Virtual python environments give you the ability to install your own python packages in a given directory.
This allows you to test many python packages while also allowing you to have just the packages you need for a particular computation.
All of the packages available on the system will still be available when you run in your virtual environment (unless you create the virtual environment with --no-site-packages
cd $HOME
mkdir virtpy
virtualenv virtpy
source ./virtpy/bin/activate
Now my prompt changes, to tell me I'm in a virtual python environment:
(virtpy)[jduckles@bison ~]$
When your virtual environment is activated it will make sure when you run python
or pip
they run from your virtualenvironment.
pandas - R-like data frames for Python and more!
PyPi - The python package index
In [333]:
from osgeo import gdal
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Now lets build a single VRT which has each of the by-band mosaics as layers.
gdalbuildvrt -separate stack.vrt *.vrt
In [251]:
vrt_stack = gdal.Open('/Users/jduckles/tmp/ETM/stack.vrt')
b1 = vrt_stack.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() / 255.0 # normalize for plotting
In [252]:
b2 = vrt_stack.GetRasterBand(2).ReadAsArray() / 255.0 # normalize for plotting
In [226]:
bands = ['/Users/jduckles/tmp/ETM/L71028035_03520060608_B10.TIF',
rasters = np.array([ gdal.Open(band).ReadAsArray() for band in bands ])
In [234]:
squares1 = []
for x in range(10):
print squares1
In [233]:
# is the same as:
squares2 = [x**2 for x in range(10)]
print squares2
In [332]:
# inline if's are possible too.
[x**2 for x in range(60) if x % 4 == 0]
In [244]:
pets = ['cat','dog','frog','rabbit']
stats = [ [pet.upper(),len(pet)] for pet in pets]
print stats
In [265]:
bands = ['/Users/jduckles/tmp/ETM/L71028035_03520060608_B10.TIF',
rasters = np.array([ gdal.Open(band).ReadAsArray() for band in bands ]) # <-- See the list comprehension?
We now have a 3-d array with dimesions (spectral band, x, y)
In [254]:
In [256]:
print rasters[:, 1500, 1500] # all bands for one x,y
In [259]:
print rasters[0:3,1500,1500] # first three bands for one location
In [266]:
print rasters [:, 1500:1505, 1500:1505] # all bands for a sampling box
In [290]:
In [284]:
def total(a):
np.apply_along_axis(total, 0, rasters[:,1500:1550,1500:1550])
In [314]:
print rasters[:,1500:1505,1500:1505]
def plusone(a):
return(a + 1)
np.apply_along_axis(plusone, 0, rasters[:,1500:1505,1500:1505])
In [283]:
def ndvi(a):
return( float(a[1] - a[0])/float(a[1]+a[0]))
ndvi = np.apply_along_axis(ndvi, 0, rasters[2:4,1500:1510,1500:1510]/255.0)
print ndvi
In [312]:
mydata = np.random.randn(5,1000,1000)
def mean(a):
return(np.sum(a) / len(a))
%time np.apply_along_axis(mean,0,mydata)