In [99]:
# For monitoring duration of pandas processes
from tqdm import tqdm, tqdm_pandas
# To avoid RuntimeError: Set changed size during iteration
tqdm.monitor_interval = 0
# Register `pandas.progress_apply` and `pandas.Series.map_apply` with `tqdm`
# (can use `tqdm_gui`, `tqdm_notebook`, optional kwargs, etc.)
# Now you can use `progress_apply` instead of `apply`
# and `progress_map` instead of `map`
# can also groupby:
# df.groupby(0).progress_apply(lambda x: x**2)
In [100]:
import pandas as pd
df0 = pd.read_csv("../data/interim/001_normalised_keyed_reviews.csv", sep="\t", low_memory=False)
['timeless', 'classic', 'demanding', 'assuming...
['first', 'read', 'prophet', 'kahlil', 'gibran...
['one', 'first', 'literary', 'books', 'recall'...
['prophet', 'kahlil', 'gibrans', 'best', 'know...
['gibran', 'khalil', 'gibran', 'born', 'one th...
In [101]:
def convert_text_to_list(review):
return review.replace("[","").replace("]","").replace("'","").replace("\t","").split(",")
In [102]:
# Convert "reviewText" field to back to list
df0['reviewText'] = df0['reviewText'].astype(str)
df0['reviewText'] = df0['reviewText'].progress_apply(lambda text: convert_text_to_list(text));
Progress:: 100%|██████████| 582711/582711 [00:13<00:00, 42892.56it/s]
0 [timeless, classic, demanding, assuming, t...
1 [first, read, prophet, kahlil, gibran, th...
2 [one, first, literary, books, recall, rea...
3 [prophet, kahlil, gibrans, best, known, w...
4 [gibran, khalil, gibran, born, one thousan...
Name: reviewText, dtype: object
In [103]:
# Split negs
def split_neg(review):
new_review = []
for token in review:
if '_' in token:
split_words = token.split("_")
return new_review
In [104]:
df0["reviewText"] = df0["reviewText"].progress_apply(lambda review: split_neg(review))
Progress:: 100%|██████████| 582711/582711 [00:09<00:00, 62759.72it/s]
0 [timeless, classic, demanding, assuming, t...
1 [first, read, prophet, kahlil, gibran, th...
2 [one, first, literary, books, recall, rea...
3 [prophet, kahlil, gibrans, best, known, w...
4 [gibran, khalil, gibran, born, one thousan...
Name: reviewText, dtype: object
In [105]:
### Remove Stop Words
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))
def remove_stopwords(review):
return [token for token in review if not token in stop_words]
In [106]:
df0["reviewText"] = df0["reviewText"].progress_apply(lambda review: remove_stopwords(review))
Progress:: 100%|██████████| 582711/582711 [00:55<00:00, 10507.46it/s]
0 [timeless, classic, demanding, assuming, t...
1 [first, read, prophet, kahlil, gibran, th...
2 [one, first, literary, books, recall, rea...
3 [prophet, kahlil, gibrans, best, known, w...
4 [gibran, khalil, gibran, born, one thousan...
Name: reviewText, dtype: object
In [107]:
import nltk
from nltk.probability import FreqDist
def collect_zipfs_law_metrics(review, fd):
for token in review:
In [108]:
fd = FreqDist()
df0['reviewText'].progress_apply(lambda review: collect_zipfs_law_metrics(review, fd));
Progress:: 100%|██████████| 582711/582711 [03:28<00:00, 2789.07it/s]
In [109]:
FreqDist({'timeless': 26,
' classic': 17851,
' demanding': 2481,
' assuming': 2899,
' title': 31208,
' gibran': 63,
' backs': 1822,
' excellent': 48518,
' style': 53946,
' content': 17043,
' means': 30436,
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' aspects': 16828,
' messege': 7,
' guide': 23941,
' book': 1502803,
' sufi': 247,
' sermon': 1260,
' much': 267441,
' put': 72396,
' perspective': 25132,
' without': 96163,
' hint': 3692,
' dogma': 1783,
' hints': 4314,
' birth': 10395,
' place': 68095,
' lebanon': 757,
' many': 273330,
' prophets': 1303,
' walked': 3332,
' earth': 23642,
' project': 11050,
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' author': 213589,
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' thirty': 16089,
' years': 154925,
' ago': 34136,
' times': 90304,
' since': 82823,
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' nice': 28923,
' yet': 81611,
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' containing': 2024,
' valuable': 12275,
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' three': 116777,
' future': 41106,
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' price': 19446,
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' either': 43383,
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' forcefed': 69,
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' class': 22212,
