Authors: Alexander Pitchford (, Neill Lambert (
The HEOM (hierarchical equations of motion) method can compute open system dynamics without using any Markovian or rotating wave approximation (RWA) for systems where the bath correlations can be approximated to a sum of complex eponentials. The bath is described in an abstract way, via a formal expansion of the full system-bath equation of motion, which results in a set of coupled "density matrices" for the system. A overview of the method is given in [1].
The HEOM solver will compute the dynamics of a quantum system coupled to a bath with a complete Hamiltonian given by
\begin{equation*} H = H_s + Q\sum_{j}g_j(a_j^{\dagger}+a_j) + \sum_{j}\omega_j a_j^{\dagger}a_j \end{equation*}The dynamics of the quantum system of interest, if independent of the environment, would be described the system Hamiltonian $H_s$. The $a_j^{\dagger}$ and $a_j$ are the creation and annihilation operators of the bosonic modes of frequency $\omega_j$ of the bath that models the environment. The system operator Q couples with the bath with a strength $g_j$ for each mode.
The spectral density determines the strength of the interact for specific modes. The Drude-Lorentz (DL) model for the spectral density is given by
$$J(\omega)=\omega \frac{2\lambda\gamma}{{\gamma}^2 + \omega^2}$$where $\lambda$ is an overall scale factor for the coupling strength, and $\gamma$ is a cut-off frequency
The correlation function can be calculated via Fourier transform and gives an infinite exponential series of the form
\begin{equation*} L(t)=\sum_{k=0}^{k=\infty} c_k e^{-\nu_k t} \end{equation*}as this is in the form of a sum of exponentials it allows us to use the HEOM. Some cut-off for $k$ will be required in order for it to be computable; in practice this is typically quite small ($<5$). The series term frequencies and coefficients (known as Matsubara terms, frequencies and coefficients in the DL model) as given by
\begin{equation*} \nu_k = \begin{cases} \gamma & k = 0\\ {2 \pi k} / {\beta \hbar} & k \geq 1\\ \end{cases} \end{equation*}\begin{equation*} c_k = \begin{cases} \lambda \gamma (\cot(\beta \gamma / 2) - i) / \hbar & k = 0\\ 4 \lambda \gamma \nu_k / \{(nu_k^2 - \gamma^2)\beta \hbar^2 \} & k \geq 1\\ \end{cases} \end{equation*}The example system in this notebook is taken from [2], which also gives an overview of the HEOM method in its appendix D. Here we look to compute the dynamics of a system where
\begin{equation*} H_s = \frac{\epsilon}{2}\sigma_z + \frac{\Delta}{2}\sigma_x \end{equation*}and the coupling operator $Q=\sigma_z$. The energy of the two level system is given by $\epsilon$, the strength of the tunnelling effect by $\Delta$. This model is of much interest in the study of the potential quantum effects at work in photosynthesis, as discussed in some of the papers cited in [2]
In [1]:
%pylab inline
import numpy as np
from qutip import sigmax, sigmay, sigmaz, basis, expect
from qutip.nonmarkov.heom import HSolverDL
In [2]:
# Defining the system Hamiltonian
eps = 0.5 # Energy of the 2-level system.
Del = 1.0 # Tunnelling term
Hsys = 0.5*eps*sigmaz() + 0.5*Del* sigmax()
In [3]:
# Bath description parameters (for HEOM)
temperature = 1.0/0.95 # in units where Boltzmann factor is 1
Nk = 2 # number of exponentials in approximation of the the spectral density
Ncut = 30 # cut off parameter for the bath
In [4]:
# System-bath coupling (Drude-Lorentz spectral density)
Q = sigmaz() # coupling operator
gam = 0.05 # cut off frequency
lam = 0.05 # coupling strenght
In [5]:
# Configure the solver
hsolver = HSolverDL(Hsys, Q, lam, temperature, Ncut, Nk, gam, stats=True)
In [6]:
# Initial state of the system.
rho0 = basis(2,0) * basis(2,0).dag()
# Times to record state
tlist = np.linspace(0, 40, 600)
# run the solver
result =, tlist)
In [7]:
# Define some operators with which we will measure the system
# 1,1 element of density matrix - corresonding to groundstate
P11p=basis(2,0) * basis(2,0).dag()
# 1,2 element of density matrix - corresonding to coherence
P12p=basis(2,0) * basis(2,1).dag()
# Calculate expectation values in the bases
P11exp = expect(result.states, P11p)
P12exp = expect(result.states, P12p)
In [8]:
# Plot the results
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(8,8))
axes.plot(tlist, np.real(P11exp), 'b', linewidth=2, label="P11")
axes.plot(tlist, np.real(P12exp), 'r', linewidth=2, label="P12")
axes.set_xlabel(r't', fontsize=28)
axes.legend(loc=0, fontsize=12)
In [9]:
from qutip.ipynbtools import version_table
In [ ]: