In [ ]:
a = 0
m = 0
n = 0
x = 0
print('PRINT 0: a =', a,
' m =', m, ' n =', n,
' x =', x)
def f_1():
m = 1
global n
n = 1
x = 1
y = 1
z = 1
print('PRINT 1: a =', a,
' m =', m, ' n =', n,
' x =', x, ' y =', y, ' z =', z)
def f_2():
global m
m = 2
# Cannot write:
# nonlocal n
global n
n = 2
global p
p = 2
x = 2
nonlocal y
y = 2
# Cannot write:
# nonlocal u
print('PRINT 2: a =', a,
' m =', m, ' n =', n, ' p =', p,
' x =', x, ' y =', y, ' z =', z)
def f_3():
nonlocal x
x = 3
nonlocal y
y = 3
nonlocal z
z = 3
print('PRINT 3: a =', a,
' m =', m, ' n =', n, ' p =', p,
' x =', x, ' y =', y, ' z =', z)
print('PRINT 4: a =', a,
' m =', m, ' n =', n, ' p =', p,
' x =', x, ' y =', y, ' z =', z)
print('PRINT 5: a =', a,
' m =', m, ' n =', n, ' p =', p,
' x =', x, ' y =', y, ' z =', z)
print('PRINT 6: a =', a,
' m =', m, ' n =', n, ' p =', p,
' x =', x)
In [ ]:
x = 0
def f():
x = 1
In [ ]:
def f():
m = 0
class C:
m = 1
def g(self):
In [ ]:
i = 1
bad_increment = lambda x: x + i
i = 0
i = 1
good_increment = lambda x, i = i: x + i
i = 0
In [ ]:
def v1_multiply_by(m):
def multiply(n):
return n * m
return multiply
multiply_by_7 = v1_multiply_by(7)
def v2_multiply_by(m):
return lambda n: n * m
multiply_by_7 = v2_multiply_by(7)
def multiplications_between_0_and_9():
multiply_by = []
for m in range(10):
# If "lambda n, m = m: n * m" is replaced by "lambda n, m: n * m"
# then all mulplications are by 9
multiply_by.append(lambda n, m = m: n * m)
return multiply_by
multiply_by = multiplications_between_0_and_9()
multiply_by_7 = multiply_by[7]
In [ ]:
from random import randrange
def randomly_odd_or_even_random_digit():
odd = randrange(2)
if odd:
def random_odd_or_random_even_digit():
return randrange(1, 10, 2)
def random_odd_or_random_even_digit():
return randrange(0, 10, 2)
random_odd_or_random_even_digit.odd = odd
return random_odd_or_random_even_digit
for i in range(10):
random_odd_or_random_even_digit = randomly_odd_or_even_random_digit()
if random_odd_or_random_even_digit.odd:
print('Will be a random odd digit.... ', random_odd_or_random_even_digit())
print('Will be a random even digit... ', random_odd_or_random_even_digit())
In [ ]:
def f1(a, b, c = 3, d = 4, e = 5, f = 6):
print(a, b, c, d, e, f)
f1(11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16)
f1(11, 12, 13, *(14, 15, 16))
f1(11, *(12, 13, 14), **{'f': 16, 'e': 15})
f1(11, 12, 13, e = 15)
f1(11, c = 13, b = 12, e = 15)
f1(11, c = 13, *(12,), e = 15)
f1(11, *(12, 13), e = 15)
f1(11, e = 15, *(12, 13))
f1(11, f = 16, e = 15, b = 12, c = 13)
f1(11, f = 16, **{'e': 15, 'b': 12, 'c': 13})
f1(11, *(12, 13), e = 15, **{'f': 16, 'd': 14})
f1(11, e = 15, *(12,), **{'f': 16, 'd': 14})
f1(11, f = 16, *(12, 13), e = 15, **{'d': 14})
In [ ]:
def f2(*x):
f2(11, 12, *(13, 14, 15))
In [ ]:
def f3(*x, a, b = -2, c):
print(x, a, b, c)
f3(c = 23, a = 21)
f3(11, 12, a = 21, **{'b': 22, 'c': 23})
f3(11, *(12, 13), c = 23, a = 21)
f3(11, 12, 13, c = 23, *(14, 15), **{'a': 21})
In [ ]:
def f4(*, a, b = -2, c):
print(a, b, c)
f4(c = 23, a = 21)
f4(**{'a': 21, 'b': 22, 'c': 23})
f4(c = 23, **{'a': 21})
f4(a = 21, **{'c': 23, 'b': 22})
In [ ]:
def f5(**x):
f5(a = 11, b = 12)
f5(**{'a': 11, 'b': 12, 'c': 13})
f5(a = 11, c = 12, e = 15, **{'b': 13, 'd': 14})
In [ ]:
def f6(a, b, c, d = 4, e = 5, *x, m, n = -2, o, **z):