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' texts': 6630,
' wrote': 27088,
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' no': 287112,
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' wish': 28775,
' seeress': 20,
' asks': 7300,
' share': 16983,
' endure': 2545,
' reveals': 7657,
' pain': 16571,
' profound': 7812,
' advice': 26285,
' judge': 6905,
' together': 59216,
' forevermore': 56,
' white': 29848,
' wings': 1952,
' scatter': 141,
' days': 39957,
' aye': 71,
' silent': 3269,
' memory': 11137,
' god': 77025,
' let': 38137,
' spaces': 1242,
' togetherness': 128,
' winds': 1838,
' heavens': 1280,
' dance': 3634,
' another': 113957,
' bond': 5871,
' shores': 647,
' fill': 6672,
' others': 79338,
' cup': 3637,
' drink': 4667,
' give': 83120,
' eat': 17151,
' loaf': 629,
' sing': 1608,
' joyous': 432,
' alone': 28148,
' strings': 1438,
' lute': 52,
' hearts': 5487,
' keeping': 12013,
' hand': 32928,
' stand': 16953,
' near': 15817,
' pillars': 862,
' temple': 3022,
' apart': 12487,
' oak': 481,
' tree': 5364,
' cypress': 67,
' shadow': 5529,
' similar': 22730,
' thetao': 4,
' te': 453,
' ching': 621,
' perennial': 513,
' classics': 4022,
' border': 2805,
' guard': 3452,
' recognises': 115,
' exile': 1652,
' five hundred': 5794,
' translated': 3484,
' tao': 1181,
' contains': 14736,
' principles': 11002,
' use': 82742,
' youre': 47915,
' forget': 13048,
' ego': 3799,
' opens': 6833,
' recommend': 72905,
' stephen': 7900,
' mitchell': 1825,
' hope': 43359,
' useful': 25187,
' menu': 1473,
' lebanese': 256,
' restaurant': 4018,
' sought': 3652,
' fully': 15178,
' parts': 29932,
' barely': 8783,
' touch': 11434,
' onlove': 1,
' insecurities': 1259,
' doubts': 3318,
' going': 96882,
' rough': 4373,
' unanswered': 1984,
' questions': 33958,
' certain': 30623,
' lucid': 2129,
' insightful': 8009,
' foodi': 2,
' thankfully': 3102,
' given': 54338,
' journeyed': 168,
' overseas': 1274,
' spiritual': 21026,
' quest': 8212,
'got': 3843,
' month': 7841,
' lost': 40945,
' job': 57801,
' relationship': 45996,
' unsteady': 71,
' felt': 59471,
' isolated': 3057,
' skipping': 2552,
' sections': 14003,
' immediately': 16292,
' pertained': 79,
' cried': 2788,
' safe': 9035,
' sadness': 2896,
' enlightenment': 3943,
' experiences': 19777,
' thoughts': 20840,
' detailed': 19873,
' accounts': 9831,
' applies': 2914,
' everyone': 45871,
' writings': 8782,
' layers': 3174,
' therefore': 13663,
' breaking': 5331,
' shell': 3811,
' encloses': 21,
'atheist': 46,
' seem': 42743,
' holds': 7370,
' references': 15229,
' walks': 4105,
' relate': 8936,
' prose': 19488,
' greatly': 7090,
' celebrated': 1474,
' countries': 11443,
' simple': 38385,
' biting': 1369,
' phrases': 4413,
' sentences': 8528,
' legacy': 4322,
' thoughtaltering': 1,
' quote': 8122,
' uses': 23670,
' short': 55582,
In [110]:
words = []
freqs = []
In [111]:
for rank, word in enumerate(fd):
In [112]:
frequencies = {'word': words, 'frequency':freqs}
frequencies_df = pd.DataFrame(frequencies)
In [113]:
In [114]:
frequencies_df = frequencies_df.sort_values(['frequency'], ascending=[False])
frequencies_df = frequencies_df.reset_index()
frequencies_df = frequencies_df.drop(columns=['index'])
In [115]:
In [116]:
import plotly
import plotly.plotly as py
from plotly.offline import download_plotlyjs, init_notebook_mode, plot, iplot
import cufflinks as cf
# Configure cufflings
cf.set_config_file(offline=False, world_readable=True, theme='pearl')
In [117]:'falrashidi', api_key='XaO64TRYU0N3Sdup8Z3H')
In [118]:
frequencies_df['frequency'][0:75].iplot(kind='bar', xTitle='Words', yTitle='Frequency', title='Occurences in the Corpus per Word (Zipf\'s Law)')
In [119]:
frequencies_df.to_csv("../data/interim/003_dictionary.csv", sep='\t', header=True, index=False);
In [128]:
df = frequencies_df.reindex_axis(sorted(frequencies_df.columns, reverse=True), axis=1)
/Users/falehalrashidi/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ FutureWarning:
'.reindex_axis' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use '.reindex' instead.
In [131]:
sorted(frequencies_df.columns, reverse=True)
['word', 'frequency']
In [133]:
final_df = frequencies_df.reindex(['word', 'frequency'], axis=1)
In [136]:
# Save a dictionary into a pickle file.
In [ ]:
Content source: VictorQuintana91/Thesis
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