INFO : processed documents up to #420000
2017-06-21 17:49:06,128 : INFO : topic #0(7522.067): 0.437*"turkish" + 0.400*"istanbul" + 0.384*"turkey" + 0.126*"police" + 0.110*"protest" + 0.106*"continue" + 0.104*"2014" + 0.102*"border" + 0.097*"first" + 0.096*"kill"
2017-06-21 17:49:06,131 : INFO : topic #1(4279.403): -0.219*"turkish" + -0.216*"istanbul" + 0.176*"one" + -0.175*"turkey" + 0.144*"also" + 0.139*"can" + 0.130*"people" + 0.129*"make" + 0.129*"government" + 0.116*"go"
2017-06-21 17:49:06,133 : INFO : topic #2(1974.148): 0.226*"game" + -0.221*"government" + -0.188*"report" + 0.152*"get" + 0.150*"win" + 0.142*"play" + -0.139*"force" + -0.137*"country" + 0.132*"go" + -0.130*"official"
2017-06-21 17:49:06,135 : INFO : topic #3(1817.527): 0.369*"2014" + 0.268*"police" + 0.266*"new_york" + 0.232*"protest" + 0.213*"city" + 0.202*"grand_jury" + 0.174*"december" + 0.157*"decision" + 0.149*"man" + 0.148*"garner"
2017-06-21 17:49:06,138 : INFO : topic #4(1598.107): 0.496*"2014" + -0.162*"people" + -0.157*"police" + 0.149*"company" + 0.136*"market" + -0.132*"one" + 0.124*"december" + 0.123*"1" + 0.113*"2" + 0.109*"dec"
2017-06-21 17:49:13,174 : INFO : preparing a new chunk of documents
2017-06-21 17:49:13,681 : INFO : using 100 extra samples and 2 power iterations
2017-06-21 17:49:13,681 : INFO : 1st phase: constructing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:49:14,162 : INFO : orthonormalizing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:49:20,760 : INFO : 2nd phase: running dense svd on (110, 20000) matrix
2017-06-21 17:49:21,383 : INFO : computing the final decomposition
2017-06-21 17:49:21,384 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 31.164% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:49:21,420 : INFO : merging projections: (100000, 10) + (100000, 10)
2017-06-21 17:49:21,449 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 0.170% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:49:21,463 : INFO : processed documents up to #440000
2017-06-21 17:49:21,466 : INFO : topic #0(7799.784): 0.438*"turkish" + 0.402*"istanbul" + 0.384*"turkey" + 0.126*"police" + 0.111*"protest" + 0.106*"continue" + 0.104*"2014" + 0.102*"border" + 0.097*"first" + 0.096*"kill"
2017-06-21 17:49:21,469 : INFO : topic #1(4385.419): -0.216*"turkish" + -0.213*"istanbul" + 0.176*"one" + -0.173*"turkey" + 0.144*"also" + 0.139*"can" + 0.130*"people" + 0.129*"make" + 0.129*"government" + 0.116*"go"
2017-06-21 17:49:21,472 : INFO : topic #2(2029.374): 0.225*"game" + -0.216*"government" + -0.192*"report" + 0.151*"get" + 0.149*"win" + 0.141*"play" + -0.138*"force" + -0.132*"country" + -0.131*"official" + -0.131*"u.s."
2017-06-21 17:49:21,474 : INFO : topic #3(1883.786): 0.353*"2014" + 0.274*"new_york" + 0.266*"police" + 0.235*"protest" + 0.217*"city" + 0.208*"grand_jury" + 0.171*"december" + 0.162*"decision" + 0.152*"garner" + 0.151*"man"
2017-06-21 17:49:21,478 : INFO : topic #4(1638.939): 0.499*"2014" + -0.160*"people" + -0.156*"police" + 0.146*"company" + 0.133*"market" + -0.132*"one" + 0.129*"1" + 0.126*"december" + 0.119*"2" + -0.110*"go"
2017-06-21 17:49:29,059 : INFO : preparing a new chunk of documents
2017-06-21 17:49:29,603 : INFO : using 100 extra samples and 2 power iterations
2017-06-21 17:49:29,604 : INFO : 1st phase: constructing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:49:30,098 : INFO : orthonormalizing (100000, 110) action matrix
2017-06-21 17:49:36,955 : INFO : 2nd phase: running dense svd on (110, 19977) matrix
2017-06-21 17:49:37,370 : INFO : computing the final decomposition
2017-06-21 17:49:37,371 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 26.522% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:49:37,405 : INFO : merging projections: (100000, 10) + (100000, 10)
2017-06-21 17:49:37,433 : INFO : keeping 10 factors (discarding 0.293% of energy spectrum)
2017-06-21 17:49:37,446 : INFO : processed documents up to #459977
2017-06-21 17:49:37,449 : INFO : topic #0(8173.791): 0.440*"turkish" + 0.406*"istanbul" + 0.386*"turkey" + 0.126*"police" + 0.111*"protest" + 0.107*"continue" + 0.103*"border" + 0.102*"2014" + 0.096*"kill" + 0.095*"first"
2017-06-21 17:49:37,452 : INFO : topic #1(4479.128): -0.210*"turkish" + -0.208*"istanbul" + 0.176*"one" + -0.167*"turkey" + 0.145*"also" + 0.138*"can" + 0.131*"people" + 0.130*"government" + 0.130*"make" + 0.115*"report"
2017-06-21 17:49:37,454 : INFO : topic #2(2087.527): 0.217*"game" + -0.205*"report" + -0.203*"government" + 0.149*"get" + -0.148*"cia" + 0.145*"win" + -0.140*"force" + -0.139*"u.s." + 0.138*"play" + -0.135*"official"
2017-06-21 17:49:37,458 : INFO : topic #3(1952.443): 0.331*"2014" + 0.287*"new_york" + 0.259*"police" + 0.239*"protest" + 0.218*"grand_jury" + 0.217*"city" + 0.171*"decision" + 0.168*"december" + 0.159*"garner" + 0.156*"man"
2017-06-21 17:49:37,460 : INFO : topic #4(1667.422): 0.507*"2014" + 0.149*"company" + -0.145*"people" + -0.142*"police" + 0.135*"market" + -0.134*"one" + 0.132*"december" + 0.114*"1" + -0.111*"go" + 0.109*"dec"
finished modeling lsi 17:49:38
start modeling hdp 17:49:38
2017-06-21 17:55:01,537 : INFO : (0, '0.008*city + 0.005*police + 0.005*people + 0.005*2014 + 0.004*one + 0.004*also + 0.003*make + 0.003*take + 0.003*can + 0.003*two')
2017-06-21 17:55:01,627 : INFO : (1, '0.007*city + 0.004*also + 0.004*new + 0.004*can + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*people + 0.004*one + 0.003*make + 0.003*government + 0.003*time')
2017-06-21 17:55:01,720 : INFO : (2, '0.022*turkish + 0.021*istanbul + 0.018*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.005*protest + 0.005*border + 0.005*continue + 0.004*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*photo')
2017-06-21 17:55:01,811 : INFO : (3, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*season + 0.006*team + 0.006*city + 0.006*point + 0.006*play + 0.006*1 + 0.006*first + 0.005*get')
2017-06-21 17:55:01,903 : INFO : (4, '0.008*city + 0.005*government + 0.005*2014 + 0.004*sun + 0.004*post + 0.004*group + 0.004*december + 0.003*country + 0.003*also + 0.003*can')
2017-06-21 17:55:01,989 : INFO : (5, '0.008*city + 0.008*post + 0.008*sun + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.005*sa + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*government + 0.004*local')
2017-06-21 17:55:02,074 : INFO : (6, '0.011*uber + 0.010*delhi + 0.008*city + 0.008*driver + 0.006*company + 0.006*police + 0.006*service + 0.006*woman + 0.005*new + 0.005*government')
2017-06-21 17:55:02,158 : INFO : (7, '0.009*city + 0.009*win + 0.007*1 + 0.007*goal + 0.006*game + 0.005*0 + 0.005*team + 0.005*chelsea + 0.005*group + 0.005*season')
2017-06-21 17:55:02,243 : INFO : (8, '0.006*bank + 0.004*city + 0.003*fed + 0.003*test + 0.003*company + 0.002*take + 0.002*executive + 0.002*edmonton + 0.002*can + 0.002*potash_corp')
2017-06-21 17:55:02,329 : INFO : (9, '0.005*et + 0.004*city + 0.002*well + 0.002*group + 0.002*2014 + 0.002*contre_le + 0.002*service + 0.002*la + 0.002*million + 0.002*services')
2017-06-21 17:55:02,420 : INFO : (10, '0.006*turkish + 0.006*istanbul + 0.006*turkey + 0.002*police + 0.002*city + 0.002*2014 + 0.002*kill + 0.002*border + 0.001*woman + 0.001*protest')
2017-06-21 17:55:02,508 : INFO : (11, '0.013*woman + 0.008*violence + 0.005*december + 0.005*6 + 0.004*victim + 0.004*take + 0.004*montreal + 0.003*school + 0.003*ecole_polytechnique + 0.003*remember')
2017-06-21 17:55:02,592 : INFO : (12, '0.006*police + 0.005*wilson + 0.005*sunday + 0.005*ferguson + 0.004*st._louis + 0.004*mayor + 0.004*country + 0.003*city + 0.003*protest + 0.003*grand_jury')
2017-06-21 17:55:02,680 : INFO : (13, '0.007*family + 0.005*corpse + 0.003*believe + 0.003*husband + 0.003*city + 0.003*live + 0.002*die + 0.002*home + 0.002*six + 0.002*thing')
2017-06-21 17:55:02,765 : INFO : (14, '0.002*city + 0.002*christmas + 0.002*people + 0.002*show + 0.002*police + 0.002*december + 0.002*protester + 0.002*new_york + 0.002*sunday + 0.002*dec.')
2017-06-21 17:55:02,850 : INFO : (15, '0.009*uber + 0.006*driver + 0.004*company + 0.003*service + 0.003*police + 0.003*operate + 0.003*charge + 0.003*san_francisco + 0.003*new + 0.003*city')
2017-06-21 17:55:02,937 : INFO : (16, '0.002*city + 0.002*christmas + 0.002*village + 0.001*house + 0.001*tiny + 0.001*can + 0.001*black + 0.001*december + 0.001*make + 0.001*add')
2017-06-21 17:55:03,019 : INFO : (17, '0.002*police + 0.002*uber + 0.002*city + 0.002*company + 0.002*december + 0.001*delhi + 0.001*local + 0.001*comment + 0.001*2014 + 0.001*use')
2017-06-21 17:55:03,105 : INFO : (18, '0.004*price + 0.004*consumer + 0.003*canadian + 0.002*cent + 0.002*average + 0.002*litre + 0.002*save + 0.002*world + 0.002*alexander + 0.002*producer')
2017-06-21 17:55:03,191 : INFO : (19, '0.003*student + 0.003*fraternity + 0.003*member + 0.003*many + 0.002*party + 0.002*campus + 0.002*president + 0.002*question + 0.001*gang + 0.001*death')
2017-06-21 17:55:03,205 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 9984 of 459977
2017-06-21 17:58:23,549 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 17:58:23,553 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 17:58:23,556 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 17:58:23,558 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 17:58:23,561 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 17:58:23,564 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 17:59:45,822 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 17:59:45,826 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 17:59:45,830 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 17:59:45,833 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 17:59:45,837 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 17:59:45,840 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:00:32,513 : INFO : (0, '0.008*city + 0.005*police + 0.005*people + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*one + 0.004*also + 0.003*take + 0.003*make + 0.003*two + 0.003*can')
2017-06-21 18:00:32,596 : INFO : (1, '0.008*city + 0.004*new + 0.004*also + 0.004*can + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*one + 0.004*people + 0.004*make + 0.003*government + 0.003*company')
2017-06-21 18:00:32,681 : INFO : (2, '0.022*turkish + 0.021*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.005*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.004*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 18:00:32,765 : INFO : (3, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*season + 0.007*team + 0.006*city + 0.006*play + 0.006*point + 0.006*1 + 0.006*first + 0.005*get')
2017-06-21 18:00:32,849 : INFO : (4, '0.009*city + 0.005*government + 0.005*group + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*sun + 0.004*post + 0.004*december + 0.004*kill + 0.004*force + 0.004*country')
2017-06-21 18:00:32,934 : INFO : (5, '0.009*city + 0.008*post + 0.008*sun + 0.006*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*sa + 0.005*december + 0.005*cebu + 0.004*local + 0.004*government')
2017-06-21 18:00:33,018 : INFO : (6, '0.015*uber + 0.011*delhi + 0.011*driver + 0.010*city + 0.008*police + 0.007*company + 0.006*service + 0.006*woman + 0.006*new + 0.006*government')
2017-06-21 18:00:33,102 : INFO : (7, '0.010*city + 0.010*win + 0.008*goal + 0.007*1 + 0.007*game + 0.006*chelsea + 0.006*group + 0.006*team + 0.005*season + 0.005*0')
2017-06-21 18:00:33,186 : INFO : (8, '0.010*bank + 0.005*fed + 0.004*city + 0.004*test + 0.004*executive + 0.003*stress + 0.003*company + 0.003*take + 0.003*capital + 0.003*one')
2017-06-21 18:00:33,270 : INFO : (9, '0.011*police + 0.009*wilson + 0.009*sunday + 0.008*ferguson + 0.006*mayor + 0.006*country + 0.006*st._louis + 0.005*city + 0.005*protest + 0.005*grand_jury')
2017-06-21 18:00:33,355 : INFO : (10, '0.006*police + 0.006*protester + 0.006*new_york + 0.005*people + 0.005*sunday + 0.005*city + 0.004*garner + 0.004*march + 0.004*show + 0.003*protest')
2017-06-21 18:00:33,442 : INFO : (11, '0.006*et + 0.005*city + 0.003*contre_le + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*well + 0.002*million + 0.002*long + 0.002*group + 0.002*red + 0.002*service')
2017-06-21 18:00:33,525 : INFO : (12, '0.019*woman + 0.012*violence + 0.005*school + 0.005*december + 0.005*take + 0.005*6 + 0.005*victim + 0.004*montreal + 0.004*support + 0.004*student')
2017-06-21 18:00:33,608 : INFO : (13, '0.012*family + 0.008*corpse + 0.006*believe + 0.006*husband + 0.005*live + 0.004*die + 0.004*six + 0.004*home + 0.004*thing + 0.004*2013')
2017-06-21 18:00:33,692 : INFO : (14, '0.015*uber + 0.009*driver + 0.007*company + 0.006*service + 0.005*charge + 0.005*san_francisco + 0.005*police + 0.005*operate + 0.004*muzaffar + 0.004*new')
2017-06-21 18:00:33,776 : INFO : (15, '0.006*turkish + 0.006*istanbul + 0.006*turkey + 0.002*city + 0.002*police + 0.002*2014 + 0.002*kill + 0.002*border + 0.001*woman + 0.001*protest')
2017-06-21 18:00:33,860 : INFO : (16, '0.006*price + 0.006*consumer + 0.004*canadian + 0.004*save + 0.003*cent + 0.003*average + 0.003*litre + 0.003*gas + 0.003*world + 0.003*alexander')
2017-06-21 18:00:33,944 : INFO : (17, '0.005*student + 0.004*member + 0.004*party + 0.004*many + 0.004*campus + 0.004*fraternity + 0.002*gang + 0.002*death + 0.002*throw + 0.002*organization')
2017-06-21 18:00:34,027 : INFO : (18, '0.002*city + 0.002*christmas + 0.002*village + 0.001*house + 0.001*december + 0.001*tiny + 0.001*can + 0.001*black + 0.001*2014 + 0.001*make')
2017-06-21 18:00:34,111 : INFO : (19, '0.002*police + 0.002*city + 0.002*uber + 0.002*december + 0.002*company + 0.001*2014 + 0.001*local + 0.001*delhi + 0.001*comment + 0.001*use')
2017-06-21 18:00:34,123 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 19968 of 459977
2017-06-21 18:06:00,660 : INFO : (0, '0.007*city + 0.005*police + 0.005*people + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*one + 0.004*also + 0.003*take + 0.003*make + 0.003*two + 0.003*can')
2017-06-21 18:06:00,746 : INFO : (1, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.005*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 18:06:00,832 : INFO : (2, '0.007*city + 0.004*also + 0.004*new + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*one + 0.004*can + 0.003*make + 0.003*people + 0.003*government + 0.003*company')
2017-06-21 18:06:00,918 : INFO : (3, '0.006*group + 0.006*government + 0.005*city + 0.005*force + 0.005*iraq + 0.005*kill + 0.004*syria + 0.004*islamic_state + 0.004*attack + 0.004*country')
2017-06-21 18:06:01,005 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*season + 0.007*team + 0.007*point + 0.006*play + 0.006*first + 0.006*city + 0.005*get + 0.005*1')
2017-06-21 18:06:01,090 : INFO : (5, '0.009*city + 0.008*post + 0.008*sun + 0.006*2014 + 0.005*sa + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*government + 0.004*local')
2017-06-21 18:06:01,176 : INFO : (6, '0.011*uber + 0.008*delhi + 0.008*city + 0.008*driver + 0.007*police + 0.006*company + 0.005*woman + 0.005*report + 0.005*service + 0.005*government')
2017-06-21 18:06:01,261 : INFO : (7, '0.011*win + 0.010*city + 0.008*goal + 0.008*1 + 0.007*game + 0.007*group + 0.006*chelsea + 0.006*team + 0.006*first + 0.006*0')
2017-06-21 18:06:01,347 : INFO : (8, '0.037*die + 0.023*der + 0.020*und + 0.012*al + 0.009*von + 0.008*ist + 0.007*auch + 0.007*sich + 0.007*das + 0.006*auf')
2017-06-21 18:06:01,432 : INFO : (9, '0.025*şi + 0.015*care + 0.011*la + 0.006*în + 0.005*al + 0.005*s + 0.005*un + 0.004*nu + 0.003*cu + 0.003*articole_de')
2017-06-21 18:06:01,518 : INFO : (10, '0.014*police + 0.012*wilson + 0.012*sunday + 0.011*ferguson + 0.008*mayor + 0.008*country + 0.008*st._louis + 0.006*city + 0.006*protest + 0.006*force')
2017-06-21 18:06:01,602 : INFO : (11, '0.008*et + 0.005*la + 0.005*2014 + 0.004*al + 0.004*city + 0.003*un + 0.003*le + 0.002*clostridium_difficile + 0.002*group + 0.002*que')
2017-06-21 18:06:01,688 : INFO : (12, '0.009*bank + 0.005*fed + 0.004*city + 0.004*test + 0.004*2014 + 0.003*executive + 0.003*company + 0.003*one + 0.003*stress + 0.003*show')
2017-06-21 18:06:01,774 : INFO : (13, '0.007*police + 0.007*new_york + 0.007*protester + 0.006*people + 0.006*sunday + 0.005*city + 0.005*garner + 0.004*march + 0.004*show + 0.004*protest')
2017-06-21 18:06:01,859 : INFO : (14, '0.021*woman + 0.013*violence + 0.006*school + 0.005*take + 0.005*december + 0.005*6 + 0.005*victim + 0.005*montreal + 0.005*support + 0.005*student')
2017-06-21 18:06:01,945 : INFO : (15, '0.013*family + 0.008*corpse + 0.006*believe + 0.006*husband + 0.005*live + 0.004*die + 0.004*six + 0.004*home + 0.004*thing + 0.004*2013')
2017-06-21 18:06:02,031 : INFO : (16, '0.017*uber + 0.011*driver + 0.008*company + 0.007*service + 0.006*police + 0.006*charge + 0.006*san_francisco + 0.006*operate + 0.005*new + 0.005*city')
2017-06-21 18:06:02,118 : INFO : (17, '0.006*turkish + 0.005*turkey + 0.005*istanbul + 0.002*2014 + 0.002*city + 0.002*police + 0.002*kill + 0.002*border + 0.001*woman + 0.001*protest')
2017-06-21 18:06:02,202 : INFO : (18, '0.006*price + 0.006*consumer + 0.005*canadian + 0.004*save + 0.004*cent + 0.004*average + 0.004*litre + 0.003*gas + 0.003*world + 0.003*alexander')
2017-06-21 18:06:02,288 : INFO : (19, '0.012*van + 0.005*meet + 0.004*die + 0.003*al + 0.003*well + 0.003*services + 0.003*december + 0.002*2014 + 0.002*op + 0.002*group')
2017-06-21 18:06:02,302 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 29952 of 459977
2017-06-21 18:11:17,628 : INFO : (0, '0.006*city + 0.005*people + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*police + 0.005*one + 0.004*report + 0.004*also + 0.003*take + 0.003*make + 0.003*two')
2017-06-21 18:11:17,716 : INFO : (1, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 18:11:17,799 : INFO : (2, '0.006*city + 0.004*also + 0.004*new + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*one + 0.003*can + 0.003*make + 0.003*people + 0.003*company + 0.003*country')
2017-06-21 18:11:17,884 : INFO : (3, '0.007*group + 0.006*government + 0.006*force + 0.005*iraq + 0.005*kill + 0.005*syria + 0.005*attack + 0.005*islamic_state + 0.005*country + 0.004*official')
2017-06-21 18:11:17,968 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*season + 0.007*point + 0.007*team + 0.006*play + 0.006*first + 0.005*get + 0.005*two + 0.005*1')
2017-06-21 18:11:18,057 : INFO : (5, '0.009*city + 0.008*post + 0.008*sun + 0.006*sa + 0.006*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*government + 0.004*local')
2017-06-21 18:11:18,149 : INFO : (6, '0.008*uber + 0.006*report + 0.006*city + 0.006*police + 0.006*delhi + 0.006*driver + 0.005*people + 0.005*woman + 0.005*israeli + 0.004*take')
2017-06-21 18:11:18,238 : INFO : (7, '0.010*city + 0.010*win + 0.008*1 + 0.008*goal + 0.007*game + 0.007*group + 0.006*team + 0.006*0 + 0.006*first + 0.006*chelsea')
2017-06-21 18:11:18,329 : INFO : (8, '0.044*die + 0.028*der + 0.024*und + 0.013*al + 0.010*von + 0.009*ist + 0.009*sich + 0.008*auch + 0.008*das + 0.007*auf')
2017-06-21 18:11:18,414 : INFO : (9, '0.030*şi + 0.019*care + 0.013*la + 0.008*în + 0.007*al + 0.007*s + 0.006*un + 0.004*cu + 0.004*nu + 0.004*articole_de')
2017-06-21 18:11:18,499 : INFO : (10, '0.008*et + 0.008*al + 0.007*la + 0.006*2014 + 0.005*european + 0.005*clostridium_difficile + 0.004*y + 0.004*que + 0.004*cdi + 0.003*un')
2017-06-21 18:11:18,584 : INFO : (11, '0.016*police + 0.014*wilson + 0.014*sunday + 0.012*ferguson + 0.009*mayor + 0.009*country + 0.009*st._louis + 0.007*city + 0.007*protest + 0.007*force')
2017-06-21 18:11:18,670 : INFO : (12, '0.007*bank + 0.005*2014 + 0.004*late + 0.004*show + 0.004*fed + 0.004*wednesday + 0.003*december + 0.003*one + 0.003*city + 0.003*et')
2017-06-21 18:11:18,756 : INFO : (13, '0.007*police + 0.007*new_york + 0.007*protester + 0.006*people + 0.006*sunday + 0.006*city + 0.005*garner + 0.004*protest + 0.004*march + 0.004*december')
2017-06-21 18:11:18,841 : INFO : (14, '0.020*van + 0.008*meet + 0.006*die + 0.006*al + 0.005*services + 0.004*december + 0.004*well + 0.004*van_het + 0.004*voor + 0.004*op')
2017-06-21 18:11:18,927 : INFO : (15, '0.021*woman + 0.013*violence + 0.006*school + 0.005*take + 0.005*december + 0.005*6 + 0.005*victim + 0.005*montreal + 0.004*support + 0.004*student')
2017-06-21 18:11:19,013 : INFO : (16, '0.012*family + 0.008*corpse + 0.006*believe + 0.006*husband + 0.005*live + 0.004*die + 0.004*six + 0.004*home + 0.004*thing + 0.004*2013')
2017-06-21 18:11:19,098 : INFO : (17, '0.006*cj_hunedoara + 0.005*şi + 0.005*în + 0.003*la + 0.003*care + 0.003*ar_fi + 0.002*city + 0.002*dna + 0.002*solution_srl + 0.002*park')
2017-06-21 18:11:19,184 : INFO : (18, '0.017*uber + 0.011*driver + 0.008*company + 0.007*service + 0.006*police + 0.006*charge + 0.006*san_francisco + 0.006*operate + 0.005*new + 0.005*city')
2017-06-21 18:11:19,270 : INFO : (19, '0.008*die + 0.007*der + 0.007*und + 0.003*von + 0.002*al + 0.002*man + 0.002*auch + 0.002*auf + 0.002*sich + 0.002*war')
2017-06-21 18:11:19,284 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 39936 of 459977
2017-06-21 18:16:17,470 : INFO : (0, '0.006*city + 0.005*police + 0.005*people + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*one + 0.004*also + 0.004*report + 0.003*take + 0.003*make + 0.003*can')
2017-06-21 18:16:17,552 : INFO : (1, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 18:16:17,634 : INFO : (2, '0.006*city + 0.004*also + 0.004*new + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*one + 0.004*can + 0.003*make + 0.003*people + 0.003*company + 0.003*government')
2017-06-21 18:16:17,716 : INFO : (3, '0.007*group + 0.006*government + 0.006*force + 0.006*iraq + 0.005*attack + 0.005*kill + 0.005*syria + 0.005*islamic_state + 0.005*country + 0.004*official')
2017-06-21 18:16:17,798 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*season + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*point + 0.006*play + 0.006*first + 0.006*get + 0.005*two + 0.005*city')
2017-06-21 18:16:17,884 : INFO : (5, '0.009*city + 0.008*post + 0.008*sun + 0.006*2014 + 0.005*sa + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*government + 0.004*local')
2017-06-21 18:16:17,965 : INFO : (6, '0.009*uber + 0.007*city + 0.006*delhi + 0.006*police + 0.006*report + 0.006*driver + 0.005*woman + 0.005*people + 0.004*service + 0.004*company')
2017-06-21 18:16:18,049 : INFO : (7, '0.011*city + 0.011*win + 0.009*1 + 0.009*goal + 0.007*game + 0.006*team + 0.006*group + 0.006*0 + 0.006*chelsea + 0.006*first')
2017-06-21 18:16:18,131 : INFO : (8, '0.045*die + 0.028*der + 0.024*und + 0.014*al + 0.010*von + 0.009*ist + 0.009*sich + 0.009*auch + 0.008*das + 0.007*auf')
2017-06-21 18:16:18,213 : INFO : (9, '0.030*şi + 0.019*care + 0.013*la + 0.008*în + 0.007*s + 0.007*al + 0.006*un + 0.004*cu + 0.004*nu + 0.004*articole_de')
2017-06-21 18:16:18,295 : INFO : (10, '0.017*police + 0.014*wilson + 0.014*sunday + 0.012*ferguson + 0.010*mayor + 0.009*country + 0.009*st._louis + 0.007*protest + 0.007*city + 0.007*force')
2017-06-21 18:16:18,377 : INFO : (11, '0.009*et + 0.007*al + 0.007*la + 0.006*2014 + 0.005*y + 0.005*european + 0.004*clostridium_difficile + 0.004*que + 0.004*un + 0.003*city')
2017-06-21 18:16:18,459 : INFO : (12, '0.008*bank + 0.006*2014 + 0.005*late + 0.005*show + 0.005*fed + 0.004*wednesday + 0.004*edmonton + 0.003*december + 0.003*city + 0.003*one')
2017-06-21 18:16:18,539 : INFO : (13, '0.008*new_york + 0.008*police + 0.007*city + 0.007*protester + 0.006*people + 0.006*sunday + 0.005*garner + 0.005*december + 0.005*protest + 0.004*2014')
2017-06-21 18:16:18,619 : INFO : (14, '0.024*woman + 0.015*violence + 0.007*december + 0.007*school + 0.007*6 + 0.006*take + 0.006*victim + 0.006*montreal + 0.005*support + 0.005*student')
2017-06-21 18:16:18,699 : INFO : (15, '0.021*van + 0.009*meet + 0.007*die + 0.006*al + 0.005*services + 0.005*well + 0.004*december + 0.004*van_het + 0.004*voor + 0.004*het')
2017-06-21 18:16:18,780 : INFO : (16, '0.007*cj_hunedoara + 0.006*şi + 0.005*în + 0.004*la + 0.003*care + 0.003*ar_fi + 0.003*în_dosarul + 0.003*city + 0.003*dna + 0.003*solution_srl')
2017-06-21 18:16:18,860 : INFO : (17, '0.020*uber + 0.013*driver + 0.009*company + 0.008*service + 0.007*police + 0.007*charge + 0.007*san_francisco + 0.007*operate + 0.006*new + 0.006*city')
2017-06-21 18:16:18,940 : INFO : (18, '0.014*family + 0.009*corpse + 0.007*believe + 0.007*husband + 0.006*live + 0.005*die + 0.005*six + 0.005*home + 0.005*thing + 0.005*2013')
2017-06-21 18:16:19,023 : INFO : (19, '0.008*die + 0.008*der + 0.007*und + 0.004*von + 0.002*al + 0.002*man + 0.002*auch + 0.002*auf + 0.002*für + 0.002*sich')
2017-06-21 18:16:19,037 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 49920 of 459977
2017-06-21 18:20:51,276 : INFO : (0, '0.006*city + 0.005*police + 0.005*people + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*one + 0.004*also + 0.003*take + 0.003*make + 0.003*report + 0.003*can')
2017-06-21 18:20:51,357 : INFO : (1, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 18:20:51,437 : INFO : (2, '0.007*city + 0.004*new + 0.004*also + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*one + 0.004*can + 0.003*make + 0.003*people + 0.003*company + 0.003*government')
2017-06-21 18:20:51,518 : INFO : (3, '0.007*group + 0.006*government + 0.006*force + 0.006*iraq + 0.005*attack + 0.005*kill + 0.005*syria + 0.005*islamic_state + 0.005*country + 0.004*official')
2017-06-21 18:20:51,599 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*season + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*point + 0.006*play + 0.006*first + 0.006*get + 0.005*two + 0.005*city')
2017-06-21 18:20:51,679 : INFO : (5, '0.009*city + 0.008*post + 0.008*sun + 0.006*2014 + 0.005*sa + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.005*cebu + 0.004*government + 0.004*local')
2017-06-21 18:20:51,759 : INFO : (6, '0.010*uber + 0.007*city + 0.007*police + 0.007*delhi + 0.007*driver + 0.006*report + 0.005*woman + 0.005*company + 0.005*service + 0.004*government')
2017-06-21 18:20:51,840 : INFO : (7, '0.011*city + 0.010*win + 0.009*goal + 0.009*1 + 0.007*game + 0.006*team + 0.006*chelsea + 0.006*first + 0.006*group + 0.006*0')
2017-06-21 18:20:51,920 : INFO : (8, '0.045*die + 0.028*der + 0.024*und + 0.014*al + 0.010*von + 0.009*ist + 0.009*sich + 0.009*auch + 0.008*das + 0.007*auf')
2017-06-21 18:20:52,001 : INFO : (9, '0.030*şi + 0.019*care + 0.013*la + 0.008*în + 0.007*s + 0.007*al + 0.006*un + 0.004*cu + 0.004*nu + 0.004*articole_de')
2017-06-21 18:20:52,082 : INFO : (10, '0.017*police + 0.015*wilson + 0.015*sunday + 0.013*ferguson + 0.010*mayor + 0.010*country + 0.010*st._louis + 0.008*protest + 0.008*city + 0.007*force')
2017-06-21 18:20:52,162 : INFO : (11, '0.009*et + 0.007*al + 0.007*la + 0.006*2014 + 0.004*y + 0.004*european + 0.004*clostridium_difficile + 0.004*que + 0.004*city + 0.004*un')
2017-06-21 18:20:52,242 : INFO : (12, '0.010*bank + 0.006*2014 + 0.006*fed + 0.004*show + 0.004*late + 0.004*test + 0.004*city + 0.004*executive + 0.004*december + 0.004*wednesday')
2017-06-21 18:20:52,323 : INFO : (13, '0.010*new_york + 0.010*police + 0.009*city + 0.009*protester + 0.007*protest + 0.007*sunday + 0.007*people + 0.006*december + 0.006*garner + 0.006*2014')
2017-06-21 18:20:52,403 : INFO : (14, '0.027*woman + 0.017*violence + 0.007*school + 0.007*december + 0.007*take + 0.007*6 + 0.006*victim + 0.006*montreal + 0.006*support + 0.006*student')
