Guillaume Lemaitre - Fabrice Meriaudeau - Joan Massich
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
%pprint off
# Matplotlib library
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator, FormatStrFormatter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# MPLD3 extension
import mpld3
# Plotly library
import plotly.plotly as py
from plotly.graph_objs import *
py.sign_in('glemaitre', 'se04g0bmi2')
# Numpy library
import numpy as np
# To have some latex display
from IPython.display import display, Math, Latex
(a) Define the two distances anatycally.
(b) Comment in no more than three sentences on the differences between the two distances.
(c) Assume two 2-D Gaussian distributions defined by $μ_1 = \left( \begin{array}{cc} 1 & 1 \end{array} \right)^t$ and $μ_2 = \left( \begin{array}{cc} 4 & 4 \end{array} \right)^t$ with the following covariances:
$\Sigma_1 = \left( \begin{array}{cc} 0.475 & -0.425 \\ -0.425 & 0.475 \end{array} \right)$ and $\Sigma_2 = \left( \begin{array}{cc} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{array} \right)$
In [ ]:
# Define the mean and standard deviation for each distribution
### Use np.matrix() to allow multiplication of matrices in the follow
mu1 = ...
sigma1 = ...
mu2 = ...
sigma2 = .
Given a vector $x = \left( \begin{array}{cc} 2 & 2 \end{array} \right)^t$.
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# Define x
### Use np.matrix() to allow multiplication of matrices in the follow
x = ...
(d) Complete the following function to compute the Euclidean distance given $x$. To which class $x$ will be affected using Euclidean distance?
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# Compute the Euclidean distance given x and the mean of a distribution
### cf. check the function numpy.sqrt()
### cf. check the function numpy.sum()
### cf. check the function numpy.square()
def EuclideanDistance(X, mu):
return ...
In [ ]:
# Compute the distance between x and each class center
d_c1 = ...
d_c2 = ...
if d_c1 < d_c2:
print 'The vector x will be affected to the class 1 with an Euclidean distance equal to {}'.format(d_c1)
print 'The vector x will be affected to the class 2 with an Euclidean distance equal to {}'.format(d_c2)
(e) Complete the following function to compute the Mahalanobis distance. To which class $x$ will be affected using Mahalanobis distance?
In [ ]:
# Define the Mahalanobis distance
### cf. check the function numpy.transpose()
### cf. check the function numpy.linalg.inv()
def MahalanobisDistance(X, mean, cov):
return ...
In [ ]:
# Compute the distance between x and each class center
d_c1 = ...
d_c2 = ...
if d_c1 < d_c2:
print 'The vector x will be affected to the class 1 with an Mahalanobis distance equal to {}'.format(d_c1)
print 'The vector x will be affected to the class 2 with an Mahalanobis distance equal to {}'.format(d_c2)
(f) Generate 50 points from each distribution and plot them.
In [ ]:
### cf. check the function numpy.random.multivariate_normal()
### cf. check the function np.asarray()
### cf. check the function np.squeeze()
# Generate the two distributions
### Use the function np.random.multivariate_normal() and transpose
x_d1, y_d1 = ...
x_d2, y_d2 = ...
# Plot the distributions
(g) Estimate the mean and covariance from the samples generated and compare with their theoritical values and comments briefly.
In [ ]:
### cf. check the function numpy.mean()
### cf. check the function numpy.cov()
# Estimation of the mean and std of the first class
est_mean_d1 = ...
est_cov_d1 = ...
# Estimation of the mean and std of the second class
est_mean_d2 = ...
est_cov_d2 = ...
print 'First class statistics: mean = {} and covariance = {}'.format(est_mean_d1, est_cov_d1)
print 'Second class statistics: mean = {} and covariance = {}'.format(est_mean_d2, est_cov_d2)
(h) Now, generate 1000 points and retry the experiments of (d) and (e).
In [ ]:
### cf. check the function numpy.random.multivariate_normal()
### cf. check the function np.asarray()
### cf. check the function np.squeeze()
# Generate the two distributions
### Use the function np.random.multivariate_normal() and transpose
x_d1, y_d1 = ...
x_d2, y_d2 = ...
### cf. check the function numpy.mean()
### cf. check the function numpy.cov()
# Estimation of the mean and std of the first class
est_mean_d1 = ...
est_cov_d1 = ...
# Estimation of the mean and std of the second class
est_mean_d2 = ...
est_cov_d2 = ...
print 'First class statistics: mean = {} and covariance = {}'.format(est_mean_d1, est_cov_d1)
print 'Second class statistics: mean = {} and covariance = {}'.format(est_mean_d2, est_cov_d2)
# Plot the distributions
(i) Define a function to compute the likelihood probability for a multivariate Gaussian density.
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# Define the function to compute the likelihood given the
# distribution parameter
def LikelihoodND(x, mean, cov):
return ...
(j) Generate the PDFs for each of these densities and plot them as a surface.
In [ ]:
# Generate the meshgrid
### cf. check the function numpy.linspace()
### cf. check the function numpy.meshgrid()
x = ...
y = ...
X, Y = np.meshgrid(...)
# Generate the first PDF
### cf. check the function numpy.zeros()
Z_d1 = np.zeros(np.shape(X))
# Generate the second PDF
### cf. check the function numpy.zeros()
Z_d2 = np.zeros(np.shape(X))
# Plot the surface
### cf. check matplotlib.plot_surface()
### cf. check matplotlib.colorbar()
data = Data([Surface(x=X, y=Y, z=Z_d1 + Z_d2, colorscale='Jet')])
layout = Layout(margin=Margin(l=0, r=0, b=0, t=0))
fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout)
py.iplot(fig, filename='densities-eucl-maha')
In this section, the data correspond to the grades of two examaminations of 80 students from which 40 students were admitted while the others failed.
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# Load the data
data = np.asmatrix(np.loadtxt('./data/data.dat'))
labels = np.asmatrix(np.transpose(np.atleast_2d(np.loadtxt('./data/labels.dat'))))
The grades are stored in the data
variable whereas labels
variable corresponds to the admission boolean.
(a) Plot the data
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# Get the positive index
pos_idx = ...
# Get the negative index
neg_idx = ...
# Plot the data
We defined the sigmoid function as:
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# Definition of the sigmoid function
def sigmoid(x):
return (1. / (1 + np.exp(-x)))
Now, the aim is to implement a logistic regression classifier. A logistic regression classifier return the probability such as:
$$p(y | x; \theta) = (h_{\theta}(x))^{y} (1 - h_{\theta}(x))^{1 - y} \ ,$$with $h_{\theta}(x) = \frac{1}{1 + \exp(- \theta^{T} x)}$
where $x$ is the feature vector (i.e., the observations), $\theta$ is the set of parameters learned during the training stage.
The set of parameters $\theta$ can be found by maximizing the log likelihood which is defined as:
$$l(\theta) = \sum_{i = 1}^{N} - y_i \log h_{\theta}(x_i) - (1 - y_i) \log (1 - h_{\theta}(x_i)) $$(b) Define the likelihood function in the following.
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# Define the likelihood
def likelihood(x, h, y):
return ...
The optimal parameters $\theta$ can be found through numerical optimization by maximizing $l(\theta)$. Herein, Newton's method will be used to optimize $l(\theta)$.
Newton's method is an iterative procedure in which the set of parameters $\theta$ is updated such as:
$$\theta := \theta - H^{-1} \nabla_{\theta}l(\theta) \ , $$(c) Complete the following function in order to follow the above definition.
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# Define the update rule of Newton's method
def update_newton(theta_old, grad, H):
return ...
We recall that the gradient of the likelihood $l(\theta)$ is defined as:
$$\nabla_{\theta}l(\theta) = \frac{1}{m} x^{T}(h_{\theta}(x) - y) \ ,$$(d) Complete the following Python function to cope with the previous definition.
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# Define the gradient of the likelihood
def grad_likelihood(x, h, y):
return ...
Finally the Hessian of the likelihood is defined as:
$$H = \frac{1}{m} x^{T} \text{diag}(h_{\theta}(x)) \text{diag}(1 - h_{\theta}(x)) x \ .$$(e) Complete this Python function.
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# Define the Hessian
def hessian(x, h, y):
return ...
(f) All the elements necessary to implement the Newton's optimisation have been defined. Complete the following code which will return the best set of parameters.
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# Implementation of the Newton's method
def arg_max_likelihood(x, y, theta, max_iter = 15, epsilon = .00001):
# Updating loops
it = 0
err = float("inf")
while((it < max_iter)&(err > epsilon)):
# Store the theta values
theta_old = theta
# Compute h(x)
h = ...
# Compute the current likelihood
l_theta = ...
# Compute the first derivative of the likelihood
grad = ...
# Compute the hessian matrix
H = ...
# Update the set of parameters
theta = ...
# Print some information
print 'Iteration #{0}: the cost function is equal to {1:.2f} and the parameters are {2}'.format(it, l_theta, np.ravel(theta.T))
# Compute the convergence rate
err = np.sum(np.abs(theta - theta_old))
# Increment the number of iterations
it += 1
# Return the set of parameter
return theta
(g) Apply Newton's method to the given dataset to find the best set of parameters $\theta$.
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# Include the intercept in the data
data_intercept = np.asmatrix(np.concatenate((np.ones((np.shape(data)[0], 1)), data), axis=1))
# Create a matrix for the set of parameters
theta = np.asmatrix(np.zeros((np.shape(data)[1] + 1, 1)))
In [ ]:
# Find the parameters which maximize the likelihood
theta = arg_max_likelihood(...)
(h) What is the probability that a student with a score of 20 on exam #1 and a score of 80 on exam #2 will not be admitted. It can be formalized as: $$p(y = 0 | x) = 1 - p(y = 0 | x) \text{ with } x = \{20,80\}$$
In [ ]:
# Define the vector x
x = np.matrix([[1., 20., 80.]])
In [ ]:
# Compute the probability
print 'The probability is {}'.format(...)
(i) Find the boundary decision analatically. We recall that the boundary is defined such as: $$p(y = 1 | x) = p(y = 0 | x)$$
We know that: $$p(y = 1 | x) = p(y = 0 | x)$$ Thus, $$\frac{1}{1 + \exp( \theta^{T} x)} = \frac{\exp( \theta^{T} x)}{1 + \exp( \theta^{T} x)} \ , $$
$$\exp( \theta^{T} x) = 1 \ , $$$$x_2 = -\frac{(\theta_1 x_1 + \theta_0)}{\theta_2} \ .$$
In [ ]:
# Get the positive index
pos_idx = ...
# Get the negative index
neg_idx = ...
# Plot the data
# Compute two points to draw a line
x1, x2 = 20., 65.
y1 = ...
y2 = ...
# Draw the line
As reference, we give an example of the same classifier already implemented in scikit-learn.
In [ ]:
# Import the right library
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
# Call the constructor
lg_reg = LogisticRegression(), np.ravel(labels))
# Compute the probability for x = {20., 80.}
x = np.matrix([[20., 80.]])
prob_y = lg_reg.predict_proba(x)
# Print the results
print 'The probability for x to be affected to class #0 is {}'.format(prob_y[0, 0])
print 'The probability for x to be affected to class #1 is {}'.format(prob_y[0, 1])
In a 1-D feature space, the conditional density of the class #1 ($c_1$) is following a normal distribution (i.e., Gaussian distribution) with the following mean and variance $ \mu_{1} = 0, \ \sigma_{1}^{2} = 5$. The class #2 ($c_2$) conditional density is also defined by a normal distribution with $ \mu_{2} = 2, \ \sigma_{2}^{2} = 1$.
(a) Give the mathematical representation of the two conditional densities.
$p(X | c_1) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma_{1}^{2}}\exp{-\frac{(x - \mu_{1})^{2}}{2 \sigma_{1}^{2}}}$
$p(X | c_2) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma_{2}^{2}}\exp{-\frac{(x - \mu_{2})^{2}}{2 \sigma_{2}^{2}}}$
(b) Complete the following Python function to return a Gaussian PDF for a given vector $X$, mean $\mu$ and standard deviation $\sigma$.
In [ ]:
# Create a function in order to generate a Gaussian function
### cf. check the function numpy.sqrt()
### cf. check the function numpy.exp()
### cf. check the operator ** - power operator
def Gaussian1D(X, mu, sigma):
return ...
(c) Generate both $p(X | c_1)$ and $p(X | c_2)$.
In [ ]:
# Define the mean and standard deviation for each distribution
mu1, sigma1 = ...
mu2, sigma2 = ...
# Generate X
### cf. check the function numpy.linspace()
X = ...
# Compute the different PDFs for both class
pdf1 = ...
pdf2 = ...
(d) Plot the generated density functions.
In [ ]:
# Plot the pdfs
### cf. check the function matplotlib.plot()
### cf. check the parameter label
### cf. check the function matplotlib.legend()
### cf. check the function
(e) Give the equation for the likelihood ratio and plot this ratio for a given vector $X$. Plot the decision constant
$\Lambda(x) = \frac{p(x|c_1)}{p(x|c_2)} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{5}} \exp(0.4x^2 - 2x + 2)$
In [ ]:
# Generate X
### cf. check the function numpy.linspace()
X_ratio = ...
# Generate the ratio from the analytical expression
### cf. check the function numpy.sqrt()
### cf. check the function numpy.exp()
### cf. check the operator ** - power operator
likelihood_ratio = ...
# Plot the likelihood ratio
### cf. check the function matplotlib.title()
### Plot the likelihood ratio using the previous densities generated
### Plot the likelihood ratio using the analytical expression
### Plot the decision constant
(f) Complete the following Python function to return the likelihood probability given a scalar $x$.
In [ ]:
# Function to return the likelihood probability
def Likelihood1D(x, mu, sigma):
return ...
(g) Complete the following Python function to return the posterior probability given a scalar $x$.
In [ ]:
# Function to return the posterior probability
def Posterior1D(x, mu, sigma, prior):
return ...
(h) Assume the a-priori probabilities $P(c_1) = P(c_2) = 0.5$ and $x = 3$
In [ ]:
# Define the observation
x = 3.
# Define the prior probability
p_c1, p_c2 = .5, .5
In [ ]:
# Compute the likelihood for the two classes
p_x_c1 = ...
p_x_c2 = ...
display(Math('p(x = 3 | c_1)'), p_x_c1)
display(Math('p(x = 3 | c_2)'), p_x_c2)
# In the ML sense, check which class to affect x
In [ ]:
# Compute the likelihood for the two classes
p_c1_x = ...
p_c2_x = ...
display(Math('p(c_1 | x = 3)'), p_c1_x)
display(Math('p(c_2 | x = 3)'), p_c2_x)
# In the ML sense, check which class to affect x
In [ ]:
# Plot the previous pdf - refer question (d)
# Plot the different region of decision
### cf. check the function matplotlib.fill_between()
Three regions observable
In [ ]:
# Compute the classification error
p_error = ...
display(Math('p(\epsilon)'), p_error)
(i) Now, assume the a-priori probabilities $P(c_1) = 0.8$ and $P(c_2) = 0.2$, $x = 3$ and a zero-one loss function:
In [ ]:
# Define the observation
x = 3.
# Define the prior probability
p_c1, p_c2 = .8, .2
In [ ]:
# Compute the product of the previous densities with their priors
# Normalise the densities
# Plot the previous pdf
In [ ]:
# Compute the likelihood for the two classes
display(Math('p(x = 3 | c_1)'), p_x_c1)
display(Math('p(x = 3 | c_2)'), p_x_c2)
# In the ML sense, check which class to affect x
In [ ]:
# Compute the likelihood for the two classes
display(Math('p(c_1 | x = 3)'), p_c1_x)
display(Math('p(c_2 | x = 3)'), p_c2_x)
# In the ML sense, check which class to affect x
In [ ]:
# Plot the previous pdf - refer question (d)
# Plot the different region of decision
### cf. check the function matplotlib.fill_between()
Only one region observable
In [ ]:
# Compute the classification error
p_error = ...
display(Math('p(\epsilon)'), p_error)
In [ ]:
# Import scikit-image for input-output manipulation
from skimage import io
from skimage import img_as_float
(a) From the data
folder load the training image training.tif
, the vessel image training_vessels.gif
and the mask FOV training_mask.gif
In [ ]:
# Load the images
### Use the function img_as_float()
### Use the function io.imread()
train_im = ...
train_ve = ...
train_ma = ...
# Render the image
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3)
ax1, ax2, ax3 = ax.ravel()
ax1.set_title('Original image')
ax2.set_title('Vessel mask')
ax3.set_title('Fovea mask')
In [ ]:
# Import the scikit-image for color conversion
from skimage import color
# Import morpho element
from skimage.morphology import square
# Import the median filtering
from skimage.filter.rank import median
# Function to pre process the images
def PreProcessing(rgb_image):
# Convert RGB to LAB color space
lab_image = img_as_float(color.rgb2lab(rgb_image))
# Normalize each channel between 0 and 1
lab_image[:, :, 0] = normalise_im(lab_image[:, :, 0])
lab_image[:, :, 1] = normalise_im(lab_image[:, :, 1])
lab_image[:, :, 2] = normalise_im(lab_image[:, :, 2])
# Obtain a background image through median filtering
background_im = img_as_float(median(lab_image[:, :, 0], square(15)))
tmp_im = lab_image[:, :, 0] - background_im
tmp_im[tmp_im > 0] = 0
lab_image[:, :, 0] = - tmp_im
lab_image[:, :, 0] = normalise_im(lab_image[:, :, 0])
return lab_image
def normalise_im(im_2d):
return (im_2d[:, :] - np.min(im_2d[:, :])) / (np.max(im_2d[:, :]) - np.min(im_2d[:, :]))
In [ ]:
# Pre-process the training image and render it
pre_proc_im = PreProcessing(train_im)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3)
ax1, ax2, ax3 = ax.ravel()
ax1.imshow(pre_proc_im[:, :, 0],
ax2.imshow(pre_proc_im[:, :, 1],
ax2.set_title('Channel A')
ax3.imshow(pre_proc_im[:, :, 2],
ax3.set_title('Channel B')
(b) Create the positive and negative samples from the 3 colour spaces and with the vessel image and the mask image. Your feature space will be three dimensional. Remember that each pixel is a sample with 3 features, with a positive class if it lays to the vessels and negative otherwise.
In [ ]:
# Create the positive samples
idx_pos_y, idx_pos_x = ...
pos_fea = ...
# Create the negative samples
idx_neg_y, idx_neg_x = ...
neg_fea = ...
(c) Plot the 1-D histogram of each feature seperately and evaluate the separability of the classes.
In [ ]:
# Define the number of bin
nb_bins = 50
### 1st feature ###
# For the positive sample
n, bins, patches = plt.hist(...)
# For the neg sample
n, bins, patches = plt.hist(...)
plt.title('1st feature PDF')
### 2nd feature ###
# For the positive sample
n, bins, patches = plt.hist(...)
# For the neg sample
n, bins, patches = plt.hist(...)
plt.title('2nd feature PDF')
### 3rd feature ###
# For the positive sample
n, bins, patches = plt.hist(...)
# For the neg sample
n, bins, patches = plt.hist(...)
plt.title('3rd feature PDF')
(d) Assuming a normal distribution of the samples train a Naive Bayes classifier.
In [ ]:
# Define the prior of each class
prior_pos, prior_neg = .5, .5
# Estimation of the mean and std of the first class
est_mean_pos = ...
est_cov_pos = ...
# Estimation of the mean and std of the second class
est_mean_neg = ...
est_cov_neg = ...
(e) Load the test image test.tif
and use the previous model learned to segment the image.
In [ ]:
# Function to return the posterior probability for N-D
def PosteriorND(x, mu, sigma, prior):
return LikelihoodND(x, mu, sigma) * prior
In [ ]:
# Load the image
test_im = ...
test_ma = ...
# Pre-process the image
pre_proc_im_test = PreProcessing(test_im)
# Build the feature vector
idx_test_y, idx_test_x = ...
test_fea = ...
# Pre allocation
seg_im = np.zeros(np.shape(test_ma))
# Classify each sample
for f in range(0, np.size(test_fea, 0)):
# Estimate the probability for the positive class
p_pos_x = ...
# Estimate the probability for the negative class
p_neg_x = ...
# Decide depending on the ratio
if ((p_pos_x / p_neg_x) > 1.0):
seg_im[idx_test_y[f]][idx_test_x[f]] = 1.0
# Show the results
fig, ax = plt.subplots()