
In [1]:
%run setup.ipynb
%matplotlib inline
rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 120
rcParams['figure.facecolor'] = 'w'
import hapclust
import cartopy; print('cartopy', cartopy.__version__)
import as ccrs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

cartopy 0.16.0

In [2]:
df_samples = phase1_ar3.df_samples

Index(['ox_code', 'src_code', 'sra_sample_accession', 'population', 'country',
       'region', 'contributor', 'contact', 'year', 'm_s', 'sex', 'n_sequences',
       'mean_coverage', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'kt_2la', 'kt_2rb',
       'kdr_1014', 'rdl_296', 'f_roh_100kb', 'count_roh_100kb',
       'sum_roh_100kb', 'pca_3R_free_pc1', 'pca_3R_free_pc2',
       'pca_3R_free_pc3', 'pca_3R_free_pc4', 'pca_3L_free_pc1',
       'pca_3L_free_pc2', 'pca_3L_free_pc3', 'pca_3L_free_pc4', 'pca_2La_pc1',
       'pca_2La_pc2', 'pca_2La_pc3', 'pca_2La_pc4', 'pca_2Rb_pc1',
       'pca_2Rb_pc2', 'pca_2Rb_pc3', 'pca_2Rb_pc4'],

In [3]:
df_haplotypes = phase1_ar31.df_haplotypes

label ox_code population label_aug country region sex m_s kt_2la kt_2rb
0 AB0085-Ca AB0085-C BFS AB0085-Ca [Burkina Faso, Pala, S, F] Burkina Faso Pala F S 2.0 2.0
1 AB0085-Cb AB0085-C BFS AB0085-Cb [Burkina Faso, Pala, S, F] Burkina Faso Pala F S 2.0 2.0
2 AB0087-Ca AB0087-C BFM AB0087-Ca [Burkina Faso, Bana, M, F] Burkina Faso Bana F M 2.0 1.0
3 AB0087-Cb AB0087-C BFM AB0087-Cb [Burkina Faso, Bana, M, F] Burkina Faso Bana F M 2.0 1.0
4 AB0088-Ca AB0088-C BFM AB0088-Ca [Burkina Faso, Bana, M, F] Burkina Faso Bana F M 2.0 0.0

In [4]:
# use the network membership to define haplotype groups
vgsc_clusters = np.load('../data/median_joining_network_membership.npy').astype('U')
clust_dict = {(l if l else 'wt'): set(np.nonzero(vgsc_clusters == l)[0]) 
              for l in np.unique(vgsc_clusters)}

In [5]:

dict_keys(['wt', 'F1', 'F2', 'F3', 'F4', 'F5', 'FX', 'L1', 'L2', 'S1', 'S2', 'S3', 'S4', 'S5', 'SX'])

In [6]:
# merge the "other resistant" groups
clust_dict['other_resistant'] = clust_dict['FX'] | clust_dict['SX']
del clust_dict['FX']
del clust_dict['SX']

In [7]:

dict_keys(['wt', 'F1', 'F2', 'F3', 'F4', 'F5', 'L1', 'L2', 'S1', 'S2', 'S3', 'S4', 'S5', 'other_resistant'])

In [8]:
#using different clusterings/files

# with open('../data/clust_dict.pickle', 'rb') as handle:
#     clust_dict = peterpickedapickledpepper.load(handle)

# vgsc_clusters = np.load('../data/vgsc_cluster_membership.npy').astype('U')
# clust_dict = {(l if l else 'wt'): set(np.nonzero(vgsc_clusters == l)[0]) for l in np.unique(vgsc_clusters)}

# with open('../data/core_haps.pkl', mode='rb') as f:
#     clust_dict = pickle.load(f)
# core_haps_simple = dict()
# fx = set()
# sx = set()
# lx = set()
# wt = set()
# for k, v in clust_dict.items():
#     if k.startswith('FX'):
#         fx |= v
#     elif k.startswith('SX'):
#         sx |= v
#     elif k.startswith('LX'):
#         lx |= v
#     elif k.startswith('WT'):
#         wt |= v
#     else:
#         core_haps_simple[k] = v
# core_haps_simple['FX'] = fx
# core_haps_simple['SX'] = sx
# core_haps_simple['LX'] = lx
# core_haps_simple['WT'] = wt
# clust_dict = core_haps_simple

In [9]:
hap_labels = sorted(clust_dict)
# reorder for aesthetics
hap_labels = (
    [l for l in hap_labels if l.startswith('F')] +
    [l for l in hap_labels if l.startswith('S')] +
    [l for l in hap_labels if l.startswith('L')] +
    ['other_resistant', 'wt']


In [10]:
def make_df_pops():
    global df_pops

    tbl_pops = (
            ['pop', 'long_label', 'short_label', 'query'],
            ['AOM', 'Angola $coluzzii$', 'AO$Ac$', 'population == "AOM"'],
            ['BFM', 'Burkina Faso $coluzzii$', 'BF$Ac$', 'population == "BFM"'],
            ['BFS', 'Burkina Faso $gambiae$', 'BF$Ag$', 'population == "BFS"'],
            ['GNS', 'Guinea $gambiae$', 'GN$Ag$', 'population == "GNS"'],
            ['CMS', 'Cameroon $gambiae$', 'CM$Ag$', 'population == "CMS"'],
            ['CMS_savanna', 'Cameroon (savanna) $gambiae$', 'CM$Ag$', 'population == "CMS" and (region == "Gado-Badzere" or region == "Zembe-Borongo")'],
            ['CMS_transition', 'Cameroon (transition) $gambiae$', '', 'population == "CMS" and region == "Daiguene"'],
            ['CMS_forest', 'Cameroon (forest) $gambiae$', '', 'population == "CMS" and region == "Mayos"'],
            ['GAS', 'Gabon $gambiae$', 'GA$Ag$', 'population == "GAS"'],
            ['UGS', 'Uganda $gambiae$', 'UG$Ag$', 'population == "UGS"'],
            ['KES', 'Kenya', 'KE', 'population == "KES"'],
            ['GWA', 'Guinea-Bissau', 'GW', 'population == "GWA"'],
        .addfield('latitude', lambda row: df_samples.query(row.query).latitude.mean())
        .addfield('longitude', lambda row: df_samples.query(row.query).longitude.mean())
        .addfield('n_haps', lambda row: len(df_haplotypes.query(row.query)))

    df_pops = tbl_pops.todataframe()
    df_pops = df_pops.set_index('pop')

long_label short_label query latitude longitude n_haps
AOM Angola $coluzzii$ AO$Ac$ population == "AOM" -8.821000 13.291000 120
BFM Burkina Faso $coluzzii$ BF$Ac$ population == "BFM" 11.221609 -4.457739 138
BFS Burkina Faso $gambiae$ BF$Ag$ population == "BFS" 11.193630 -4.376556 162
GNS Guinea $gambiae$ GN$Ag$ population == "GNS" 8.887097 -9.675065 62
CMS Cameroon $gambiae$ CM$Ag$ population == "CMS" 4.937851 13.936844 550
CMS_savanna Cameroon (savanna) $gambiae$ CM$Ag$ population == "CMS" and (region == "Gado-Badze... 5.747000 14.442000 182
CMS_transition Cameroon (transition) $gambiae$ population == "CMS" and region == "Daiguene" 4.777000 13.844000 166
CMS_forest Cameroon (forest) $gambiae$ population == "CMS" and region == "Mayos" 4.341000 13.558000 202
GAS Gabon $gambiae$ GA$Ag$ population == "GAS" 0.384000 9.455000 112
UGS Uganda $gambiae$ UG$Ag$ population == "UGS" 0.770000 34.026000 206
KES Kenya KE population == "KES" -3.702068 39.824614 88
GWA Guinea-Bissau GW population == "GWA" 11.891000 -15.582000 92

In [11]:
crs_lonlat = ccrs.PlateCarree()
ratios = np.asarray([0.5, 0.5])


Calculate haplotype frequencies across populations

In [12]:
def compute_hap_freqs():
    global df_freqs
    n_pops = len(df_pops)
    n_haps = len(hap_labels)
    hap_frequencies = np.zeros([n_pops, n_haps], dtype=int)

    # then loop through clusters
    for i, pop in enumerate(df_pops.index):
        pop_query = df_pops.loc[pop].query
        pop_hap_ixs = set(df_haplotypes.query(pop_query).index.values)
        for j, label in enumerate(hap_labels):
            core_hap_ixs = clust_dict[label]
            isec = pop_hap_ixs.intersection(core_hap_ixs)
            hap_frequencies[i, j] = len(isec)

    counts = df_pops.n_haps

    # make df for plotting
    df_freqs = pd.DataFrame(data=hap_frequencies, index=df_pops.index, columns=hap_labels)
    df_freqs['other'] = counts - df_freqs.sum(axis=1).values
    df_freqs['total'] = counts

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 L1 L2 other_resistant wt other total
AOM 89 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 17 0 120
BFM 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 6 3 0 138
BFS 161 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 162
GNS 62 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 62
CMS 34 13 50 19 163 0 8 0 36 34 0 0 19 174 0 550
CMS_savanna 3 2 26 9 47 0 1 0 12 10 0 0 9 63 0 182
CMS_transition 15 6 17 4 53 0 4 0 10 10 0 0 5 42 0 166
CMS_forest 16 5 7 6 63 0 3 0 14 14 0 0 5 69 0 202
GAS 0 0 0 16 24 0 70 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 112
UGS 0 0 0 0 0 107 0 98 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 206
KES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 67 0 0 0 16 0 5 0 88
GWA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 92 0 92