2017-06-21 18:20:52,483 : INFO : (15, '0.017*family + 0.012*corpse + 0.008*believe + 0.008*husband + 0.007*live + 0.006*die + 0.006*six + 0.006*home + 0.006*thing + 0.006*2013')
2017-06-21 18:20:52,564 : INFO : (16, '0.022*uber + 0.014*driver + 0.010*company + 0.009*service + 0.008*charge + 0.008*san_francisco + 0.008*police + 0.007*operate + 0.007*new + 0.006*city')
2017-06-21 18:20:52,644 : INFO : (17, '0.020*van + 0.009*meet + 0.007*die + 0.006*al + 0.006*services + 0.005*well + 0.004*december + 0.004*voor + 0.004*van_het + 0.004*het')
2017-06-21 18:20:52,725 : INFO : (18, '0.012*typhoon_hagupit + 0.010*philippines + 0.009*city + 0.008*people + 0.006*photo + 0.006*storm + 0.005*hagupit + 0.005*home + 0.005*tacloban + 0.005*2014')
2017-06-21 18:20:52,806 : INFO : (19, '0.007*cj_hunedoara + 0.006*şi + 0.005*în + 0.004*la + 0.003*care + 0.003*ar_fi + 0.003*city + 0.003*în_dosarul + 0.003*solution_srl + 0.003*park')
2017-06-21 18:20:52,818 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 59904 of 459977
2017-06-21 18:25:10,943 : INFO : (0, '0.006*city + 0.005*police + 0.005*people + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*one + 0.004*also + 0.003*take + 0.003*report + 0.003*make + 0.003*can')
2017-06-21 18:25:11,026 : INFO : (1, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 18:25:11,110 : INFO : (2, '0.007*city + 0.004*new + 0.004*also + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*one + 0.004*can + 0.003*make + 0.003*people + 0.003*company + 0.003*government')
2017-06-21 18:25:11,194 : INFO : (3, '0.007*group + 0.006*government + 0.006*force + 0.006*iraq + 0.006*attack + 0.005*kill + 0.005*syria + 0.005*islamic_state + 0.005*country + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 18:25:11,279 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*season + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*point + 0.006*play + 0.006*first + 0.006*get + 0.005*two + 0.005*go')
2017-06-21 18:25:11,364 : INFO : (5, '0.009*city + 0.008*post + 0.008*sun + 0.006*2014 + 0.006*sa + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*government + 0.004*local')
2017-06-21 18:25:11,449 : INFO : (6, '0.009*uber + 0.007*city + 0.007*police + 0.007*delhi + 0.007*driver + 0.006*report + 0.005*woman + 0.005*company + 0.005*service + 0.005*israeli')
2017-06-21 18:25:11,533 : INFO : (7, '0.011*city + 0.011*win + 0.009*goal + 0.009*1 + 0.008*game + 0.006*team + 0.006*first + 0.006*chelsea + 0.006*group + 0.006*season')
2017-06-21 18:25:11,616 : INFO : (8, '0.045*die + 0.028*der + 0.025*und + 0.014*al + 0.010*von + 0.009*ist + 0.009*sich + 0.009*das + 0.009*auch + 0.007*auf')
2017-06-21 18:25:11,699 : INFO : (9, '0.031*şi + 0.020*care + 0.013*la + 0.008*în + 0.007*al + 0.007*s + 0.006*un + 0.004*nu + 0.004*cu + 0.004*articole_de')
2017-06-21 18:25:11,782 : INFO : (10, '0.014*et + 0.011*la + 0.006*le + 0.006*al + 0.006*2014 + 0.006*des + 0.005*un + 0.004*que + 0.004*à + 0.004*y')
2017-06-21 18:25:11,865 : INFO : (11, '0.018*police + 0.015*wilson + 0.015*sunday + 0.013*ferguson + 0.010*mayor + 0.010*country + 0.010*st._louis + 0.008*protest + 0.008*city + 0.008*force')
2017-06-21 18:25:11,948 : INFO : (12, '0.010*bank + 0.006*2014 + 0.006*fed + 0.005*late + 0.005*show + 0.004*december + 0.004*wednesday + 0.004*city + 0.004*test + 0.004*executive')
2017-06-21 18:25:12,033 : INFO : (13, '0.009*این + 0.006*در_این + 0.005*است_که + 0.005*برای + 0.004*که_در + 0.004*است. + 0.004*است_و + 0.003*نیز + 0.003*را_به + 0.003*باید')
2017-06-21 18:25:12,118 : INFO : (14, '0.011*new_york + 0.010*city + 0.010*police + 0.009*protester + 0.008*protest + 0.007*december + 0.007*sunday + 0.007*people + 0.007*garner + 0.006*2014')
2017-06-21 18:25:12,203 : INFO : (15, '0.013*philippines + 0.011*typhoon_hagupit + 0.010*people + 0.009*city + 0.008*storm + 0.008*hagupit + 0.006*central + 0.005*photo + 0.005*home + 0.005*tacloban')
2017-06-21 18:25:12,287 : INFO : (16, '0.028*woman + 0.018*violence + 0.008*school + 0.007*take + 0.007*december + 0.007*6 + 0.006*victim + 0.006*montreal + 0.006*support + 0.006*student')
2017-06-21 18:25:12,372 : INFO : (17, '0.023*van + 0.009*meet + 0.008*die + 0.007*al + 0.006*services + 0.005*well + 0.005*december + 0.005*van_het + 0.004*voor + 0.004*op')
2017-06-21 18:25:12,457 : INFO : (18, '0.018*family + 0.012*corpse + 0.009*believe + 0.009*husband + 0.008*live + 0.006*die + 0.006*six + 0.006*home + 0.006*thing + 0.006*2013')
2017-06-21 18:25:12,541 : INFO : (19, '0.024*uber + 0.015*driver + 0.011*company + 0.010*service + 0.008*police + 0.008*charge + 0.008*san_francisco + 0.008*operate + 0.007*new + 0.007*city')
2017-06-21 18:25:12,554 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 69888 of 459977
2017-06-21 18:29:12,053 : INFO : (0, '0.006*city + 0.005*people + 0.005*police + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*one + 0.004*also + 0.004*report + 0.003*take + 0.003*make + 0.003*can')
2017-06-21 18:29:12,134 : INFO : (1, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 18:29:12,215 : INFO : (2, '0.006*city + 0.004*new + 0.004*also + 0.004*2014 + 0.003*one + 0.003*can + 0.003*make + 0.003*people + 0.003*company + 0.003*government')
2017-06-21 18:29:12,295 : INFO : (3, '0.007*group + 0.006*government + 0.006*force + 0.006*iraq + 0.006*attack + 0.005*kill + 0.005*syria + 0.005*islamic_state + 0.005*country + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 18:29:12,376 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*season + 0.007*team + 0.007*point + 0.006*play + 0.006*first + 0.006*get + 0.005*two + 0.005*go')
2017-06-21 18:29:12,456 : INFO : (5, '0.009*city + 0.008*post + 0.008*sun + 0.006*2014 + 0.006*sa + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*government + 0.004*local')
2017-06-21 18:29:12,537 : INFO : (6, '0.008*uber + 0.007*police + 0.007*report + 0.006*city + 0.006*delhi + 0.006*driver + 0.005*woman + 0.005*israeli + 0.005*people + 0.004*palestinian')
2017-06-21 18:29:12,618 : INFO : (7, '0.011*city + 0.011*win + 0.009*goal + 0.009*1 + 0.008*game + 0.006*team + 0.006*first + 0.006*0 + 0.006*group + 0.006*season')
2017-06-21 18:29:12,698 : INFO : (8, '0.047*die + 0.029*der + 0.025*und + 0.014*al + 0.010*von + 0.009*ist + 0.009*sich + 0.009*das + 0.009*auch + 0.007*auf')
2017-06-21 18:29:12,779 : INFO : (9, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.006*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.004*که_در + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*نیز + 0.004*را_به + 0.003*باید')
2017-06-21 18:29:12,860 : INFO : (10, '0.032*şi + 0.020*care + 0.014*la + 0.009*în + 0.007*al + 0.007*s + 0.006*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.004*articole_de')
2017-06-21 18:29:12,941 : INFO : (11, '0.018*et + 0.015*la + 0.008*le + 0.008*des + 0.007*un + 0.006*al + 0.006*les + 0.006*2014 + 0.005*à + 0.005*que')
2017-06-21 18:29:13,022 : INFO : (12, '0.018*police + 0.016*wilson + 0.015*sunday + 0.014*ferguson + 0.011*mayor + 0.010*country + 0.010*st._louis + 0.008*protest + 0.008*city + 0.008*force')
2017-06-21 18:29:13,103 : INFO : (13, '0.008*bank + 0.007*2014 + 0.005*late + 0.005*show + 0.005*fed + 0.005*wednesday + 0.005*december + 0.004*one + 0.004*tuesday + 0.004*read')
2017-06-21 18:29:13,186 : INFO : (14, '0.011*new_york + 0.010*city + 0.010*police + 0.009*protester + 0.008*protest + 0.008*december + 0.007*sunday + 0.007*garner + 0.007*2014 + 0.006*people')
2017-06-21 18:29:13,266 : INFO : (15, '0.012*philippines + 0.011*typhoon_hagupit + 0.011*people + 0.009*city + 0.008*storm + 0.008*hagupit + 0.006*central + 0.005*home + 0.005*photo + 0.005*2014')
2017-06-21 18:29:13,347 : INFO : (16, '0.028*woman + 0.018*violence + 0.008*school + 0.007*take + 0.007*december + 0.007*6 + 0.006*victim + 0.006*montreal + 0.006*support + 0.006*student')
2017-06-21 18:29:13,427 : INFO : (17, '0.025*van + 0.010*meet + 0.008*die + 0.007*al + 0.006*services + 0.006*well + 0.005*december + 0.005*van_het + 0.005*voor + 0.004*op')
2017-06-21 18:29:13,508 : INFO : (18, '0.008*cj_hunedoara + 0.008*şi + 0.006*în + 0.005*la + 0.004*care + 0.004*ar_fi + 0.004*în_dosarul + 0.004*city + 0.003*solution_srl + 0.003*park')
2017-06-21 18:29:13,589 : INFO : (19, '0.018*family + 0.012*corpse + 0.009*believe + 0.009*husband + 0.008*live + 0.006*die + 0.006*six + 0.006*home + 0.006*thing + 0.006*2013')
2017-06-21 18:29:13,601 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 79872 of 459977
2017-06-21 18:30:24,603 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:30:41,205 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:30:41,210 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:32:53,397 : INFO : (0, '0.005*city + 0.005*people + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*police + 0.005*one + 0.004*report + 0.004*also + 0.003*take + 0.003*make + 0.003*can')
2017-06-21 18:32:53,482 : INFO : (1, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 18:32:53,571 : INFO : (2, '0.006*city + 0.004*new + 0.004*also + 0.004*2014 + 0.003*one + 0.003*can + 0.003*make + 0.003*company + 0.003*people + 0.003*government')
2017-06-21 18:32:53,660 : INFO : (3, '0.007*group + 0.006*government + 0.006*force + 0.006*iraq + 0.006*attack + 0.006*kill + 0.005*syria + 0.005*islamic_state + 0.005*country + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 18:32:53,746 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*season + 0.007*point + 0.006*play + 0.006*first + 0.006*get + 0.005*two + 0.005*go')
2017-06-21 18:32:53,835 : INFO : (5, '0.009*city + 0.008*post + 0.008*sun + 0.006*2014 + 0.006*sa + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*government + 0.004*local')
2017-06-21 18:32:53,922 : INFO : (6, '0.007*uber + 0.007*report + 0.007*police + 0.006*city + 0.005*delhi + 0.005*driver + 0.005*israeli + 0.005*people + 0.005*woman + 0.004*palestinian')
2017-06-21 18:32:54,034 : INFO : (7, '0.011*city + 0.010*win + 0.009*goal + 0.009*1 + 0.008*game + 0.007*team + 0.006*first + 0.006*group + 0.006*0 + 0.006*season')
2017-06-21 18:32:54,133 : INFO : (8, '0.047*die + 0.030*der + 0.026*und + 0.014*al + 0.010*von + 0.009*ist + 0.009*sich + 0.009*auch + 0.009*das + 0.007*auf')
2017-06-21 18:32:54,224 : INFO : (9, '0.011*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.006*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.004*که_در + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*را_به + 0.004*نیز + 0.003*باید')
2017-06-21 18:32:54,319 : INFO : (10, '0.032*şi + 0.021*care + 0.014*la + 0.009*în + 0.007*s + 0.007*al + 0.006*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.004*articole_de')
2017-06-21 18:32:54,412 : INFO : (11, '0.016*et + 0.013*la + 0.011*na + 0.010*e + 0.008*ni + 0.007*le + 0.007*des + 0.006*al + 0.006*un + 0.005*2014')
2017-06-21 18:32:54,509 : INFO : (12, '0.019*police + 0.016*wilson + 0.016*sunday + 0.014*ferguson + 0.011*mayor + 0.010*country + 0.010*st._louis + 0.008*protest + 0.008*city + 0.008*force')
2017-06-21 18:32:54,600 : INFO : (13, '0.008*bank + 0.007*2014 + 0.006*late + 0.005*show + 0.005*december + 0.005*wednesday + 0.004*fed + 0.004*read + 0.004*full_story + 0.004*tuesday')
2017-06-21 18:32:54,694 : INFO : (14, '0.011*new_york + 0.011*city + 0.010*police + 0.009*protest + 0.008*protester + 0.008*december + 0.007*2014 + 0.007*garner + 0.006*sunday + 0.006*people')
2017-06-21 18:32:54,784 : INFO : (15, '0.012*philippines + 0.011*people + 0.011*typhoon_hagupit + 0.009*city + 0.008*storm + 0.008*hagupit + 0.006*central + 0.006*home + 0.005*typhoon + 0.005*photo')
2017-06-21 18:32:54,875 : INFO : (16, '0.027*van + 0.011*meet + 0.009*die + 0.008*al + 0.006*services + 0.006*december + 0.006*well + 0.005*van_het + 0.005*voor + 0.005*op')
2017-06-21 18:32:54,967 : INFO : (17, '0.009*cj_hunedoara + 0.008*şi + 0.007*în + 0.005*la + 0.005*care + 0.004*ar_fi + 0.004*în_dosarul + 0.004*city + 0.004*solution_srl + 0.004*park')
2017-06-21 18:32:55,061 : INFO : (18, '0.028*woman + 0.018*violence + 0.008*school + 0.007*take + 0.007*december + 0.007*6 + 0.006*victim + 0.006*montreal + 0.006*support + 0.006*student')
2017-06-21 18:32:55,152 : INFO : (19, '0.018*family + 0.012*corpse + 0.009*believe + 0.009*husband + 0.008*live + 0.006*die + 0.006*six + 0.006*home + 0.006*thing + 0.006*2013')
2017-06-21 18:32:55,165 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 89856 of 459977
2017-06-21 18:34:29,441 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:34:29,443 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:34:29,445 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:36:11,870 : INFO : (0, '0.005*city + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*people + 0.005*one + 0.005*police + 0.004*report + 0.004*also + 0.003*take + 0.003*make + 0.003*can')
2017-06-21 18:36:11,951 : INFO : (1, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 18:36:12,033 : INFO : (2, '0.005*city + 0.004*also + 0.004*new + 0.004*2014 + 0.003*can + 0.003*one + 0.003*make + 0.003*company + 0.003*people + 0.003*government')
2017-06-21 18:36:12,115 : INFO : (3, '0.007*group + 0.006*government + 0.006*force + 0.006*attack + 0.006*iraq + 0.006*kill + 0.005*syria + 0.005*islamic_state + 0.005*country + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 18:36:12,199 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*point + 0.007*season + 0.006*play + 0.006*first + 0.006*get + 0.005*two + 0.005*go')
2017-06-21 18:36:12,283 : INFO : (5, '0.009*city + 0.008*post + 0.008*sun + 0.006*2014 + 0.005*sa + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*government + 0.004*local')
2017-06-21 18:36:12,367 : INFO : (6, '0.007*uber + 0.007*report + 0.007*police + 0.006*city + 0.005*driver + 0.005*delhi + 0.005*people + 0.005*israeli + 0.005*woman + 0.004*palestinian')
2017-06-21 18:36:12,451 : INFO : (7, '0.010*win + 0.010*city + 0.009*goal + 0.009*1 + 0.008*game + 0.007*team + 0.006*first + 0.006*0 + 0.006*season + 0.005*minute')
2017-06-21 18:36:12,535 : INFO : (8, '0.047*die + 0.030*der + 0.026*und + 0.014*al + 0.010*von + 0.009*ist + 0.009*sich + 0.009*das + 0.009*auch + 0.007*auf')
2017-06-21 18:36:12,619 : INFO : (9, '0.033*şi + 0.021*care + 0.014*la + 0.009*în + 0.007*al + 0.007*s + 0.006*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.004*articole_de')
2017-06-21 18:36:12,704 : INFO : (10, '0.011*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.006*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.004*که_در + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*را_به + 0.004*نیز + 0.003*میں')
2017-06-21 18:36:12,788 : INFO : (11, '0.016*et + 0.014*la + 0.011*na + 0.010*e + 0.008*ni + 0.007*le + 0.007*des + 0.007*al + 0.006*un + 0.006*2014')
2017-06-21 18:36:12,873 : INFO : (12, '0.019*police + 0.016*wilson + 0.016*sunday + 0.014*ferguson + 0.011*mayor + 0.011*country + 0.010*st._louis + 0.008*protest + 0.008*city + 0.008*force')
2017-06-21 18:36:12,957 : INFO : (13, '0.008*bank + 0.007*2014 + 0.006*late + 0.005*show + 0.005*december + 0.005*wednesday + 0.004*fed + 0.004*read + 0.004*one + 0.004*tuesday')
2017-06-21 18:36:13,042 : INFO : (14, '0.011*new_york + 0.011*city + 0.010*police + 0.009*protest + 0.008*protester + 0.008*december + 0.007*2014 + 0.007*garner + 0.006*sunday + 0.006*people')
2017-06-21 18:36:13,126 : INFO : (15, '0.013*philippines + 0.012*typhoon_hagupit + 0.011*people + 0.010*city + 0.008*storm + 0.008*hagupit + 0.007*central + 0.007*2014 + 0.006*home + 0.006*photo')
2017-06-21 18:36:13,210 : INFO : (16, '0.028*van + 0.011*meet + 0.009*die + 0.008*al + 0.006*services + 0.006*december + 0.006*van_het + 0.006*well + 0.005*voor + 0.005*op')
2017-06-21 18:36:13,296 : INFO : (17, '0.009*cj_hunedoara + 0.008*şi + 0.007*în + 0.005*la + 0.005*care + 0.004*ar_fi + 0.004*în_dosarul + 0.004*city + 0.004*dna + 0.004*solution_srl')
2017-06-21 18:36:13,380 : INFO : (18, '0.028*woman + 0.018*violence + 0.008*school + 0.007*take + 0.007*december + 0.007*6 + 0.006*victim + 0.006*montreal + 0.006*support + 0.006*student')
2017-06-21 18:36:13,463 : INFO : (19, '0.019*family + 0.013*corpse + 0.009*believe + 0.009*husband + 0.008*live + 0.006*die + 0.006*six + 0.006*home + 0.006*thing + 0.006*2013')
2017-06-21 18:36:13,476 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 99840 of 459977
2017-06-21 18:39:13,707 : INFO : (0, '0.005*2014 + 0.005*people + 0.005*city + 0.005*one + 0.004*police + 0.004*report + 0.004*also + 0.003*take + 0.003*make + 0.003*can')
2017-06-21 18:39:13,788 : INFO : (1, '0.004*city + 0.004*also + 0.004*new + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*can + 0.003*company + 0.003*one + 0.003*make + 0.003*people + 0.003*government')
2017-06-21 18:39:13,868 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 18:39:13,949 : INFO : (3, '0.007*group + 0.006*government + 0.006*force + 0.006*attack + 0.006*iraq + 0.005*kill + 0.005*syria + 0.005*country + 0.005*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 18:39:14,029 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*point + 0.007*season + 0.007*play + 0.006*first + 0.006*get + 0.005*two + 0.005*go')
2017-06-21 18:39:14,110 : INFO : (5, '0.009*city + 0.008*sun + 0.008*post + 0.006*2014 + 0.005*sa + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*government + 0.004*local')
2017-06-21 18:39:14,191 : INFO : (6, '0.007*uber + 0.007*report + 0.007*police + 0.006*city + 0.005*people + 0.005*driver + 0.005*delhi + 0.005*israeli + 0.005*woman + 0.004*take')
2017-06-21 18:39:14,271 : INFO : (7, '0.010*win + 0.010*city + 0.009*goal + 0.009*1 + 0.008*game + 0.007*team + 0.006*first + 0.006*0 + 0.006*minute + 0.005*season')
2017-06-21 18:39:14,352 : INFO : (8, '0.047*die + 0.030*der + 0.026*und + 0.014*al + 0.011*von + 0.009*ist + 0.009*sich + 0.009*auch + 0.009*das + 0.007*war')
2017-06-21 18:39:14,433 : INFO : (9, '0.033*şi + 0.021*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.007*al + 0.007*s + 0.006*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.004*articole_de')
2017-06-21 18:39:14,514 : INFO : (10, '0.011*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.006*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.004*که_در + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*را_به + 0.004*نیز + 0.003*میں')
2017-06-21 18:39:14,595 : INFO : (11, '0.016*et + 0.013*la + 0.011*na + 0.010*e + 0.008*ni + 0.007*le + 0.007*al + 0.006*des + 0.006*un + 0.006*2014')
2017-06-21 18:39:14,675 : INFO : (12, '0.019*police + 0.016*wilson + 0.016*sunday + 0.014*ferguson + 0.011*mayor + 0.011*country + 0.011*st._louis + 0.008*protest + 0.008*city + 0.008*force')
2017-06-21 18:39:14,757 : INFO : (13, '0.009*bank + 0.008*2014 + 0.005*late + 0.005*show + 0.005*december + 0.005*fed + 0.005*wednesday + 0.004*read + 0.004*one + 0.004*full_story')
2017-06-21 18:39:14,838 : INFO : (14, '0.011*new_york + 0.011*city + 0.010*police + 0.009*protest + 0.008*protester + 0.008*december + 0.007*2014 + 0.007*garner + 0.006*sunday + 0.006*people')
2017-06-21 18:39:14,919 : INFO : (15, '0.013*philippines + 0.012*typhoon_hagupit + 0.012*people + 0.010*city + 0.008*storm + 0.008*hagupit + 0.007*central + 0.007*2014 + 0.006*home + 0.006*photo')
2017-06-21 18:39:15,000 : INFO : (16, '0.029*van + 0.012*meet + 0.010*die + 0.009*al + 0.006*december + 0.006*services + 0.006*van_het + 0.006*voor + 0.005*well + 0.005*op')
2017-06-21 18:39:15,081 : INFO : (17, '0.009*cj_hunedoara + 0.008*şi + 0.007*în + 0.005*la + 0.005*care + 0.004*ar_fi + 0.004*în_dosarul + 0.004*dna + 0.004*city + 0.004*solution_srl')
2017-06-21 18:39:15,162 : INFO : (18, '0.028*woman + 0.018*violence + 0.008*school + 0.007*take + 0.007*december + 0.007*6 + 0.006*victim + 0.006*montreal + 0.006*support + 0.006*student')
2017-06-21 18:39:15,243 : INFO : (19, '0.020*family + 0.014*corpse + 0.010*believe + 0.010*husband + 0.008*live + 0.007*die + 0.007*six + 0.007*home + 0.007*thing + 0.007*2013')
2017-06-21 18:39:15,256 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 109824 of 459977
2017-06-21 18:42:03,677 : INFO : (0, '0.005*2014 + 0.005*people + 0.005*one + 0.004*city + 0.004*police + 0.004*also + 0.004*report + 0.004*take + 0.003*make + 0.003*can')
2017-06-21 18:42:03,759 : INFO : (1, '0.004*also + 0.004*new + 0.004*city + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*can + 0.003*company + 0.003*one + 0.003*make + 0.003*government + 0.003*people')
2017-06-21 18:42:03,842 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 18:42:03,927 : INFO : (3, '0.007*group + 0.006*government + 0.006*force + 0.006*attack + 0.006*iraq + 0.005*kill + 0.005*syria + 0.005*country + 0.005*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 18:42:04,011 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*point + 0.007*team + 0.007*season + 0.007*play + 0.006*first + 0.006*get + 0.005*go + 0.005*two')
2017-06-21 18:42:04,097 : INFO : (5, '0.009*city + 0.008*sun + 0.008*post + 0.006*2014 + 0.005*sa + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*local')
2017-06-21 18:42:04,183 : INFO : (6, '0.007*uber + 0.007*police + 0.007*report + 0.005*city + 0.005*people + 0.005*driver + 0.005*israeli + 0.005*delhi + 0.005*woman + 0.004*take')
2017-06-21 18:42:04,267 : INFO : (7, '0.011*win + 0.010*city + 0.009*goal + 0.009*1 + 0.008*game + 0.007*team + 0.006*first + 0.006*minute + 0.006*0 + 0.005*season')
2017-06-21 18:42:04,352 : INFO : (8, '0.048*die + 0.030*der + 0.026*und + 0.014*al + 0.010*von + 0.009*ist + 0.009*sich + 0.009*auch + 0.009*das + 0.007*auf')
2017-06-21 18:42:04,436 : INFO : (9, '0.033*şi + 0.021*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.007*s + 0.007*al + 0.006*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.004*articole_de')
2017-06-21 18:42:04,521 : INFO : (10, '0.011*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.006*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.004*که_در + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*را_به + 0.004*نیز + 0.003*باید')
2017-06-21 18:42:04,605 : INFO : (11, '0.015*et + 0.013*la + 0.010*na + 0.010*e + 0.007*ni + 0.007*al + 0.007*le + 0.006*des + 0.006*un + 0.006*2014')
2017-06-21 18:42:04,689 : INFO : (12, '0.019*police + 0.016*wilson + 0.016*sunday + 0.014*ferguson + 0.011*mayor + 0.011*country + 0.011*st._louis + 0.008*protest + 0.008*city + 0.008*force')
2017-06-21 18:42:04,773 : INFO : (13, '0.009*bank + 0.008*2014 + 0.005*late + 0.005*show + 0.005*december + 0.005*fed + 0.005*wednesday + 0.004*read + 0.004*one + 0.004*tuesday')
2017-06-21 18:42:04,858 : INFO : (14, '0.011*new_york + 0.011*city + 0.010*police + 0.009*protest + 0.008*protester + 0.008*december + 0.007*2014 + 0.007*garner + 0.006*sunday + 0.006*people')
2017-06-21 18:42:04,944 : INFO : (15, '0.013*philippines + 0.012*people + 0.012*typhoon_hagupit + 0.010*city + 0.008*storm + 0.008*hagupit + 0.007*central + 0.007*2014 + 0.006*home + 0.006*typhoon')
2017-06-21 18:42:05,028 : INFO : (16, '0.029*van + 0.012*meet + 0.010*die + 0.009*al + 0.006*services + 0.006*december + 0.006*van_het + 0.006*voor + 0.006*well + 0.005*op')
2017-06-21 18:42:05,112 : INFO : (17, '0.009*cj_hunedoara + 0.008*şi + 0.007*în + 0.005*la + 0.005*care + 0.004*ar_fi + 0.004*în_dosarul + 0.004*city + 0.004*dna + 0.004*park')
2017-06-21 18:42:05,198 : INFO : (18, '0.021*family + 0.014*corpse + 0.010*believe + 0.010*husband + 0.009*live + 0.007*die + 0.007*six + 0.007*home + 0.007*thing + 0.007*2013')
2017-06-21 18:42:05,282 : INFO : (19, '0.028*woman + 0.018*violence + 0.008*school + 0.007*take + 0.007*december + 0.007*6 + 0.006*victim + 0.006*montreal + 0.006*support + 0.006*student')
2017-06-21 18:42:05,295 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 119808 of 459977
2017-06-21 18:42:38,050 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:42:38,054 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:42:38,057 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:42:38,060 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:42:38,063 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:42:38,066 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:42:38,069 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:42:38,072 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:44:45,188 : INFO : (0, '0.005*2014 + 0.005*people + 0.005*one + 0.004*police + 0.004*city + 0.004*report + 0.004*also + 0.004*take + 0.004*make + 0.003*can')
2017-06-21 18:44:45,271 : INFO : (1, '0.004*also + 0.004*new + 0.004*city + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*can + 0.003*company + 0.003*make + 0.003*one + 0.003*add + 0.003*government')
2017-06-21 18:44:45,355 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 18:44:45,438 : INFO : (3, '0.007*group + 0.006*government + 0.006*force + 0.006*attack + 0.006*iraq + 0.005*kill + 0.005*syria + 0.005*country + 0.005*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 18:44:45,521 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*point + 0.007*team + 0.007*season + 0.007*play + 0.006*first + 0.006*get + 0.005*two + 0.005*go')
2017-06-21 18:44:45,603 : INFO : (5, '0.009*city + 0.008*sun + 0.008*post + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*sa + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*local')
2017-06-21 18:44:45,686 : INFO : (6, '0.007*report + 0.007*police + 0.006*uber + 0.005*people + 0.005*city + 0.005*israeli + 0.005*woman + 0.005*driver + 0.005*delhi + 0.004*take')
2017-06-21 18:44:45,769 : INFO : (7, '0.011*win + 0.010*city + 0.009*goal + 0.009*1 + 0.008*game + 0.007*team + 0.006*first + 0.006*minute + 0.006*0 + 0.005*season')
2017-06-21 18:44:45,852 : INFO : (8, '0.048*die + 0.030*der + 0.026*und + 0.015*al + 0.011*von + 0.009*ist + 0.009*sich + 0.009*auch + 0.009*das + 0.008*war')
2017-06-21 18:44:45,936 : INFO : (9, '0.034*şi + 0.021*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.007*al + 0.006*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.004*articole_de')
2017-06-21 18:44:46,019 : INFO : (10, '0.015*et + 0.013*la + 0.010*na + 0.009*e + 0.007*al + 0.007*ni + 0.007*le + 0.006*des + 0.006*un + 0.006*2014')
2017-06-21 18:44:46,102 : INFO : (11, '0.011*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.006*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.004*که_در + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*را_به + 0.004*نیز + 0.003*باید')
2017-06-21 18:44:46,186 : INFO : (12, '0.019*police + 0.016*wilson + 0.016*sunday + 0.014*ferguson + 0.011*mayor + 0.011*country + 0.011*st._louis + 0.008*protest + 0.008*city + 0.008*force')
2017-06-21 18:44:46,269 : INFO : (13, '0.008*bank + 0.008*2014 + 0.005*late + 0.005*show + 0.005*december + 0.005*wednesday + 0.005*fed + 0.004*read + 0.004*one + 0.004*tuesday')
2017-06-21 18:44:46,353 : INFO : (14, '0.011*new_york + 0.011*city + 0.010*police + 0.009*protest + 0.008*december + 0.008*protester + 0.007*2014 + 0.007*garner + 0.006*death + 0.006*sunday')
2017-06-21 18:44:46,437 : INFO : (15, '0.013*philippines + 0.013*people + 0.012*typhoon_hagupit + 0.009*city + 0.008*storm + 0.008*hagupit + 0.007*central + 0.007*2014 + 0.007*typhoon + 0.006*home')
2017-06-21 18:44:46,521 : INFO : (16, '0.030*van + 0.012*meet + 0.010*die + 0.009*al + 0.007*december + 0.006*van_het + 0.006*services + 0.006*voor + 0.005*op + 0.005*well')
2017-06-21 18:44:46,605 : INFO : (17, '0.009*cj_hunedoara + 0.009*şi + 0.008*în + 0.006*la + 0.005*care + 0.004*ar_fi + 0.004*dna + 0.004*în_dosarul + 0.004*city + 0.004*park')
2017-06-21 18:44:46,688 : INFO : (18, '0.010*2014 + 0.008*december + 0.008*uae + 0.007*full_story + 0.006*read + 0.005*al + 0.005*president + 0.004*receive + 0.004*day + 0.004*national')
2017-06-21 18:44:46,771 : INFO : (19, '0.009*إلى + 0.008*أن + 0.007*أو + 0.004*2014 + 0.002*لبنان + 0.002*إن + 0.002*أي + 0.002*من_خلال + 0.002*الله + 0.002*اليوم')
2017-06-21 18:44:46,783 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 129792 of 459977
2017-06-21 18:47:06,765 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:47:06,767 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:47:06,771 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:47:06,774 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:47:06,778 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:47:06,781 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:47:06,785 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:47:06,788 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:47:06,791 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:47:06,795 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:47:06,799 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:47:06,802 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:47:06,805 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:47:06,809 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:47:06,813 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:47:06,817 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:47:06,820 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:47:06,824 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:47:06,827 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:47:06,828 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:47:06,830 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:47:06,831 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:47:06,833 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:47:06,835 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:47:06,836 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:47:19,193 : INFO : (0, '0.005*2014 + 0.005*people + 0.005*one + 0.004*police + 0.004*city + 0.004*report + 0.004*also + 0.004*take + 0.003*make + 0.003*can')
2017-06-21 18:47:19,274 : INFO : (1, '0.004*also + 0.004*new + 0.004*city + 0.004*2014 + 0.003*can + 0.003*company + 0.003*make + 0.003*one + 0.003*government + 0.003*add')
2017-06-21 18:47:19,355 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 18:47:19,436 : INFO : (3, '0.007*group + 0.006*government + 0.006*force + 0.006*attack + 0.006*iraq + 0.006*kill + 0.005*syria + 0.005*country + 0.005*islamic_state + 0.005*security')
2017-06-21 18:47:19,516 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*point + 0.007*team + 0.007*season + 0.007*play + 0.007*first + 0.006*get + 0.005*two + 0.005*go')
2017-06-21 18:47:19,597 : INFO : (5, '0.009*city + 0.008*sun + 0.008*post + 0.005*sa + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*local')
2017-06-21 18:47:19,678 : INFO : (6, '0.007*report + 0.006*police + 0.006*uber + 0.005*people + 0.005*israeli + 0.005*city + 0.005*woman + 0.004*attack + 0.004*palestinian + 0.004*take')
2017-06-21 18:47:19,758 : INFO : (7, '0.010*win + 0.010*city + 0.009*goal + 0.009*1 + 0.008*game + 0.007*team + 0.006*first + 0.006*0 + 0.006*minute + 0.005*season')
2017-06-21 18:47:19,839 : INFO : (8, '0.048*die + 0.030*der + 0.026*und + 0.015*al + 0.011*von + 0.009*ist + 0.009*sich + 0.009*auch + 0.009*das + 0.008*war')
2017-06-21 18:47:19,920 : INFO : (9, '0.034*şi + 0.021*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.008*al + 0.006*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.005*articole_de')
2017-06-21 18:47:20,001 : INFO : (10, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.006*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.005*که_در + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*نیز + 0.004*را_به + 0.003*باید')
2017-06-21 18:47:20,081 : INFO : (11, '0.015*et + 0.013*la + 0.009*na + 0.009*e + 0.008*al + 0.007*le + 0.007*ni + 0.006*des + 0.006*2014 + 0.006*un')
2017-06-21 18:47:20,168 : INFO : (12, '0.019*police + 0.017*wilson + 0.016*sunday + 0.015*ferguson + 0.011*mayor + 0.011*country + 0.011*st._louis + 0.008*protest + 0.008*city + 0.008*force')
2017-06-21 18:47:20,249 : INFO : (13, '0.008*2014 + 0.008*bank + 0.006*late + 0.006*show + 0.005*december + 0.005*wednesday + 0.004*read + 0.004*fed + 0.004*tuesday + 0.004*one')
2017-06-21 18:47:20,329 : INFO : (14, '0.011*city + 0.011*new_york + 0.011*police + 0.010*protest + 0.008*december + 0.008*protester + 0.008*2014 + 0.007*garner + 0.006*death + 0.006*decision')
2017-06-21 18:47:20,410 : INFO : (15, '0.013*philippines + 0.013*people + 0.011*typhoon_hagupit + 0.009*city + 0.008*hagupit + 0.008*storm + 0.007*central + 0.007*2014 + 0.007*typhoon + 0.006*home')
2017-06-21 18:47:20,491 : INFO : (16, '0.010*2014 + 0.010*uae + 0.009*december + 0.007*full_story + 0.007*read + 0.007*al + 0.006*president + 0.005*wam + 0.005*national + 0.005*day')
2017-06-21 18:47:20,572 : INFO : (17, '0.031*van + 0.013*meet + 0.011*die + 0.010*al + 0.007*van_het + 0.007*december + 0.006*services + 0.006*voor + 0.006*op + 0.006*2014')
2017-06-21 18:47:20,652 : INFO : (18, '0.010*cj_hunedoara + 0.009*şi + 0.008*în + 0.006*la + 0.005*care + 0.004*ar_fi + 0.004*dna + 0.004*în_dosarul + 0.004*city + 0.004*park')
2017-06-21 18:47:20,733 : INFO : (19, '0.009*إلى + 0.008*أن + 0.007*أو + 0.004*2014 + 0.002*لبنان + 0.002*إن + 0.002*أي + 0.002*أكثر_من + 0.002*من_خلال + 0.002*اليوم')
2017-06-21 18:47:20,745 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 139776 of 459977
2017-06-21 18:48:47,025 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:48:47,029 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:48:47,032 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:48:47,034 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:49:41,669 : INFO : (0, '0.005*people + 0.005*one + 0.005*2014 + 0.004*police + 0.004*report + 0.004*city + 0.004*also + 0.003*take + 0.003*make + 0.003*can')
2017-06-21 18:49:41,751 : INFO : (1, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 18:49:41,834 : INFO : (2, '0.004*also + 0.004*new + 0.004*city + 0.004*2014 + 0.003*company + 0.003*can + 0.003*one + 0.003*make + 0.003*government + 0.003*add')
2017-06-21 18:49:41,917 : INFO : (3, '0.007*group + 0.006*government + 0.006*force + 0.006*attack + 0.006*iraq + 0.005*syria + 0.005*kill + 0.005*country + 0.005*islamic_state + 0.005*security')
2017-06-21 18:49:42,000 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*point + 0.007*team + 0.007*season + 0.007*play + 0.007*first + 0.006*get + 0.005*two + 0.005*go')
2017-06-21 18:49:42,083 : INFO : (5, '0.009*city + 0.008*sun + 0.008*post + 0.005*sa + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*local')
2017-06-21 18:49:42,166 : INFO : (6, '0.007*report + 0.006*police + 0.005*people + 0.005*uber + 0.005*israeli + 0.005*city + 0.005*woman + 0.005*attack + 0.004*palestinian + 0.004*syria')
2017-06-21 18:49:42,249 : INFO : (7, '0.010*win + 0.010*city + 0.009*goal + 0.009*1 + 0.008*game + 0.007*team + 0.006*first + 0.006*0 + 0.005*minute + 0.005*season')
2017-06-21 18:49:42,333 : INFO : (8, '0.048*die + 0.031*der + 0.027*und + 0.014*al + 0.011*von + 0.009*ist + 0.009*sich + 0.009*das + 0.009*auch + 0.008*war')
2017-06-21 18:49:42,415 : INFO : (9, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.007*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.005*که_در + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*نیز + 0.004*را_به + 0.003*باید')
2017-06-21 18:49:42,499 : INFO : (10, '0.034*şi + 0.021*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.008*al + 0.006*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.005*articole_de')
2017-06-21 18:49:42,582 : INFO : (11, '0.015*et + 0.013*la + 0.009*na + 0.008*e + 0.008*al + 0.007*le + 0.006*ni + 0.006*2014 + 0.006*des + 0.006*un')
2017-06-21 18:49:42,664 : INFO : (12, '0.019*police + 0.017*wilson + 0.017*sunday + 0.015*ferguson + 0.011*mayor + 0.011*country + 0.011*st._louis + 0.009*protest + 0.008*city + 0.008*force')
2017-06-21 18:49:42,747 : INFO : (13, '0.008*2014 + 0.007*bank + 0.006*late + 0.006*show + 0.005*december + 0.005*wednesday + 0.005*read + 0.004*tuesday + 0.004*et + 0.004*fed')
2017-06-21 18:49:42,830 : INFO : (14, '0.011*uae + 0.011*2014 + 0.009*december + 0.007*al + 0.007*full_story + 0.007*president + 0.007*read + 0.006*wam + 0.005*national + 0.005*day')
2017-06-21 18:49:42,915 : INFO : (15, '0.011*city + 0.011*new_york + 0.011*police + 0.010*protest + 0.008*december + 0.008*2014 + 0.007*protester + 0.007*garner + 0.007*death + 0.006*decision')
2017-06-21 18:49:42,998 : INFO : (16, '0.013*philippines + 0.013*people + 0.011*typhoon_hagupit + 0.009*city + 0.008*hagupit + 0.008*storm + 0.007*central + 0.007*2014 + 0.006*typhoon + 0.006*home')
2017-06-21 18:49:43,081 : INFO : (17, '0.032*van + 0.013*meet + 0.011*die + 0.010*al + 0.007*van_het + 0.007*december + 0.006*services + 0.006*voor + 0.006*op + 0.006*het')
2017-06-21 18:49:43,164 : INFO : (18, '0.010*cj_hunedoara + 0.009*şi + 0.008*în + 0.006*la + 0.005*care + 0.005*ar_fi + 0.004*în_dosarul + 0.004*dna + 0.004*city + 0.004*park')
2017-06-21 18:49:43,247 : INFO : (19, '0.010*إلى + 0.009*أن + 0.008*أو + 0.004*2014 + 0.002*إن + 0.002*لبنان + 0.002*أي + 0.002*من_خلال + 0.002*اليوم + 0.002*في_هذا')
2017-06-21 18:49:43,260 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 149760 of 459977
2017-06-21 18:50:11,360 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:50:11,362 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:50:11,365 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:50:11,368 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:50:11,371 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:51:54,432 : INFO : (0, '0.005*people + 0.005*one + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*police + 0.004*report + 0.004*also + 0.004*city + 0.003*take + 0.003*make + 0.003*can')
2017-06-21 18:51:54,515 : INFO : (1, '0.004*also + 0.004*new + 0.004*city + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*company + 0.003*can + 0.003*one + 0.003*make + 0.003*government + 0.003*country')
2017-06-21 18:51:54,597 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 18:51:54,680 : INFO : (3, '0.007*group + 0.006*government + 0.006*force + 0.006*iraq + 0.006*attack + 0.005*syria + 0.005*kill + 0.005*country + 0.005*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 18:51:54,762 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*point + 0.007*team + 0.007*season + 0.007*play + 0.007*first + 0.006*get + 0.005*two + 0.005*go')
2017-06-21 18:51:54,845 : INFO : (5, '0.009*city + 0.008*sun + 0.008*post + 0.005*sa + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*local')
2017-06-21 18:51:54,927 : INFO : (6, '0.007*report + 0.006*police + 0.005*people + 0.005*uber + 0.005*israeli + 0.005*city + 0.005*attack + 0.005*woman + 0.004*palestinian + 0.004*syria')
2017-06-21 18:51:55,010 : INFO : (7, '0.011*win + 0.009*city + 0.009*goal + 0.009*1 + 0.008*game + 0.007*team + 0.006*first + 0.006*0 + 0.006*season + 0.005*chelsea')
2017-06-21 18:51:55,092 : INFO : (8, '0.048*die + 0.032*der + 0.028*und + 0.014*al + 0.011*von + 0.009*das + 0.009*ist + 0.009*auch + 0.009*sich + 0.008*war')
2017-06-21 18:51:55,175 : INFO : (9, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.007*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.005*که_در + 0.004*نیز + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*را_به + 0.003*باید')
2017-06-21 18:51:55,258 : INFO : (10, '0.034*şi + 0.021*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.008*al + 0.006*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.005*articole_de')
2017-06-21 18:51:55,342 : INFO : (11, '0.015*et + 0.013*la + 0.009*na + 0.008*e + 0.008*al + 0.007*le + 0.006*ni + 0.006*des + 0.006*2014 + 0.006*un')
2017-06-21 18:51:55,425 : INFO : (12, '0.019*police + 0.017*wilson + 0.017*sunday + 0.015*ferguson + 0.011*mayor + 0.011*country + 0.011*st._louis + 0.009*protest + 0.008*city + 0.008*force')
2017-06-21 18:51:55,506 : INFO : (13, '0.008*2014 + 0.007*bank + 0.006*late + 0.006*show + 0.005*december + 0.005*wednesday + 0.005*read + 0.004*tuesday + 0.004*et + 0.004*fed')
2017-06-21 18:51:55,589 : INFO : (14, '0.011*uae + 0.010*2014 + 0.009*december + 0.007*al + 0.007*full_story + 0.007*read + 0.007*president + 0.006*wam + 0.005*national + 0.005*day')
2017-06-21 18:51:55,671 : INFO : (15, '0.011*city + 0.011*new_york + 0.011*police + 0.010*protest + 0.008*december + 0.008*2014 + 0.007*protester + 0.007*garner + 0.007*death + 0.006*decision')
2017-06-21 18:51:55,754 : INFO : (16, '0.011*أن + 0.010*إلى + 0.008*أو + 0.003*إن + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*إنشاء_تنبيه + 0.002*أي + 0.002*اليوم + 0.002*لبنان + 0.002*داعش')
2017-06-21 18:51:55,836 : INFO : (17, '0.013*philippines + 0.013*people + 0.011*typhoon_hagupit + 0.009*city + 0.008*hagupit + 0.008*storm + 0.007*central + 0.007*2014 + 0.006*typhoon + 0.006*home')
2017-06-21 18:51:55,919 : INFO : (18, '0.032*van + 0.013*meet + 0.011*die + 0.010*al + 0.007*van_het + 0.007*december + 0.006*services + 0.006*voor + 0.006*op + 0.006*het')
2017-06-21 18:51:56,001 : INFO : (19, '0.010*cj_hunedoara + 0.009*şi + 0.008*în + 0.006*la + 0.005*care + 0.005*ar_fi + 0.004*în_dosarul + 0.004*dna + 0.004*city + 0.004*park')
2017-06-21 18:51:56,014 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 159744 of 459977
2017-06-21 18:53:59,778 : INFO : (0, '0.005*people + 0.005*one + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*also + 0.004*police + 0.003*report + 0.003*make + 0.003*take + 0.003*city + 0.003*can')
2017-06-21 18:53:59,861 : INFO : (1, '0.004*also + 0.004*new + 0.003*city + 0.003*company + 0.003*can + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*one + 0.003*make + 0.003*government + 0.003*country')
2017-06-21 18:53:59,943 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 18:54:00,024 : INFO : (3, '0.007*group + 0.006*government + 0.006*force + 0.006*iraq + 0.005*attack + 0.005*syria + 0.005*kill + 0.005*country + 0.005*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 18:54:00,106 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*point + 0.007*team + 0.007*season + 0.007*play + 0.007*first + 0.006*get + 0.005*go + 0.005*two')
2017-06-21 18:54:00,187 : INFO : (5, '0.009*city + 0.008*sun + 0.008*post + 0.005*sa + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*local')
2017-06-21 18:54:00,268 : INFO : (6, '0.007*report + 0.006*police + 0.005*people + 0.005*israeli + 0.005*uber + 0.005*attack + 0.005*palestinian + 0.005*city + 0.004*syria + 0.004*woman')
2017-06-21 18:54:00,349 : INFO : (7, '0.010*win + 0.009*city + 0.009*goal + 0.009*1 + 0.008*game + 0.007*team + 0.006*first + 0.006*season + 0.006*chelsea + 0.006*0')
2017-06-21 18:54:00,431 : INFO : (8, '0.048*die + 0.033*der + 0.028*und + 0.013*al + 0.011*von + 0.009*das + 0.009*ist + 0.009*auch + 0.008*sich + 0.008*war')
2017-06-21 18:54:00,512 : INFO : (9, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.007*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.005*که_در + 0.004*نیز + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*را_به + 0.003*باید')
2017-06-21 18:54:00,593 : INFO : (10, '0.034*şi + 0.021*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.008*al + 0.006*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.005*articole_de')
2017-06-21 18:54:00,674 : INFO : (11, '0.015*et + 0.014*la + 0.009*na + 0.008*e + 0.008*al + 0.007*le + 0.006*ni + 0.006*des + 0.006*2014 + 0.006*un')
2017-06-21 18:54:00,755 : INFO : (12, '0.019*police + 0.017*wilson + 0.017*sunday + 0.015*ferguson + 0.011*mayor + 0.011*country + 0.011*st._louis + 0.008*protest + 0.008*city + 0.008*force')
2017-06-21 18:54:00,836 : INFO : (13, '0.008*2014 + 0.007*bank + 0.006*late + 0.006*show + 0.005*wednesday + 0.005*december + 0.005*read + 0.004*tuesday + 0.004*et + 0.004*monday')
2017-06-21 18:54:00,919 : INFO : (14, '0.012*أن + 0.011*إلى + 0.008*أو + 0.003*إن + 0.003*لبنان + 0.002*إنشاء_تنبيه + 0.002*2014 + 0.002*السعودية + 0.002*أي + 0.002*داعش')
2017-06-21 18:54:01,003 : INFO : (15, '0.011*uae + 0.010*2014 + 0.008*december + 0.008*al + 0.007*full_story + 0.007*read + 0.007*president + 0.006*wam + 0.005*national + 0.005*day')
2017-06-21 18:54:01,086 : INFO : (16, '0.011*city + 0.011*new_york + 0.010*police + 0.010*protest + 0.008*december + 0.008*2014 + 0.007*protester + 0.007*garner + 0.007*gather + 0.006*death')
2017-06-21 18:54:01,169 : INFO : (17, '0.013*philippines + 0.013*people + 0.011*typhoon_hagupit + 0.009*city + 0.008*hagupit + 0.008*storm + 0.007*central + 0.007*2014 + 0.006*typhoon + 0.006*home')
2017-06-21 18:54:01,251 : INFO : (18, '0.032*van + 0.013*meet + 0.011*die + 0.010*al + 0.007*van_het + 0.007*december + 0.006*services + 0.006*voor + 0.006*op + 0.006*het')
2017-06-21 18:54:01,334 : INFO : (19, '0.010*cj_hunedoara + 0.009*şi + 0.008*în + 0.006*la + 0.005*care + 0.005*ar_fi + 0.004*în_dosarul + 0.004*dna + 0.004*city + 0.004*park')
2017-06-21 18:54:01,347 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 169728 of 459977
2017-06-21 18:56:00,968 : INFO : (0, '0.005*people + 0.005*one + 0.004*also + 0.003*make + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*take + 0.003*police + 0.003*report + 0.003*city + 0.003*can')
2017-06-21 18:56:01,051 : INFO : (1, '0.004*also + 0.004*new + 0.003*company + 0.003*can + 0.003*city + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*one + 0.003*make + 0.003*government + 0.003*country')
2017-06-21 18:56:01,135 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 18:56:01,220 : INFO : (3, '0.006*group + 0.006*force + 0.006*government + 0.006*iraq + 0.005*attack + 0.005*syria + 0.005*kill + 0.005*country + 0.005*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 18:56:01,305 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*point + 0.007*team + 0.007*season + 0.007*play + 0.006*first + 0.006*get + 0.005*go + 0.005*two')
2017-06-21 18:56:01,389 : INFO : (5, '0.009*city + 0.008*sun + 0.008*post + 0.006*sa + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*local')
2017-06-21 18:56:01,473 : INFO : (6, '0.007*report + 0.007*police + 0.005*people + 0.005*israeli + 0.005*uber + 0.005*palestinian + 0.005*attack + 0.005*city + 0.004*syria + 0.004*woman')
2017-06-21 18:56:01,558 : INFO : (7, '0.048*die + 0.033*der + 0.029*und + 0.013*al + 0.011*von + 0.010*das + 0.009*ist + 0.008*auch + 0.008*war + 0.008*sich')
2017-06-21 18:56:01,642 : INFO : (8, '0.011*win + 0.009*city + 0.009*goal + 0.009*1 + 0.008*game + 0.007*team + 0.006*chelsea + 0.006*first + 0.006*season + 0.006*0')
2017-06-21 18:56:01,725 : INFO : (9, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.007*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.005*که_در + 0.004*نیز + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*را_به + 0.003*باید')
2017-06-21 18:56:01,808 : INFO : (10, '0.034*şi + 0.021*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.008*al + 0.006*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.005*articole_de')
2017-06-21 18:56:01,892 : INFO : (11, '0.015*et + 0.014*la + 0.009*na + 0.008*e + 0.008*al + 0.007*le + 0.006*ni + 0.006*des + 0.006*2014 + 0.006*un')
2017-06-21 18:56:01,975 : INFO : (12, '0.019*police + 0.017*wilson + 0.017*sunday + 0.015*ferguson + 0.011*mayor + 0.011*country + 0.011*st._louis + 0.008*protest + 0.008*city + 0.008*force')
2017-06-21 18:56:02,058 : INFO : (13, '0.008*2014 + 0.007*bank + 0.006*late + 0.006*show + 0.005*wednesday + 0.005*december + 0.005*read + 0.004*tuesday + 0.004*et + 0.004*monday')
2017-06-21 18:56:02,143 : INFO : (14, '0.012*أن + 0.012*إلى + 0.008*أو + 0.004*إن + 0.003*إنشاء_تنبيه + 0.003*داعش + 0.003*السعودية + 0.002*أي + 0.002*لبنان + 0.002*اليوم')
2017-06-21 18:56:02,228 : INFO : (15, '0.011*uae + 0.009*2014 + 0.008*december + 0.008*al + 0.007*full_story + 0.007*read + 0.007*president + 0.006*wam + 0.005*national + 0.005*day')
2017-06-21 18:56:02,313 : INFO : (16, '0.011*city + 0.011*new_york + 0.010*police + 0.010*protest + 0.008*december + 0.008*2014 + 0.007*protester + 0.007*garner + 0.007*gather + 0.006*death')
2017-06-21 18:56:02,397 : INFO : (17, '0.013*philippines + 0.013*people + 0.011*typhoon_hagupit + 0.009*city + 0.008*hagupit + 0.008*storm + 0.007*central + 0.007*2014 + 0.006*typhoon + 0.006*home')
2017-06-21 18:56:02,481 : INFO : (18, '0.032*van + 0.013*meet + 0.011*die + 0.010*al + 0.007*van_het + 0.007*december + 0.006*services + 0.006*voor + 0.006*op + 0.006*het')
2017-06-21 18:56:02,563 : INFO : (19, '0.010*cj_hunedoara + 0.009*şi + 0.008*în + 0.006*la + 0.005*care + 0.005*ar_fi + 0.004*în_dosarul + 0.004*dna + 0.004*city + 0.004*park')
2017-06-21 18:56:02,576 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 179712 of 459977
2017-06-21 18:56:45,689 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:56:45,693 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:56:45,695 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:56:45,698 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:56:45,701 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:56:45,703 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:57:25,680 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:57:25,683 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:57:25,686 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 18:57:59,094 : INFO : (0, '0.005*people + 0.004*one + 0.004*also + 0.003*make + 0.003*take + 0.003*police + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*report + 0.003*city + 0.003*two')
2017-06-21 18:57:59,176 : INFO : (1, '0.004*also + 0.004*new + 0.003*company + 0.003*can + 0.003*one + 0.003*city + 0.003*country + 0.003*make + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*government')
2017-06-21 18:57:59,259 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 18:57:59,342 : INFO : (3, '0.006*group + 0.006*force + 0.006*government + 0.005*iraq + 0.005*attack + 0.005*syria + 0.005*country + 0.005*kill + 0.005*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 18:57:59,425 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*point + 0.007*season + 0.007*play + 0.006*first + 0.006*get + 0.005*go + 0.005*two')
2017-06-21 18:57:59,507 : INFO : (5, '0.009*city + 0.008*sun + 0.008*post + 0.006*sa + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*local')
2017-06-21 18:57:59,590 : INFO : (6, '0.007*report + 0.007*police + 0.005*people + 0.005*israeli + 0.005*uber + 0.005*palestinian + 0.005*attack + 0.005*syria + 0.004*city + 0.004*woman')
2017-06-21 18:57:59,673 : INFO : (7, '0.048*die + 0.034*der + 0.029*und + 0.012*al + 0.012*von + 0.010*das + 0.009*ist + 0.008*auch + 0.008*war + 0.008*sich')
2017-06-21 18:57:59,756 : INFO : (8, '0.011*win + 0.009*goal + 0.009*1 + 0.009*city + 0.008*game + 0.007*team + 0.007*chelsea + 0.006*first + 0.006*season + 0.006*0')
2017-06-21 18:57:59,839 : INFO : (9, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.007*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.005*که_در + 0.004*نیز + 0.004*را_به + 0.004*است_و + 0.003*باید')
2017-06-21 18:57:59,923 : INFO : (10, '0.034*şi + 0.021*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.008*al + 0.006*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.005*articole_de')
2017-06-21 18:58:00,006 : INFO : (11, '0.015*et + 0.014*la + 0.009*na + 0.008*e + 0.008*al + 0.007*le + 0.006*ni + 0.006*des + 0.006*2014 + 0.006*un')
2017-06-21 18:58:00,091 : INFO : (12, '0.019*police + 0.017*wilson + 0.017*sunday + 0.015*ferguson + 0.011*mayor + 0.011*country + 0.011*st._louis + 0.008*protest + 0.008*city + 0.008*force')
2017-06-21 18:58:00,174 : INFO : (13, '0.008*2014 + 0.007*bank + 0.006*late + 0.006*show + 0.005*wednesday + 0.005*december + 0.005*read + 0.004*tuesday + 0.004*et + 0.004*full_story')
2017-06-21 18:58:00,257 : INFO : (14, '0.013*أن + 0.012*إلى + 0.008*أو + 0.004*إن + 0.004*إنشاء_تنبيه + 0.003*السعودية + 0.003*داعش + 0.002*أي + 0.002*خلال + 0.002*لبنان')
2017-06-21 18:58:00,340 : INFO : (15, '0.010*uae + 0.009*2014 + 0.008*al + 0.008*december + 0.007*full_story + 0.007*read + 0.006*president + 0.006*wam + 0.005*national + 0.005*day')
2017-06-21 18:58:00,423 : INFO : (16, '0.011*city + 0.011*new_york + 0.010*police + 0.010*protest + 0.008*december + 0.008*2014 + 0.007*protester + 0.007*garner + 0.007*gather + 0.006*death')
2017-06-21 18:58:00,506 : INFO : (17, '0.013*philippines + 0.013*people + 0.011*typhoon_hagupit + 0.009*city + 0.008*hagupit + 0.008*storm + 0.007*central + 0.007*2014 + 0.006*typhoon + 0.006*home')
2017-06-21 18:58:00,589 : INFO : (18, '0.032*van + 0.013*meet + 0.011*die + 0.010*al + 0.007*van_het + 0.007*december + 0.006*services + 0.006*voor + 0.006*op + 0.006*het')
2017-06-21 18:58:00,672 : INFO : (19, '0.010*cj_hunedoara + 0.009*şi + 0.008*în + 0.006*la + 0.005*care + 0.005*ar_fi + 0.004*în_dosarul + 0.004*dna + 0.004*city + 0.004*park')
2017-06-21 18:58:00,685 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 189696 of 459977
2017-06-21 18:59:50,117 : INFO : (0, '0.005*people + 0.004*one + 0.004*also + 0.003*make + 0.003*take + 0.003*police + 0.003*two + 0.003*can + 0.003*report + 0.003*time')
2017-06-21 18:59:50,197 : INFO : (1, '0.004*also + 0.004*new + 0.003*company + 0.003*can + 0.003*one + 0.003*country + 0.003*government + 0.003*make + 0.003*city + 0.003*2014')
2017-06-21 18:59:50,281 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 18:59:50,365 : INFO : (3, '0.006*force + 0.006*group + 0.006*government + 0.005*iraq + 0.005*country + 0.005*attack + 0.005*syria + 0.005*kill + 0.005*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 18:59:50,449 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*point + 0.007*season + 0.007*play + 0.006*first + 0.006*get + 0.005*go + 0.005*two')
2017-06-21 18:59:50,532 : INFO : (5, '0.009*city + 0.008*sun + 0.008*post + 0.006*sa + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*local')
2017-06-21 18:59:50,615 : INFO : (6, '0.007*report + 0.007*police + 0.005*people + 0.005*israeli + 0.005*uber + 0.005*palestinian + 0.005*attack + 0.004*syria + 0.004*city + 0.004*woman')
2017-06-21 18:59:50,698 : INFO : (7, '0.048*die + 0.034*der + 0.029*und + 0.012*al + 0.012*von + 0.010*das + 0.009*ist + 0.008*war + 0.008*auch + 0.008*auf')
2017-06-21 18:59:50,781 : INFO : (8, '0.011*win + 0.009*1 + 0.009*goal + 0.009*city + 0.008*game + 0.007*chelsea + 0.007*team + 0.006*first + 0.006*season + 0.006*0')
2017-06-21 18:59:50,864 : INFO : (9, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.007*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.005*که_در + 0.004*نیز + 0.004*را_به + 0.004*است_و + 0.003*را_در')
2017-06-21 18:59:50,948 : INFO : (10, '0.034*şi + 0.021*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.008*al + 0.006*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.005*articole_de')
2017-06-21 18:59:51,031 : INFO : (11, '0.015*et + 0.014*la + 0.009*na + 0.008*e + 0.008*al + 0.007*le + 0.006*ni + 0.006*des + 0.006*2014 + 0.006*un')
2017-06-21 18:59:51,114 : INFO : (12, '0.013*إلى + 0.013*أن + 0.008*أو + 0.004*إن + 0.004*إنشاء_تنبيه + 0.003*السعودية + 0.003*داعش + 0.002*أي + 0.002*لبنان + 0.002*خلال')
2017-06-21 18:59:51,197 : INFO : (13, '0.019*police + 0.017*wilson + 0.017*sunday + 0.015*ferguson + 0.011*mayor + 0.011*country + 0.011*st._louis + 0.008*protest + 0.008*city + 0.008*force')
2017-06-21 18:59:51,282 : INFO : (14, '0.008*2014 + 0.007*bank + 0.006*late + 0.006*show + 0.005*wednesday + 0.005*december + 0.005*read + 0.004*tuesday + 0.004*full_story + 0.004*et')
2017-06-21 18:59:51,365 : INFO : (15, '0.010*uae + 0.009*2014 + 0.008*al + 0.007*december + 0.007*full_story + 0.007*read + 0.006*president + 0.006*wam + 0.005*national + 0.005*country')
2017-06-21 18:59:51,448 : INFO : (16, '0.011*city + 0.011*new_york + 0.010*police + 0.010*protest + 0.008*december + 0.008*2014 + 0.007*protester + 0.007*garner + 0.007*gather + 0.006*death')
2017-06-21 18:59:51,531 : INFO : (17, '0.013*philippines + 0.013*people + 0.011*typhoon_hagupit + 0.009*city + 0.008*hagupit + 0.008*storm + 0.007*central + 0.007*2014 + 0.006*typhoon + 0.006*home')
2017-06-21 18:59:51,614 : INFO : (18, '0.032*van + 0.013*meet + 0.011*die + 0.010*al + 0.007*van_het + 0.007*december + 0.006*services + 0.006*voor + 0.006*op + 0.006*het')
2017-06-21 18:59:51,697 : INFO : (19, '0.010*cj_hunedoara + 0.009*şi + 0.008*în + 0.006*la + 0.005*care + 0.005*ar_fi + 0.004*în_dosarul + 0.004*dna + 0.004*city + 0.004*park')
2017-06-21 18:59:51,710 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 199680 of 459977
2017-06-21 19:00:07,510 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:00:07,512 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:00:07,516 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:00:07,519 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:00:07,523 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:00:07,526 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:00:07,529 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:01:39,419 : INFO : (0, '0.005*people + 0.004*one + 0.003*also + 0.003*make + 0.003*take + 0.003*two + 0.003*police + 0.003*time + 0.003*can + 0.003*new')
2017-06-21 19:01:39,501 : INFO : (1, '0.004*also + 0.004*new + 0.003*company + 0.003*can + 0.003*country + 0.003*one + 0.003*government + 0.003*make + 0.003*city + 0.003*2014')
2017-06-21 19:01:39,582 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 19:01:39,663 : INFO : (3, '0.006*force + 0.006*group + 0.006*government + 0.005*iraq + 0.005*country + 0.005*syria + 0.005*attack + 0.005*kill + 0.005*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 19:01:39,744 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*point + 0.007*season + 0.007*play + 0.006*first + 0.006*get + 0.005*go + 0.005*two')
2017-06-21 19:01:39,825 : INFO : (5, '0.009*city + 0.008*sun + 0.008*post + 0.006*sa + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*local')
2017-06-21 19:01:39,907 : INFO : (6, '0.007*report + 0.007*police + 0.005*people + 0.005*israeli + 0.005*uber + 0.005*palestinian + 0.005*attack + 0.005*syria + 0.004*city + 0.004*woman')
2017-06-21 19:01:39,988 : INFO : (7, '0.048*die + 0.034*der + 0.029*und + 0.012*al + 0.012*von + 0.010*das + 0.009*ist + 0.008*war + 0.008*auch + 0.008*auf')
2017-06-21 19:01:40,069 : INFO : (8, '0.011*win + 0.009*1 + 0.009*goal + 0.009*city + 0.008*game + 0.007*chelsea + 0.007*team + 0.006*first + 0.006*season + 0.006*0')
2017-06-21 19:01:40,150 : INFO : (9, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.007*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.005*که_در + 0.004*نیز + 0.004*را_به + 0.004*است_و + 0.003*را_در')
2017-06-21 19:01:40,232 : INFO : (10, '0.034*şi + 0.021*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.008*al + 0.006*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.005*articole_de')
2017-06-21 19:01:40,314 : INFO : (11, '0.015*et + 0.014*la + 0.008*na + 0.008*e + 0.008*al + 0.007*le + 0.006*des + 0.006*ni + 0.006*un + 0.006*2014')
2017-06-21 19:01:40,395 : INFO : (12, '0.013*أن + 0.013*إلى + 0.007*أو + 0.005*إن + 0.004*إنشاء_تنبيه + 0.003*السعودية + 0.003*داعش + 0.002*لبنان + 0.002*خلال + 0.002*العراق')
2017-06-21 19:01:40,476 : INFO : (13, '0.019*police + 0.017*wilson + 0.017*sunday + 0.015*ferguson + 0.011*mayor + 0.011*country + 0.011*st._louis + 0.008*protest + 0.008*city + 0.008*force')
2017-06-21 19:01:40,557 : INFO : (14, '0.008*2014 + 0.007*bank + 0.006*late + 0.006*show + 0.005*wednesday + 0.005*december + 0.005*read + 0.004*full_story + 0.004*tuesday + 0.004*monday')
2017-06-21 19:01:40,639 : INFO : (15, '0.010*uae + 0.008*2014 + 0.008*al + 0.008*full_story + 0.007*read + 0.007*december + 0.006*president + 0.006*wam + 0.005*country + 0.005*minister')
2017-06-21 19:01:40,722 : INFO : (16, '0.011*city + 0.011*new_york + 0.010*police + 0.010*protest + 0.008*december + 0.008*2014 + 0.007*protester + 0.007*garner + 0.007*gather + 0.006*death')
2017-06-21 19:01:40,803 : INFO : (17, '0.013*philippines + 0.013*people + 0.011*typhoon_hagupit + 0.009*city + 0.008*hagupit + 0.008*storm + 0.007*central + 0.007*2014 + 0.006*typhoon + 0.006*home')
2017-06-21 19:01:40,886 : INFO : (18, '0.032*van + 0.013*meet + 0.011*die + 0.010*al + 0.007*van_het + 0.007*december + 0.006*services + 0.006*voor + 0.006*op + 0.006*het')
2017-06-21 19:01:40,967 : INFO : (19, '0.010*cj_hunedoara + 0.009*şi + 0.008*în + 0.006*la + 0.005*care + 0.005*ar_fi + 0.004*în_dosarul + 0.004*dna + 0.004*city + 0.004*park')
2017-06-21 19:01:40,980 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 209664 of 459977
2017-06-21 19:03:27,941 : INFO : (0, '0.005*people + 0.004*one + 0.003*also + 0.003*make + 0.003*take + 0.003*two + 0.003*turkey + 0.003*time + 0.003*new + 0.003*can')
2017-06-21 19:03:28,023 : INFO : (1, '0.004*also + 0.004*new + 0.003*company + 0.003*can + 0.003*country + 0.003*one + 0.003*government + 0.003*make + 0.003*city + 0.003*2014')
2017-06-21 19:03:28,107 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 19:03:28,190 : INFO : (3, '0.006*force + 0.006*group + 0.006*government + 0.005*iraq + 0.005*country + 0.005*syria + 0.005*attack + 0.005*kill + 0.005*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 19:03:28,273 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*point + 0.007*season + 0.007*play + 0.006*first + 0.006*get + 0.005*go + 0.005*two')
2017-06-21 19:03:28,357 : INFO : (5, '0.009*city + 0.008*sun + 0.008*post + 0.006*sa + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*local')
2017-06-21 19:03:28,441 : INFO : (6, '0.007*police + 0.007*report + 0.005*people + 0.005*israeli + 0.005*attack + 0.005*palestinian + 0.005*uber + 0.005*syria + 0.004*city + 0.004*take')
2017-06-21 19:03:28,524 : INFO : (7, '0.048*die + 0.034*der + 0.029*und + 0.012*al + 0.012*von + 0.010*das + 0.009*ist + 0.008*war + 0.008*auch + 0.008*auf')
2017-06-21 19:03:28,607 : INFO : (8, '0.011*win + 0.009*1 + 0.009*goal + 0.008*city + 0.008*game + 0.007*chelsea + 0.007*team + 0.006*first + 0.006*season + 0.006*0')
2017-06-21 19:03:28,689 : INFO : (9, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.007*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.005*که_در + 0.004*نیز + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*را_به + 0.003*را_در')
2017-06-21 19:03:28,770 : INFO : (10, '0.034*şi + 0.021*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.008*al + 0.006*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.005*articole_de')
2017-06-21 19:03:28,851 : INFO : (11, '0.015*et + 0.014*la + 0.008*na + 0.008*e + 0.008*al + 0.007*le + 0.006*des + 0.006*ni + 0.006*un + 0.006*2014')
2017-06-21 19:03:28,933 : INFO : (12, '0.013*أن + 0.013*إلى + 0.008*أو + 0.005*إن + 0.004*إنشاء_تنبيه + 0.004*السعودية + 0.003*داعش + 0.002*لبنان + 0.002*اليمن + 0.002*أي')
2017-06-21 19:03:29,016 : INFO : (13, '0.019*police + 0.017*wilson + 0.017*sunday + 0.015*ferguson + 0.011*mayor + 0.011*country + 0.011*st._louis + 0.008*protest + 0.008*city + 0.008*force')
2017-06-21 19:03:29,099 : INFO : (14, '0.008*2014 + 0.007*bank + 0.006*late + 0.006*show + 0.005*wednesday + 0.005*december + 0.005*read + 0.004*full_story + 0.004*tuesday + 0.004*monday')
2017-06-21 19:03:29,182 : INFO : (15, '0.010*uae + 0.008*2014 + 0.008*al + 0.008*full_story + 0.008*read + 0.007*december + 0.006*president + 0.006*wam + 0.005*country + 0.005*gulf')
2017-06-21 19:03:29,265 : INFO : (16, '0.011*city + 0.011*new_york + 0.010*police + 0.010*protest + 0.008*december + 0.007*2014 + 0.007*protester + 0.007*garner + 0.007*gather + 0.006*death')
2017-06-21 19:03:29,348 : INFO : (17, '0.013*philippines + 0.013*people + 0.011*typhoon_hagupit + 0.009*city + 0.008*hagupit + 0.008*storm + 0.007*central + 0.007*2014 + 0.006*typhoon + 0.006*home')
2017-06-21 19:03:29,431 : INFO : (18, '0.032*van + 0.013*meet + 0.011*die + 0.010*al + 0.007*van_het + 0.007*december + 0.006*services + 0.006*voor + 0.006*op + 0.006*het')
2017-06-21 19:03:29,514 : INFO : (19, '0.010*cj_hunedoara + 0.009*şi + 0.008*în + 0.006*la + 0.005*care + 0.005*ar_fi + 0.004*în_dosarul + 0.004*dna + 0.004*city + 0.004*park')
2017-06-21 19:03:29,528 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 219648 of 459977
2017-06-21 19:05:15,877 : INFO : (0, '0.005*people + 0.004*one + 0.003*also + 0.003*make + 0.003*take + 0.003*turkey + 0.003*two + 0.003*new + 0.003*time + 0.003*first')
2017-06-21 19:05:15,963 : INFO : (1, '0.004*also + 0.004*new + 0.003*company + 0.003*country + 0.003*can + 0.003*government + 0.003*one + 0.003*make + 0.003*city + 0.003*2014')
2017-06-21 19:05:16,046 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 19:05:16,134 : INFO : (3, '0.006*force + 0.006*group + 0.006*government + 0.005*iraq + 0.005*country + 0.005*syria + 0.005*attack + 0.005*kill + 0.004*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 19:05:16,217 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*point + 0.007*play + 0.007*season + 0.006*first + 0.006*get + 0.005*go + 0.005*two')
2017-06-21 19:05:16,306 : INFO : (5, '0.007*police + 0.007*report + 0.005*people + 0.005*israeli + 0.005*attack + 0.005*palestinian + 0.005*syria + 0.005*uber + 0.004*city + 0.004*take')
2017-06-21 19:05:16,389 : INFO : (6, '0.009*city + 0.008*sun + 0.008*post + 0.006*sa + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*local')
2017-06-21 19:05:16,471 : INFO : (7, '0.048*die + 0.035*der + 0.030*und + 0.012*von + 0.012*al + 0.010*das + 0.009*ist + 0.008*war + 0.008*auch + 0.008*auf')
2017-06-21 19:05:16,554 : INFO : (8, '0.011*win + 0.009*1 + 0.009*goal + 0.008*city + 0.008*game + 0.007*chelsea + 0.007*team + 0.006*first + 0.006*season + 0.006*0')
2017-06-21 19:05:16,636 : INFO : (9, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.007*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.005*که_در + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*نیز + 0.004*را_به + 0.003*را_در')
2017-06-21 19:05:16,718 : INFO : (10, '0.034*şi + 0.021*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.008*al + 0.006*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.005*articole_de')
2017-06-21 19:05:16,804 : INFO : (11, '0.013*أن + 0.012*إلى + 0.008*أو + 0.005*إن + 0.004*إنشاء_تنبيه + 0.004*السعودية + 0.003*داعش + 0.003*اليمن + 0.002*لبنان + 0.002*خلال')
2017-06-21 19:05:16,890 : INFO : (12, '0.015*et + 0.014*la + 0.008*na + 0.008*e + 0.008*al + 0.007*le + 0.006*des + 0.006*un + 0.006*ni + 0.006*2014')
2017-06-21 19:05:16,972 : INFO : (13, '0.019*police + 0.017*wilson + 0.017*sunday + 0.015*ferguson + 0.011*mayor + 0.011*country + 0.011*st._louis + 0.008*protest + 0.008*city + 0.008*force')
2017-06-21 19:05:17,056 : INFO : (14, '0.008*2014 + 0.007*bank + 0.006*late + 0.006*show + 0.005*wednesday + 0.005*december + 0.005*read + 0.004*full_story + 0.004*tuesday + 0.004*monday')
2017-06-21 19:05:17,139 : INFO : (15, '0.009*uae + 0.008*al + 0.008*full_story + 0.008*read + 0.008*2014 + 0.006*december + 0.006*president + 0.006*wam + 0.005*gulf + 0.005*country')
2017-06-21 19:05:17,220 : INFO : (16, '0.011*city + 0.010*new_york + 0.010*gather + 0.010*police + 0.010*day + 0.009*protest + 0.009*saturday + 0.009*hundred + 0.008*december + 0.008*commemorate_anzac')
2017-06-21 19:05:17,304 : INFO : (17, '0.013*philippines + 0.013*people + 0.011*typhoon_hagupit + 0.009*city + 0.008*hagupit + 0.008*storm + 0.007*central + 0.007*2014 + 0.006*typhoon + 0.006*home')
2017-06-21 19:05:17,387 : INFO : (18, '0.032*van + 0.013*meet + 0.011*die + 0.010*al + 0.007*van_het + 0.007*december + 0.006*services + 0.006*voor + 0.006*op + 0.006*het')
2017-06-21 19:05:17,468 : INFO : (19, '0.014*full_story + 0.012*2014 + 0.012*read + 0.012*daily_mail + 0.009*december + 0.008*iraq + 0.006*islamic_state + 0.006*2015 + 0.005*leader + 0.005*report')
2017-06-21 19:05:17,480 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 229632 of 459977
2017-06-21 19:05:34,517 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:05:34,521 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:06:06,502 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:06:35,622 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:06:35,625 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:06:59,552 : INFO : (0, '0.004*people + 0.004*one + 0.003*also + 0.003*make + 0.003*take + 0.003*turkey + 0.003*two + 0.003*new + 0.003*time + 0.003*can')
2017-06-21 19:06:59,632 : INFO : (1, '0.004*also + 0.004*new + 0.003*company + 0.003*country + 0.003*can + 0.003*one + 0.003*government + 0.003*make + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*city')
2017-06-21 19:06:59,713 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 19:06:59,793 : INFO : (3, '0.006*force + 0.006*group + 0.006*government + 0.005*iraq + 0.005*country + 0.005*syria + 0.005*attack + 0.005*kill + 0.005*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 19:06:59,877 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*point + 0.007*season + 0.007*play + 0.006*first + 0.006*get + 0.005*go + 0.005*two')
2017-06-21 19:06:59,961 : INFO : (5, '0.007*police + 0.007*report + 0.005*people + 0.005*israeli + 0.005*attack + 0.005*syria + 0.005*palestinian + 0.004*uber + 0.004*one + 0.004*take')
2017-06-21 19:07:00,043 : INFO : (6, '0.009*city + 0.008*sun + 0.008*post + 0.006*sa + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*local')
2017-06-21 19:07:00,126 : INFO : (7, '0.048*die + 0.034*der + 0.029*und + 0.012*von + 0.012*al + 0.010*das + 0.009*ist + 0.008*war + 0.008*auch + 0.008*auf')
2017-06-21 19:07:00,208 : INFO : (8, '0.011*win + 0.009*1 + 0.009*goal + 0.008*city + 0.008*game + 0.007*chelsea + 0.007*team + 0.006*first + 0.006*season + 0.006*0')
2017-06-21 19:07:00,291 : INFO : (9, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.007*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.005*که_در + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*را_به + 0.004*نیز + 0.003*را_در')
2017-06-21 19:07:00,373 : INFO : (10, '0.034*şi + 0.022*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.008*al + 0.006*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.005*articole_de')
2017-06-21 19:07:00,453 : INFO : (11, '0.015*et + 0.014*la + 0.009*al + 0.008*e + 0.008*na + 0.007*le + 0.006*un + 0.006*2014 + 0.006*des + 0.006*que')
2017-06-21 19:07:00,533 : INFO : (12, '0.013*أن + 0.013*إلى + 0.008*أو + 0.005*إن + 0.004*إنشاء_تنبيه + 0.003*السعودية + 0.003*داعش + 0.003*لبنان + 0.002*اليمن + 0.002*خلال')
2017-06-21 19:07:00,617 : INFO : (13, '0.020*police + 0.017*wilson + 0.017*sunday + 0.015*ferguson + 0.011*mayor + 0.011*country + 0.011*st._louis + 0.009*protest + 0.009*city + 0.008*force')
2017-06-21 19:07:00,702 : INFO : (14, '0.008*2014 + 0.007*bank + 0.006*late + 0.006*show + 0.006*wednesday + 0.005*december + 0.005*read + 0.004*tuesday + 0.004*full_story + 0.004*monday')
2017-06-21 19:07:00,783 : INFO : (15, '0.010*uae + 0.009*al + 0.008*2014 + 0.007*full_story + 0.007*read + 0.007*december + 0.006*president + 0.006*wam + 0.005*country + 0.005*minister')
2017-06-21 19:07:00,866 : INFO : (16, '0.011*city + 0.011*new_york + 0.010*police + 0.010*gather + 0.010*protest + 0.009*day + 0.009*saturday + 0.009*hundred + 0.008*december + 0.008*2014')
2017-06-21 19:07:00,949 : INFO : (17, '0.013*philippines + 0.013*people + 0.011*typhoon_hagupit + 0.009*city + 0.008*hagupit + 0.008*storm + 0.007*central + 0.007*2014 + 0.006*typhoon + 0.006*home')
2017-06-21 19:07:01,033 : INFO : (18, '0.033*van + 0.014*meet + 0.011*die + 0.010*al + 0.007*van_het + 0.007*december + 0.006*voor + 0.006*services + 0.006*op + 0.006*het')
2017-06-21 19:07:01,116 : INFO : (19, '0.015*full_story + 0.013*2014 + 0.013*read + 0.012*daily_mail + 0.010*december + 0.008*iraq + 0.007*wife + 0.007*leader + 0.006*islamic_state + 0.006*baghdadi')
2017-06-21 19:07:01,128 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 239616 of 459977
2017-06-21 19:08:30,107 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:08:44,498 : INFO : (0, '0.004*people + 0.004*one + 0.003*also + 0.003*make + 0.003*take + 0.003*turkey + 0.003*two + 0.003*time + 0.003*new + 0.003*can')
2017-06-21 19:08:44,589 : INFO : (1, '0.004*also + 0.004*new + 0.003*company + 0.003*country + 0.003*can + 0.003*one + 0.003*government + 0.003*make + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*people')
2017-06-21 19:08:44,682 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 19:08:44,774 : INFO : (3, '0.006*force + 0.006*group + 0.006*government + 0.005*iraq + 0.005*country + 0.005*syria + 0.005*attack + 0.005*kill + 0.005*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 19:08:44,867 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*point + 0.007*season + 0.007*play + 0.006*first + 0.006*get + 0.005*go + 0.005*two')
2017-06-21 19:08:44,959 : INFO : (5, '0.007*report + 0.007*police + 0.005*people + 0.005*israeli + 0.005*attack + 0.005*syria + 0.005*palestinian + 0.004*one + 0.004*group + 0.004*take')
2017-06-21 19:08:45,047 : INFO : (6, '0.008*city + 0.008*post + 0.008*sun + 0.006*sa + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*local')
2017-06-21 19:08:45,134 : INFO : (7, '0.048*die + 0.034*der + 0.029*und + 0.012*al + 0.012*von + 0.010*das + 0.009*ist + 0.008*war + 0.008*auch + 0.008*auf')
2017-06-21 19:08:45,221 : INFO : (8, '0.011*win + 0.009*1 + 0.009*goal + 0.008*city + 0.008*game + 0.007*chelsea + 0.007*team + 0.006*first + 0.006*season + 0.006*0')
2017-06-21 19:08:45,305 : INFO : (9, '0.034*şi + 0.022*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.008*al + 0.006*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.005*articole_de')
2017-06-21 19:08:45,386 : INFO : (10, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.007*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.005*که_در + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*نیز + 0.004*را_به + 0.003*را_در')
2017-06-21 19:08:45,466 : INFO : (11, '0.015*et + 0.014*la + 0.009*al + 0.008*e + 0.007*na + 0.007*le + 0.006*2014 + 0.006*un + 0.006*que + 0.006*y')
2017-06-21 19:08:45,551 : INFO : (12, '0.013*أن + 0.013*إلى + 0.008*أو + 0.005*إن + 0.004*إنشاء_تنبيه + 0.003*السعودية + 0.003*داعش + 0.003*لبنان + 0.002*خلال + 0.002*أي')
2017-06-21 19:08:45,639 : INFO : (13, '0.011*uae + 0.009*al + 0.008*2014 + 0.007*full_story + 0.007*read + 0.007*december + 0.006*president + 0.006*wam + 0.006*country + 0.006*minister')
2017-06-21 19:08:45,728 : INFO : (14, '0.020*police + 0.017*wilson + 0.017*sunday + 0.015*ferguson + 0.012*mayor + 0.011*country + 0.011*st._louis + 0.009*protest + 0.009*city + 0.009*force')
2017-06-21 19:08:45,816 : INFO : (15, '0.008*2014 + 0.006*late + 0.006*bank + 0.006*show + 0.006*wednesday + 0.005*december + 0.005*read + 0.004*dan + 0.004*tuesday + 0.004*et')
2017-06-21 19:08:45,899 : INFO : (16, '0.011*city + 0.011*police + 0.011*new_york + 0.010*protest + 0.010*gather + 0.009*day + 0.009*saturday + 0.008*december + 0.008*hundred + 0.008*2014')
2017-06-21 19:08:45,982 : INFO : (17, '0.033*van + 0.014*meet + 0.012*die + 0.010*al + 0.007*december + 0.007*van_het + 0.006*services + 0.006*voor + 0.006*op + 0.006*het')
2017-06-21 19:08:46,064 : INFO : (18, '0.013*philippines + 0.013*people + 0.011*typhoon_hagupit + 0.009*city + 0.008*hagupit + 0.008*storm + 0.007*central + 0.007*2014 + 0.006*typhoon + 0.006*home')
2017-06-21 19:08:46,148 : INFO : (19, '0.015*full_story + 0.014*2014 + 0.013*read + 0.013*daily_mail + 0.011*december + 0.009*wife + 0.009*iraq + 0.008*baghdadi + 0.007*leader + 0.007*detain')
2017-06-21 19:08:46,160 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 249600 of 459977
2017-06-21 19:09:13,370 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:09:13,372 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:09:13,375 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:09:13,378 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:09:13,383 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:09:13,386 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:10:27,431 : INFO : (0, '0.004*one + 0.004*people + 0.003*also + 0.003*make + 0.003*take + 0.003*two + 0.003*turkey + 0.003*time + 0.003*new + 0.003*can')
2017-06-21 19:10:27,521 : INFO : (1, '0.004*also + 0.004*new + 0.003*company + 0.003*country + 0.003*can + 0.003*one + 0.003*government + 0.003*make + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*market')
2017-06-21 19:10:27,613 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 19:10:27,703 : INFO : (3, '0.006*force + 0.006*group + 0.006*government + 0.005*iraq + 0.005*country + 0.005*syria + 0.005*attack + 0.005*kill + 0.005*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 19:10:27,790 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*point + 0.007*season + 0.007*play + 0.006*first + 0.006*get + 0.005*go + 0.005*two')
2017-06-21 19:10:27,873 : INFO : (5, '0.007*police + 0.007*report + 0.005*people + 0.005*israeli + 0.005*attack + 0.005*syria + 0.005*palestinian + 0.004*one + 0.004*take + 0.004*group')
2017-06-21 19:10:27,955 : INFO : (6, '0.008*city + 0.008*post + 0.008*sun + 0.006*sa + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*local')
2017-06-21 19:10:28,037 : INFO : (7, '0.048*die + 0.034*der + 0.029*und + 0.012*al + 0.012*von + 0.010*das + 0.009*ist + 0.008*war + 0.008*auch + 0.008*auf')
2017-06-21 19:10:28,120 : INFO : (8, '0.011*win + 0.009*1 + 0.009*goal + 0.008*city + 0.008*game + 0.007*chelsea + 0.007*team + 0.006*first + 0.006*season + 0.006*0')
2017-06-21 19:10:28,206 : INFO : (9, '0.034*şi + 0.022*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.008*al + 0.006*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.005*articole_de')
2017-06-21 19:10:28,307 : INFO : (10, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.007*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.005*که_در + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*نیز + 0.004*را_به + 0.003*را_در')
2017-06-21 19:10:28,402 : INFO : (11, '0.016*et + 0.014*la + 0.009*al + 0.007*e + 0.007*le + 0.007*na + 0.006*des + 0.006*un + 0.006*que + 0.006*2014')
2017-06-21 19:10:28,489 : INFO : (12, '0.013*أن + 0.013*إلى + 0.008*أو + 0.005*إن + 0.004*إنشاء_تنبيه + 0.003*السعودية + 0.003*داعش + 0.003*لبنان + 0.002*خلال + 0.002*أي')
2017-06-21 19:10:28,571 : INFO : (13, '0.011*uae + 0.009*al + 0.008*2014 + 0.007*full_story + 0.007*read + 0.007*december + 0.006*president + 0.006*wam + 0.006*country + 0.006*minister')
2017-06-21 19:10:28,654 : INFO : (14, '0.008*2014 + 0.006*bank + 0.006*late + 0.006*show + 0.005*wednesday + 0.005*december + 0.005*read + 0.005*dan + 0.004*tuesday + 0.004*et')
2017-06-21 19:10:28,736 : INFO : (15, '0.020*police + 0.017*wilson + 0.017*sunday + 0.015*ferguson + 0.012*mayor + 0.011*country + 0.011*st._louis + 0.009*protest + 0.009*city + 0.009*force')
2017-06-21 19:10:28,820 : INFO : (16, '0.011*city + 0.011*new_york + 0.011*police + 0.010*protest + 0.010*gather + 0.009*day + 0.009*december + 0.009*saturday + 0.008*hundred + 0.008*2014')
2017-06-21 19:10:28,907 : INFO : (17, '0.013*philippines + 0.013*people + 0.012*typhoon_hagupit + 0.009*city + 0.008*hagupit + 0.008*storm + 0.007*central + 0.007*2014 + 0.006*home + 0.006*typhoon')
2017-06-21 19:10:28,999 : INFO : (18, '0.034*van + 0.014*meet + 0.012*die + 0.010*al + 0.007*van_het + 0.007*december + 0.007*voor + 0.006*services + 0.006*op + 0.006*het')
2017-06-21 19:10:29,088 : INFO : (19, '0.015*full_story + 0.014*2014 + 0.013*read + 0.012*daily_mail + 0.011*december + 0.010*wife + 0.009*baghdadi + 0.009*iraq + 0.008*detain + 0.008*leader')
2017-06-21 19:10:29,102 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 259584 of 459977
2017-06-21 19:10:45,649 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:10:45,653 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:10:45,657 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:10:45,660 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:10:45,664 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:12:06,420 : INFO : (0, '0.004*one + 0.004*people + 0.003*also + 0.003*make + 0.003*take + 0.003*two + 0.003*time + 0.003*new + 0.003*can + 0.003*turkey')
2017-06-21 19:12:06,500 : INFO : (1, '0.004*also + 0.004*new + 0.004*company + 0.003*can + 0.003*country + 0.003*government + 0.003*one + 0.003*make + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*market')
2017-06-21 19:12:06,579 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 19:12:06,658 : INFO : (3, '0.006*force + 0.006*group + 0.006*government + 0.005*iraq + 0.005*country + 0.005*syria + 0.005*attack + 0.005*kill + 0.004*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 19:12:06,737 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*point + 0.007*play + 0.007*season + 0.006*first + 0.006*get + 0.005*go + 0.005*two')
2017-06-21 19:12:06,818 : INFO : (5, '0.007*police + 0.007*report + 0.005*people + 0.005*israeli + 0.005*attack + 0.005*syria + 0.004*palestinian + 0.004*one + 0.004*take + 0.004*group')
2017-06-21 19:12:06,900 : INFO : (6, '0.008*city + 0.008*post + 0.008*sun + 0.006*sa + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*local')
2017-06-21 19:12:06,980 : INFO : (7, '0.048*die + 0.034*der + 0.029*und + 0.012*al + 0.012*von + 0.010*das + 0.009*ist + 0.008*war + 0.008*auch + 0.008*auf')
2017-06-21 19:12:07,059 : INFO : (8, '0.011*win + 0.009*1 + 0.009*goal + 0.008*city + 0.008*game + 0.007*chelsea + 0.007*team + 0.006*first + 0.006*season + 0.006*0')
2017-06-21 19:12:07,141 : INFO : (9, '0.034*şi + 0.022*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.008*al + 0.007*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.005*articole_de')
2017-06-21 19:12:07,226 : INFO : (10, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.007*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.005*که_در + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*نیز + 0.004*را_به + 0.003*را_در')
2017-06-21 19:12:07,309 : INFO : (11, '0.016*et + 0.015*la + 0.008*al + 0.007*le + 0.007*e + 0.007*na + 0.007*des + 0.006*un + 0.006*que + 0.006*2014')
2017-06-21 19:12:07,390 : INFO : (12, '0.013*أن + 0.013*إلى + 0.008*أو + 0.005*إن + 0.004*إنشاء_تنبيه + 0.003*السعودية + 0.003*داعش + 0.003*لبنان + 0.002*خلال + 0.002*أي')
2017-06-21 19:12:07,471 : INFO : (13, '0.011*uae + 0.009*al + 0.009*2014 + 0.007*full_story + 0.007*read + 0.007*december + 0.006*president + 0.006*wam + 0.006*minister + 0.006*country')
2017-06-21 19:12:07,552 : INFO : (14, '0.008*2014 + 0.006*bank + 0.006*late + 0.006*show + 0.005*wednesday + 0.005*december + 0.005*read + 0.005*dan + 0.004*tuesday + 0.004*full_story')
2017-06-21 19:12:07,633 : INFO : (15, '0.020*police + 0.017*wilson + 0.017*sunday + 0.015*ferguson + 0.012*mayor + 0.011*country + 0.011*st._louis + 0.009*protest + 0.009*city + 0.009*force')
2017-06-21 19:12:07,713 : INFO : (16, '0.014*philippines + 0.013*people + 0.012*typhoon_hagupit + 0.010*city + 0.009*hagupit + 0.008*2014 + 0.008*storm + 0.008*central + 0.007*home + 0.007*area')
2017-06-21 19:12:07,792 : INFO : (17, '0.011*city + 0.011*police + 0.011*new_york + 0.010*protest + 0.009*gather + 0.009*december + 0.009*day + 0.008*saturday + 0.008*2014 + 0.008*hundred')
2017-06-21 19:12:07,872 : INFO : (18, '0.034*van + 0.014*meet + 0.012*die + 0.010*al + 0.007*van_het + 0.007*december + 0.007*voor + 0.007*services + 0.006*op + 0.006*het')
2017-06-21 19:12:07,951 : INFO : (19, '0.015*full_story + 0.014*2014 + 0.013*read + 0.012*daily_mail + 0.011*december + 0.010*wife + 0.009*baghdadi + 0.009*iraq + 0.008*detain + 0.008*al')
2017-06-21 19:12:07,963 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 269568 of 459977
2017-06-21 19:13:20,316 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:13:20,318 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:13:20,322 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:13:44,530 : INFO : (0, '0.004*one + 0.004*people + 0.003*also + 0.003*make + 0.003*take + 0.003*two + 0.003*new + 0.003*time + 0.003*can + 0.003*first')
2017-06-21 19:13:44,612 : INFO : (1, '0.004*new + 0.004*also + 0.004*company + 0.003*can + 0.003*country + 0.003*government + 0.003*one + 0.003*make + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*market')
2017-06-21 19:13:44,693 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 19:13:44,775 : INFO : (3, '0.006*force + 0.006*group + 0.006*government + 0.005*iraq + 0.005*country + 0.005*attack + 0.005*syria + 0.005*kill + 0.004*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 19:13:44,855 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*point + 0.007*play + 0.007*season + 0.006*first + 0.006*get + 0.005*go + 0.005*two')
2017-06-21 19:13:44,937 : INFO : (5, '0.007*police + 0.007*report + 0.005*people + 0.005*israeli + 0.005*attack + 0.005*syria + 0.004*palestinian + 0.004*take + 0.004*one + 0.004*uber')
2017-06-21 19:13:45,016 : INFO : (6, '0.008*city + 0.008*post + 0.008*sun + 0.006*sa + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*local')
2017-06-21 19:13:45,097 : INFO : (7, '0.048*die + 0.034*der + 0.029*und + 0.012*al + 0.012*von + 0.010*das + 0.009*ist + 0.008*war + 0.008*auch + 0.008*auf')
2017-06-21 19:13:45,179 : INFO : (8, '0.010*win + 0.009*1 + 0.009*goal + 0.008*city + 0.008*game + 0.007*chelsea + 0.007*team + 0.006*first + 0.006*season + 0.006*0')
2017-06-21 19:13:45,260 : INFO : (9, '0.034*şi + 0.022*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.008*al + 0.006*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.005*articole_de')
2017-06-21 19:13:45,341 : INFO : (10, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.007*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.005*که_در + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*نیز + 0.004*را_به + 0.003*را_در')
2017-06-21 19:13:45,423 : INFO : (11, '0.017*et + 0.015*la + 0.008*al + 0.008*le + 0.007*e + 0.007*des + 0.007*na + 0.006*un + 0.006*que + 0.006*2014')
2017-06-21 19:13:45,505 : INFO : (12, '0.013*أن + 0.013*إلى + 0.008*أو + 0.005*إن + 0.004*إنشاء_تنبيه + 0.003*السعودية + 0.003*داعش + 0.003*لبنان + 0.002*أي + 0.002*خلال')
2017-06-21 19:13:45,587 : INFO : (13, '0.011*uae + 0.009*al + 0.009*2014 + 0.007*full_story + 0.007*read + 0.007*december + 0.006*president + 0.006*wam + 0.006*country + 0.006*minister')
2017-06-21 19:13:45,668 : INFO : (14, '0.008*2014 + 0.006*bank + 0.006*late + 0.006*show + 0.006*december + 0.005*wednesday + 0.005*read + 0.005*dan + 0.004*full_story + 0.004*tuesday')
2017-06-21 19:13:45,749 : INFO : (15, '0.020*police + 0.017*wilson + 0.017*sunday + 0.015*ferguson + 0.012*mayor + 0.011*country + 0.011*st._louis + 0.009*protest + 0.009*city + 0.009*force')
2017-06-21 19:13:45,831 : INFO : (16, '0.014*philippines + 0.013*people + 0.012*typhoon_hagupit + 0.010*city + 0.008*hagupit + 0.008*storm + 0.008*2014 + 0.008*central + 0.007*home + 0.007*typhoon')
2017-06-21 19:13:45,913 : INFO : (17, '0.011*city + 0.011*police + 0.011*new_york + 0.010*protest + 0.009*gather + 0.009*december + 0.008*2014 + 0.008*day + 0.008*saturday + 0.008*hundred')
2017-06-21 19:13:45,994 : INFO : (18, '0.015*full_story + 0.015*2014 + 0.013*read + 0.012*daily_mail + 0.011*december + 0.010*wife + 0.009*baghdadi + 0.009*iraq + 0.008*detain + 0.008*al')
2017-06-21 19:13:46,074 : INFO : (19, '0.034*van + 0.014*meet + 0.012*die + 0.010*al + 0.007*van_het + 0.007*december + 0.007*voor + 0.006*services + 0.006*op + 0.006*het')
2017-06-21 19:13:46,085 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 279552 of 459977
2017-06-21 19:15:15,910 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:15:15,914 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:15:15,917 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:15:22,478 : INFO : (0, '0.005*one + 0.004*people + 0.003*also + 0.003*make + 0.003*take + 0.003*new + 0.003*two + 0.003*time + 0.003*can + 0.003*police')
2017-06-21 19:15:22,556 : INFO : (1, '0.004*new + 0.004*also + 0.004*company + 0.003*can + 0.003*government + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*one + 0.003*country + 0.003*make + 0.003*market')
2017-06-21 19:15:22,636 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 19:15:22,717 : INFO : (3, '0.006*force + 0.006*group + 0.006*government + 0.005*iraq + 0.005*country + 0.005*attack + 0.005*syria + 0.005*kill + 0.004*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 19:15:22,797 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*play + 0.007*point + 0.007*season + 0.006*first + 0.006*get + 0.005*go + 0.005*two')
2017-06-21 19:15:22,878 : INFO : (5, '0.007*police + 0.007*report + 0.005*people + 0.005*israeli + 0.005*attack + 0.004*syria + 0.004*palestinian + 0.004*uber + 0.004*take + 0.004*one')
2017-06-21 19:15:22,957 : INFO : (6, '0.008*city + 0.008*post + 0.008*sun + 0.006*sa + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*local')
2017-06-21 19:15:23,037 : INFO : (7, '0.048*die + 0.034*der + 0.029*und + 0.012*al + 0.012*von + 0.010*das + 0.009*ist + 0.008*war + 0.008*auch + 0.008*auf')
2017-06-21 19:15:23,116 : INFO : (8, '0.010*win + 0.009*1 + 0.009*goal + 0.008*city + 0.008*game + 0.007*team + 0.007*chelsea + 0.006*first + 0.006*season + 0.006*0')
2017-06-21 19:15:23,195 : INFO : (9, '0.034*şi + 0.022*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.008*al + 0.006*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.005*articole_de')
2017-06-21 19:15:23,274 : INFO : (10, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.007*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.005*که_در + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*نیز + 0.004*را_به + 0.003*را_در')
2017-06-21 19:15:23,354 : INFO : (11, '0.017*et + 0.015*la + 0.008*al + 0.008*le + 0.007*e + 0.007*des + 0.007*na + 0.007*un + 0.006*que + 0.006*2014')
2017-06-21 19:15:23,433 : INFO : (12, '0.013*أن + 0.013*إلى + 0.008*أو + 0.005*إن + 0.004*إنشاء_تنبيه + 0.003*السعودية + 0.003*داعش + 0.003*لبنان + 0.003*أي + 0.002*اليوم')
2017-06-21 19:15:23,513 : INFO : (13, '0.011*uae + 0.009*2014 + 0.009*al + 0.007*full_story + 0.007*december + 0.007*read + 0.006*president + 0.006*wam + 0.006*country + 0.006*minister')
2017-06-21 19:15:23,592 : INFO : (14, '0.009*2014 + 0.006*bank + 0.006*late + 0.006*show + 0.006*december + 0.005*wednesday + 0.005*read + 0.005*dan + 0.004*full_story + 0.004*tuesday')
2017-06-21 19:15:23,672 : INFO : (15, '0.020*police + 0.017*wilson + 0.017*sunday + 0.015*ferguson + 0.012*mayor + 0.011*country + 0.011*st._louis + 0.009*protest + 0.009*city + 0.009*force')
2017-06-21 19:15:23,751 : INFO : (16, '0.014*philippines + 0.013*people + 0.012*typhoon_hagupit + 0.010*city + 0.009*hagupit + 0.008*storm + 0.008*2014 + 0.008*central + 0.007*home + 0.007*typhoon')
2017-06-21 19:15:23,830 : INFO : (17, '0.011*new_york + 0.011*city + 0.011*police + 0.011*protest + 0.009*december + 0.009*gather + 0.009*2014 + 0.008*day + 0.008*saturday + 0.007*hundred')
2017-06-21 19:15:23,911 : INFO : (18, '0.015*2014 + 0.015*full_story + 0.013*read + 0.012*daily_mail + 0.011*december + 0.010*wife + 0.009*baghdadi + 0.009*iraq + 0.008*detain + 0.008*al')
2017-06-21 19:15:23,991 : INFO : (19, '0.034*van + 0.014*meet + 0.012*die + 0.010*al + 0.007*van_het + 0.007*december + 0.007*voor + 0.006*services + 0.006*op + 0.006*het')
2017-06-21 19:15:24,003 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 289536 of 459977
2017-06-21 19:16:56,206 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:16:56,209 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:16:56,212 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:16:56,216 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:16:56,219 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:16:56,222 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:16:56,226 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:16:56,229 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:16:56,233 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:16:59,589 : INFO : (0, '0.005*one + 0.004*people + 0.003*also + 0.003*make + 0.003*take + 0.003*new + 0.003*two + 0.003*time + 0.003*can + 0.003*2014')
2017-06-21 19:16:59,668 : INFO : (1, '0.004*new + 0.004*also + 0.004*company + 0.003*can + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*government + 0.003*one + 0.003*make + 0.003*country + 0.003*market')
2017-06-21 19:16:59,747 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*visit')
2017-06-21 19:16:59,826 : INFO : (3, '0.006*force + 0.006*group + 0.006*government + 0.005*iraq + 0.005*country + 0.005*attack + 0.005*syria + 0.005*kill + 0.004*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 19:16:59,906 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*play + 0.007*season + 0.007*point + 0.006*first + 0.006*get + 0.005*go + 0.005*two')
2017-06-21 19:16:59,985 : INFO : (5, '0.007*police + 0.007*report + 0.005*people + 0.005*attack + 0.005*israeli + 0.004*syria + 0.004*palestinian + 0.004*uber + 0.004*take + 0.004*one')
2017-06-21 19:17:00,064 : INFO : (6, '0.008*city + 0.008*post + 0.008*sun + 0.006*sa + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*local')
2017-06-21 19:17:00,145 : INFO : (7, '0.048*die + 0.034*der + 0.029*und + 0.012*al + 0.012*von + 0.010*das + 0.009*ist + 0.008*war + 0.008*auch + 0.008*auf')
2017-06-21 19:17:00,224 : INFO : (8, '0.010*win + 0.009*1 + 0.009*goal + 0.008*city + 0.008*game + 0.007*team + 0.007*chelsea + 0.006*first + 0.006*season + 0.006*0')
2017-06-21 19:17:00,303 : INFO : (9, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.007*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.005*که_در + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*نیز + 0.004*را_به + 0.003*را_در')
2017-06-21 19:17:00,383 : INFO : (10, '0.034*şi + 0.022*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.008*al + 0.006*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.005*articole_de')
2017-06-21 19:17:00,463 : INFO : (11, '0.017*et + 0.015*la + 0.008*le + 0.008*al + 0.007*e + 0.007*des + 0.007*un + 0.007*que + 0.007*na + 0.006*2014')
2017-06-21 19:17:00,542 : INFO : (12, '0.013*أن + 0.013*إلى + 0.008*أو + 0.004*إن + 0.004*إنشاء_تنبيه + 0.003*السعودية + 0.003*داعش + 0.003*لبنان + 0.003*أي + 0.003*اليوم')
2017-06-21 19:17:00,621 : INFO : (13, '0.011*uae + 0.009*2014 + 0.009*al + 0.007*december + 0.007*full_story + 0.007*read + 0.006*president + 0.006*country + 0.006*wam + 0.006*minister')
2017-06-21 19:17:00,701 : INFO : (14, '0.009*2014 + 0.006*bank + 0.006*december + 0.006*late + 0.006*show + 0.005*read + 0.005*wednesday + 0.005*dan + 0.004*full_story + 0.004*tuesday')
2017-06-21 19:17:00,780 : INFO : (15, '0.020*police + 0.017*wilson + 0.017*sunday + 0.015*ferguson + 0.012*mayor + 0.011*country + 0.011*st._louis + 0.009*protest + 0.009*city + 0.009*force')
2017-06-21 19:17:00,861 : INFO : (16, '0.014*philippines + 0.013*people + 0.012*typhoon_hagupit + 0.010*city + 0.009*hagupit + 0.009*storm + 0.008*2014 + 0.008*central + 0.007*home + 0.007*typhoon')
2017-06-21 19:17:00,945 : INFO : (17, '0.012*new_york + 0.011*city + 0.011*police + 0.011*protest + 0.009*december + 0.009*2014 + 0.009*gather + 0.008*day + 0.008*saturday + 0.007*read')
2017-06-21 19:17:01,024 : INFO : (18, '0.015*2014 + 0.015*full_story + 0.013*read + 0.012*daily_mail + 0.012*december + 0.010*wife + 0.009*baghdadi + 0.009*iraq + 0.008*detain + 0.008*al')
2017-06-21 19:17:01,104 : INFO : (19, '0.034*van + 0.014*meet + 0.012*die + 0.010*al + 0.007*van_het + 0.007*december + 0.007*voor + 0.006*services + 0.006*op + 0.006*het')
2017-06-21 19:17:01,116 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 299520 of 459977
2017-06-21 19:18:37,407 : INFO : (0, '0.005*one + 0.004*people + 0.003*also + 0.003*make + 0.003*take + 0.003*new + 0.003*can + 0.003*two + 0.003*time + 0.003*2014')
2017-06-21 19:18:37,488 : INFO : (1, '0.004*new + 0.004*also + 0.004*company + 0.003*can + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*government + 0.003*one + 0.003*make + 0.003*country + 0.003*market')
2017-06-21 19:18:37,570 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*visit')
2017-06-21 19:18:37,651 : INFO : (3, '0.006*force + 0.006*group + 0.006*government + 0.005*iraq + 0.005*country + 0.005*attack + 0.005*syria + 0.005*kill + 0.004*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 19:18:37,730 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*play + 0.006*season + 0.006*point + 0.006*first + 0.006*get + 0.005*go + 0.005*two')
2017-06-21 19:18:37,809 : INFO : (5, '0.007*police + 0.007*report + 0.005*people + 0.005*attack + 0.005*israeli + 0.004*syria + 0.004*uber + 0.004*palestinian + 0.004*take + 0.004*one')
2017-06-21 19:18:37,888 : INFO : (6, '0.008*city + 0.008*post + 0.008*sun + 0.006*sa + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*local')
2017-06-21 19:18:37,967 : INFO : (7, '0.048*die + 0.034*der + 0.029*und + 0.012*al + 0.012*von + 0.010*das + 0.009*ist + 0.008*war + 0.008*auch + 0.008*auf')
2017-06-21 19:18:38,046 : INFO : (8, '0.010*win + 0.009*1 + 0.009*goal + 0.008*city + 0.008*game + 0.007*team + 0.007*chelsea + 0.006*first + 0.006*season + 0.006*0')
2017-06-21 19:18:38,124 : INFO : (9, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.007*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.005*که_در + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*را_به + 0.004*نیز + 0.003*را_در')
2017-06-21 19:18:38,203 : INFO : (10, '0.034*şi + 0.022*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.008*al + 0.006*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.005*articole_de')
2017-06-21 19:18:38,282 : INFO : (11, '0.017*et + 0.016*la + 0.008*le + 0.008*al + 0.007*e + 0.007*des + 0.007*un + 0.007*que + 0.006*na + 0.006*2014')
2017-06-21 19:18:38,361 : INFO : (12, '0.013*أن + 0.013*إلى + 0.008*أو + 0.004*إن + 0.004*إنشاء_تنبيه + 0.003*السعودية + 0.003*داعش + 0.003*لبنان + 0.003*أي + 0.002*اليوم')
2017-06-21 19:18:38,440 : INFO : (13, '0.011*uae + 0.009*2014 + 0.009*al + 0.007*december + 0.007*full_story + 0.007*read + 0.006*president + 0.006*country + 0.006*wam + 0.006*minister')
2017-06-21 19:18:38,519 : INFO : (14, '0.009*2014 + 0.006*bank + 0.006*december + 0.006*late + 0.006*show + 0.005*read + 0.005*dan + 0.005*wednesday + 0.005*full_story + 0.004*tuesday')
2017-06-21 19:18:38,600 : INFO : (15, '0.020*police + 0.017*wilson + 0.017*sunday + 0.015*ferguson + 0.012*mayor + 0.011*country + 0.011*st._louis + 0.009*protest + 0.009*city + 0.009*force')
2017-06-21 19:18:38,681 : INFO : (16, '0.015*philippines + 0.013*people + 0.012*typhoon_hagupit + 0.010*city + 0.009*storm + 0.009*hagupit + 0.008*2014 + 0.008*central + 0.007*home + 0.007*typhoon')
2017-06-21 19:18:38,761 : INFO : (17, '0.012*new_york + 0.012*police + 0.011*city + 0.011*protest + 0.009*december + 0.009*2014 + 0.008*gather + 0.008*day + 0.008*protester + 0.007*read')
2017-06-21 19:18:38,842 : INFO : (18, '0.015*2014 + 0.015*full_story + 0.013*read + 0.012*december + 0.012*daily_mail + 0.010*wife + 0.009*baghdadi + 0.009*iraq + 0.008*detain + 0.008*al')
2017-06-21 19:18:38,923 : INFO : (19, '0.034*van + 0.014*meet + 0.012*die + 0.010*al + 0.007*van_het + 0.007*december + 0.007*voor + 0.006*services + 0.006*op + 0.006*2014')
2017-06-21 19:18:38,936 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 309504 of 459977
2017-06-21 19:19:59,324 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:19:59,326 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:20:14,900 : INFO : (0, '0.005*one + 0.004*people + 0.003*also + 0.003*make + 0.003*take + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*new + 0.003*can + 0.003*time + 0.003*two')
2017-06-21 19:20:14,979 : INFO : (1, '0.004*new + 0.004*also + 0.004*company + 0.003*can + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*government + 0.003*one + 0.003*make + 0.003*country + 0.003*market')
2017-06-21 19:20:15,058 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 19:20:15,137 : INFO : (3, '0.006*force + 0.006*group + 0.006*government + 0.005*iraq + 0.005*country + 0.005*attack + 0.005*syria + 0.005*kill + 0.004*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 19:20:15,216 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*play + 0.006*season + 0.006*first + 0.006*point + 0.006*get + 0.005*go + 0.005*two')
2017-06-21 19:20:15,295 : INFO : (5, '0.007*police + 0.007*report + 0.005*people + 0.005*attack + 0.005*israeli + 0.004*uber + 0.004*syria + 0.004*palestinian + 0.004*take + 0.004*woman')
2017-06-21 19:20:15,374 : INFO : (6, '0.008*city + 0.008*post + 0.008*sun + 0.006*sa + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*local')
2017-06-21 19:20:15,457 : INFO : (7, '0.048*die + 0.034*der + 0.029*und + 0.012*al + 0.012*von + 0.010*das + 0.009*ist + 0.008*war + 0.008*auch + 0.008*auf')
2017-06-21 19:20:15,537 : INFO : (8, '0.010*win + 0.009*1 + 0.009*goal + 0.008*city + 0.008*game + 0.007*team + 0.006*chelsea + 0.006*first + 0.006*season + 0.006*0')
2017-06-21 19:20:15,616 : INFO : (9, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.007*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.005*که_در + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*نیز + 0.004*را_به + 0.003*را_در')
2017-06-21 19:20:15,735 : INFO : (10, '0.034*şi + 0.022*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.008*al + 0.006*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.005*articole_de')
2017-06-21 19:20:15,814 : INFO : (11, '0.018*et + 0.016*la + 0.009*le + 0.008*des + 0.008*al + 0.007*e + 0.007*un + 0.007*que + 0.006*na + 0.006*2014')
2017-06-21 19:20:15,894 : INFO : (12, '0.013*أن + 0.013*إلى + 0.008*أو + 0.004*إن + 0.004*إنشاء_تنبيه + 0.003*السعودية + 0.003*داعش + 0.003*لبنان + 0.003*أي + 0.002*اليوم')
2017-06-21 19:20:15,973 : INFO : (13, '0.011*uae + 0.009*2014 + 0.008*al + 0.007*december + 0.007*read + 0.007*full_story + 0.006*president + 0.006*country + 0.006*minister + 0.006*wam')
2017-06-21 19:20:16,054 : INFO : (14, '0.009*2014 + 0.006*bank + 0.006*december + 0.006*dan + 0.006*read + 0.006*late + 0.006*show + 0.005*wednesday + 0.005*full_story + 0.004*tuesday')
2017-06-21 19:20:16,133 : INFO : (15, '0.020*police + 0.017*wilson + 0.017*sunday + 0.015*ferguson + 0.012*mayor + 0.011*country + 0.011*st._louis + 0.009*protest + 0.009*city + 0.009*force')
2017-06-21 19:20:16,212 : INFO : (16, '0.015*philippines + 0.013*people + 0.012*typhoon_hagupit + 0.010*city + 0.009*storm + 0.009*hagupit + 0.008*2014 + 0.008*central + 0.007*home + 0.007*typhoon')
2017-06-21 19:20:16,291 : INFO : (17, '0.012*new_york + 0.012*police + 0.011*city + 0.011*protest + 0.010*december + 0.009*2014 + 0.008*gather + 0.008*protester + 0.008*read + 0.008*day')
2017-06-21 19:20:16,370 : INFO : (18, '0.015*2014 + 0.015*full_story + 0.013*read + 0.012*december + 0.011*daily_mail + 0.010*wife + 0.009*baghdadi + 0.008*iraq + 0.008*detain + 0.007*al')
2017-06-21 19:20:16,453 : INFO : (19, '0.034*van + 0.014*meet + 0.012*die + 0.010*al + 0.007*van_het + 0.007*december + 0.007*voor + 0.006*services + 0.006*op + 0.006*2014')
2017-06-21 19:20:16,465 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 319488 of 459977
2017-06-21 19:21:37,123 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:21:37,124 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:21:49,489 : INFO : (0, '0.005*one + 0.004*people + 0.003*also + 0.003*make + 0.003*take + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*new + 0.003*can + 0.003*time + 0.003*two')
2017-06-21 19:21:49,568 : INFO : (1, '0.004*new + 0.004*also + 0.004*company + 0.003*can + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*government + 0.003*make + 0.003*one + 0.003*country + 0.003*market')
2017-06-21 19:21:49,649 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 19:21:49,729 : INFO : (3, '0.006*force + 0.006*group + 0.006*government + 0.005*iraq + 0.005*country + 0.005*attack + 0.005*syria + 0.005*kill + 0.004*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 19:21:49,809 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*play + 0.006*first + 0.006*season + 0.006*point + 0.006*get + 0.005*go + 0.005*two')
2017-06-21 19:21:49,891 : INFO : (5, '0.008*police + 0.007*report + 0.005*people + 0.005*attack + 0.005*israeli + 0.004*uber + 0.004*syria + 0.004*take + 0.004*palestinian + 0.004*woman')
2017-06-21 19:21:49,970 : INFO : (6, '0.008*city + 0.008*post + 0.008*sun + 0.006*sa + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*local')
2017-06-21 19:21:50,050 : INFO : (7, '0.048*die + 0.034*der + 0.029*und + 0.012*al + 0.012*von + 0.010*das + 0.009*ist + 0.008*war + 0.008*auch + 0.008*auf')
2017-06-21 19:21:50,129 : INFO : (8, '0.010*win + 0.009*1 + 0.009*goal + 0.008*city + 0.008*game + 0.007*team + 0.006*chelsea + 0.006*first + 0.006*season + 0.006*0')
2017-06-21 19:21:50,208 : INFO : (9, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.007*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.005*که_در + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*نیز + 0.004*را_به + 0.003*را_در')
2017-06-21 19:21:50,288 : INFO : (10, '0.034*şi + 0.022*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.008*al + 0.006*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.005*articole_de')
2017-06-21 19:21:50,367 : INFO : (11, '0.018*et + 0.016*la + 0.009*le + 0.008*des + 0.008*e + 0.007*al + 0.007*un + 0.007*que + 0.006*na + 0.006*2014')
2017-06-21 19:21:50,447 : INFO : (12, '0.013*إلى + 0.013*أن + 0.008*أو + 0.004*إن + 0.004*إنشاء_تنبيه + 0.003*السعودية + 0.003*داعش + 0.003*لبنان + 0.003*أي + 0.003*اليوم')
2017-06-21 19:21:50,527 : INFO : (13, '0.011*uae + 0.009*2014 + 0.008*al + 0.008*december + 0.007*read + 0.007*full_story + 0.006*president + 0.006*country + 0.006*minister + 0.006*wam')
2017-06-21 19:21:50,606 : INFO : (14, '0.009*2014 + 0.006*bank + 0.006*december + 0.006*read + 0.006*dan + 0.006*show + 0.006*late + 0.005*wednesday + 0.005*full_story + 0.004*tuesday')
2017-06-21 19:21:50,686 : INFO : (15, '0.020*police + 0.017*wilson + 0.017*sunday + 0.015*ferguson + 0.012*mayor + 0.011*country + 0.011*st._louis + 0.009*protest + 0.009*city + 0.009*force')
2017-06-21 19:21:50,765 : INFO : (16, '0.015*philippines + 0.013*people + 0.012*typhoon_hagupit + 0.010*city + 0.009*storm + 0.009*hagupit + 0.009*2014 + 0.008*central + 0.007*home + 0.007*typhoon')
2017-06-21 19:21:50,845 : INFO : (17, '0.012*new_york + 0.012*police + 0.011*protest + 0.011*city + 0.010*december + 0.010*2014 + 0.008*gather + 0.008*protester + 0.008*read + 0.007*day')
2017-06-21 19:21:50,924 : INFO : (18, '0.016*2014 + 0.015*full_story + 0.013*read + 0.012*december + 0.011*daily_mail + 0.010*wife + 0.009*baghdadi + 0.008*detain + 0.008*iraq + 0.008*al')
2017-06-21 19:21:51,004 : INFO : (19, '0.022*full_story + 0.021*read + 0.019*2014 + 0.017*december + 0.009*daily_mail + 0.008*asia + 0.008*channel_news + 0.006*2015 + 0.006*report + 0.005*news')
2017-06-21 19:21:51,015 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 329472 of 459977
2017-06-21 19:23:16,037 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:23:24,695 : INFO : (0, '0.005*one + 0.004*people + 0.003*also + 0.003*make + 0.003*take + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*new + 0.003*can + 0.003*time + 0.003*two')
2017-06-21 19:23:24,775 : INFO : (1, '0.004*new + 0.004*also + 0.004*company + 0.004*can + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*government + 0.003*make + 0.003*one + 0.003*country + 0.003*market')
2017-06-21 19:23:24,854 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 19:23:24,936 : INFO : (3, '0.006*force + 0.006*group + 0.006*government + 0.005*iraq + 0.005*country + 0.005*attack + 0.005*syria + 0.005*kill + 0.004*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 19:23:25,016 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*play + 0.006*first + 0.006*season + 0.006*point + 0.006*get + 0.005*go + 0.005*two')
2017-06-21 19:23:25,096 : INFO : (5, '0.008*police + 0.007*report + 0.005*people + 0.005*attack + 0.005*israeli + 0.004*uber + 0.004*take + 0.004*woman + 0.004*syria + 0.004*palestinian')
2017-06-21 19:23:25,176 : INFO : (6, '0.008*city + 0.008*post + 0.008*sun + 0.006*sa + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*local')
2017-06-21 19:23:25,256 : INFO : (7, '0.048*die + 0.034*der + 0.029*und + 0.012*al + 0.012*von + 0.010*das + 0.009*ist + 0.008*war + 0.008*auch + 0.008*auf')
2017-06-21 19:23:25,335 : INFO : (8, '0.010*win + 0.009*1 + 0.009*goal + 0.008*city + 0.008*game + 0.007*team + 0.006*chelsea + 0.006*first + 0.006*season + 0.006*0')
2017-06-21 19:23:25,419 : INFO : (9, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.007*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.005*که_در + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*نیز + 0.004*را_به + 0.003*را_در')
2017-06-21 19:23:25,503 : INFO : (10, '0.034*şi + 0.022*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.008*al + 0.006*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.005*articole_de')
2017-06-21 19:23:25,582 : INFO : (11, '0.018*et + 0.016*la + 0.009*le + 0.008*des + 0.008*e + 0.007*al + 0.007*un + 0.007*que + 0.006*2014 + 0.006*na')
2017-06-21 19:23:25,662 : INFO : (12, '0.013*إلى + 0.013*أن + 0.008*أو + 0.004*إن + 0.004*إنشاء_تنبيه + 0.003*السعودية + 0.003*داعش + 0.003*لبنان + 0.003*أي + 0.003*اليوم')
2017-06-21 19:23:25,742 : INFO : (13, '0.011*uae + 0.009*2014 + 0.008*al + 0.008*december + 0.007*read + 0.007*full_story + 0.006*president + 0.006*country + 0.006*minister + 0.006*wam')
2017-06-21 19:23:25,821 : INFO : (14, '0.009*2014 + 0.007*december + 0.006*bank + 0.006*dan + 0.006*read + 0.006*show + 0.006*late + 0.005*wednesday + 0.005*full_story + 0.004*tuesday')
2017-06-21 19:23:25,901 : INFO : (15, '0.020*police + 0.017*wilson + 0.017*sunday + 0.015*ferguson + 0.012*mayor + 0.011*country + 0.011*st._louis + 0.009*protest + 0.009*city + 0.009*force')
2017-06-21 19:23:25,981 : INFO : (16, '0.015*philippines + 0.013*people + 0.012*typhoon_hagupit + 0.009*city + 0.009*storm + 0.009*hagupit + 0.008*2014 + 0.008*central + 0.007*home + 0.007*typhoon')
2017-06-21 19:23:26,061 : INFO : (17, '0.012*new_york + 0.012*police + 0.012*protest + 0.012*city + 0.010*december + 0.010*2014 + 0.008*read + 0.008*protester + 0.008*gather + 0.007*day')
2017-06-21 19:23:26,140 : INFO : (18, '0.016*2014 + 0.015*full_story + 0.013*read + 0.012*december + 0.011*daily_mail + 0.010*wife + 0.009*baghdadi + 0.009*detain + 0.008*iraq + 0.008*al')
2017-06-21 19:23:26,220 : INFO : (19, '0.022*full_story + 0.022*read + 0.020*2014 + 0.018*december + 0.009*daily_mail + 0.008*asia + 0.008*channel_news + 0.006*report + 0.006*2015 + 0.005*news')
2017-06-21 19:23:26,232 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 339456 of 459977
