For the GO analysis, we'll need a few other packages:
for looking up the gene ontology categories of genesgoatools
for performing gene ontology enrichment analysisfishers_exact_test
for goatools
Use the following commands at your terminal to install the packages. Some of them are on Github so it's important to get the whole command right.
$ pip install mygene
$ pip install git+git://
$ pip install git+
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# Alphabetical order is standard
# We're doing "import superlongname as abbrev" for our laziness - this way we don't have to type out the whole thing each time.
import collections
# Python plotting library
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Numerical python library (pronounced "num-pie")
import numpy as np
# Dataframes in Python
import pandas as pd
# Statistical plotting library we'll use
import seaborn as sns
# Label processing
from sklearn import preprocessing
# Matrix decomposition
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA, FastICA
# Classification
from sklearn.svm import SVC
# Gene ontology
import goatools
import mygene
# This is necessary to show the plotted figures inside the notebook -- "inline" with the notebook cells
%matplotlib inline
Utility functions for gene ontology
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GO_KEYS = 'go.BP', 'go.MF', 'go.CC'
def parse_mygene_output(mygene_output):
"""Convert mygene.querymany output to a gene id to go term mapping (dictionary)
mygene_output : dict or list
Dictionary (returnall=True) or list (returnall=False) of
output from mygene.querymany
gene_name_to_go : dict
Mapping of gene name to a set of GO ids
# if "returnall=True" was specified, need to get just the "out" key
if isinstance(mygene_output, dict):
mygene_output = mygene_output['out']
gene_name_to_go = collections.defaultdict(set)
for line in mygene_output:
gene_name = line['query']
for go_key in GO_KEYS:
go_terms = line[go_key]
except KeyError:
if isinstance(go_terms, dict):
go_ids = set([go_terms['id']])
go_ids = set(x['id'] for x in go_terms)
gene_name_to_go[gene_name] |= go_ids
return gene_name_to_go
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metadata = pd.read_csv('../data/shalek2013/metadata.csv',
# Sets the first (Python starts counting from 0 not 1) column as the row names
expression = pd.read_csv('../data/shalek2013/expression.csv',
# Sets the first (Python starts counting from 0 not 1) column as the row names
expression_feature = pd.read_csv('../data/shalek2013/expression_feature.csv',
# Sets the first (Python starts counting from 0 not 1) column as the row names
# creating new column indicating color
metadata['color'] = metadata['maturity'].map(
lambda x: 'MediumTurquoise' if x == 'immature' else 'Teal')
metadata.loc[metadata['pooled'], 'color'] = 'black'
# Create a column indicating both maturity and pooled for coloring with seaborn, e.g. sns.pairplot
metadata['group'] = metadata['maturity']
metadata.loc[metadata['pooled'], 'group'] = 'pooled'
# Create a palette and ordering for using with sns.pairplot
palette = ['MediumTurquoise', 'Teal', 'black']
order = ['immature', 'mature', 'pooled']
singles_ids = [x for x in expression.index if x.startswith('S')]
singles = expression.loc[singles_ids]
# Use only the genes that are substantially expressed in single cells
singles = singles.loc[:, (singles > 1).sum() >= 3]
# Now because computers only understand numbers, we'll convert the
# category label of "mature" and "immature" into integers to a using a
# `LabelEncoder`. Let's look at that column again, only for mature cells:
singles_maturity = metadata.loc[singles.index, 'maturity']
# Instantiate the encoder
encoder = preprocessing.LabelEncoder()
# Get number of categories and transform "mature"/"immature" to numbers
target = encoder.fit_transform(singles_maturity)
## Run the classifier!!
# Yay so now we can run a classifier!
classifier = SVC(kernel='linear'), target)
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coefficients = pd.Series(classifier.coef_.flat, index=singles.columns)
Let's remind ourselves of the distribution of the coefficients again
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mean = coefficients.mean()
std = coefficients.std()
multiplier = 2
lower_cutoff = mean - multiplier * std
upper_cutoff = mean + multiplier * std
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# Add vertical lines
ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim()
ax.vlines([lower_cutoff, upper_cutoff], ymin, ymax, linestyle='--', color='Crimson')
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below_cutoff = coefficients[coefficients < lower_cutoff]
How can we biologically assess what genes are found by our classifier? One way is through Gene Ontology enrichment
Gene ontology is a tree (aka directed acyclic graph or "dag") of gene annotations. The topmost node is the most general, and the bottommost nodes are the most specific. Here is an example GO graph.
Three GO Domains:
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from goatools.base import download_go_basic_obo
obo_fname = download_go_basic_obo()
# Show the filename
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obo_dag = goatools.obo_parser.GODag(obo_file=obo_fname)
Here we are establishing the background for our GOEA. Defining your background is very important because, for example, there are lots of neural genes so if you use all human genes as background in your study of which genes are upregulated in Neuron Type X vs Neuron Type Y, you'll get a bunch of neuron genes (which is true) but not the smaller differences between X and Y. Typicall, you use all expressed genes as the background.
For our data, we can access all expressed genes very simply by getting the column names in the dataframe: singles.columns
, which is the dataframe we used for classifying and shows all expressed genes in single cells. This will be our background.
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# Initialize the "" ( interface
mg = mygene.MyGeneInfo()
mygene_output = mg.querymany(singles.columns,
scopes='symbol', fields=['go.BP', 'go.MF', 'go.CC'], species='mouse',
gene_name_to_go = parse_mygene_output(mygene_output)
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go_enricher = goatools.GOEnrichmentStudy(singles.columns, gene_name_to_go, obo_dag)
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genes_of_interest = below_cutoff.index
# "results" is a list and is annoying to deal with ...
# ... so we'll make a dataframe in the next step
results = go_enricher.run_study(genes_of_interest)
# Create a dataframe of the results so it's easier to deal with
below_cutoff_go_enrichment = pd.DataFrame([r.__dict__ for r in results])
Now we're going to ..... say it with me ...... add a column! that is the negative log10 of the p-value so it's easier to plot and deal with.
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below_cutoff_go_enrichment['log10_p_bonferroni'] = -np.log10(below_cutoff_go_enrichment['p_bonferroni'])
Let's make sure this dataframe is sorted in order of enrichment. By default, this is sorting in ascending order, and we want the most enriched to be at the top, so let's say ascending=False
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below_cutoff_go_enrichment = below_cutoff_go_enrichment.sort_values('log10_p_bonferroni', ascending=False)
Let's look at the distribution of the log10 p-values
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Now we can also plot this data! Let's just take a subset, say the first 10 and look at the distribution of p-values here.
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below_cutoff_go_enrichment_subset = below_cutoff_go_enrichment.iloc[:10, :]
Now let's plot the GO categories! We want to make sure they stay in the highest-lowest order by specifying "order" (otherwise they will be alphabetical!)
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order = below_cutoff_go_enrichment_subset['name']
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
sns.barplot(x='log10_p_bonferroni', y='name', data=below_cutoff_go_enrichment_subset, orient='h', order=order)
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