In [13]:
# test CMS breakdown is significant
def test_cms_breakdown():
    arr = np.asarray(df_freqs
                     .loc[['CMS_savanna', 'CMS_transition', 'CMS_forest']]
                     .iloc[:, :len(hap_labels) + 1])
    # remove zeros
    arr = arr.compress(arr.sum(axis=0) > 0, axis=1)
    return scipy.stats.chi2_contingency(arr)


 array([[ 11.25090909,   4.30181818,  16.54545455,   6.28727273,
          53.93818182,   2.64727273,  11.91272727,  11.25090909,
           6.28727273,  57.57818182],
        [ 10.26181818,   3.92363636,  15.09090909,   5.73454545,
          49.19636364,   2.41454545,  10.86545455,  10.26181818,
           5.73454545,  52.51636364],
        [ 12.48727273,   4.77454545,  18.36363636,   6.97818182,
          59.86545455,   2.93818182,  13.22181818,  12.48727273,
           6.97818182,  63.90545455]]))

build matplotlib pies - use colours from original dendrogram

In [14]:
palette = sns.color_palette('nipy_spectral', n_colors=len(hap_labels) - 2, desat=0.8)
# add a colour for other_resistant
palette.append((0, 0, 0))
# add a colour for wt 
palette.append((0.9, 0.9, 0.9))
# check

In [15]:

long_label short_label query latitude longitude n_haps
AOM Angola $coluzzii$ AO$Ac$ population == "AOM" -8.821000 13.291000 120
BFM Burkina Faso $coluzzii$ BF$Ac$ population == "BFM" 11.221609 -4.457739 138
BFS Burkina Faso $gambiae$ BF$Ag$ population == "BFS" 11.193630 -4.376556 162
GNS Guinea $gambiae$ GN$Ag$ population == "GNS" 8.887097 -9.675065 62
CMS Cameroon $gambiae$ CM$Ag$ population == "CMS" 4.937851 13.936844 550
CMS_savanna Cameroon (savanna) $gambiae$ CM$Ag$ population == "CMS" and (region == "Gado-Badze... 5.747000 14.442000 182
CMS_transition Cameroon (transition) $gambiae$ population == "CMS" and region == "Daiguene" 4.777000 13.844000 166
CMS_forest Cameroon (forest) $gambiae$ population == "CMS" and region == "Mayos" 4.341000 13.558000 202
GAS Gabon $gambiae$ GA$Ag$ population == "GAS" 0.384000 9.455000 112
UGS Uganda $gambiae$ UG$Ag$ population == "UGS" 0.770000 34.026000 206
KES Kenya KE population == "KES" -3.702068 39.824614 88
GWA Guinea-Bissau GW population == "GWA" 11.891000 -15.582000 92

In [16]:
def make_df_lonlat():
    global df_lonlat
    df_lonlat = df_pops[['latitude', 'longitude']].copy()
    df_lonlat['offset_latitude'] = np.zeros(len(df_lonlat))
    df_lonlat['offset_longitude'] = np.zeros(len(df_lonlat))
    df_lonlat.loc['BFS'].offset_latitude = 2
    df_lonlat.loc['BFS'].offset_longitude = 2
    df_lonlat.loc['BFM'].offset_latitude = 2
    df_lonlat.loc['BFM'].offset_longitude = -2
    df_lonlat.loc['CMS_savanna'].offset_latitude = 3.5
    df_lonlat.loc['CMS_savanna'].offset_longitude = 0.5
    df_lonlat.loc['CMS_transition'].offset_latitude = 0.5
    df_lonlat.loc['CMS_transition'].offset_longitude = 3
    df_lonlat.loc['CMS_forest'].offset_latitude = -3
    df_lonlat.loc['CMS_forest'].offset_longitude = 1
    df_lonlat.loc['GAS'].offset_latitude = .5
    df_lonlat.loc['GAS'].offset_longitude = -3


latitude longitude offset_latitude offset_longitude
AOM -8.821000 13.291000 0.0 0.0
BFM 11.221609 -4.457739 2.0 -2.0
BFS 11.193630 -4.376556 2.0 2.0
GNS 8.887097 -9.675065 0.0 0.0
CMS 4.937851 13.936844 0.0 0.0
CMS_savanna 5.747000 14.442000 3.5 0.5
CMS_transition 4.777000 13.844000 0.5 3.0
CMS_forest 4.341000 13.558000 -3.0 1.0
GAS 0.384000 9.455000 0.5 -3.0
UGS 0.770000 34.026000 0.0 0.0
KES -3.702068 39.824614 0.0 0.0
GWA 11.891000 -15.582000 0.0 0.0

In [17]:
# for legend
hap_colors = {l: c for l, c in zip(hap_labels, palette)}

{'F1': (0.45607725490196099, 0.056599607843137223, 0.50939647058823534),
 'F2': (0.06784647058823523, 0.06784647058823523, 0.61061823529411763),
 'F3': (0.086670000000000025, 0.32093509803921522, 0.78003),
 'F4': (0.084317058823529356, 0.57059470588235295, 0.75885352941176476),
 'F5': (0.066670000000000007, 0.60002999999999995, 0.52679078431372561),
 'S1': (0.063397843137254828, 0.57058058823529412, 0.063397843137254828),
 'S2': (0.083269607843137194, 0.74942647058823542, 0.083269607843137194),
 'S3': (0.2840439215686274, 0.90000000000000002, 0.099999999999999978),
 'S4': (0.82193117647058844, 0.84703235294117651, 0.094114705882352934),
 'S5': (0.90000000000000002, 0.68039215686274546, 0.099999999999999978),
 'L1': (0.90000000000000002, 0.12823529411764703, 0.099999999999999978),
 'L2': (0.74942647058823542, 0.083269607843137194, 0.083269607843137194),
 'other_resistant': (0, 0, 0),
 'wt': (0.9, 0.9, 0.9)}

In [18]:
df_lonlat.loc[['BFS', 'BFM']]

latitude longitude offset_latitude offset_longitude
BFS 11.193630 -4.376556 2.0 2.0
BFM 11.221609 -4.457739 2.0 -2.0

In [19]:
pops_cms_whole = [p for p in df_pops.index if p not in {'CMS_savanna', 'CMS_transition', 'CMS_forest'}]

['AOM', 'BFM', 'BFS', 'GNS', 'CMS', 'GAS', 'UGS', 'KES', 'GWA']

In [20]:
pops_cms_breakdown = [p for p in df_pops.index if p != 'CMS']


In [21]:
human_hap_labels = {k: k for k in hap_labels}
human_hap_labels['other_resistant'] = 'other $kdr$'
human_hap_labels['wt'] = '$wt$'

In [22]:
def plot_map(pops, fn=None, dpi=150):

    #our frame
    extent_lonlat = (-20, 45, -13, 20)

    subplot_kw = dict(projection=crs_lonlat)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 7), dpi=120, subplot_kw=subplot_kw)
    ax.coastlines(resolution='50m', linewidth=1, zorder=1)
    ax.add_feature(cfeature.BORDERS, lw=1, zorder=4)

    #add pies
    for pop, row in df_lonlat.loc[pops].iterrows():
        freqs = df_freqs.loc[pop]
        ratios = np.asarray([freqs[k]/freqs['total'] for k in hap_labels])
        ratios = np.append(ratios, 1 - np.sum(ratios))
        # wedgeprops is used here just to pass the zorder command
        center = (row.longitude + row.offset_longitude, row.latitude + row.offset_latitude)
        radius = np.sqrt(df_freqs.loc[pop].total * .02)
        ax.pie(ratios, wedgeprops=dict(zorder=7), colors=palette, 
               center=center, radius=radius, shadow=True)
        ax.add_patch(plt.Circle(xy=center, radius=radius, facecolor='none', edgecolor='k', zorder=8, lw=1))
        if row.offset_latitude > 0 or row.offset_longitude > 0:
            ax.plot([row.longitude, row.longitude + row.offset_longitude],
                    [row.latitude, row.latitude + row.offset_latitude], 'k-', lw=2)
        lbl = df_pops.loc[pop].short_label
        ax.text(center[0], center[1] + radius, lbl, ha='center', va='bottom', fontsize=8, fontweight='bold', 
                bbox=dict(edgecolor='w', facecolor='w', pad=1, alpha=.8, ), zorder=6)

    ax.set_extent(extent_lonlat, crs=crs_lonlat)

    handles = [mpl.patches.Patch(facecolor=hap_colors[k], edgecolor='k', label=human_hap_labels[k]) for k in hap_labels]
    leg = ax.legend(handles=handles, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc='upper left', title='Haplotype\ngroup', )
    leg._legend_box.align = "left"
    if fn:
        fig.savefig(fn, jpeg_quality=100, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight')

In [23]:
plot_map(pops=pops_cms_whole, fn='../artwork/outbreak_map_base.pdf')

In [24]:
plot_map(pops=pops_cms_breakdown, fn='../artwork/outbreak_map_base_cms_breakdown.pdf')

In [ ]: