Set directory to wherever the project is housed

In [1]:
import sys

Download track data for plotting:

Download data.tar.gz from + the full manuscript ID for part 1 (case sensitive), and untar and ungzip this into the directory "MCS/mcs" and make sure the output folder is "data" and it has a folder named "track_data". Examine the code to see the proper location if you are getting an error (i.e., "../data/track_data/")

Set up utilities

In [2]:
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter
from scipy.misc import imread

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import matplotlib.patheffects as pe

import datetime
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

import cartopy
import as ccrs

from mcs.utils.mapping_help import *

%matplotlib inline

plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 10, 10
cmap =

linestyles = ['-', '--', ':', '-.']
styles = {'0.5': '-', '0.9':':', '0.95':'-.', '0.0': '--'}
colors = {'0.95':cmap(3/3), '0.9':cmap(2/3), '0.5':cmap(1/3), '0.0':'w'}

size = {'0.95':2, '0.9':8, '0.5':15, '0.0':20}

lons, lats = get_NOWrad_conus_lon_lat()

lons, lats = np.meshgrid(lons, lats)

def add_probability_legend(view):
    view.plot((0,1),(0,0), color='w', lw=9, 
              path_effects=[pe.Stroke(linewidth=11, foreground='k'), 
    view.plot((0,1),(0,0), color=cmap(1/3), lw=6, 
    view.plot((0,1),(0,0), color=cmap(2/3), lw=4, 
              path_effects=[pe.Stroke(linewidth=6, foreground='k'), 
    view.plot((0,1),(0,0), color=cmap(3/3), lw=2, 

    leg2 = view.legend(loc=1, ncol=1, prop={'size': 20})
    leg2.set_title("Probability\nThreshold", prop = {'size':20})
def fix_sliceloc(df, data_dir):
    fname = []

    for f in df.filename.values:
        s = f.split("/")
        fname.append(data_dir + "{}/{}/{}/{}".format(s[4], s[5], s[6], s[7]))
    return fname

Plot data from 7 June 2015 (00 - 17 UTC)

In [3]:
from_proj = ccrs.PlateCarree()

to_proj = ccrs.AlbersEqualArea(central_longitude=-93.0000, central_latitude=38.0000)

crsr = 48
ssr = 192  

stime = datetime.datetime(2015, 6, 7, 0, 0)
etime = datetime.datetime(2015, 6, 7, 17, 0)
radar = np.zeros(shape=(1837, 3661), dtype=int)

view = generate_view(w_lon=-100, e_lon=-85, s_lat=39, n_lat=48, 
                     from_proj=from_proj, to_proj=to_proj)

data_dir = "../data/slice_data/2015/"

for prob in [0.0, 0.5, 0.9, 0.95]:

    fn = "../data/track_data/unmatched/2015/2015_"
    fn += str(crsr).zfill(2) + "_" + str(ssr).zfill(3) 
    fn += "_p" + str(int(prob*100)).zfill(2) + ".pkl"
    bg = pickle.load(open(fn, 'rb'))
    bg = bg[(pd.to_datetime(bg['datetime']) >= stime) & (pd.to_datetime(bg['datetime']) <= etime)]
    bg.loc[:, 'filename'] = fix_sliceloc(bg, data_dir)

    grouped = bg.groupby('storm_num')

    for gid, group in grouped:

        track = []

        swath = np.zeros(shape=(1837, 3661), dtype=int)

        if len(group) >= 12 or (len(group) >=2 and 
                                (prob==0.9 or prob==0.95)):

            for count, (rid, row) in enumerate(group.iterrows()):

                xa = np.mean([row['xmin'], row['xmax']])
                ya = np.mean([row['ymin'], row['ymax']])

                x, y = NOWrad_to_lon_lat(np.array([xa]), np.array([ya]))

                track.append((x, y))

                i_fname = row['filename']
                img = imread(i_fname, mode='P')

                y, x = np.where(img > 0)

                swath[row['ymin'] + y, row['xmin'] + x] += img[y, x]

                if prob == 0:
                    if pd.to_datetime(row['datetime']).hour in [3, 10, 16] and \
                       pd.to_datetime(row['datetime']).minute == 0:

                        radar[row['ymin'] + y, row['xmin'] + x] = img[y, x]

            if prob == 0:
                swath = gaussian_filter(swath, 3)
                view.contour(lons, lats, swath > 0, colors=['k',],
                             transform=from_proj, linestyles='-', linewidths=.25)

            track = np.array(track)  

            x, y = track[:, 0], track[:, 1]

            if len(group) >= 4:

                x = running_ave(x, 4)
                y = running_ave(y, 4)

            if prob == 0:
                view.plot(x, y, color='k', linestyle='-', 
                          linewidth=size['0.0']+2, transform=from_proj)

                view.plot(x, y, color='w', linestyle='-', 
                          linewidth=size['0.0'], transform=from_proj)

                view.plot(x, y, color='k', linestyle='-', 
                          linewidth=size[str(prob)]+2, transform=from_proj)

                view.plot(x, y, color=colors[str(prob)], 
                          linestyle='-', linewidth=size[str(prob)], 

scale_bar(view, to_proj, 100) 

rw = quantize(radar)

rw =, rw)

view.pcolormesh(lons, lats, rw, cmap='Greys', transform=from_proj, 
                vmin=0, vmax=3)

leg = view.legend([mpatches.Patch(color='#669EC7'),  
                                ['≥ 20','≥ 40','≥ 50'], loc=4)

leg.set_title("dBZ", prop = {'size':'x-large'})



title = "MCS slices (color fill), MCS swaths (black outline),"
title += "and MCS swath centroids (color coded by PMCS threshold)\n" 
title += "0000 to 1700 UTC, 7 June 2015"


C:\Users\ahaberlie\Anaconda3\envs\py35\lib\site-packages\cartopy\mpl\ UserWarning: Approximating coordinate system <cartopy._crs.Geodetic object at 0x000001B513121BA0> with the PlateCarree projection.
  'PlateCarree projection.'.format(crs))
Text(0.5,1,'MCS slices (color fill), MCS swaths (black outline),and MCS swath centroids (color coded by PMCS threshold)\n0000 to 1700 UTC, 7 June 2015')

Plot data from 22 June 2015 (00 - 23 UTC)

In [4]:
from_proj = ccrs.PlateCarree()

to_proj = ccrs.AlbersEqualArea(central_longitude=-91.0000, central_latitude=38.0000)

crsr = 24
ssr = 96  

stime = datetime.datetime(2015, 6, 22, 0, 0)
etime = datetime.datetime(2015, 6, 22, 23, 0)
radar = np.zeros(shape=(1837, 3661), dtype=int)

view = generate_view(w_lon=-104, e_lon=-79, s_lat=40, n_lat=50, 
                     from_proj=from_proj, to_proj=to_proj)

for prob in [0.0, 0.5, 0.9, 0.95]:

    fn = "../data/track_data/unmatched/2015/2015_"
    fn += str(crsr).zfill(2) + "_" + str(ssr).zfill(3) 
    fn += "_p" + str(int(prob*100)).zfill(2) + ".pkl"
    bg = pickle.load(open(fn, 'rb'))
    bg = bg[(pd.to_datetime(bg['datetime']) >= stime) & (pd.to_datetime(bg['datetime']) <= etime)]
    bg.loc[:, 'filename'] = fix_sliceloc(bg, data_dir)
    grouped = bg.groupby('storm_num')

    for gid, group in grouped:

        track = []

        swath = np.zeros(shape=(1837, 3661), dtype=int)

        if len(group) >= 12 or (len(group) >=2 
                                and (prob==0.9 or prob==0.95)):

            for count, (rid, row) in enumerate(group.iterrows()):

                xa = np.mean([row['xmin'], row['xmax']])
                ya = np.mean([row['ymin'], row['ymax']])

                x, y = NOWrad_to_lon_lat(np.array([xa]), np.array([ya]))

                track.append((x, y))

                i_fname = row['filename']
                img = imread(i_fname, mode='P')

                y, x = np.where(img > 0)

                swath[row['ymin'] + y, row['xmin'] + x] += img[y, x]

                if prob == 0:
                    if (pd.to_datetime(row['datetime']).hour in [0, 4, 10, 17, 20] 
                        and pd.to_datetime(row['datetime']).minute == 0):

                        radar[row['ymin'] + y, row['xmin'] + x] = img[y, x]

            if prob == 0:
                swath = gaussian_filter(swath, 3)
                view.contour(lons, lats, swath > 0, colors=['k',], 
                             transform=from_proj, linestyles='-', linewidths=.25)

            track = np.array(track)  

            x, y = track[:, 0], track[:, 1]

            if len(group) >= 8:

                x = running_ave(x, 8)
                y = running_ave(y, 8)

            if prob == 0:
                view.plot(x, y, color='k', linestyle='-', 
                          linewidth=size['0.0']+2, transform=from_proj)

                view.plot(x, y, color='w', linestyle='-', 
                          linewidth=size['0.0'], transform=from_proj)

                view.plot(x, y, color='k', linestyle='-', 
                          linewidth=size[str(prob)]+2, transform=from_proj)

                view.plot(x, y, color=colors[str(prob)], 
                          linestyle='-', linewidth=size[str(prob)], transform=from_proj)

scale_bar(view, to_proj, 100) 

rw = quantize(radar)

rw =, rw)

view.pcolormesh(lons, lats, rw, cmap='Greys', transform=from_proj, 
                vmin=0, vmax=3)

leg = view.legend([mpatches.Patch(color='#669EC7'),  
                                ['≥ 20','≥ 40','≥ 50'], loc=4)

leg.set_title("dBZ", prop = {'size':20})



title = "MCS slices (color fill), MCS swaths (black outline),"
title += "and MCS swath centroids (color coded by PMCS threshold)\n" 
title += "0000 to 2300 UTC, 22 June 2015"


C:\Users\ahaberlie\Anaconda3\envs\py35\lib\site-packages\cartopy\mpl\ UserWarning: Approximating coordinate system <cartopy._crs.Geodetic object at 0x000001B5219C2258> with the PlateCarree projection.
  'PlateCarree projection.'.format(crs))
Text(0.5,1,'MCS slices (color fill), MCS swaths (black outline),and MCS swath centroids (color coded by PMCS threshold)\n0000 to 2300 UTC, 22 June 2015')

Plot data from 24-25 June 2015 (23 - 18 UTC)

In [5]:
from_proj = ccrs.PlateCarree()

to_proj = ccrs.AlbersEqualArea(central_longitude=-88.0000, central_latitude=38.0000)

crsr = 24
ssr = 96  

stime = datetime.datetime(2015, 6, 24, 23, 0)
etime = datetime.datetime(2015, 6, 25, 18, 0)
radar = np.zeros(shape=(1837, 3661), dtype=int)

view = generate_view(w_lon=-97, e_lon=-82, s_lat=38, n_lat=44, 
                     from_proj=from_proj, to_proj=to_proj)

for prob in [0.0, 0.5, 0.9, 0.95]:

    fn = "../data/track_data/unmatched/2015/2015_"
    fn += str(crsr).zfill(2) + "_" + str(ssr).zfill(3) 
    fn += "_p" + str(int(prob*100)).zfill(2) + ".pkl"
    bg = pickle.load(open(fn, 'rb'))
    bg = bg[(pd.to_datetime(bg['datetime']) >= stime) & (pd.to_datetime(bg['datetime']) <= etime)]
    bg.loc[:, 'filename'] = fix_sliceloc(bg, data_dir)
    grouped = bg.groupby('storm_num')

    for gid, group in grouped:

        track = []

        swath = np.zeros(shape=(1837, 3661), dtype=int)

        if len(group) >= 12 or (len(group) >=2 and 
                                (prob==0.9 or prob==0.95)):

            for count, (rid, row) in enumerate(group.iterrows()):

                xa = np.mean([row['xmin'], row['xmax']])
                ya = np.mean([row['ymin'], row['ymax']])

                x, y = NOWrad_to_lon_lat(np.array([xa]), np.array([ya]))

                track.append((x, y))

                i_fname = row['filename']
                img = imread(i_fname, mode='P')

                y, x = np.where(img > 0)

                swath[row['ymin'] + y, row['xmin'] + x] += img[y, x]

                if prob == 0:
                    if pd.to_datetime(row['datetime']).hour in [6, 12] and \
                       pd.to_datetime(row['datetime']).minute == 0:

                        radar[row['ymin'] + y, row['xmin'] + x] = img[y, x]

            if prob == 0:
                swath = gaussian_filter(swath, 3)
                view.contour(lons, lats, swath > 0, colors=['k',], 
                             transform=from_proj, linestyles='-', linewidths=.25)

            track = np.array(track)  

            x, y = track[:, 0], track[:, 1]

            if len(group) >= 4:

                x = running_ave(x, 4)
                y = running_ave(y, 4)

            if prob == 0:
                view.plot(x, y, color='k', linestyle='-', 
                          linewidth=size['0.0']+2, transform=from_proj)

                view.plot(x, y, color='w', linestyle='-', 
                          linewidth=size['0.0'], transform=from_proj)

                view.plot(x, y, color='k', linestyle='-', 
                          linewidth=size[str(prob)]+2, transform=from_proj)

                view.plot(x, y, color=colors[str(prob)], 
                          linestyle='-', linewidth=size[str(prob)], transform=from_proj)

scale_bar(view, to_proj, 100, fontsize=15) 

rw = quantize(radar)

rw =, rw)

view.pcolormesh(lons, lats, rw, cmap=cmap, transform=from_proj, vmin=0, vmax=3)

leg = view.legend([mpatches.Patch(color=cmap(1/3)),  
                                ['≥ 20','≥ 40','≥ 50'], prop={'size': 20},
                                bbox_to_anchor=(.8, .975), loc=1, borderaxespad=0.)

leg.set_title("dBZ", prop = {'size':15})



C:\Users\ahaberlie\Anaconda3\envs\py35\lib\site-packages\cartopy\mpl\ UserWarning: Approximating coordinate system <cartopy._crs.Geodetic object at 0x000001B51C975200> with the PlateCarree projection.
  'PlateCarree projection.'.format(crs))
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x1b51e8d0160>

Plot rematched data from 7 June 2015 (00 - 17 UTC)

In [6]:
from_proj = ccrs.PlateCarree()

to_proj = ccrs.AlbersEqualArea(central_longitude=-93.0000, central_latitude=38.0000)

crsr = 48
ssr = 192 

stime = datetime.datetime(2015, 6, 7, 0, 0)
etime = datetime.datetime(2015, 6, 7, 17, 0)
radar = np.zeros(shape=(1837, 3661), dtype=int)

view = generate_view(w_lon=-100, e_lon=-85, s_lat=39, n_lat=48, 
                     from_proj=from_proj, to_proj=to_proj)

for prob in [0.0, 0.5, 0.9, 0.95]:

    fn = "../data/track_data/rematched/2015/2015_"
    fn += str(crsr).zfill(2) + "_" + str(ssr).zfill(3) 
    fn += "_p" + str(int(prob*100)).zfill(2) + ".pkl"
    bg = pickle.load(open(fn, 'rb'))
    bg = bg[(pd.to_datetime(bg['datetime']) >= stime) & (pd.to_datetime(bg['datetime']) <= etime)]
    bg.loc[:, 'filename'] = fix_sliceloc(bg, data_dir)
    grouped = bg.groupby('storm_num')

    for gid, group in grouped:

        track = []

        swath = np.zeros(shape=(1837, 3661), dtype=int)

        if len(group) >= 12 or (len(group) >=2 and (prob==0.9 or prob==0.95)):

            for count, (rid, row) in enumerate(group.iterrows()):

                xa = np.mean([row['xmin'], row['xmax']])
                ya = np.mean([row['ymin'], row['ymax']])

                x, y = NOWrad_to_lon_lat(np.array([xa]), np.array([ya]))

                track.append((x, y))

                i_fname = row['filename']
                img = imread(i_fname, mode='P')

                y, x = np.where(img > 0)

                swath[row['ymin'] + y, row['xmin'] + x] += img[y, x]

                if prob == .9:
                    if pd.to_datetime(row['datetime']).hour in [3, 10, 16] and \
                       pd.to_datetime(row['datetime']).minute == 0:

                        radar[row['ymin'] + y, row['xmin'] + x] = img[y, x]

            if prob == .9:
                swath = gaussian_filter(swath, 3)
                view.contour(lons, lats, swath > 0, colors=['k',], transform=from_proj, linestyles='-', linewidths=.25)

            track = np.array(track)  

            x, y = track[:, 0], track[:, 1]

            if len(group) >= 4:

                x = running_ave(x, 4)
                y = running_ave(y, 4)

            if prob == 0:
                view.plot(x, y, color='k', linestyle='-', linewidth=size['0.0']+2, transform=from_proj)

                view.plot(x, y, color='w', linestyle='-', linewidth=size['0.0'], transform=from_proj)

                view.plot(x, y, color='k', linestyle='-', linewidth=size[str(prob)]+2, transform=from_proj)

                view.plot(x, y, color=colors[str(prob)], linestyle='-', linewidth=size[str(prob)], transform=from_proj)

scale_bar(view, to_proj, 100) 

rw = quantize(radar)

rw =, rw)

view.pcolormesh(lons, lats, rw, cmap='Greys', transform=from_proj, vmin=0, vmax=3)

leg = view.legend([mpatches.Patch(color='#669EC7'),  
                                ['≥ 20','≥ 40','≥ 50'], loc=4)

leg.set_title("dBZ", prop = {'size':'x-large'})



title = "MCS slices (color fill), Rematched MCS swaths (black outline),"
title += "and Rematched MCS swath centroids (color coded by PMCS threshold)\n" 
title += "0000 to 1700 UTC, 7 June 2015"


C:\Users\ahaberlie\Anaconda3\envs\py35\lib\site-packages\cartopy\mpl\ UserWarning: Approximating coordinate system <cartopy._crs.Geodetic object at 0x000001B51C970150> with the PlateCarree projection.
  'PlateCarree projection.'.format(crs))
Text(0.5,1,'MCS slices (color fill), Rematched MCS swaths (black outline),and Rematched MCS swath centroids (color coded by PMCS threshold)\n0000 to 1700 UTC, 7 June 2015')

Plot rematched data from 22 June 2015 (00 - 23 UTC)

In [7]:
from_proj = ccrs.PlateCarree()

to_proj = ccrs.AlbersEqualArea(central_longitude=-91.0000, central_latitude=38.0000)

crsr = 24
ssr = 96  
stime = datetime.datetime(2015, 6, 22, 0, 0)
etime = datetime.datetime(2015, 6, 22, 23, 0)

radar = np.zeros(shape=(1837, 3661), dtype=int)

view = generate_view(w_lon=-104, e_lon=-79, s_lat=40, n_lat=50, 
                     from_proj=from_proj, to_proj=to_proj)

for prob in [0.0, 0.5, 0.9, 0.95]:

    fn = "../data/track_data/rematched/2015/2015_"
    fn += str(crsr).zfill(2) + "_" + str(ssr).zfill(3) 
    fn += "_p" + str(int(prob*100)).zfill(2) + ".pkl"
    bg = pickle.load(open(fn, 'rb'))
    bg = bg[(pd.to_datetime(bg['datetime']) >= stime) & (pd.to_datetime(bg['datetime']) <= etime)]
    bg.loc[:, 'filename'] = fix_sliceloc(bg, data_dir)

    grouped = bg.groupby('storm_num')

    for gid, group in grouped:

        track = []

        swath = np.zeros(shape=(1837, 3661), dtype=int)

        if len(group) >= 12 or (len(group) >=2 and (prob==0.9 or prob==0.95)):

            for count, (rid, row) in enumerate(group.iterrows()):

                xa = np.mean([row['xmin'], row['xmax']])
                ya = np.mean([row['ymin'], row['ymax']])

                x, y = NOWrad_to_lon_lat(np.array([xa]), np.array([ya]))

                track.append((x, y))

                i_fname = row['filename']
                img = imread(i_fname, mode='P')

                y, x = np.where(img > 0)

                swath[row['ymin'] + y, row['xmin'] + x] += img[y, x]

                if prob == 0:
                    if pd.to_datetime(row['datetime']).hour in [0, 4, 10, 17, 20] and \
                       pd.to_datetime(row['datetime']).minute == 0:

                        radar[row['ymin'] + y, row['xmin'] + x] = img[y, x]

            if prob == 0:
                swath = gaussian_filter(swath, 3)
                view.contour(lons, lats, swath > 0, colors=['k',], 
                             transform=from_proj, linestyles='-', linewidths=.25)

            track = np.array(track)  

            x, y = track[:, 0], track[:, 1]

            if len(group) >= 8:

                x = running_ave(x, 8)
                y = running_ave(y, 8)

            if prob == 0:
                view.plot(x, y, color='k', linestyle='-', 
                          linewidth=size['0.0']+2, transform=from_proj)

                view.plot(x, y, color='w', linestyle='-', 
                          linewidth=size['0.0'], transform=from_proj)

                view.plot(x, y, color='k', linestyle='-', 
                          linewidth=size[str(prob)]+2, transform=from_proj)

                view.plot(x, y, color=colors[str(prob)], linestyle='-', 
                          linewidth=size[str(prob)], transform=from_proj)

scale_bar(view, to_proj, 100) 

rw = quantize(radar)

rw =, rw)

view.pcolormesh(lons, lats, rw, cmap='Greys', 
                transform=from_proj, vmin=0, vmax=3)

leg = view.legend([mpatches.Patch(color='#669EC7'),  
                                ['≥ 20','≥ 40','≥ 50'], loc=4)

leg.set_title("dBZ", prop = {'size':'x-large'})



title = "MCS slices (color fill), Rematched MCS swaths (black outline),"
title += "and Rematched MCS swath centroids (color coded by PMCS threshold)\n" 
title += "0000 to 2300 UTC, 22 June 2015"


C:\Users\ahaberlie\Anaconda3\envs\py35\lib\site-packages\cartopy\mpl\ UserWarning: Approximating coordinate system <cartopy._crs.Geodetic object at 0x000001B51EA1E410> with the PlateCarree projection.
  'PlateCarree projection.'.format(crs))
Text(0.5,1,'MCS slices (color fill), Rematched MCS swaths (black outline),and Rematched MCS swath centroids (color coded by PMCS threshold)\n0000 to 2300 UTC, 22 June 2015')

In [8]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pickle

def duration(x):

    return (x[-1] - x[0]).total_seconds() / 3600

dc = {'Year':[], 'CRSR':[], 'SSR':[], 'MCS_proba':[], 'Swaths':[], 'Slices':[], 'Percent':[]}

for year in range(2015, 2017):
    for p in [0.0, 0.5, 0.9, 0.95]:
        for crsr in [6, 12, 24, 48]:
            for ssr in [48, 96, 192]:

                fn = "../data/track_data/rematched/" + str(year) + "/" + str(year) + "_" 
                fn += str(crsr).zfill(2) + "_" + str(ssr).zfill(3) + "_p" + str(int(p*100)).zfill(2) + ".pkl"

                df = pickle.load(open(fn, 'rb'))

                df = df[df.major_axis_length >= 100]

                df['duration'] = 0.0

                df['datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(df.datetime)
                df = df.set_index('datetime')

                grouped = df.groupby('storm_num')

                df['duration'] = grouped['storm_num'].transform(lambda x: duration(x.index))

                df_long = df[df.duration >= 3]

                grouped = df_long.groupby('storm_num')

                dc['Percent'].append(100*(len(df_long) / len(df)))

swath_stats = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dc)

grouped = swath_stats.groupby('Year')

for gid, group in grouped:
    probas = group.groupby('MCS_proba')
    for pid, proba in probas:
        print(proba[['Year', 'CRSR', 'SSR', 'MCS_proba', 'Swaths', 'Slices', 'Percent']])

    Year  CRSR  SSR  MCS_proba  Swaths  Slices    Percent
0   2015     6   48        0.0     955   23988  55.217181
1   2015     6   96        0.0     885   23773  57.813716
2   2015     6  192        0.0     837   23580  59.446377
3   2015    12   48        0.0    1182   30224  55.962080
4   2015    12   96        0.0    1071   29475  57.435987
5   2015    12  192        0.0    1033   29241  58.685050
6   2015    24   48        0.0    1581   40552  57.567111
7   2015    24   96        0.0    1469   39686  58.958284
8   2015    24  192        0.0    1414   39224  59.650830
9   2015    48   48        0.0    2087   54239  60.689709
10  2015    48   96        0.0    1946   52904  61.674050
11  2015    48  192        0.0    1877   52045  61.812632
    Year  CRSR  SSR  MCS_proba  Swaths  Slices    Percent
12  2015     6   48        0.5     520   13851  66.495439
13  2015     6   96        0.5     591   16995  67.502085
14  2015     6  192        0.5     605   17490  68.915245
15  2015    12   48        0.5     588   15978  68.145178
16  2015    12   96        0.5     664   19497  69.253721
17  2015    12  192        0.5     677   19732  69.496003
18  2015    24   48        0.5     653   18793  70.057782
19  2015    24   96        0.5     774   22886  72.327919
20  2015    24  192        0.5     793   22999  72.006888
21  2015    48   48        0.5     726   21837  72.298371
22  2015    48   96        0.5     798   25688  73.398480
23  2015    48  192        0.5     841   25613  73.232309
    Year  CRSR  SSR  MCS_proba  Swaths  Slices    Percent
24  2015     6   48        0.9     323    8506  68.206238
25  2015     6   96        0.9     463   13187  71.820707
26  2015     6  192        0.9     501   13739  71.042970
27  2015    12   48        0.9     376   10265  70.700461
28  2015    12   96        0.9     514   14890  73.230709
29  2015    12  192        0.9     561   15239  72.181698
30  2015    24   48        0.9     442   12500  72.543671
31  2015    24   96        0.9     580   17113  75.371064
32  2015    24  192        0.9     591   16697  72.551490
33  2015    48   48        0.9     537   15254  74.712250
34  2015    48   96        0.9     639   18655  75.449949
35  2015    48  192        0.9     636   17746  73.200511
    Year  CRSR  SSR  MCS_proba  Swaths  Slices    Percent
36  2015     6   48       0.95     277    7084  66.348225
37  2015     6   96       0.95     413   11583  72.466216
38  2015     6  192       0.95     444   11865  71.111777
39  2015    12   48       0.95     329    8693  69.327698
40  2015    12   96       0.95     448   12803  72.835362
41  2015    12  192       0.95     461   12619  70.773976
42  2015    24   48       0.95     388   10687  71.614287
43  2015    24   96       0.95     503   14287  74.457995
44  2015    24  192       0.95     492   13450  71.398238
45  2015    48   48       0.95     461   12315  72.809507
46  2015    48   96       0.95     533   14802  74.561757
47  2015    48  192       0.95     507   13402  71.626316
    Year  CRSR  SSR  MCS_proba  Swaths  Slices    Percent
48  2016     6   48        0.0     971   24719  54.934773
49  2016     6   96        0.0     884   24622  57.949116
50  2016     6  192        0.0     834   24332  59.180348
51  2016    12   48        0.0    1240   31574  56.268601
52  2016    12   96        0.0    1129   30776  57.743255
53  2016    12  192        0.0    1070   30347  58.523933
54  2016    24   48        0.0    1657   42613  57.902031
55  2016    24   96        0.0    1562   41767  59.366072
56  2016    24  192        0.0    1510   41089  59.640898
57  2016    48   48        0.0    2173   56683  60.819322
58  2016    48   96        0.0    2040   55438  61.821710
59  2016    48  192        0.0    2006   54914  62.318002
    Year  CRSR  SSR  MCS_proba  Swaths  Slices    Percent
60  2016     6   48        0.5     534   14661  66.902437
61  2016     6   96        0.5     608   18037  68.456809
62  2016     6  192        0.5     598   18335  68.763126
63  2016    12   48        0.5     590   16789  68.090198
64  2016    12   96        0.5     686   20512  69.878040
65  2016    12  192        0.5     681   20845  70.031917
66  2016    24   48        0.5     664   19676  70.354346
67  2016    24   96        0.5     775   23756  71.820298
68  2016    24  192        0.5     795   24005  71.509428
69  2016    48   48        0.5     749   22668  71.977900
70  2016    48   96        0.5     841   26861  73.047427
71  2016    48  192        0.5     871   27122  73.166258
    Year  CRSR  SSR  MCS_proba  Swaths  Slices    Percent
72  2016     6   48        0.9     349    9528  71.763200
73  2016     6   96        0.9     475   14116  72.605699
74  2016     6  192        0.9     504   14761  71.718006
75  2016    12   48        0.9     390   11109  72.750491
76  2016    12   96        0.9     515   15833  73.755066
77  2016    12  192        0.9     553   16143  72.318789
78  2016    24   48        0.9     462   13541  75.244499
79  2016    24   96        0.9     578   17803  75.061135
80  2016    24  192        0.9     628   17996  73.820658
81  2016    48   48        0.9     550   16077  75.902932
82  2016    48   96        0.9     650   19461  74.988440
83  2016    48  192        0.9     640   18683  71.940701
    Year  CRSR  SSR  MCS_proba  Swaths  Slices    Percent
84  2016     6   48       0.95     316    8134  71.400983
85  2016     6   96       0.95     434   12396  73.076696
86  2016     6  192       0.95     470   13024  72.743521
87  2016    12   48       0.95     334    9408  70.928830
88  2016    12   96       0.95     477   13887  74.629192
89  2016    12  192       0.95     489   13782  72.032614
90  2016    24   48       0.95     412   11629  74.444658
91  2016    24   96       0.95     502   15131  74.835551
92  2016    24  192       0.95     532   14803  73.347537
93  2016    48   48       0.95     457   12977  73.678533
94  2016    48   96       0.95     526   15430  73.824219
95  2016    48  192       0.95     525   14390  71.054711