2017-06-21 19:24:45,713 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:24:45,716 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:24:45,718 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:24:45,719 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:24:45,721 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:24:45,723 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:24:55,867 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:24:55,869 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:24:55,871 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:24:55,873 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:24:55,876 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:24:55,879 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:24:55,882 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:24:55,886 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:24:55,889 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:24:55,892 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:25:02,100 : INFO : (0, '0.005*one + 0.004*people + 0.003*also + 0.003*make + 0.003*take + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*new + 0.003*can + 0.003*time + 0.003*two')
2017-06-21 19:25:02,180 : INFO : (1, '0.004*new + 0.004*also + 0.004*company + 0.004*can + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*government + 0.003*make + 0.003*one + 0.003*market + 0.003*country')
2017-06-21 19:25:02,259 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 19:25:02,339 : INFO : (3, '0.006*force + 0.006*group + 0.006*government + 0.005*iraq + 0.005*country + 0.005*attack + 0.005*syria + 0.005*kill + 0.004*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 19:25:02,418 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*play + 0.006*first + 0.006*season + 0.006*point + 0.006*get + 0.005*go + 0.005*two')
2017-06-21 19:25:02,499 : INFO : (5, '0.008*police + 0.007*report + 0.005*people + 0.005*attack + 0.005*israeli + 0.005*uber + 0.004*take + 0.004*woman + 0.004*palestinian + 0.004*syria')
2017-06-21 19:25:02,578 : INFO : (6, '0.008*city + 0.008*post + 0.008*sun + 0.006*sa + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*use')
2017-06-21 19:25:02,658 : INFO : (7, '0.048*die + 0.034*der + 0.029*und + 0.012*al + 0.012*von + 0.010*das + 0.009*ist + 0.008*war + 0.008*auch + 0.008*auf')
2017-06-21 19:25:02,737 : INFO : (8, '0.010*win + 0.009*1 + 0.009*goal + 0.008*city + 0.008*game + 0.007*team + 0.006*chelsea + 0.006*first + 0.006*season + 0.006*0')
2017-06-21 19:25:02,817 : INFO : (9, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.007*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.005*که_در + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*نیز + 0.004*را_به + 0.003*را_در')
2017-06-21 19:25:02,897 : INFO : (10, '0.034*şi + 0.022*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.008*al + 0.006*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.005*articole_de')
2017-06-21 19:25:02,977 : INFO : (11, '0.019*et + 0.016*la + 0.009*le + 0.008*des + 0.008*e + 0.007*al + 0.007*un + 0.007*que + 0.006*2014 + 0.006*na')
2017-06-21 19:25:03,056 : INFO : (12, '0.013*إلى + 0.013*أن + 0.008*أو + 0.004*إن + 0.004*إنشاء_تنبيه + 0.003*السعودية + 0.003*داعش + 0.003*لبنان + 0.003*أي + 0.003*اليوم')
2017-06-21 19:25:03,135 : INFO : (13, '0.011*uae + 0.009*2014 + 0.008*al + 0.008*december + 0.007*read + 0.007*full_story + 0.006*president + 0.006*country + 0.006*minister + 0.006*wam')
2017-06-21 19:25:03,215 : INFO : (14, '0.010*2014 + 0.007*december + 0.006*bank + 0.006*read + 0.006*dan + 0.006*show + 0.005*late + 0.005*wednesday + 0.005*full_story + 0.004*tuesday')
2017-06-21 19:25:03,294 : INFO : (15, '0.020*police + 0.017*wilson + 0.017*sunday + 0.015*ferguson + 0.012*mayor + 0.011*country + 0.011*st._louis + 0.009*protest + 0.009*city + 0.009*force')
2017-06-21 19:25:03,374 : INFO : (16, '0.015*philippines + 0.014*people + 0.012*typhoon_hagupit + 0.009*storm + 0.009*city + 0.009*hagupit + 0.008*2014 + 0.008*central + 0.007*typhoon + 0.007*home')
2017-06-21 19:25:03,454 : INFO : (17, '0.012*new_york + 0.012*police + 0.012*protest + 0.011*city + 0.010*2014 + 0.010*december + 0.008*protester + 0.008*read + 0.008*gather + 0.007*garner')
2017-06-21 19:25:03,534 : INFO : (18, '0.023*full_story + 0.022*read + 0.021*2014 + 0.019*december + 0.009*daily_mail + 0.008*asia + 0.008*channel_news + 0.006*news + 0.006*report + 0.006*cbs_news')
2017-06-21 19:25:03,614 : INFO : (19, '0.016*2014 + 0.015*full_story + 0.013*read + 0.012*december + 0.011*daily_mail + 0.010*wife + 0.010*baghdadi + 0.009*detain + 0.008*iraq + 0.008*al')
2017-06-21 19:25:03,626 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 349440 of 459977
2017-06-21 19:25:44,028 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:25:44,032 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:25:44,035 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:25:44,039 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:25:44,042 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:25:44,046 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:26:04,516 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:26:04,520 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:26:04,523 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:26:04,527 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:26:04,530 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:26:04,534 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:26:04,537 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:26:38,825 : INFO : (0, '0.005*one + 0.004*people + 0.003*also + 0.003*make + 0.003*take + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*can + 0.003*new + 0.003*time + 0.003*two')
2017-06-21 19:26:38,905 : INFO : (1, '0.005*new + 0.004*also + 0.004*company + 0.004*can + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*government + 0.003*make + 0.003*one + 0.003*market + 0.003*country')
2017-06-21 19:26:38,985 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 19:26:39,064 : INFO : (3, '0.006*force + 0.006*group + 0.006*government + 0.005*iraq + 0.005*country + 0.005*attack + 0.005*syria + 0.005*kill + 0.004*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 19:26:39,144 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*play + 0.006*first + 0.006*season + 0.006*point + 0.006*get + 0.005*go + 0.005*two')
2017-06-21 19:26:39,223 : INFO : (5, '0.008*city + 0.008*post + 0.008*sun + 0.006*sa + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*use')
2017-06-21 19:26:39,302 : INFO : (6, '0.008*police + 0.007*report + 0.005*people + 0.005*attack + 0.005*uber + 0.004*israeli + 0.004*woman + 0.004*take + 0.004*city + 0.004*also')
2017-06-21 19:26:39,382 : INFO : (7, '0.048*die + 0.034*der + 0.029*und + 0.012*al + 0.012*von + 0.010*das + 0.009*ist + 0.008*war + 0.008*auch + 0.008*auf')
2017-06-21 19:26:39,462 : INFO : (8, '0.010*win + 0.009*1 + 0.009*goal + 0.008*city + 0.008*game + 0.007*team + 0.006*chelsea + 0.006*first + 0.006*season + 0.006*0')
2017-06-21 19:26:39,541 : INFO : (9, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.007*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.005*که_در + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*نیز + 0.004*را_به + 0.003*را_در')
2017-06-21 19:26:39,620 : INFO : (10, '0.034*şi + 0.022*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.008*al + 0.007*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.005*articole_de')
2017-06-21 19:26:39,700 : INFO : (11, '0.019*et + 0.016*la + 0.009*le + 0.008*des + 0.008*e + 0.007*al + 0.007*un + 0.007*que + 0.006*2014 + 0.006*à')
2017-06-21 19:26:39,779 : INFO : (12, '0.013*إلى + 0.013*أن + 0.008*أو + 0.004*إن + 0.004*إنشاء_تنبيه + 0.003*السعودية + 0.003*داعش + 0.003*لبنان + 0.003*أي + 0.003*اليوم')
2017-06-21 19:26:39,858 : INFO : (13, '0.011*uae + 0.009*2014 + 0.008*al + 0.008*december + 0.007*read + 0.007*full_story + 0.006*country + 0.006*president + 0.006*minister + 0.006*wam')
2017-06-21 19:26:39,937 : INFO : (14, '0.010*2014 + 0.007*december + 0.006*bank + 0.006*read + 0.006*dan + 0.005*show + 0.005*late + 0.005*wednesday + 0.005*full_story + 0.004*tuesday')
2017-06-21 19:26:40,018 : INFO : (15, '0.020*police + 0.017*wilson + 0.017*sunday + 0.015*ferguson + 0.012*mayor + 0.011*country + 0.011*st._louis + 0.009*protest + 0.009*city + 0.009*force')
2017-06-21 19:26:40,097 : INFO : (16, '0.015*philippines + 0.014*people + 0.012*typhoon_hagupit + 0.010*city + 0.009*storm + 0.009*hagupit + 0.009*2014 + 0.008*central + 0.007*home + 0.007*typhoon')
2017-06-21 19:26:40,178 : INFO : (17, '0.013*new_york + 0.012*protest + 0.012*police + 0.012*city + 0.010*2014 + 0.010*december + 0.008*protester + 0.008*grand_jury + 0.008*garner + 0.008*read')
2017-06-21 19:26:40,259 : INFO : (18, '0.023*full_story + 0.022*read + 0.022*2014 + 0.019*december + 0.009*daily_mail + 0.008*asia + 0.008*channel_news + 0.006*report + 0.006*news + 0.005*cbs_news')
2017-06-21 19:26:40,340 : INFO : (19, '0.016*2014 + 0.015*full_story + 0.013*read + 0.012*december + 0.011*daily_mail + 0.011*wife + 0.010*baghdadi + 0.009*detain + 0.009*iraq + 0.008*al')
2017-06-21 19:26:40,352 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 359424 of 459977
2017-06-21 19:26:54,361 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:26:54,365 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:26:54,369 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:26:54,373 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:26:54,377 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:26:54,381 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:26:54,386 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:26:54,390 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:28:02,261 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:28:02,263 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:28:02,264 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:28:15,253 : INFO : (0, '0.005*one + 0.004*people + 0.003*also + 0.003*make + 0.003*take + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*can + 0.003*new + 0.003*time + 0.003*police')
2017-06-21 19:28:15,333 : INFO : (1, '0.005*new + 0.004*also + 0.004*company + 0.004*can + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*government + 0.003*make + 0.003*one + 0.003*market + 0.003*country')
2017-06-21 19:28:15,413 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 19:28:15,493 : INFO : (3, '0.006*force + 0.006*group + 0.006*government + 0.005*iraq + 0.005*country + 0.005*attack + 0.005*syria + 0.005*kill + 0.004*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 19:28:15,574 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*play + 0.006*season + 0.006*first + 0.006*point + 0.006*get + 0.005*go + 0.005*two')
2017-06-21 19:28:15,654 : INFO : (5, '0.008*city + 0.008*post + 0.008*sun + 0.006*sa + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*use')
2017-06-21 19:28:15,735 : INFO : (6, '0.008*police + 0.007*report + 0.005*people + 0.005*uber + 0.005*attack + 0.004*israeli + 0.004*city + 0.004*woman + 0.004*take + 0.004*also')
2017-06-21 19:28:15,814 : INFO : (7, '0.010*win + 0.009*1 + 0.009*goal + 0.008*city + 0.008*game + 0.007*team + 0.006*chelsea + 0.006*first + 0.006*season + 0.006*0')
2017-06-21 19:28:15,894 : INFO : (8, '0.048*die + 0.034*der + 0.029*und + 0.012*al + 0.012*von + 0.010*das + 0.009*ist + 0.008*auch + 0.008*war + 0.008*auf')
2017-06-21 19:28:15,974 : INFO : (9, '0.035*şi + 0.022*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.008*al + 0.007*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.005*articole_de')
2017-06-21 19:28:16,054 : INFO : (10, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.007*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.005*که_در + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*نیز + 0.004*را_به + 0.003*را_در')
2017-06-21 19:28:16,134 : INFO : (11, '0.019*et + 0.016*la + 0.009*le + 0.008*des + 0.007*e + 0.007*al + 0.007*un + 0.007*que + 0.006*2014 + 0.006*à')
2017-06-21 19:28:16,216 : INFO : (12, '0.011*uae + 0.009*2014 + 0.008*al + 0.008*december + 0.007*read + 0.007*full_story + 0.006*country + 0.006*president + 0.006*minister + 0.006*national')
2017-06-21 19:28:16,297 : INFO : (13, '0.013*إلى + 0.013*أن + 0.008*أو + 0.004*إن + 0.004*إنشاء_تنبيه + 0.003*السعودية + 0.003*داعش + 0.003*لبنان + 0.003*أي + 0.003*اليوم')
2017-06-21 19:28:16,379 : INFO : (14, '0.010*2014 + 0.007*bank + 0.007*december + 0.006*read + 0.006*dan + 0.005*show + 0.005*late + 0.005*wednesday + 0.005*full_story + 0.004*tuesday')
2017-06-21 19:28:16,460 : INFO : (15, '0.020*police + 0.017*wilson + 0.017*sunday + 0.015*ferguson + 0.012*mayor + 0.011*country + 0.011*st._louis + 0.009*protest + 0.009*city + 0.009*force')
2017-06-21 19:28:16,542 : INFO : (16, '0.016*philippines + 0.014*people + 0.012*typhoon_hagupit + 0.010*city + 0.010*storm + 0.009*hagupit + 0.009*2014 + 0.008*central + 0.008*home + 0.007*typhoon')
2017-06-21 19:28:16,623 : INFO : (17, '0.014*new_york + 0.012*police + 0.012*protest + 0.012*city + 0.010*2014 + 0.010*december + 0.009*garner + 0.008*grand_jury + 0.008*protester + 0.008*decision')
2017-06-21 19:28:16,704 : INFO : (18, '0.023*full_story + 0.022*read + 0.022*2014 + 0.019*december + 0.009*daily_mail + 0.008*asia + 0.008*channel_news + 0.006*report + 0.006*news + 0.005*cbs_news')
2017-06-21 19:28:16,784 : INFO : (19, '0.016*2014 + 0.015*full_story + 0.013*read + 0.012*december + 0.011*wife + 0.011*daily_mail + 0.011*baghdadi + 0.010*detain + 0.009*iraq + 0.008*al')
2017-06-21 19:28:16,796 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 369408 of 459977
2017-06-21 19:29:50,128 : INFO : (0, '0.005*one + 0.004*people + 0.003*also + 0.003*make + 0.003*take + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*can + 0.003*police + 0.003*new + 0.003*time')
2017-06-21 19:29:50,208 : INFO : (1, '0.005*new + 0.004*also + 0.004*company + 0.004*can + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*government + 0.003*make + 0.003*one + 0.003*market + 0.003*country')
2017-06-21 19:29:50,288 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 19:29:50,369 : INFO : (3, '0.006*force + 0.006*group + 0.006*government + 0.005*iraq + 0.005*country + 0.005*attack + 0.005*syria + 0.005*kill + 0.004*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 19:29:50,449 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*play + 0.006*season + 0.006*first + 0.006*point + 0.006*get + 0.005*go + 0.005*two')
2017-06-21 19:29:50,530 : INFO : (5, '0.009*city + 0.008*post + 0.008*sun + 0.006*sa + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*use')
2017-06-21 19:29:50,613 : INFO : (6, '0.008*police + 0.006*report + 0.005*people + 0.005*uber + 0.005*attack + 0.004*city + 0.004*israeli + 0.004*woman + 0.004*take + 0.004*also')
2017-06-21 19:29:50,695 : INFO : (7, '0.010*win + 0.009*1 + 0.009*goal + 0.009*city + 0.008*game + 0.007*team + 0.006*chelsea + 0.006*first + 0.006*season + 0.006*0')
2017-06-21 19:29:50,787 : INFO : (8, '0.048*die + 0.034*der + 0.029*und + 0.012*al + 0.012*von + 0.010*das + 0.009*ist + 0.008*auch + 0.008*war + 0.008*auf')
2017-06-21 19:29:50,876 : INFO : (9, '0.034*şi + 0.022*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.008*al + 0.006*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.005*articole_de')
2017-06-21 19:29:50,961 : INFO : (10, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.007*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.005*که_در + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*نیز + 0.004*را_به + 0.003*را_در')
2017-06-21 19:29:51,049 : INFO : (11, '0.018*et + 0.016*la + 0.009*le + 0.008*des + 0.007*al + 0.007*e + 0.007*un + 0.007*que + 0.006*2014 + 0.006*à')
2017-06-21 19:29:51,134 : INFO : (12, '0.011*uae + 0.009*2014 + 0.008*al + 0.008*december + 0.007*full_story + 0.007*read + 0.006*country + 0.006*president + 0.006*minister + 0.006*national')
2017-06-21 19:29:51,218 : INFO : (13, '0.013*إلى + 0.013*أن + 0.008*أو + 0.004*إن + 0.004*إنشاء_تنبيه + 0.003*السعودية + 0.003*داعش + 0.003*لبنان + 0.003*أي + 0.003*اليوم')
2017-06-21 19:29:51,302 : INFO : (14, '0.010*2014 + 0.007*bank + 0.006*december + 0.006*read + 0.005*show + 0.005*dan + 0.005*late + 0.005*wednesday + 0.005*full_story + 0.004*tuesday')
2017-06-21 19:29:51,386 : INFO : (15, '0.020*police + 0.017*wilson + 0.017*sunday + 0.015*ferguson + 0.012*mayor + 0.011*country + 0.011*st._louis + 0.009*protest + 0.009*city + 0.009*force')
2017-06-21 19:29:51,470 : INFO : (16, '0.016*philippines + 0.014*people + 0.012*typhoon_hagupit + 0.010*city + 0.010*storm + 0.010*hagupit + 0.009*2014 + 0.008*central + 0.007*home + 0.007*typhoon')
2017-06-21 19:29:51,564 : INFO : (17, '0.015*new_york + 0.013*protest + 0.013*police + 0.013*city + 0.010*2014 + 0.010*december + 0.010*grand_jury + 0.010*garner + 0.009*decision + 0.008*protester')
2017-06-21 19:29:51,652 : INFO : (18, '0.016*2014 + 0.014*full_story + 0.013*read + 0.012*december + 0.012*wife + 0.012*baghdadi + 0.011*daily_mail + 0.011*detain + 0.009*al + 0.009*iraq')
2017-06-21 19:29:51,734 : INFO : (19, '0.023*full_story + 0.023*read + 0.022*2014 + 0.020*december + 0.009*daily_mail + 0.008*asia + 0.008*channel_news + 0.006*report + 0.006*news + 0.005*cbs_news')
2017-06-21 19:29:51,747 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 379392 of 459977
2017-06-21 19:30:14,228 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:30:14,230 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:30:14,232 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:31:22,552 : INFO : (0, '0.005*one + 0.004*people + 0.003*also + 0.003*make + 0.003*take + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*can + 0.003*police + 0.003*time + 0.003*new')
2017-06-21 19:31:22,645 : INFO : (1, '0.005*new + 0.004*also + 0.004*company + 0.004*can + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*government + 0.003*make + 0.003*one + 0.003*market + 0.003*country')
2017-06-21 19:31:22,737 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 19:31:22,828 : INFO : (3, '0.006*force + 0.006*group + 0.006*government + 0.005*iraq + 0.005*country + 0.005*attack + 0.005*syria + 0.005*kill + 0.004*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 19:31:22,922 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*play + 0.006*season + 0.006*first + 0.006*point + 0.006*get + 0.005*go + 0.005*two')
2017-06-21 19:31:23,005 : INFO : (5, '0.008*city + 0.008*post + 0.008*sun + 0.006*sa + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*use')
2017-06-21 19:31:23,087 : INFO : (6, '0.008*police + 0.007*report + 0.005*people + 0.005*attack + 0.005*uber + 0.004*israeli + 0.004*city + 0.004*woman + 0.004*take + 0.004*also')
2017-06-21 19:31:23,169 : INFO : (7, '0.010*win + 0.009*1 + 0.009*goal + 0.009*city + 0.008*game + 0.007*team + 0.006*first + 0.006*chelsea + 0.006*season + 0.006*0')
2017-06-21 19:31:23,252 : INFO : (8, '0.048*die + 0.034*der + 0.029*und + 0.013*al + 0.012*von + 0.010*das + 0.009*ist + 0.008*auch + 0.008*war + 0.008*auf')
2017-06-21 19:31:23,334 : INFO : (9, '0.034*şi + 0.022*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.008*al + 0.006*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.005*articole_de')
2017-06-21 19:31:23,414 : INFO : (10, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.007*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.005*که_در + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*نیز + 0.004*را_به + 0.003*را_در')
2017-06-21 19:31:23,496 : INFO : (11, '0.018*et + 0.016*la + 0.009*le + 0.008*al + 0.007*des + 0.007*e + 0.007*un + 0.007*que + 0.006*2014 + 0.006*à')
2017-06-21 19:31:23,577 : INFO : (12, '0.012*uae + 0.009*2014 + 0.008*al + 0.008*december + 0.007*country + 0.007*full_story + 0.006*read + 0.006*minister + 0.006*president + 0.006*national')
2017-06-21 19:31:23,660 : INFO : (13, '0.013*إلى + 0.013*أن + 0.008*أو + 0.004*إن + 0.004*إنشاء_تنبيه + 0.003*السعودية + 0.003*داعش + 0.003*لبنان + 0.003*أي + 0.003*اليوم')
2017-06-21 19:31:23,744 : INFO : (14, '0.010*2014 + 0.007*bank + 0.007*december + 0.006*read + 0.006*show + 0.005*late + 0.005*dan + 0.005*wednesday + 0.005*full_story + 0.004*tuesday')
2017-06-21 19:31:23,825 : INFO : (15, '0.020*police + 0.017*wilson + 0.017*sunday + 0.015*ferguson + 0.012*mayor + 0.011*country + 0.011*st._louis + 0.009*protest + 0.009*city + 0.009*force')
2017-06-21 19:31:23,906 : INFO : (16, '0.016*philippines + 0.014*people + 0.012*typhoon_hagupit + 0.010*city + 0.010*storm + 0.010*hagupit + 0.008*2014 + 0.008*central + 0.007*home + 0.007*typhoon')
2017-06-21 19:31:23,988 : INFO : (17, '0.016*new_york + 0.013*protest + 0.013*police + 0.013*city + 0.011*garner + 0.011*grand_jury + 0.010*2014 + 0.010*december + 0.010*decision + 0.009*police_officer')
2017-06-21 19:31:24,068 : INFO : (18, '0.016*2014 + 0.014*full_story + 0.014*wife + 0.013*baghdadi + 0.013*read + 0.012*december + 0.012*detain + 0.011*daily_mail + 0.010*al + 0.009*iraq')
2017-06-21 19:31:24,149 : INFO : (19, '0.023*full_story + 0.023*read + 0.022*2014 + 0.020*december + 0.009*daily_mail + 0.007*asia + 0.007*channel_news + 0.006*report + 0.006*news + 0.005*cbs_news')
2017-06-21 19:31:24,160 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 389376 of 459977
2017-06-21 19:32:38,328 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:32:38,332 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:32:38,335 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:32:54,810 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:32:54,812 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:32:54,814 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:32:59,559 : INFO : (0, '0.005*one + 0.004*people + 0.003*also + 0.003*make + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*take + 0.003*can + 0.003*police + 0.003*time + 0.003*new')
2017-06-21 19:32:59,650 : INFO : (1, '0.005*new + 0.004*also + 0.004*company + 0.004*can + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*government + 0.003*make + 0.003*one + 0.003*country + 0.003*market')
2017-06-21 19:32:59,738 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 19:32:59,824 : INFO : (3, '0.006*force + 0.006*group + 0.006*government + 0.005*iraq + 0.005*attack + 0.005*country + 0.005*syria + 0.005*kill + 0.004*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 19:32:59,909 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*play + 0.006*season + 0.006*first + 0.006*point + 0.006*get + 0.005*go + 0.005*two')
2017-06-21 19:32:59,997 : INFO : (5, '0.008*police + 0.007*report + 0.005*people + 0.005*attack + 0.005*israeli + 0.005*uber + 0.004*take + 0.004*city + 0.004*woman + 0.004*palestinian')
2017-06-21 19:33:00,083 : INFO : (6, '0.008*city + 0.008*post + 0.008*sun + 0.006*sa + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*use')
2017-06-21 19:33:00,169 : INFO : (7, '0.010*win + 0.009*1 + 0.009*city + 0.009*goal + 0.008*game + 0.007*team + 0.006*first + 0.006*chelsea + 0.006*season + 0.006*0')
2017-06-21 19:33:00,256 : INFO : (8, '0.048*die + 0.034*der + 0.029*und + 0.013*al + 0.012*von + 0.010*das + 0.009*ist + 0.008*auch + 0.008*war + 0.008*auf')
2017-06-21 19:33:00,350 : INFO : (9, '0.035*şi + 0.022*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.008*al + 0.006*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.005*articole_de')
2017-06-21 19:33:00,442 : INFO : (10, '0.012*uae + 0.009*2014 + 0.008*al + 0.007*december + 0.007*country + 0.006*full_story + 0.006*read + 0.006*minister + 0.006*national + 0.006*president')
2017-06-21 19:33:00,538 : INFO : (11, '0.018*et + 0.016*la + 0.009*le + 0.008*al + 0.008*des + 0.007*e + 0.007*que + 0.007*un + 0.006*2014 + 0.006*à')
2017-06-21 19:33:00,630 : INFO : (12, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.007*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.005*که_در + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*نیز + 0.004*را_به + 0.003*را_در')
2017-06-21 19:33:00,721 : INFO : (13, '0.013*إلى + 0.013*أن + 0.008*أو + 0.004*إن + 0.004*إنشاء_تنبيه + 0.003*لبنان + 0.003*السعودية + 0.003*داعش + 0.003*أي + 0.003*اليوم')
2017-06-21 19:33:00,809 : INFO : (14, '0.010*2014 + 0.006*december + 0.006*bank + 0.006*read + 0.006*dan + 0.006*show + 0.005*late + 0.005*wednesday + 0.005*full_story + 0.004*tuesday')
2017-06-21 19:33:00,898 : INFO : (15, '0.020*police + 0.017*wilson + 0.017*sunday + 0.015*ferguson + 0.012*mayor + 0.011*country + 0.011*st._louis + 0.009*protest + 0.009*city + 0.009*force')
2017-06-21 19:33:00,981 : INFO : (16, '0.018*new_york + 0.014*protest + 0.014*city + 0.014*police + 0.013*garner + 0.012*grand_jury + 0.011*decision + 0.011*2014 + 0.010*police_officer + 0.010*december')
2017-06-21 19:33:01,062 : INFO : (17, '0.016*philippines + 0.014*people + 0.012*typhoon_hagupit + 0.010*city + 0.010*storm + 0.010*hagupit + 0.008*2014 + 0.008*central + 0.007*home + 0.007*typhoon')
2017-06-21 19:33:01,143 : INFO : (18, '0.016*2014 + 0.015*wife + 0.015*baghdadi + 0.014*full_story + 0.013*detain + 0.012*read + 0.012*december + 0.011*al + 0.011*daily_mail + 0.009*iraq')
2017-06-21 19:33:01,237 : INFO : (19, '0.023*full_story + 0.023*2014 + 0.023*read + 0.020*december + 0.009*daily_mail + 0.007*asia + 0.007*channel_news + 0.006*report + 0.006*news + 0.005*cbs_news')
2017-06-21 19:33:01,252 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 399360 of 459977
2017-06-21 19:33:30,891 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:33:30,894 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:34:35,288 : INFO : (0, '0.005*one + 0.004*people + 0.003*also + 0.003*make + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*take + 0.003*can + 0.003*police + 0.003*time + 0.003*new')
2017-06-21 19:34:35,370 : INFO : (1, '0.005*new + 0.004*also + 0.004*company + 0.004*can + 0.004*2014 + 0.003*government + 0.003*make + 0.003*one + 0.003*country + 0.003*market')
2017-06-21 19:34:35,451 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 19:34:35,533 : INFO : (3, '0.006*force + 0.006*group + 0.006*government + 0.005*iraq + 0.005*attack + 0.005*country + 0.005*syria + 0.005*kill + 0.004*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 19:34:35,617 : INFO : (4, '0.010*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*play + 0.006*season + 0.006*first + 0.006*point + 0.006*get + 0.005*go + 0.005*two')
2017-06-21 19:34:35,699 : INFO : (5, '0.008*police + 0.006*report + 0.005*people + 0.005*attack + 0.005*israeli + 0.005*uber + 0.004*palestinian + 0.004*city + 0.004*woman + 0.004*take')
2017-06-21 19:34:35,780 : INFO : (6, '0.008*city + 0.008*sun + 0.008*post + 0.006*sa + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*use')
2017-06-21 19:34:35,862 : INFO : (7, '0.010*win + 0.009*1 + 0.009*city + 0.009*goal + 0.008*game + 0.007*team + 0.006*first + 0.006*season + 0.006*chelsea + 0.006*0')
2017-06-21 19:34:35,944 : INFO : (8, '0.048*die + 0.034*der + 0.029*und + 0.013*al + 0.012*von + 0.010*das + 0.009*ist + 0.008*auch + 0.008*war + 0.008*auf')
2017-06-21 19:34:36,026 : INFO : (9, '0.035*şi + 0.022*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.008*al + 0.006*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.005*articole_de')
2017-06-21 19:34:36,106 : INFO : (10, '0.012*uae + 0.009*2014 + 0.008*al + 0.007*december + 0.007*country + 0.006*minister + 0.006*full_story + 0.006*read + 0.006*national + 0.006*president')
2017-06-21 19:34:36,185 : INFO : (11, '0.018*et + 0.016*la + 0.009*le + 0.008*e + 0.008*al + 0.008*des + 0.007*que + 0.007*un + 0.006*2014 + 0.006*à')
2017-06-21 19:34:36,265 : INFO : (12, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.007*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.005*که_در + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*را_به + 0.004*نیز + 0.003*را_در')
2017-06-21 19:34:36,345 : INFO : (13, '0.013*إلى + 0.013*أن + 0.008*أو + 0.004*إن + 0.004*إنشاء_تنبيه + 0.003*لبنان + 0.003*داعش + 0.003*السعودية + 0.003*أي + 0.003*اليوم')
2017-06-21 19:34:36,425 : INFO : (14, '0.010*2014 + 0.006*december + 0.006*bank + 0.006*dan + 0.006*read + 0.006*show + 0.005*late + 0.005*wednesday + 0.005*full_story + 0.004*tuesday')
2017-06-21 19:34:36,506 : INFO : (15, '0.019*new_york + 0.014*protest + 0.014*city + 0.014*police + 0.014*garner + 0.013*grand_jury + 0.012*decision + 0.011*police_officer + 0.011*2014 + 0.010*december')
2017-06-21 19:34:36,586 : INFO : (16, '0.020*police + 0.017*wilson + 0.017*sunday + 0.015*ferguson + 0.012*mayor + 0.011*country + 0.011*st._louis + 0.009*protest + 0.009*city + 0.009*force')
2017-06-21 19:34:36,666 : INFO : (17, '0.016*philippines + 0.014*people + 0.012*typhoon_hagupit + 0.010*city + 0.010*storm + 0.010*hagupit + 0.009*2014 + 0.008*central + 0.008*home + 0.007*area')
2017-06-21 19:34:36,746 : INFO : (18, '0.015*2014 + 0.015*wife + 0.015*baghdadi + 0.014*full_story + 0.013*detain + 0.012*read + 0.012*december + 0.011*al + 0.011*daily_mail + 0.010*woman')
2017-06-21 19:34:36,825 : INFO : (19, '0.023*full_story + 0.023*2014 + 0.023*read + 0.021*december + 0.009*daily_mail + 0.007*asia + 0.007*channel_news + 0.006*report + 0.006*news + 0.005*cbs_news')
2017-06-21 19:34:36,837 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 409344 of 459977
2017-06-21 19:34:38,817 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:35:33,727 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:35:33,729 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:35:33,732 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:35:33,736 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:35:33,739 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:35:33,742 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:35:33,756 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:35:33,760 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:35:33,763 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:35:33,767 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:35:33,770 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:35:33,774 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:35:33,777 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:35:33,780 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:35:33,782 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:35:33,783 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:35:33,785 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:35:33,787 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:35:33,788 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:35:33,790 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:35:33,792 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:35:33,793 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:35:33,795 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:36:10,406 : INFO : (0, '0.005*one + 0.004*people + 0.003*also + 0.003*make + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*take + 0.003*police + 0.003*can + 0.003*time + 0.003*two')
2017-06-21 19:36:10,489 : INFO : (1, '0.005*new + 0.004*also + 0.004*company + 0.004*can + 0.004*2014 + 0.003*government + 0.003*make + 0.003*one + 0.003*country + 0.003*market')
2017-06-21 19:36:10,572 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 19:36:10,653 : INFO : (3, '0.006*force + 0.006*group + 0.006*government + 0.005*iraq + 0.005*attack + 0.005*country + 0.005*syria + 0.005*kill + 0.004*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 19:36:10,733 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*play + 0.006*season + 0.006*first + 0.006*point + 0.006*get + 0.005*go + 0.005*two')
2017-06-21 19:36:10,815 : INFO : (5, '0.009*city + 0.008*sun + 0.008*post + 0.006*sa + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*use')
2017-06-21 19:36:10,896 : INFO : (6, '0.008*police + 0.006*report + 0.005*people + 0.005*attack + 0.005*uber + 0.005*israeli + 0.004*city + 0.004*woman + 0.004*take + 0.004*palestinian')
2017-06-21 19:36:10,978 : INFO : (7, '0.010*win + 0.009*city + 0.009*1 + 0.009*goal + 0.008*game + 0.007*team + 0.006*first + 0.006*season + 0.006*chelsea + 0.006*0')
2017-06-21 19:36:11,058 : INFO : (8, '0.048*die + 0.034*der + 0.029*und + 0.013*al + 0.012*von + 0.010*das + 0.009*ist + 0.008*auch + 0.008*war + 0.008*auf')
2017-06-21 19:36:11,138 : INFO : (9, '0.035*şi + 0.022*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.008*al + 0.007*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.005*articole_de')
2017-06-21 19:36:11,218 : INFO : (10, '0.012*uae + 0.009*2014 + 0.008*al + 0.007*december + 0.007*country + 0.006*full_story + 0.006*minister + 0.006*read + 0.006*national + 0.006*president')
2017-06-21 19:36:11,298 : INFO : (11, '0.018*et + 0.016*la + 0.009*le + 0.008*e + 0.008*al + 0.008*des + 0.007*que + 0.007*un + 0.006*2014 + 0.006*à')
2017-06-21 19:36:11,379 : INFO : (12, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.007*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.005*که_در + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*را_به + 0.004*نیز + 0.003*را_در')
2017-06-21 19:36:11,460 : INFO : (13, '0.013*إلى + 0.013*أن + 0.008*أو + 0.004*إن + 0.004*إنشاء_تنبيه + 0.003*لبنان + 0.003*السعودية + 0.003*داعش + 0.003*أي + 0.003*اليوم')
2017-06-21 19:36:11,541 : INFO : (14, '0.009*2014 + 0.007*bank + 0.006*december + 0.006*read + 0.006*dan + 0.005*show + 0.005*late + 0.005*wednesday + 0.005*full_story + 0.004*tuesday')
2017-06-21 19:36:11,621 : INFO : (15, '0.019*new_york + 0.015*garner + 0.014*police + 0.014*protest + 0.014*city + 0.013*grand_jury + 0.012*decision + 0.011*police_officer + 0.010*death + 0.010*2014')
2017-06-21 19:36:11,701 : INFO : (16, '0.020*police + 0.018*wilson + 0.017*sunday + 0.015*ferguson + 0.012*mayor + 0.011*country + 0.011*st._louis + 0.009*protest + 0.009*city + 0.009*force')
2017-06-21 19:36:11,781 : INFO : (17, '0.016*philippines + 0.014*people + 0.012*typhoon_hagupit + 0.010*city + 0.010*storm + 0.010*hagupit + 0.009*2014 + 0.008*central + 0.008*home + 0.007*typhoon')
2017-06-21 19:36:11,862 : INFO : (18, '0.015*2014 + 0.015*wife + 0.015*baghdadi + 0.014*full_story + 0.013*detain + 0.012*read + 0.012*december + 0.011*al + 0.011*daily_mail + 0.010*woman')
2017-06-21 19:36:11,942 : INFO : (19, '0.023*full_story + 0.023*2014 + 0.023*read + 0.021*december + 0.009*daily_mail + 0.007*asia + 0.007*channel_news + 0.006*report + 0.006*city + 0.006*news')
2017-06-21 19:36:11,954 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 419328 of 459977
2017-06-21 19:37:45,082 : INFO : (0, '0.005*one + 0.004*people + 0.003*also + 0.003*make + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*take + 0.003*police + 0.003*can + 0.003*time + 0.003*two')
2017-06-21 19:37:45,162 : INFO : (1, '0.005*new + 0.004*also + 0.004*company + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*can + 0.003*government + 0.003*make + 0.003*one + 0.003*city + 0.003*country')
2017-06-21 19:37:45,242 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 19:37:45,323 : INFO : (3, '0.006*force + 0.006*group + 0.006*government + 0.005*attack + 0.005*iraq + 0.005*country + 0.005*syria + 0.005*kill + 0.004*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 19:37:45,403 : INFO : (4, '0.011*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*play + 0.006*season + 0.006*first + 0.006*point + 0.006*get + 0.005*go + 0.005*two')
2017-06-21 19:37:45,492 : INFO : (5, '0.009*city + 0.008*sun + 0.008*post + 0.006*sa + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*use')
2017-06-21 19:37:45,576 : INFO : (6, '0.008*police + 0.006*report + 0.005*people + 0.005*uber + 0.005*attack + 0.005*city + 0.005*israeli + 0.004*woman + 0.004*take + 0.004*palestinian')
2017-06-21 19:37:45,662 : INFO : (7, '0.010*win + 0.009*city + 0.009*1 + 0.009*goal + 0.008*game + 0.007*team + 0.006*first + 0.006*season + 0.006*chelsea + 0.005*0')
2017-06-21 19:37:45,744 : INFO : (8, '0.048*die + 0.034*der + 0.029*und + 0.013*al + 0.012*von + 0.010*das + 0.009*ist + 0.008*auch + 0.008*war + 0.008*auf')
2017-06-21 19:37:45,829 : INFO : (9, '0.035*şi + 0.022*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.008*al + 0.007*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.005*articole_de')
2017-06-21 19:37:45,913 : INFO : (10, '0.012*uae + 0.009*2014 + 0.008*al + 0.007*december + 0.007*country + 0.006*minister + 0.006*full_story + 0.006*read + 0.006*national + 0.006*president')
2017-06-21 19:37:45,998 : INFO : (11, '0.018*et + 0.016*la + 0.009*le + 0.008*e + 0.008*al + 0.007*des + 0.007*que + 0.007*un + 0.006*2014 + 0.006*à')
2017-06-21 19:37:46,082 : INFO : (12, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.007*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.005*که_در + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*را_به + 0.004*نیز + 0.003*را_در')
2017-06-21 19:37:46,166 : INFO : (13, '0.009*2014 + 0.007*bank + 0.006*december + 0.006*read + 0.006*dan + 0.005*show + 0.005*late + 0.005*wednesday + 0.005*full_story + 0.004*tuesday')
2017-06-21 19:37:46,250 : INFO : (14, '0.019*new_york + 0.015*garner + 0.014*police + 0.014*protest + 0.014*city + 0.014*grand_jury + 0.012*decision + 0.011*police_officer + 0.010*death + 0.010*2014')
2017-06-21 19:37:46,334 : INFO : (15, '0.013*إلى + 0.013*أن + 0.008*أو + 0.004*إن + 0.004*إنشاء_تنبيه + 0.003*لبنان + 0.003*السعودية + 0.003*داعش + 0.003*أي + 0.003*اليوم')
2017-06-21 19:37:46,416 : INFO : (16, '0.016*philippines + 0.014*people + 0.012*typhoon_hagupit + 0.010*city + 0.010*storm + 0.010*hagupit + 0.009*2014 + 0.008*central + 0.008*home + 0.007*typhoon')
2017-06-21 19:37:46,500 : INFO : (17, '0.020*police + 0.018*wilson + 0.017*sunday + 0.015*ferguson + 0.012*mayor + 0.011*country + 0.011*st._louis + 0.009*protest + 0.009*city + 0.009*force')
2017-06-21 19:37:46,583 : INFO : (18, '0.015*2014 + 0.015*wife + 0.015*baghdadi + 0.014*full_story + 0.014*detain + 0.012*read + 0.012*december + 0.011*al + 0.010*daily_mail + 0.010*woman')
2017-06-21 19:37:46,666 : INFO : (19, '0.023*full_story + 0.023*2014 + 0.023*read + 0.021*december + 0.009*daily_mail + 0.007*city + 0.007*asia + 0.007*channel_news + 0.006*report + 0.006*news')
2017-06-21 19:37:46,678 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 429312 of 459977
2017-06-21 19:39:14,662 : INFO : (0, '0.005*one + 0.004*people + 0.003*also + 0.003*make + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*take + 0.003*police + 0.003*can + 0.003*time + 0.003*two')
2017-06-21 19:39:14,748 : INFO : (1, '0.004*new + 0.004*also + 0.004*company + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*can + 0.003*government + 0.003*make + 0.003*one + 0.003*country + 0.003*city')
2017-06-21 19:39:14,833 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 19:39:14,918 : INFO : (3, '0.006*force + 0.006*group + 0.006*government + 0.005*attack + 0.005*iraq + 0.005*country + 0.005*syria + 0.005*kill + 0.004*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 19:39:15,005 : INFO : (4, '0.010*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*play + 0.006*season + 0.006*first + 0.006*point + 0.006*get + 0.005*go + 0.005*one')
2017-06-21 19:39:15,093 : INFO : (5, '0.009*city + 0.008*sun + 0.008*post + 0.006*sa + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*use')
2017-06-21 19:39:15,180 : INFO : (6, '0.008*police + 0.006*report + 0.005*people + 0.005*attack + 0.005*uber + 0.005*city + 0.005*israeli + 0.004*woman + 0.004*take + 0.004*also')
2017-06-21 19:39:15,266 : INFO : (7, '0.010*win + 0.009*city + 0.009*1 + 0.009*goal + 0.008*game + 0.007*team + 0.006*first + 0.006*season + 0.006*chelsea + 0.005*0')
2017-06-21 19:39:15,353 : INFO : (8, '0.048*die + 0.034*der + 0.029*und + 0.013*al + 0.012*von + 0.010*das + 0.009*ist + 0.008*auch + 0.008*war + 0.008*sich')
2017-06-21 19:39:15,438 : INFO : (9, '0.035*şi + 0.022*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.008*al + 0.007*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.005*articole_de')
2017-06-21 19:39:15,524 : INFO : (10, '0.012*uae + 0.009*2014 + 0.008*al + 0.007*december + 0.007*country + 0.006*minister + 0.006*national + 0.006*full_story + 0.006*read + 0.006*president')
2017-06-21 19:39:15,612 : INFO : (11, '0.018*et + 0.016*la + 0.009*le + 0.008*al + 0.007*e + 0.007*des + 0.007*que + 0.007*un + 0.006*2014 + 0.006*à')
2017-06-21 19:39:15,698 : INFO : (12, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.007*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.005*که_در + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*را_به + 0.004*نیز + 0.003*را_در')
2017-06-21 19:39:15,784 : INFO : (13, '0.020*new_york + 0.016*garner + 0.015*grand_jury + 0.015*police + 0.014*protest + 0.014*city + 0.012*decision + 0.012*police_officer + 0.011*death + 0.010*man')
2017-06-21 19:39:15,869 : INFO : (14, '0.009*2014 + 0.007*bank + 0.006*december + 0.006*dan + 0.006*read + 0.006*show + 0.005*late + 0.005*wednesday + 0.004*full_story + 0.004*tuesday')
2017-06-21 19:39:15,955 : INFO : (15, '0.013*إلى + 0.013*أن + 0.008*أو + 0.004*إن + 0.004*إنشاء_تنبيه + 0.003*لبنان + 0.003*داعش + 0.003*السعودية + 0.003*أي + 0.003*اليوم')
2017-06-21 19:39:16,042 : INFO : (16, '0.020*police + 0.018*wilson + 0.017*sunday + 0.015*ferguson + 0.012*mayor + 0.012*country + 0.011*st._louis + 0.009*protest + 0.009*city + 0.009*force')
2017-06-21 19:39:16,128 : INFO : (17, '0.016*philippines + 0.014*people + 0.012*typhoon_hagupit + 0.010*city + 0.010*storm + 0.010*hagupit + 0.009*2014 + 0.008*central + 0.008*home + 0.007*typhoon')
2017-06-21 19:39:16,214 : INFO : (18, '0.016*wife + 0.016*baghdadi + 0.015*2014 + 0.014*detain + 0.013*full_story + 0.012*december + 0.012*read + 0.012*al + 0.010*woman + 0.010*daily_mail')
2017-06-21 19:39:16,299 : INFO : (19, '0.023*2014 + 0.023*full_story + 0.023*read + 0.021*december + 0.009*daily_mail + 0.006*city + 0.006*asia + 0.006*channel_news + 0.006*report + 0.006*news')
2017-06-21 19:39:16,312 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 439296 of 459977
2017-06-21 19:39:37,329 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:39:37,333 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:39:37,336 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:39:37,340 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:39:37,345 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:39:37,349 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:39:37,352 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:39:37,356 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:40:50,273 : INFO : (0, '0.005*one + 0.004*people + 0.004*also + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*make + 0.003*take + 0.003*police + 0.003*can + 0.003*report + 0.003*time')
2017-06-21 19:40:50,356 : INFO : (1, '0.004*new + 0.004*also + 0.004*company + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*can + 0.003*government + 0.003*make + 0.003*one + 0.003*country + 0.003*market')
2017-06-21 19:40:50,438 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 19:40:50,520 : INFO : (3, '0.006*group + 0.006*force + 0.006*government + 0.005*attack + 0.005*iraq + 0.005*country + 0.005*syria + 0.005*kill + 0.004*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 19:40:50,603 : INFO : (4, '0.010*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*play + 0.006*season + 0.006*first + 0.006*point + 0.006*get + 0.005*go + 0.005*two')
2017-06-21 19:40:50,684 : INFO : (5, '0.009*city + 0.008*sun + 0.008*post + 0.006*sa + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*use')
2017-06-21 19:40:50,765 : INFO : (6, '0.008*police + 0.006*report + 0.005*people + 0.005*attack + 0.005*uber + 0.004*israeli + 0.004*city + 0.004*woman + 0.004*take + 0.004*also')
2017-06-21 19:40:50,846 : INFO : (7, '0.010*win + 0.009*city + 0.009*1 + 0.009*goal + 0.008*game + 0.007*team + 0.006*first + 0.006*season + 0.006*chelsea + 0.005*0')
2017-06-21 19:40:50,928 : INFO : (8, '0.049*die + 0.034*der + 0.029*und + 0.013*al + 0.012*von + 0.010*das + 0.009*ist + 0.009*auch + 0.008*war + 0.008*sich')
2017-06-21 19:40:51,009 : INFO : (9, '0.012*uae + 0.009*2014 + 0.008*al + 0.007*december + 0.007*country + 0.006*minister + 0.006*national + 0.006*president + 0.006*full_story + 0.006*read')
2017-06-21 19:40:51,089 : INFO : (10, '0.035*şi + 0.022*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.008*al + 0.007*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.005*articole_de')
2017-06-21 19:40:51,170 : INFO : (11, '0.018*et + 0.016*la + 0.009*le + 0.008*al + 0.007*que + 0.007*des + 0.007*e + 0.007*un + 0.006*2014 + 0.006*à')
2017-06-21 19:40:51,250 : INFO : (12, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.007*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.005*که_در + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*را_به + 0.004*نیز + 0.003*را_در')
2017-06-21 19:40:51,331 : INFO : (13, '0.021*new_york + 0.017*garner + 0.015*grand_jury + 0.015*police + 0.014*protest + 0.014*city + 0.013*decision + 0.012*police_officer + 0.011*death + 0.010*man')
2017-06-21 19:40:51,412 : INFO : (14, '0.009*2014 + 0.006*bank + 0.006*december + 0.006*dan + 0.006*show + 0.006*late + 0.006*read + 0.005*wednesday + 0.004*full_story + 0.004*tuesday')
2017-06-21 19:40:51,492 : INFO : (15, '0.013*إلى + 0.013*أن + 0.008*أو + 0.004*إن + 0.004*إنشاء_تنبيه + 0.003*لبنان + 0.003*داعش + 0.003*أي + 0.003*السعودية + 0.003*اليوم')
2017-06-21 19:40:51,573 : INFO : (16, '0.020*police + 0.018*wilson + 0.017*sunday + 0.015*ferguson + 0.012*mayor + 0.012*country + 0.012*st._louis + 0.009*protest + 0.009*city + 0.009*force')
2017-06-21 19:40:51,654 : INFO : (17, '0.016*philippines + 0.014*people + 0.012*typhoon_hagupit + 0.010*city + 0.010*storm + 0.010*hagupit + 0.009*2014 + 0.008*central + 0.008*home + 0.007*typhoon')
2017-06-21 19:40:51,734 : INFO : (18, '0.017*baghdadi + 0.017*wife + 0.015*detain + 0.015*2014 + 0.013*full_story + 0.012*al + 0.012*december + 0.012*read + 0.011*woman + 0.010*official')
2017-06-21 19:40:51,815 : INFO : (19, '0.023*2014 + 0.023*full_story + 0.023*read + 0.021*december + 0.009*daily_mail + 0.006*report + 0.006*city + 0.006*asia + 0.006*channel_news + 0.006*news')
2017-06-21 19:40:51,827 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 449280 of 459977
2017-06-21 19:40:56,985 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:40:56,987 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:40:56,989 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:40:56,991 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:42:21,105 : INFO : (0, '0.005*one + 0.004*people + 0.004*also + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*make + 0.003*take + 0.003*can + 0.003*police + 0.003*report + 0.003*time')
2017-06-21 19:42:21,188 : INFO : (1, '0.004*new + 0.004*also + 0.004*company + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*can + 0.003*government + 0.003*make + 0.003*one + 0.003*country + 0.003*market')
2017-06-21 19:42:21,272 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 19:42:21,355 : INFO : (3, '0.006*group + 0.006*force + 0.006*government + 0.005*attack + 0.005*iraq + 0.005*country + 0.005*syria + 0.005*kill + 0.004*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 19:42:21,439 : INFO : (4, '0.010*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*play + 0.007*season + 0.006*first + 0.006*point + 0.006*get + 0.005*go + 0.005*two')
2017-06-21 19:42:21,522 : INFO : (5, '0.008*police + 0.007*report + 0.005*people + 0.005*attack + 0.004*israeli + 0.004*uber + 0.004*city + 0.004*take + 0.004*woman + 0.004*also')
2017-06-21 19:42:21,606 : INFO : (6, '0.009*city + 0.008*sun + 0.008*post + 0.006*sa + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*use')
2017-06-21 19:42:21,690 : INFO : (7, '0.010*win + 0.009*city + 0.009*1 + 0.009*goal + 0.008*game + 0.007*team + 0.006*first + 0.006*season + 0.006*chelsea + 0.005*0')
2017-06-21 19:42:21,773 : INFO : (8, '0.049*die + 0.034*der + 0.029*und + 0.013*al + 0.012*von + 0.010*das + 0.009*ist + 0.009*auch + 0.008*war + 0.008*sich')
2017-06-21 19:42:21,857 : INFO : (9, '0.012*uae + 0.008*2014 + 0.008*al + 0.007*country + 0.007*december + 0.006*minister + 0.006*national + 0.006*president + 0.006*full_story + 0.005*read')
2017-06-21 19:42:21,940 : INFO : (10, '0.035*şi + 0.022*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.008*al + 0.007*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.005*articole_de')
2017-06-21 19:42:22,024 : INFO : (11, '0.018*et + 0.016*la + 0.008*le + 0.008*al + 0.007*que + 0.007*des + 0.007*e + 0.007*un + 0.006*2014 + 0.006*y')
2017-06-21 19:42:22,111 : INFO : (12, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.007*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.005*که_در + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*را_به + 0.004*نیز + 0.003*را_در')
2017-06-21 19:42:22,198 : INFO : (13, '0.022*new_york + 0.017*garner + 0.016*grand_jury + 0.015*police + 0.015*protest + 0.015*city + 0.013*decision + 0.013*police_officer + 0.011*death + 0.011*man')
2017-06-21 19:42:22,285 : INFO : (14, '0.009*2014 + 0.006*december + 0.006*bank + 0.006*late + 0.006*show + 0.006*read + 0.006*dan + 0.005*wednesday + 0.004*tuesday + 0.004*full_story')
2017-06-21 19:42:22,372 : INFO : (15, '0.013*إلى + 0.013*أن + 0.008*أو + 0.004*إن + 0.004*إنشاء_تنبيه + 0.003*لبنان + 0.003*داعش + 0.003*أي + 0.003*اليوم + 0.003*السعودية')
2017-06-21 19:42:22,456 : INFO : (16, '0.020*police + 0.018*wilson + 0.017*sunday + 0.015*ferguson + 0.012*mayor + 0.012*country + 0.012*st._louis + 0.009*protest + 0.009*city + 0.009*force')
2017-06-21 19:42:22,539 : INFO : (17, '0.016*philippines + 0.014*people + 0.012*typhoon_hagupit + 0.010*city + 0.010*storm + 0.010*hagupit + 0.009*2014 + 0.008*central + 0.008*home + 0.007*typhoon')
2017-06-21 19:42:22,623 : INFO : (18, '0.018*baghdadi + 0.018*wife + 0.016*detain + 0.015*2014 + 0.013*al + 0.013*full_story + 0.011*december + 0.011*woman + 0.011*read + 0.011*official')
2017-06-21 19:42:22,708 : INFO : (19, '0.024*2014 + 0.023*full_story + 0.023*read + 0.021*december + 0.009*daily_mail + 0.007*report + 0.006*city + 0.006*asia + 0.006*channel_news + 0.006*news')
2017-06-21 19:42:22,721 : INFO : PROGRESS: finished document 459264 of 459977
2017-06-21 19:42:27,293 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:42:27,297 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:42:27,301 : WARNING : likelihood is decreasing!
2017-06-21 19:42:30,397 : INFO : (0, '0.005*one + 0.004*people + 0.004*also + 0.003*2014 + 0.003*make + 0.003*take + 0.003*can + 0.003*police + 0.003*report + 0.003*time')
2017-06-21 19:42:30,482 : INFO : (1, '0.004*new + 0.004*also + 0.004*company + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*can + 0.003*government + 0.003*make + 0.003*one + 0.003*country + 0.003*market')
2017-06-21 19:42:30,565 : INFO : (2, '0.023*turkish + 0.022*istanbul + 0.019*turkey + 0.006*police + 0.006*protest + 0.005*continue + 0.005*border + 0.005*kill + 0.004*2014 + 0.004*first')
2017-06-21 19:42:30,647 : INFO : (3, '0.006*group + 0.006*government + 0.006*force + 0.005*attack + 0.005*iraq + 0.005*country + 0.005*syria + 0.005*kill + 0.004*islamic_state + 0.004*security')
2017-06-21 19:42:30,731 : INFO : (4, '0.010*game + 0.007*win + 0.007*team + 0.007*play + 0.007*season + 0.006*first + 0.006*point + 0.006*get + 0.005*go + 0.005*two')
2017-06-21 19:42:30,816 : INFO : (5, '0.008*police + 0.007*report + 0.005*people + 0.005*attack + 0.004*israeli + 0.004*uber + 0.004*city + 0.004*take + 0.004*woman + 0.004*also')
2017-06-21 19:42:30,900 : INFO : (6, '0.009*city + 0.008*sun + 0.008*post + 0.006*sa + 0.005*2014 + 0.005*comment + 0.005*december + 0.004*government + 0.004*cebu + 0.004*use')
2017-06-21 19:42:30,983 : INFO : (7, '0.010*win + 0.009*city + 0.009*1 + 0.009*goal + 0.008*game + 0.007*team + 0.006*first + 0.006*season + 0.006*chelsea + 0.005*0')
2017-06-21 19:42:31,066 : INFO : (8, '0.049*die + 0.034*der + 0.029*und + 0.013*al + 0.012*von + 0.010*das + 0.009*ist + 0.009*auch + 0.008*war + 0.008*sich')
2017-06-21 19:42:31,150 : INFO : (9, '0.012*uae + 0.008*2014 + 0.008*al + 0.007*country + 0.007*december + 0.006*minister + 0.006*national + 0.006*president + 0.006*full_story + 0.005*read')
2017-06-21 19:42:31,233 : INFO : (10, '0.035*şi + 0.022*care + 0.015*la + 0.009*în + 0.008*s + 0.008*al + 0.007*un + 0.005*cu + 0.005*nu + 0.005*articole_de')
2017-06-21 19:42:31,316 : INFO : (11, '0.018*et + 0.016*la + 0.008*le + 0.008*al + 0.007*que + 0.007*des + 0.007*e + 0.007*un + 0.006*2014 + 0.006*y')
2017-06-21 19:42:31,399 : INFO : (12, '0.012*این + 0.007*در_این + 0.007*برای + 0.006*است_که + 0.005*است. + 0.005*که_در + 0.004*است_و + 0.004*را_به + 0.004*نیز + 0.003*را_در')
2017-06-21 19:42:31,482 : INFO : (13, '0.022*new_york + 0.017*garner + 0.016*grand_jury + 0.015*police + 0.015*protest + 0.015*city + 0.013*decision + 0.013*police_officer + 0.011*death + 0.011*man')
2017-06-21 19:42:31,565 : INFO : (14, '0.010*2014 + 0.006*december + 0.006*bank + 0.006*late + 0.006*show + 0.006*read + 0.006*dan + 0.005*wednesday + 0.004*tuesday + 0.004*full_story')
2017-06-21 19:42:31,647 : INFO : (15, '0.013*إلى + 0.013*أن + 0.008*أو + 0.004*إن + 0.004*إنشاء_تنبيه + 0.003*لبنان + 0.003*داعش + 0.003*أي + 0.003*اليوم + 0.003*السعودية')
2017-06-21 19:42:31,730 : INFO : (16, '0.020*police + 0.018*wilson + 0.017*sunday + 0.015*ferguson + 0.012*mayor + 0.012*country + 0.012*st._louis + 0.009*protest + 0.009*city + 0.009*force')
2017-06-21 19:42:31,812 : INFO : (17, '0.016*philippines + 0.014*people + 0.012*typhoon_hagupit + 0.010*city + 0.010*storm + 0.010*hagupit + 0.009*2014 + 0.008*central + 0.008*home + 0.007*typhoon')
2017-06-21 19:42:31,895 : INFO : (18, '0.018*baghdadi + 0.018*wife + 0.016*detain + 0.015*2014 + 0.013*al + 0.012*full_story + 0.011*december + 0.011*woman + 0.011*read + 0.011*official')
2017-06-21 19:42:31,977 : INFO : (19, '0.024*2014 + 0.023*full_story + 0.023*read + 0.021*december + 0.009*daily_mail + 0.007*report + 0.006*city + 0.006*asia + 0.006*channel_news + 0.005*news')
2017-06-21 19:42:35,384 : INFO : serializing temporary corpus to /tmp/795bc3_corpus.txt
finished modeling hdp 19:42:35
2017-06-21 19:46:57,976 : INFO : converting temporary corpus to MALLET format with /home/sonic/sonic/mallet-2.0.8/bin/mallet import-file --preserve-case --keep-sequence --remove-stopwords --token-regex "\S+" --input /tmp/795bc3_corpus.txt --output /tmp/795bc3_corpus.mallet
2017-06-21 19:47:54,877 : INFO : training MALLET LDA with /home/sonic/sonic/mallet-2.0.8/bin/mallet train-topics --input /tmp/795bc3_corpus.mallet --num-topics 20  --alpha 50 --optimize-interval 0 --num-threads 4 --output-state /tmp/795bc3_state.mallet.gz --output-doc-topics /tmp/795bc3_doctopics.txt --output-topic-keys /tmp/795bc3_topickeys.txt --num-iterations 1000 --inferencer-filename /tmp/795bc3_inferencer.mallet --doc-topics-threshold 0.0
2017-06-21 21:16:54,145 : INFO : loading assigned topics from /tmp/795bc3_state.mallet.gz
CPU times: user 3h 8min 42s, sys: 5h 14min 24s, total: 8h 23min 6s
Wall time: 3h 43min 11s

