In [9]:
import common
# processed_dir = common.processed_dir
# bedpost_script_path = common.bedpost_script_path
# hardi_dir = common.hardi_dir
# sc_dir = common.sc_dir
# sc_script_dir = common.sc_script_dir
# subject_list = common.subject_list
# variables = common.variables
# scratch_dir = common.scratch_dir
# seed_file_path = common.seed_file_path
from datetime import datetime
import os
In [12]:
def pbs_path(seed, subject, fs='fs0'):
return os.path.join(common.sc_dir(subject, fs), 'cluster', '{}.pbs'.format(seed_n(seed)))
def is_finished(seed, basedir):
no_label = seed.replace('label/', '')
result_matrix = os.path.join(basedir, 'results', '{}.probtrackx2'.format(no_label), 'matrix_seeds_to_all_targets.nii.gz')
return os.path.isfile(result_matrix)
probtrack_pbs = """#!/bin/bash
#PBS -m a
#PBS -W group_list=h_vuiis
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
#PBS -l mem=14gb
#PBS -l walltime=00:96:00:00
#PBS -o {sub_scratch}/{out}
#PBS -e {sub_scratch}/{err}
cd {sub_scratch}
probtrackx2 -x {seed} \\
-s bedpostx/merged \\
-m bedpostx/nodif_brain_mask \\
-l \\
--usef \\
--s2tastext \\
--os2t \\
--onewaycondition \\
-c 0.2 \\
-S 2000 \\
--steplength=0.5 \\
-P 5000 \\
--fibthresh=0.01 \\
--distthresh=0.0 \\
--sampvox=0.0 \\
--xfm=$fs2fa \\
--meshspace=freesurfer \\
--avoid=$ventricles \\
--seedref=$fs \\
--forcedir \\
--opd \\
-V 1 \\
--omatrix1 \\
--dir={dir} \\
--waypoints=$waypoints \\
--waycond='OR' \\
--targetmasks=$seed_list \\
rm -rf {dir}*.asc
rsync -a {dir} cutting.vampire:{sub_fs0}/{dir}
def seed_n(seed):
return seed.replace('label/', '')
def pbs_text(seed, subject):
seed_name = seed_n(seed)
pbs_info = {'sub_variables': common.variables.safe_substitute(**common.get_setup_data(subject)),
'seed': seed,
'seed_name': seed_name,
'out': 'cluster/{}.out'.format(seed_name),
'err': 'cluster/{}.err'.format(seed_name),
'dir': 'results/{}.probtrackx2/'.format(seed_name),
'sub_scratch': common.scratch_dir(subject),
'sub_fs0': common.sc_dir(subject)}
return probtrack_pbs.format(**pbs_info)
def pbs_path(seed, subject, fs='fs0'):
return os.path.join(common.sc_dir(subject, fs), 'cluster', '{}.pbs'.format(seed_n(seed)))
def qsub_text(pbs_script, name=None):
parts = ['qsub', '-S /bin/bash',]
if name:
parts.append('-N {name}')
return ' '.join(parts).format(**locals())
assert qsub_text('foo.pbs', name='foo') == 'qsub -S /bin/bash -N foo foo.pbs'
In [13]:
qsubs = []
for subject in common.subject_list:
scratch_path = common.scratch_dir(subject)
fs0 = common.sc_dir(subject)
!rsync -a $fs0/ $scratch_path/ --exclude 'results'
with open(common.seed_file_path(subject)) as f:
seeds = [s for s in'\n') if s]
seeds_for_subject = 0
for i, seed in enumerate(seeds):
if not is_finished(seed, fs0):
seeds_for_subject += 1
seed_name = seed_n(seed)
text = pbs_text(seed, subject)
pbs = pbs_path(seed, subject, fs='scratch/burnsss1')
job_name = '{}.{}'.format(subject.split('_')[0], i)
with open(pbs, 'w') as f:
qsubs.append(qsub_text(pbs, job_name))
print("{:d} seeds left for {}".format(seeds_for_subject, subject))
res_dir = os.path.join(scratch_path, 'results')
if not os.path.isdir(res_dir):
submit_all ='/home/burnsss1/')
with open(submit_all, 'w') as f:
for i, qsub in enumerate(qsubs):
f.write(qsub + '\n')
if (i % 4) == 0:
f.write('sleep 2\n')
print("Wrote {}".format(submit_all))