print(a, b, c, d, e, x, m, n, o, z)
# Cannot replace "*(12,)" by "*(12, 21)"
f6(11, t = 40, e = 15, *(12,), o = 33, c = 13, m = 31, u = 41,
**{'v': 42, 'w': 43})
# Cannot replace "*(13, 14)" by "*(13, 14, 21)"
f6(11, 12, u = 41, m = 31, t = 40, e = 15, *(13, 14), o = 33,
**{'v': 42, 'w': 43})
f6(11, u = 41, o = 33, *(12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22), n = 32, t = 40, m = 31,
**{'v': 42, 'w': 43})
f6(11, 12, 13, n = 32, t = 40, *(14, 15, 21, 22, 23), o = 33, u = 41, m = 31,
**{'v': 42, 'w': 43})
In [ ]:
def f(w: str, a: int, b: int = -2, x: float = -3.) -> int:
if w == 'incorrect_return_type':
return '0'
return 0
from inspect import signature
def type_check(function, *args, **kwargs):
'''Assumes that "function" has nothing but variables possibly with defaults
as arguments and has type annotations for all arguments and the returned value.
Checks whether a combination of positional and default arguments is correct,
and in case it is whether those arguments are of the appropriate types,
and in case they are whether the returned value is of the appropriate type.
good_arguments = True
argument_type_errors = ''
parameters = list(reversed(function.__code__.co_varnames))
if len(args) > len(parameters):
print('Incorrect sequence of arguments')
for argument in args:
parameter = parameters.pop()
if not isinstance(argument, function.__annotations__[parameter]):
argument_type_errors += ('{} should be of type {}\n'
.format(parameter, function.__annotations__[parameter]))
good_arguments = False
for argument in kwargs:
if not argument in parameters:
print('Incorrect sequence of arguments')
if not isinstance(kwargs[argument], function.__annotations__[argument]):
argument_type_errors += ('{} should be of type {}\n'
.format(argument, function.__annotations__[argument]))
good_arguments = False
# Make sure that all parameters left are given a default value.
if any([parameter for parameter in parameters
if signature(function).parameters[parameter].default is
print('Incorrect sequence of arguments')
if good_arguments:
if isinstance(function(*args, **kwargs), function.__annotations__['return']):
print('All good')
(print('The returned value should be of type {}'
print(argument_type_errors, end = '')
for args, kwargs in [(('0', 1, 2, 3.), {}),
(('0', 1, 2), {'x': 3.}),
(('0', 1), {'b': 2, 'x': 3.}),
(('0',), {'x': 3., 'a': 1, 'b': 2}),
((), {'x': 3., 'w': '0', 'a': 1}),
(('0', 1, 2), {}),
(('0',), {}),
(('0'), {'x': 3.}),
(('0', 1, 2, 3., 4), {}),
(('incorrect_return_type', 1, 2, 3.), {'x' : 3}),
(('incorrect_return_type', 1, 2), {'y': 3}),
(('0', 1), {'x': 3, 'c': 2}),
((), {'a': 1, 'b': 2,'x': 3}),
((0, 1, 2, 3.), {}),
(('0', 1., 2, 3), {'w': 'incorrect_return_type'}),
(('incorrect_return_type', 1, 2), {'x': 3}),
((0, 1), {'b': 2., 'x': 3.}),
((0,), {'x': 3, 'a': 1., 'b': 2.}),
((), {'x': 3, 'w': 0, 'a': 1.}),
(('incorrect_return_type', 1, 2, 3.), {})]:
print('Testing {}, {}:'.format(args, kwargs))
type_check(f, *args, **kwargs)
In [ ]:
def append_one_v1(L = []):
return L
def append_one_v2(L = None):
if L == None:
L = []
return L
for i in range(5):
for i in range(5):
for i in range(5):
for i in range(5):
In [ ]:
_nothing = object()
def f(x = _nothing):
if x is _nothing:
f(0), f(1), f([]), f([1]), f(None)