In [16]:
import numpy as np
from IPython.display import clear_output
from pjdiagram import *
from ipywidgets import *
import quicksort
from quicksort import partition_example, quicksort_example
Performance | Complexity |
Worst-case | $O(n^2)$ |
Best-case | $O(n\log{n})$ |
Average | $O(n\log{n})$ |
Worst-case space | $O(n)$ |
Pick a pivot point, and move all the items in the list greater than the pivot to the right, and all items less than the pivot to the left. Afterwards, quicksort
is recurively applied to the sublists.
The partition function works by moving everything less than the pivot point to the left and everything greater than the pivot point to the right. This can be accomplished by keeping two indices starting from both sides of the array. The left index is incremented until it finds a value greater than the pivot point, and the right index is incremented until it finds a value less than the pivot point.
Given an unsorted list $u$:
$$ u = [5, 3, 10, 7, 15, 1, 4, 2] $$pick a pivot $p$ from $u$. For this example we'll use the first item in $u$ ($p = 5$). Create two new lists: $l$ and $r$, where $l$ consists of all elements less than $p$ and $r$ consists of all elements greater than $p$:
$$ l = [3, 1, 4, 2] $$$$ r = [10, 7, 15] $$We can construct an ordered list with: qsort(l) + p + qsort(r)
. The left side qsort(l)
will again result in two lists:
putting these together we get: [1, 2] + [3] + [4]
$\rightarrow$ [1, 2, 3, 4]
. Evaluating the right side we get:
putting these together we get: [7] + [10] + [15]
$\rightarrow$ [7, 10, 15]
. Going up one level we now have: [1, 2, 3, 4] + [5] + [7, 10, 15]
$\rightarrow$ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 15]
, which results in the sorted list.
However, constructing the list in this manner is not efficient in space. Instead we can create a partition
function that functionally does the same thing, but instead sorts the elements in place.
In [10]:
def partition(lst, start, end):
# in this formulation, the pivot point is the first item
pivot = lst[start]
# start partitioning after the pivot point
first = start + 1
last = end
# keep going until we covered the entire list
while first <= last:
# find the next element that is less than pivot
while first <= last and lst[first] <= pivot:
first += 1
# find the next element that is greater than pivot
while last >= first and lst[last] > pivot:
last -= 1
# and swap their values
if first < last:
lst[first], lst[last] = lst[last], lst[first]
# finally, swap the pivot point with the last point
lst[start], lst[last] = lst[last], lst[start]
return last
To see the code in action (arrow denotes pivot point, highlighted cells indicate values to be swapped):
In [8]:
contents = [5,3,10,7,15,1,4,2] #np.random.randint(100, size=20)
partition_example(contents, 0)
As can be see from the diagram above, everything to the left of the pivot will be less than the pivot, and everything to the right will be greater than the pivot. We can now recursively apply the partition to those values:
In [11]:
def quicksort(lst, first=None, last=None):
if first == None: first = 0
if last == None: last = len(lst)-1
if first < last:
# sort list so everything less than `pivot` is to the left of the pivot
# and everything to the right is greater than the `pivot`
p = partition(lst, first, last)
# recursively apply `quicksort` to the items on the left of the pivot
quicksort(lst, first, p-1)
# recursively apply `quicksort` to the items on the right of the pivot
quicksort(lst, p+1, last)
lst = [19, 92, 97, 34, 70, 26, 51, 97, 1, 42, 79, 34]
print "sorted: ", lst
Finally, we can see the code in action:
In [27]:
quicksort_example([19, 92, 97, 34, 70, 26, 51, 97, 1, 42, 79, 34])
In [212]:
def quicksort(myList, start, end):
if start < end:
# partition the list
pivot = partition(myList, start, end)
# sort both halves
quicksort(myList, start, pivot-1)
quicksort(myList, pivot+1, end)
return myList
def partition(myList, start, end):
pivot = myList[start]
left = start+1
right = end
done = False
while not done:
while left <= right and myList[left] <= pivot:
left = left + 1
while myList[right] >= pivot and right >=left:
right = right -1
if right < left:
done= True
# swap places
# swap start with myList[right]
return right
lst = [19, 92, 97, 34, 70, 26, 51, 97, 1, 42, 79, 34]
quicksort(lst, 0, len(lst)-1)