<img src="http://nci.org.au/wp-content/themes/nci/img/img-logo-large.png", width=400>
The following will go through how to: <br >
Setup instructions for python 3 virtual environments can be found here.
Load the python
, ipython
, and netcdf4-python
$ module load python/2.7.11
$ module load python/2.7.11-matplotlib
$ module load ipython/4.2.0-py2.7
$ module load netcdf4-python/1.2.4-ncdf-
Launch the Jupyter Notebook application:
$ jupyter notebook
To use along with customised python packages in a virtual environment, begin by following the steps in Python on the VDI: Part II.
Once you have a virtual environment setup with your packages (including Jupyter
), proceed by loading the required modules and activating the virtual environment:
$ module load python/2.7.11
$ module load proj/4.8.0
$ module load geos/3.5.0
$ source <path_to_virtual_environment>/bin/activate
Then, as above, launch the Jupyter Notebook application:
$ jupyter notebook
In [1]:
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
Geonetwork URL: http://geonetwork.nci.org.au/geonetwork/srv/eng/catalog.search#/metadata/f9007_2850_9392_7175
NCI THREDDS Data Server: http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/catalogs/gb6/catalog.html
In [2]:
ofam_path = '/g/data3/gb6/BRAN/BRAN_2015/OFAM/ocean_temp_2016_02.nc'
In [3]:
ofam = Dataset(ofam_path)
In [4]:
for item in ofam.dimensions:
print ofam.dimensions[item].name, ofam.dimensions[item].size
vars = ofam.variables.keys()
for item in vars:
print 'Variable: \t', item
print 'Dimensions: \t', ofam[item].dimensions
print 'Shape: \t', ofam[item].shape, '\n'
In [5]:
lat = ofam.variables['yt_ocean'][:]
lon = ofam.variables['xt_ocean'][:]
T = ofam.variables['temp'][22,0,:,:]
time = ofam.variables['Time'][:]
In [6]:
plt.pcolormesh(lon, lat, T)
In [7]:
# time slice
i = 22
T_s = ofam.variables['temp'][i, 0, 200:800, 1400:2100]
lon_s = lon[1400:2100]
lat_s = lat[200:800]
plt.pcolormesh(lon_s, lat_s, T_s)
plt.clim(vmin=18, vmax=30)
Geonetwork URL: http://geonetwork.nci.org.au/geonetwork/srv/eng/catalog.search#/metadata/f9385_6463_3730_3415
NCI THREDDS Data Server: http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/catalog/rr5/satellite/obs/himawari8/FLDK/catalog.html
This example is from 23-Feb-16 at 0400.
In [8]:
# Data paths
h8b1_path = '/g/data2/rr5/satellite/obs/himawari8/FLDK/2016/02/23/0400/20160223040000-P1S-ABOM_OBS_B01-PRJ_GEOS141_2000-HIMAWARI8-AHI.nc'
h8b2_path = '/g/data2/rr5/satellite/obs/himawari8/FLDK/2016/02/23/0400/20160223040000-P1S-ABOM_OBS_B02-PRJ_GEOS141_2000-HIMAWARI8-AHI.nc'
h8b3_path = '/g/data2/rr5/satellite/obs/himawari8/FLDK/2016/02/23/0400/20160223040000-P1S-ABOM_OBS_B03-PRJ_GEOS141_2000-HIMAWARI8-AHI.nc'
# Open data
h8b1 = Dataset(h8b1_path)
h8b2 = Dataset(h8b2_path)
h8b3 = Dataset(h8b3_path)
In [9]:
for item in h8b1.dimensions:
print h8b1.dimensions[item].name, h8b1.dimensions[item].size
vars = h8b1.variables.keys()
for item in vars:
print 'Variable: \t', item
print 'Dimensions: \t', h8b1[item].dimensions
print 'Shape: \t', h8b1[item].shape, '\n'
In [10]:
b1 = h8b1.variables['channel_0001_scaled_radiance'][0,:,:]
b2 = h8b2.variables['channel_0002_scaled_radiance'][0,:,:]
b3 = h8b3.variables['channel_0003_scaled_radiance'][0,:,:]
x = h8b1.variables['x'][:]
y = h8b1.variables['y'][:]
In [11]:
plt.imshow(b1, extent=[x[0], x[-1], y[-1], y[0]])
In [12]:
vmin = 0
vmax = .5
B1 = b1.clip(vmin, vmax) / vmax * 255
B2 = b2.clip(vmin, vmax) / vmax * 255
B3 = b3.clip(vmin, vmax) / vmax * 255
rgb = np.stack((B3, B2, B1), axis=2).astype('uint8')
In [13]:
# Plot image
plt.imshow(rgb, extent=[x[0], x[-1], y[-1], y[0]])
# Add labels
plt.title('Himawari 8 \n', fontsize=20)
# Adjust tick mark size
In [14]:
vmin = 0
vmax = .5
B1 = b1[3300:4500,3000:5000].clip(vmin, vmax) / vmax * 255
B2 = b2[3300:4500,3000:5000].clip(vmin, vmax) / vmax * 255
B3 = b3[3300:4500,3000:5000].clip(vmin, vmax) / vmax * 255
X = x[3000:5000]
Y = y[3300:4500]
rgb = np.stack((B3, B2, B1), axis=2).astype('uint8')
# Plot image
plt.imshow(rgb , extent=[X[0], X[-1], Y[-1], Y[0]])
# Add labels
plt.title('Himawari 8 \n', fontsize=20)
# Adjust tick mark size
In [15]:
import cartopy.crs as ccrs
# Define the projection information of the image
img_proj = ccrs.Geostationary(central_longitude=h8b1['geostationary'].longitude_of_projection_origin,
# The extents of the image we are plotting
img_extent = (X[0], X[-1], Y[-1], Y[0])
# Setup the axes projection
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.Miller(central_longitude=float(h8b1['geostationary'].longitude_of_projection_origin)))
# Extent of the axes in the plot
ax.set_extent([150, 190, -35, -5])
# Plot image
plt.imshow(rgb, transform=img_proj, extent=img_extent, origin='upper')
In [16]:
# Setup the axes projection
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.Miller(central_longitude=float(h8b1['geostationary'].longitude_of_projection_origin)))
# Define the projection information of the image
img_proj = ccrs.PlateCarree()
# The extents of the image we are plotting
img_extent = (lon_s[0], lon_s[-1], lat_s[-1], lat_s[0])
# Extent of the axes in the plot
ax.set_extent([150, 190, -35, -5])
plt.imshow(T_s, transform=img_proj, extent=img_extent, origin='upper')
plt.clim(vmin=18, vmax=30)
In [17]:
# Setup the axes projection
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.Miller(central_longitude=float(h8b1['geostationary'].longitude_of_projection_origin)))
### OFAM ###
img_proj = ccrs.PlateCarree()
img_extent = (lon_s[0], lon_s[-1], lat_s[-1], lat_s[0])
ax.set_extent([150, 190, -35, -5])
plt.imshow(T_s, transform=img_proj, extent=img_extent, origin='upper', alpha=.75)
plt.clim(vmin=18, vmax=30)
### HIMAWARI ###
img_proj = ccrs.Geostationary(central_longitude=h8b1['geostationary'].longitude_of_projection_origin,
img_extent = (X[0], X[-1], Y[-1], Y[0])
ax.set_extent([150, 190, -35, -5])
plt.imshow(rgb, transform=img_proj, extent=img_extent, origin='upper', alpha=.5)
In [18]:
First load the required modules (these will need to be loaded before activating the virtual environment each time you want to use Cartopy):
$ module load python/2.7.11
$ module load proj/4.8.0
`$ module load geos/3.5.0`
Activate your virtual environment
$ source <venv>/bin/activate
$ pip install cython
Install Cartopy (v0.13.0, later versions need more recent proj4 library that is not yet available on the VDI)
$ pip install cartopy==0.13.0