This notebook is intended as demo on how to use the temporal proposals provided for the ActivityNet Challenge CVPR 2016. Additionally, recall performance is reported.
In [1]:
import json
import h5py
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
%matplotlib inline
Load annotations for validation subset in a Pandas Data Frame.
In [2]:
# Modify this paths
ANNOTATION_FILE = 'activity_net.v1-3.min.json'
PROPOSALS_FILENAME = 'activitynet_v1-3_proposals.hdf5'
SUBSET = 'validation'
In [3]:
# Read json file containing the annotations
with open(ANNOTATION_FILE, 'r') as fobj:
data = json.load(fobj)['database']
# Parsing and looking for agnostic segments of an intended subset.
video_id_fmt = 'v_{}'
gt_s_init, gt_s_end, video_id = [], [], []
for vid, vitem in data.iteritems():
if vitem['subset'] != SUBSET:
for ann in vitem['annotations']:
# Creates ground truth data frame.
ground_truth_df = pd.DataFrame({'s-init': gt_s_init,
's-end': gt_s_end,
'video-id': video_id})
Load temporal proposals in a Pandas Data Frame.
In [4]:
# Looking for videos in the subset
intended_videos = []
for vid, vitem in data.iteritems():
if vitem['subset'] == SUBSET:
# Reading proposals from HDF5 file.
s_init, s_end, score, video_id = [], [], [], []
fobj = h5py.File(PROPOSALS_FILENAME, 'r')
for vid in fobj.keys():
if vid not in intended_videos:
video_id.extend(np.repeat(vid, fobj[vid]['segment-init'].value.size).tolist())
proposals_df = pd.DataFrame({'s-init': s_init,
's-end': s_end,
'score': score,
'video-id': video_id})
print 'Average number of proposals: {}'.format(proposals_df.shape[0] / float(len(intended_videos)))
Subrutines to compute temporal IoU and wrapper for recall
In [5]:
def segment_iou(target_segments, test_segments):
"""Compute intersection over union btw segments
target_segments : ndarray
2-dim array in format [m x 2:=[init, end]]
test_segments : ndarray
2-dim array in format [n x 2:=[init, end]]
iou : ndarray
2-dim array [m x n] with IOU ratio.
Note: It assumes that target-segments are more scarce that test-segments
if target_segments.ndim != 2 or test_segments.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError('Dimension of arguments is incorrect')
m, n = target_segments.shape[0], test_segments.shape[0]
iou = np.empty((m, n))
for i in xrange(m):
tt1 = np.maximum(target_segments[i, 0], test_segments[:, 0])
tt2 = np.minimum(target_segments[i, 1], test_segments[:, 1])
# Non-negative overlap score
intersection = (tt2 - tt1).clip(0)
union = ((test_segments[:, 1] - test_segments[:, 0]) +
(target_segments[i, 1] - target_segments[i, 0]) -
# Compute overlap as the ratio of the intersection
# over union of two segments at the frame level.
iou[i, :] = intersection / union
return iou
def recall_vs_iou_thresholds(proposal_df, df, iou_threshold=np.array([0.5])):
vds = proposal_df['video-id'].unique()
score_lst = []
# Compute iou score
for i, v in enumerate(vds):
# Proposals
idx = proposal_df['video-id'] == v
this_df = proposal_df.loc[idx]
proposals = np.stack((this_df['s-init'],
this_df['s-end']), axis=-1)
# Sort proposals
idx = this_df['score'].argsort()[::-1]
proposals = proposals[idx, :]
# Annotations
jdx = df['video-id'] == v
ann_df = df.loc[jdx]
annotations = np.stack((ann_df['s-init'],
ann_df['s-end']), axis=-1)
if proposals.ndim == 1:
proposals = proposals[np.newaxis, :]
score_lst.append(segment_iou(annotations, proposals))
if not (i+1)%500:
print 'Scored videos: {}'.format(i+1)
matches = np.zeros((vds.shape[0], iou_threshold.shape[0]))
pos = np.zeros(vds.shape[0])
# Matching
recall = np.empty(iou_threshold.shape[0])
for cidx, this_iou in enumerate(iou_threshold):
# Score analysis per video.
for i, sc in enumerate(score_lst):
pos[i] = sc.shape[0] # Positives per video.
lmt = int(sc.shape[1])
matches[i, cidx] = ((sc[:, :lmt] >= this_iou).sum(axis=1) > 0).sum()
this_recall = matches[:, cidx].sum() / pos.sum()
recall[cidx] = this_recall
return recall
Lets compute the Recall at different Temporal IoU thresholds
In [6]:
iou_thrs = np.arange(0.1, 0.6, 0.1)
recall = recall_vs_iou_thresholds(proposals_df, ground_truth_df, iou_threshold=iou_thrs)
Recall vs Temporal IoU curve
In [7]:
fn_size = 14
plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(10, 5))
plt.plot(iou_thrs, recall, linewidth=4, color=np.array([178,223,138])/255.0)
plt.xlabel('Temporal IoU', fontsize=fn_size)
plt.ylabel('Recall', fontsize=fn_size)
plt.grid(b=True, which="both")
plt.setp(plt.axes().get_xticklabels(), fontsize=fn_size)
plt.setp(plt.axes().get_yticklabels(), fontsize=fn_size)
plt.xlim([0.1, 0.5])
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