In [1]:
#basic imports and jupyter setup
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
#import solver related modules
from MCEq.core import MCEqRun
#import primary model choices
import crflux.models as pm
In the present case, we choose the MSIS00_IC
density model. The origin of the coordinate system is centered at the South Pole. The zenith angle can vary between $0^\circ$ (vertical) and $180^\circ$ (vertical up-going from North Pole).
In [4]:
mceq_run = MCEqRun(
#provide the string of the interaction model
#primary cosmic ray flux model
#support a tuple (primary model class (not instance!), arguments)
primary_model = (pm.HillasGaisser2012, "H3a"),
# Zenith angle in degrees. 0=vertical, 90=horizontal
#density model
In [5]:
#Power of energy to scale the flux
mag = 3
#obtain energy grid (fixed) of the solution for the x-axis of the plots
e_grid = mceq_run.e_grid
#Dictionary for results
flux = {}
#Define equidistant grid in cos(theta)
cos_theta = np.linspace(-1,1,37)
angles = np.arccos(cos_theta)/np.pi*180.
In [6]:
flux_summer = {}
flux_winter = {}
for flux, atm_tup in [(flux_summer,('MSIS00_IC', ('SouthPole', 'January'))),
(flux_winter,('MSIS00_IC', ('SouthPole', 'July')))]:
#Initialize empty grid
for frac in ['mu_conv','mu_pr','mu_total','mu_pi','mu_k',
'nue_conv','nue_pr','nue_total', 'nue_pi','nue_k',
flux[frac] = []
#Sum fluxes, calculated for different angles
for theta in angles:
#_conv means conventional (mostly pions and kaons)
flux['mu_conv'].append(mceq_run.get_solution('conv_mu+', mag)
+ mceq_run.get_solution('conv_mu-', mag))
# _pr means prompt (the mother of the muon had a critical energy
# higher than a D meson. Includes all charm and direct resonance
# contribution)
flux['mu_pr'].append(mceq_run.get_solution('pr_mu+', mag)
+ mceq_run.get_solution('pr_mu-', mag))
# total means conventional + prompt
flux['mu_total'].append(mceq_run.get_solution('total_mu+', mag)
+ mceq_run.get_solution('total_mu-', mag))
# originating from pion or kaon decays
flux['mu_pi'].append(mceq_run.get_solution('pi_mu+', mag)
+ mceq_run.get_solution('pi_mu-', mag))
flux['mu_k'].append(mceq_run.get_solution('k_mu+', mag)
+ mceq_run.get_solution('k_mu-', mag))
# same meaning of prefixes for muon neutrinos as for muons
flux['numu_conv'].append(mceq_run.get_solution('conv_numu', mag)
+ mceq_run.get_solution('conv_antinumu', mag))
flux['numu_pr'].append(mceq_run.get_solution('pr_numu', mag)
+ mceq_run.get_solution('pr_antinumu', mag))
flux['numu_total'].append(mceq_run.get_solution('total_numu', mag)
+ mceq_run.get_solution('total_antinumu', mag))
flux['numu_pi'].append(mceq_run.get_solution('pi_numu', mag)
+ mceq_run.get_solution('pi_antinumu', mag))
flux['numu_k'].append(mceq_run.get_solution('k_numu', mag)
+ mceq_run.get_solution('k_antinumu', mag))
# same meaning of prefixes for electron neutrinos as for muons
flux['nue_conv'].append(mceq_run.get_solution('conv_nue', mag)
+ mceq_run.get_solution('conv_antinue', mag))
flux['nue_pr'].append(mceq_run.get_solution('pr_nue', mag)
+ mceq_run.get_solution('pr_antinue', mag))
flux['nue_total'].append(mceq_run.get_solution('total_nue', mag)
+ mceq_run.get_solution('total_antinue', mag))
flux['nue_pi'].append(mceq_run.get_solution('pi_nue', mag)
+ mceq_run.get_solution('pi_antinue', mag))
flux['nue_k'].append(mceq_run.get_solution('k_nue', mag)
+ mceq_run.get_solution('k_antinue', mag))
# since there are no conventional tau neutrinos, prompt=total
flux['nutau_pr'].append(mceq_run.get_solution('total_nutau', mag)
+ mceq_run.get_solution('total_antinutau', mag))
In [7]:
# Plot seasons?
seasons = True
Plot muon neutrinos from down- to up-going zenith (averaged over azimuth). Solid=summer, dashed=winter.
In [10]:
closest_MCEq_energy_idx = lambda e: np.argmin(np.abs(e-mceq_run.e_grid))
idx0 = closest_MCEq_energy_idx(10.) + 1# 10 GeV
idx1 = closest_MCEq_energy_idx(10e3) + 1# 10 TeV
idx2 = closest_MCEq_energy_idx(1e6) + 1 # 1 PeV
ylim = [2e-5, 4e-14, 6e-22]
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,3,sharex=True,figsize=(9.8,3.))
for i, idx in enumerate([idx0, idx1, idx2]):
ax = axes[i]
ax.text(0.01,0.9,r' $E(\nu_\mu)=${0:2.1e} GeV'.format(e_grid[idx]),
for sid, flux in enumerate([flux_summer, flux_winter]):
if not seasons and sid > 0: continue
pi_numu = [fl[idx]/e_grid[idx]**mag for fl, fln
in zip(flux['numu_pi'],flux['numu_total'])]
k_numu = [fl[idx]/e_grid[idx]**mag for fl, fln
in zip(flux['numu_k'],flux['numu_total'])]
pr_numu = [fl[idx]/e_grid[idx]**mag for fl, fln
in zip(flux['numu_pr'],flux['numu_total'])]
label=(r'from $\pi$ decay' if (i==0 and sid==0) else '_nolabel_'),
ls='-' if sid==0 else '--',lw=1.5, color='b')
label=('from $K$ decay' if (i==0 and sid==0) else '_nolabel_'),
ls='-' if sid==0 else '--',lw=1.5, color='g')
ax.plot(cos_theta,pr_numu,label=('from prompt decays'
if (i==0 and sid==0) else '_nolabel_'),
ls='-' if sid==0 else '--',lw=1.5, color='r')
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\cos(\theta)$ (IceCube)')
axes[0].set_ylabel(r"$\Phi_{\nu_\mu}$ [cm$^{2}$ s sr GeV]$^{-1}$")
plt.figlegend(*axes[0].get_legend_handles_labels(), loc=(0.45,0.9), ncol=3, frameon=False)
plt.tight_layout(rect=[0.0,0.0,1.,.92], pad=0.05)
# Uncomment to save plot
# plt.savefig('zenith_distribution_numu.png', dpi=300)
Plot muons from down-going to horizontal zenith (averaged over azimuth)
In [12]:
ylim = [7e-5, 12e-14, 15e-22]
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,3,sharex=True,figsize=(9.8,3.))
for i, idx in enumerate([idx0, idx1, idx2]):
ax = axes[i]
ax.text(0.01,0.9,r' $E(\mu)=${0:2.1e} GeV'.format(e_grid[idx]),
for sid, flux in enumerate([flux_summer, flux_winter]):
if not seasons and sid > 0: continue
pi_mu = [fl[idx]/e_grid[idx]**mag for fl, fln
in zip(flux['mu_pi'],flux['mu_total'])]
k_mu = [fl[idx]/e_grid[idx]**mag for fl, fln
in zip(flux['mu_k'],flux['mu_total'])]
pr_mu = [fl[idx]/e_grid[idx]**mag for fl, fln
in zip(flux['mu_pr'],flux['mu_total'])]
label=(r'from $\pi$ decay' if (i==0 and sid==0) else '_nolabel_'),
ls='-' if sid==0 else '--',lw=1.5, color='b')
label=('from $K$ decay' if (i==0 and sid==0) else '_nolabel_'),
ls='-' if sid==0 else '--',lw=1.5, color='g')
ax.plot(cos_theta,pr_mu,label=('from prompt decays'
if (i==0 and sid==0) else '_nolabel_'),
ls='-' if sid==0 else '--',lw=1.5, color='r')
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\cos(\theta)$ (IceCube)')
axes[0].set_ylabel(r"$\Phi_{\mu}$ [cm$^{2}$ s sr GeV]$^{-1}$")
axes[0].set_xlim(0, 1)
plt.figlegend(*axes[0].get_legend_handles_labels(), loc=(0.45,0.9), ncol=3, frameon=False)
plt.tight_layout(rect=[0.0,0.0,1.,.92], pad=0.05)
# Uncomment to save plot
# plt.savefig('zenith_distribution_muons.png', dpi=300)
In [ ]: