In [25]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd 
from import fits
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

%matplotlib notebook

The following query was run to select faint sources where the pm and parallax signal is likely not real:

sqrt(power(pmra,2) + power(pmdec,2)) as pm, 
sqrt(  power(pmra,2)*power(pmra_error, 2)/(power(pmra,2) + power(pmdec,2)) +
power(pmdec,2)*power(pmdec_error, 2)/(power(pmra,2) + power(pmdec,2)) +
2*pmra*pmdec/(power(pmra,2) + power(pmdec,2))*pmra_pmdec_corr*pmra_error*pmdec_error) as pm_unc, 
gaia.parallax_over_error, gaia.b
from  gaiadr2.gaia_source as gaia
where gaia.phot_g_mean_mag between 20.5 and 21 and gaia.astrometric_params_solved > 3 
and phot_bp_rp_excess_factor < 1.3+0.06*power(phot_bp_mean_mag-phot_rp_mean_mag,2)
AND phot_bp_rp_excess_factor > 1.0+0.015*power(phot_bp_mean_mag-phot_rp_mean_mag,2)
AND astrometric_chi2_al/(astrometric_n_good_obs_al-5) < 1.44*greatest(1,exp(-0.4*(phot_g_mean_mag-19.5)))

In [78]:
faint = fits.getdata("faint_gaia_color_cuts-result.fits")

In [79]:

FITS_rec([(1.7538207816220805, 2.0021865278806774, -1.1609968, -10.469268598925476),
       (4.8476962328454682, 2.1067469475413025, 0.98329955, 12.404714960149722),
       (6.843181654762212, 1.2964695661714678, -2.5116651, 7.3970687095783765),
       (35.058702448477064, 1.7525389525818789, 0.082547732, 39.69197245485099),
       (11.236167500865992, 2.5493702848997968, -1.0825808, 13.784450891602079),
       (4.4698168255835746, 1.6048254622570932, 0.79478604, -6.9748872582831476)], 
      dtype=(numpy.record, [('pm', '>f8'), ('pm_unc', '>f8'), ('parallax_over_error', '>f4'), ('b', '>f8')]))

In [80]:


Lindegren et al. 2018 show (Table B.1) that the typical uncertainty in parallax for a G = 21 mag source is ~2 mas. Thus a SNR = 1 would correspond to a distance of ~500 pc (with higher SNR corresponding to smaller distances).

The vast, vast majority of the 20M sources selected above will not have $d < 500\,\mathrm{pc}$, meaning their parallax cannot be measured and the scatter in parallax for these sources provides an envelope on the systematic scatter in parallax SNR. We use the 99.997% (equivalent to 4 sigma for Gaussian distribution) to select the parallax cut.

note - this is a conservative cut as all the stars used to define this threshold do have a parallax, and the resulting distribution of parallax SNR will be biased slightly above 0 for this reason. However, the goal is to complete a conservative selection of stars, so this bias does not negatively reflect the result.

In [81]:
np.percentile(faint['parallax_over_error'], (0.003, 50, 99.997))

array([-5.23834337,  0.21172658,  7.9463474 ])

Attempting a similar cut for the proper motion SNR does not work, because stars as faint as 21 mag can still show a significant proper motion. The pm SNR at 99.997% is 75 for this subset of stars.

In [76]:
np.percentile(faint['pm']/faint['pm_unc'], (0.003, 50, 99.997))

array([  1.66359202e-02,   2.66656245e+00,   7.51298702e+01])

Cuts for selecting stars

The above analysis suggests that selecting sources with a PM SNR > 75 and a parallax SNR > 8 will overwhelmingly select real stars for the ZTF star-galaxy catalog.

Below we investigate whether there is any significant bias associated with parallax or proper motion measurements as a function of crowding (where we use galactic latitude as a proxy for crowding).

In [82]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
hax = ax.hexbin(faint["b"], faint["parallax_over_error"],
                bins="log", mincnt=1, gridsize=1000,
ax.plot([-90,90], [8,8], 'DarkOrange', lw=2)

ax.set_xlabel("Galactic latitude")
ax.set_ylabel("parallax SNR")


In [83]:
b = faint["b"]
pm_snr = faint["pm"]/faint["pm_unc"]

In [84]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
hax = ax.hexbin(b, pm_snr,
                bins="log", mincnt=1, gridsize=1000,
ax.plot([-90,90], [75,75], 'DarkOrange', lw=2)

ax.set_xlabel("Galactic latitude")
ax.set_ylabel("pm SNR")



In addition to looking at faint stars, a conservative cut could be made using QSOs (which should have negligible parallax and proper motion).

In Lindegren et al 2018, Gaia DR2 is matched to ALLWISE QSOs away from the Galactic plane. Those sources can be selected from Gaia via the following cut:

select sqrt(power(pmra,2) + power(pmdec,2)) as pm, 
sqrt(  power(pmra,2)*power(pmra_error, 2)/(power(pmra,2) + power(pmdec,2)) 
     + power(pmdec,2)*power(pmdec_error, 2)/(power(pmra,2) + power(pmdec,2)) 
     + 2*pmra*pmdec/(power(pmra,2) + power(pmdec,2))*pmra_pmdec_corr*pmra_error*pmdec_error) as pm_unc, 
gaia.parallax_over_error, pmra/pmra_error as pmra_over_error, pmdec/pmdec_error as pmdec_over_error
from  gaiadr2.gaia_source as gaia 
join  gaiadr2.aux_allwise_agn_gdr2_cross_id as allwise
on allwise.source_id = gaia.source_id

The AGN catalog provided by Gaia cannot be used for a cut on parallax, however, as anything with parallax SNR > 5 was excluded from this sample. These sources are a good way to cut on proper motion SNR, however, as they are so distant their proper motions should be very small.

In [85]:
allwise = fits.getdata("QSOcat-result.fits")

In [86]:
np.percentile(allwise['pm']/allwise['pm_unc'], (0.003, 50, 99.997, 100))

array([  7.02322432e-03,   1.22377578e+00,   5.61393208e+00,

A cut of 7.5 on proper motion SNR would remove all AGN from the Lindegren AGN sample, and thus we will adopt this to select stars in the data.

In [88]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
hax = ax.hist(allwise['pm']/allwise['pm_unc'],