In [9]:
## Experiments

from multiprocessing import Pool

docs_filepath = 'data/eos/ngram/bigram_transformed_reviews_'+dataset+'.txt'

corpus_text = []
with open(docs_filepath) as f:
    for line in f:
        corpus_text.append(line.split(u' '))
def load_topic_models(model_list):
    model_list = []
    # Load the models    
    for fname in model_list:
        model = joblib.load(fname)

    return model_list
def eval_topic_coherence(topic_model_path):
    model = joblib.load(topic_model_path)
    print ("Starting coherence calculation " +"%H:%M:%S"))
    print (model)
    # Get model topics     
    model_topics = model.show_topics(formatted=False)
    # Generate topic list     
    topics = [[word for word, prob in topic] for topicid, topic in model_topics]
    coherence = CoherenceModel(topics=topics, corpus=corpus, texts=corpus_text, 
                               dictionary=dictionary, window_size=10, coherence='u_mass').get_coherence()
    print ("finished model coherence {}".format(coherence) +"%H:%M:%S"))
    return [topic_model_path, coherence]

def eval_execute():

    model_list = [lsi_model_path, hdp_model_path, mallet_model_path]
    print (model_list)
    # start 7 worker processes
    pool = Pool(processes=7)              
    coherence =, model_list)

    # Show graph
    indices = [x[0] for x in coherence]
    y= [x[1] for x in coherence]
    n = len(coherence)
    x = range(n), y, width=0.2, tick_label=indices, align='center')
    plt.ylabel('Coherence Value')


['data/eos/models/lsimodel_10_EOS.pkl', 'data/eos/models/hdpmodel_EOS.pkl', 'data/eos/models/malletmodel_EOS.pkl']
Starting coherence calculation 22:47:26
<gensim.models.wrappers.ldamallet.LdaMallet object at 0x7fcc1474b748>
[['israel', 'iran', 'egypt', 'israeli', 'official', 'yemen', 'al', 'saudi_arabia', 'security', 'saudi'], ['game', 'canada', '’', 'time', 'make', 'play', 'canadian', 'team', 'season', 'good'], ['health', 'study', 'hospital', 'research', 'patient', 'people', 'find', 'report', 'child', 'care'], ['turkey', '2014', 'turkish', 'dec', '2015', 'visit', 'child', 'official', 'world', 'president'], ['market', 'price', 'million', 'oil', 'company', 'percent', 'bank', 'low', 'share', 'billion'], ['report', 'cia', 'new_york', 'u.s.', 'obama', 'release', 'torture', 'official', 'decision', 'police_officer'], ['die', 'full_story', 'read', 'der', 'und', 'al', 'december', 'war', '2014', 'von'], ['city', 'people', 'area', 'home', 'road', 'water', 'building', 'resident', 'more_than', 'local'], ['iraq', 'syria', 'force', 'islamic_state', 'group', 'military', 'government', 'fight', 'iraqi', 'syrian'], ['attack', 'kill', 'security', 'group', 'people', 'pakistan', 'force', 'militant', 'official', 'government']]
Starting coherence calculation 22:47:27
LsiModel(num_terms=100000, num_topics=10, decay=1.0, chunksize=20000)
[['turkish', 'istanbul', 'turkey', 'police', 'protest', 'continue', 'border', '2014', 'kill', 'first'], ['turkish', 'istanbul', 'one', 'turkey', 'also', 'can', 'people', 'government', 'make', 'report'], ['game', 'report', 'government', 'get', 'cia', 'win', 'force', 'u.s.', 'play', 'official'], ['2014', 'new_york', 'police', 'protest', 'grand_jury', 'city', 'decision', 'december', 'garner', 'man'], ['2014', 'company', 'people', 'police', 'market', 'one', 'december', '1', 'go', 'dec'], ['cia', 'report', 'game', 'people', 'point', '1', 'win', '2', 'city', 'score'], ['cia', 'report', 'iraq', 'force', 'syria', 'islamic_state', 'group', 'detainee', 'torture', 'use'], ['2014', 'new_york', 'grand_jury', 'u.s.', 'decision', 'turkey', 'company', 'dec', 'people', 'islamic_state'], ['turkey', 'hong_kong', 'government', 'police', 'protester', 'photo', '2014', 'turkish', 'new_york', 'new'], ['1', '2', 'city', '3', 'turkey', '4', '0', 'u.s.', '2014', 'child']]
Starting coherence calculation 22:47:27
<gensim.models.hdpmodel.HdpModel object at 0x7fcc1474b668>
[['one', 'people', 'also', '2014', 'make', 'take', 'can', 'police', 'report', 'time', 'two', 'new', 'go', 'city', 'government', 'first', 'day', 'come', 'world', 'country'], ['new', 'also', 'company', '2014', 'can', 'government', 'make', 'one', 'country', 'market', 'city', 'people', 'report', 'include', 'work', 'world', 'time', 'take', 'use', 'business'], ['turkish', 'istanbul', 'turkey', 'police', 'protest', 'continue', 'border', 'kill', '2014', 'first', 'visit', 'photo', 'house', 'hold', 'worker', 'black_sea', 'people', 'take', 'world', 'isil'], ['group', 'government', 'force', 'attack', 'iraq', 'country', 'syria', 'kill', 'islamic_state', 'security', 'also', 'official', 'people', 'military', 'militant', 'us', 'two', 'report', 'take', 'one'], ['game', 'win', 'team', 'play', 'season', 'first', 'point', 'get', 'go', 'two', 'one', 'time', 'make', 'last', 'player', 'good', 'score', 'second', 'back', 'just'], ['police', 'report', 'people', 'attack', 'israeli', 'uber', 'city', 'take', 'woman', 'also', 'one', 'two', 'palestinian', 'syria', 'group', 'security', '2014', 'government', 'delhi', 'driver'], ['city', 'sun', 'post', 'sa', '2014', 'comment', 'december', 'government', 'cebu', 'use', 'local', 'also', 'country', 'site', 'davao', 'may', 'part', 'cagayan_de', 'state', 'right'], ['win', 'city', '1', 'goal', 'game', 'team', 'first', 'season', 'chelsea', '0', '2', 'play', 'match', 'last', 'minute', 'player', 'second', 'club', 'point', 'group'], ['die', 'der', 'und', 'al', 'von', 'das', 'ist', 'auch', 'war', 'sich', 'auf', 'für', 'mit', 'nicht', 'ein', 'es', 'man', 'den', 'hat', 'wie'], ['uae', '2014', 'al', 'country', 'december', 'minister', 'national', 'president', 'full_story', 'read', 'wam', 'bahrain', 'day', 'also', 'dubai', 'people', 'state', 'arab', 'gcc', 'abu_dhabi'], ['şi', 'care', 'la', 'în', 's', 'al', 'un', 'cu', 'nu', 'articole_de', 'acelasi_autor', 'pe', 'că', 'e', 's_au', 'să', 'ani', 'din', 'pentru', 'au_fost'], ['et', 'la', 'le', 'al', 'que', 'des', 'e', 'un', '2014', 'y', 'à', 'les', 'european', 'na', 'clostridium_difficile', 'pour', 'du', 'cdi', 'dan', 'au'], ['این', 'در_این', 'برای', 'است_که', 'است.', 'که_در', 'است_و', 'را_به', 'نیز', 'را_در', 'خود_را', 'به_گزارش', 'یکی_از', 'باید', 'ایران', 'کشور', 'انتهای_پیام', 'از_این', 'پس_از', 'با_اشاره'], ['new_york', 'garner', 'grand_jury', 'police', 'protest', 'city', 'decision', 'police_officer', 'death', 'man', '2014', 'december', 'eric_garner', 'white', 'wednesday', 'unarmed_black', 'charge', 'kill', 'indict', 'case'], ['2014', 'december', 'bank', 'late', 'show', 'read', 'dan', 'wednesday', 'tuesday', 'full_story', 'monday', 'et', 'one', 'comment', 'fed', 'al', 'r', 'new', 'thursday', 'week'], ['إلى', 'أن', 'أو', 'إن', 'إنشاء_تنبيه', 'لبنان', 'داعش', 'أي', 'اليوم', 'السعودية', 'من_خلال', 'خلال', 'الله', 'أنّ', 'أكثر_من', 'عبر', 'فيما', '=_=', 'عام', 'أنه'], ['police', 'wilson', 'sunday', 'ferguson', 'mayor', 'country', 'st._louis', 'protest', 'city', 'force', 'resignation', 'grand_jury', 'police_officer', 'around', 'resign', 'august', 'statement', 'block', 'decide', 'last'], ['philippines', 'people', 'typhoon_hagupit', 'city', 'storm', 'hagupit', '2014', 'central', 'home', 'typhoon', 'area', 'manila', 'tacloban', 'haiyan', 'photo', 'hit', 'afp', 'island', 'government', 'philippine'], ['baghdadi', 'wife', 'detain', '2014', 'al', 'full_story', 'december', 'woman', 'read', 'official', 'leader', 'iraq', 'islamic_state', 'daily_mail', 'lebanon', 'syria', 'abu_bakr', 'group', 'report', 'arrest'], ['2014', 'full_story', 'read', 'december', 'daily_mail', 'report', 'city', 'asia', 'channel_news', 'news', 'cbs_news', 'police', 'post', 'al_jazeera', 'suspect', 'new', 'tuesday_9th', 'kill', 'us', 'one']]
Process ForkPoolWorker-3:
Process ForkPoolWorker-2:
Process ForkPoolWorker-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 249, in _bootstrap
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 249, in _bootstrap
Process ForkPoolWorker-4:
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 93, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
Traceback (most recent call last):
Process ForkPoolWorker-6:
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 93, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
Process ForkPoolWorker-5:
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 119, in worker
    result = (True, func(*args, **kwds))
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 249, in _bootstrap
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 44, in mapstar
    return list(map(*args))
  File "<ipython-input-9-3a504b9ea60d>", line 36, in eval_topic_coherence
    dictionary=dictionary, window_size=10, coherence='u_mass').get_coherence()
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 119, in worker
    result = (True, func(*args, **kwds))
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/gensim/models/", line 203, in get_coherence
    per_topic_postings, num_docs = measure.prob(self.corpus, segmented_topics)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 93, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 119, in worker
    result = (True, func(*args, **kwds))
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 44, in mapstar
    return list(map(*args))
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/gensim/models/", line 203, in get_coherence
    per_topic_postings, num_docs = measure.prob(self.corpus, segmented_topics)
  File "<ipython-input-9-3a504b9ea60d>", line 36, in eval_topic_coherence
    dictionary=dictionary, window_size=10, coherence='u_mass').get_coherence()
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 44, in mapstar
    return list(map(*args))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/gensim/topic_coherence/", line 54, in p_boolean_document
    for n, document in enumerate(corpus):
  File "<ipython-input-9-3a504b9ea60d>", line 36, in eval_topic_coherence
    dictionary=dictionary, window_size=10, coherence='u_mass').get_coherence()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/gensim/topic_coherence/", line 54, in p_boolean_document
    for n, document in enumerate(corpus):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/gensim/models/", line 203, in get_coherence
    per_topic_postings, num_docs = measure.prob(self.corpus, segmented_topics)
Traceback (most recent call last):
Traceback (most recent call last):
Process ForkPoolWorker-7:
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/gensim/corpora/", line 36, in __iter__
    for doc_id, doc in super(MmCorpus, self).__iter__():
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/gensim/", line 793, in __iter__
    docid, termid, val = int(docid) - 1, int(termid) - 1, float(val)  # -1 because matrix market indexes are 1-based => convert to 0-based
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 249, in _bootstrap
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/gensim/corpora/", line 36, in __iter__
    for doc_id, doc in super(MmCorpus, self).__iter__():
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/gensim/", line 790, in __iter__
    docid, termid, val = utils.to_unicode(line).split()  # needed for python3
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 249, in _bootstrap
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/gensim/topic_coherence/", line 54, in p_boolean_document
    for n, document in enumerate(corpus):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 249, in _bootstrap
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/gensim/", line 235, in any2unicode
    return unicode(text, encoding, errors=errors)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 93, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 249, in _bootstrap
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 93, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/gensim/corpora/", line 36, in __iter__
    for doc_id, doc in super(MmCorpus, self).__iter__():
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/gensim/", line 793, in __iter__
    docid, termid, val = int(docid) - 1, int(termid) - 1, float(val)  # -1 because matrix market indexes are 1-based => convert to 0-based
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 93, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 108, in worker
    task = get()
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 108, in worker
    task = get()
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 93, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 108, in worker
    task = get()
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 342, in get
    with self._rlock:
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 108, in worker
    task = get()
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 96, in __enter__
    return self._semlock.__enter__()
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 342, in get
    with self._rlock:
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 96, in __enter__
    return self._semlock.__enter__()
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 343, in get
    res = self._reader.recv_bytes()
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 216, in recv_bytes
    buf = self._recv_bytes(maxlength)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 407, in _recv_bytes
    buf = self._recv(4)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 342, in get
    with self._rlock:
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 379, in _recv
    chunk = read(handle, remaining)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 96, in __enter__
    return self._semlock.__enter__()
KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-9-3a504b9ea60d> in <module>()
---> 64 eval_execute()

<ipython-input-9-3a504b9ea60d> in eval_execute()
     48     # start 7 worker processes
     49     pool = Pool(processes=7)
---> 50     coherence =, model_list)
     51     print(coherence)

/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/ in map(self, func, iterable, chunksize)
    258         in a list that is returned.
    259         '''
--> 260         return self._map_async(func, iterable, mapstar, chunksize).get()
    262     def starmap(self, func, iterable, chunksize=None):

/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/ in get(self, timeout)
    601     def get(self, timeout=None):
--> 602         self.wait(timeout)
    603         if not self.ready():
    604             raise TimeoutError

/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/ in wait(self, timeout)
    598     def wait(self, timeout=None):
--> 599         self._event.wait(timeout)
    601     def get(self, timeout=None):

/usr/lib/python3.5/ in wait(self, timeout)
    547             signaled = self._flag
    548             if not signaled:
--> 549                 signaled = self._cond.wait(timeout)
    550             return signaled

/usr/lib/python3.5/ in wait(self, timeout)
    291         try:    # restore state no matter what (e.g., KeyboardInterrupt)
    292             if timeout is None:
--> 293                 waiter.acquire()
    294                 gotit = True
    295             else:

Exception in thread Thread-4:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 914, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 862, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 366, in _handle_workers
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 240, in _maintain_pool
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 233, in _repopulate_pool
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 105, in start
    self._popen = self._Popen(self)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 267, in _Popen
    return Popen(process_obj)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 20, in __init__
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/", line 67, in _launch = os.fork()
OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory

In [ ]:
coherence = [['lsimodel_10', 2.5318031449974874], 
 ['hdpmodel', 1.958798883672267], 
 ['mallet', 1.2456459799663451]]

# Show graph
indices = [x[0] for x in coherence]
y= [x[1] for x in coherence]
n = len(coherence)
x = range(n), y, width=0.2, tick_label=indices, align='center')
plt.ylabel('Coherence Value')

In [ ]:

In [ ]: