In [1]:
#basic imports and ipython setup
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
#import solver related modules
from MCEq.core import MCEqRun
#import primary model choices
import crflux.models as pm
In [2]:
mceq_run = MCEqRun(
#provide the string of the interaction model
#primary cosmic ray flux model
#support a tuple (primary model class (not instance!), arguments)
primary_model = (pm.HillasGaisser2012, "H3a"),
# Zenith angle in degrees. 0=vertical, 90=horizontal
In [3]:
#Power of energy to scale the flux
mag = 3
#obtain energy grid (fixed) of the solution for the x-axis of the plots
e_grid = mceq_run.e_grid
#Dictionary for results
flux = {}
#Define equidistant grid in cos(theta)
angles = np.arccos(np.linspace(1,0,11))*180./np.pi
In [4]:
#Initialize empty grid
for frac in ['mu_conv','mu_pr','mu_total',
flux[frac] = np.zeros_like(e_grid)
#Sum fluxes, calculated for different angles
for theta in angles:
#_conv means conventional (mostly pions and kaons)
flux['mu_conv'] += (mceq_run.get_solution('conv_mu+', mag)
+ mceq_run.get_solution('conv_mu-', mag))
# _pr means prompt (the mother of the muon had a critical energy
# higher than a D meson. Includes all charm and direct resonance
# contribution)
flux['mu_pr'] += (mceq_run.get_solution('pr_mu+', mag)
+ mceq_run.get_solution('pr_mu-', mag))
# total means conventional + prompt
flux['mu_total'] += (mceq_run.get_solution('total_mu+', mag)
+ mceq_run.get_solution('total_mu-', mag))
# same meaning of prefixes for muon neutrinos as for muons
flux['numu_conv'] += (mceq_run.get_solution('conv_numu', mag)
+ mceq_run.get_solution('conv_antinumu', mag))
flux['numu_pr'] += (mceq_run.get_solution('pr_numu', mag)
+ mceq_run.get_solution('pr_antinumu', mag))
flux['numu_total'] += (mceq_run.get_solution('total_numu', mag)
+ mceq_run.get_solution('total_antinumu', mag))
# same meaning of prefixes for electron neutrinos as for muons
flux['nue_conv'] += (mceq_run.get_solution('conv_nue', mag)
+ mceq_run.get_solution('conv_antinue', mag))
flux['nue_pr'] += (mceq_run.get_solution('pr_nue', mag)
+ mceq_run.get_solution('pr_antinue', mag))
flux['nue_total'] += (mceq_run.get_solution('total_nue', mag)
+ mceq_run.get_solution('total_antinue', mag))
# since there are no conventional tau neutrinos, prompt=total
flux['nutau_pr'] += (mceq_run.get_solution('total_nutau', mag)
+ mceq_run.get_solution('total_antinutau', mag))
#average the results
for frac in ['mu_conv','mu_pr','mu_total',
flux[frac] = flux[frac]/float(len(angles))
In [8]:
#get path of the home directory + Desktop
save_pdf = False
for pref, lab in [('numu_',r'\nu_\mu'), ('nue_',r'\nu_e')]:
plt.figure(figsize=(4.2, 3))
plt.loglog(e_grid, flux[pref + 'total'], color='k', ls='-', lw=1.5)
plt.loglog(e_grid, flux[pref + 'conv'], color='b', ls='-.', lw=1.5,
label=r'conventional ${0}$'.format(lab))
plt.loglog(e_grid, flux[pref + 'pr'], color='r',ls='--', lw=1.5,
label='prompt ${0}$'.format(lab))
plt.xlabel(r"$E_{{{0}}}$ [GeV]".format(lab))
plt.ylabel(r"$\Phi_{" + lab + "}$ (E/GeV)$^{" + str(mag) +" }$" +
"(cm$^{2}$ s sr GeV)$^{-1}$")
plt.legend(loc='upper right',frameon=False,numpoints=1,fontsize='medium')
if save_pdf:
import os
plt.savefig(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),'Desktop', pref + 'flux.png'),dpi=300)
In [7]:
np.savetxt(open(os.path.join(desktop, 'H3a_zenith_av.txt'),'w'),
header=('lepton flux scaled with E**{0}. Order (E, mu_conv, mu_pr, mu_total, ' +
'numu_conv, numu_pr, numu_total, nue_conv, nue_pr, nue_total, ' +
In [ ]: