At this stage in our exploration fo the synaptic diversity datasets, it seems that the main reasons we have had such difficulty with finding clusters is that there is simply too many outliers within the dataset. The method used to detect the synapses by our collaborator led to a large number if false positives. We must find and discard these false positives.
In [1]:
#This code ingests the provided dataset, throws out columns 5 and 6, and labels the columns.
loadData <- function(filepath = 'C:/Users/iakuznet/Desktop/the-fat-boys/data'){
#The data is composed of 144 columns, with each 6 consecutive columns corresponding to 1 of 24 markers. Apparently column 5 and 6 of the data are unnecessary and should be thrown out.
#List of fluorescent markers used
markers <- c('Synap_1', 'Synap_2', 'VGlut1_1', 'VGlut1_2', 'VGlut2', 'VGlut3', 'PSD', 'Glur2', 'NDAR1', 'NR2B', 'GAD', 'VGAT', 'PV',
'Gephyr', 'GABAR1', 'GABABR', 'CR1', '5HT1A', 'NOS', 'TH', 'VACht', 'Synapo', 'Tubuli', 'DAPI')
#What columns 1-4 for each of the florescent markers coorespond to.
labels <- c('Int_Bright','Local_Bright','Dist_COM','MOI')
#Generate labels for each column
col_labels <- c()
for (i in 1:length(markers)){
for (j in 1:length(labels)){
col_labels[(i - 1) * length(labels) + j] = paste(markers[i],"_",labels[j],sep = "")
#Change to relevant location of file
#Load in file using data.tables fread()
data <- fread("synapsinR_7thA.tif.Pivots.txt.2011Features.txt")
#Convert to dataframe
data <-
#Remove columns 5 and 6 corresponding to each fluorescent marker
good_ones <- c(1:dim(data)[2])
dim(good_ones) <- c(6,dim(data)[2] / 6)
good_ones <- good_ones[1:4,]
dim(good_ones) <- c(4 * dim(good_ones)[2],1)
data_cleaned <- data[,good_ones]
#Label data
colnames(data_cleaned) <- col_labels
We load our dataset:
In [2]:
data <- loadData()
In [3]:
#Subsamples 10000 rows from the original data set for easier analysis
subsampleRows <- function(data,samples = 10000,seed = 42){
#Subsample some number of rows for further analysis. Set seed for reproducibility.
set.seed(seed);rand_rows = sample(1:dim(data)[1],samples)
subsample <- data[rand_rows,]
We subsample 10,000 rows for further analysis:
In [4]:
subsample <- subsampleRows(data)
In [5]:
#Scales each column of the input data frame by converting to Z scores and optionally log scaling the data
scaleData <- function(data,center = TRUE,scale = TRUE, log = TRUE){
data_scaled <- scale(data, center = center,scale = scale)
norm_0_1 <- function(x) {(x - min(x, na.rm=TRUE))/(max(x,na.rm=TRUE) - min(x, na.rm=TRUE))}
data_scaled <- log(norm_0_1(data_scaled) + 1) / log(10)
We z-score scale and log z-score scale our data for further analysis:
In [6]:
subsample <- scaleData(subsample, log = FALSE)
subsample_s <- scaleData(subsample)
In [7]:
#For labeling
channel <- c('Synap_1','Synap_2','VGlut1_t1','VGlut1_t2','VGlut2','Vglut3',
channel.type <- c('ex.pre','ex.pre','ex.pre','ex.pre','ex.pre','in.pre.small',
nchannel <- length(channel)
nfeat <- ncol(data) / nchannel
fchannel <- as.numeric(factor(channel.type,
levels= c("ex.pre","","in.pre","","in.pre.small","other","none")
ford <- order(fchannel)
Syncol <- c("#197300","#5ed155","#990000","#cc0000","#ff9933","mediumblue","gold")
ccol <- Syncol[fchannel]
fname <- as.vector(sapply(channel,function(x) paste0(x,paste0("F",0:5))))
names(subsample) <- fname
names(subsample_s) <- fname
fcol <- rep(ccol, each=6)
mycol <- colorpanel(100, "purple", "black", "green")
mycol2 <-
We conduct the rest of the analysis only on f0:
In [8]:
#Use only f0
f0 <- seq(1,ncol(data),by=nfeat)
featF0s <- subset(subsample, select=f0)
flog <- subset(subsample_s, select=f0)
We first visualize the marginals:
In [9]:
#Visualize the marginals without log scaling
featKDE <- as.matrix(featF0s)
df <- melt(featKDE)
names(df) <- c("ind","channel","value")
ggplot(df, aes(x=value)) +
scale_color_manual(values=ccol) +
#scale_x_log10(limits=c(1e+03,1e+06), breaks=c(1e+03,5e+03,1e+04,5e+04,1e+05,5e+05,1e+06))+
geom_density(aes(group=channel, colour=channel))
In [10]:
#Visualize the marginals with log scaling
featKDE <- as.matrix(flog)
df <- melt(featKDE)
names(df) <- c("ind","channel","value")
ggplot(df, aes(x=value)) +
scale_color_manual(values=ccol) +
#scale_x_log10(limits=c(1e+03,1e+06), breaks=c(1e+03,5e+03,1e+04,5e+04,1e+05,5e+05,1e+06))+
geom_density(aes(group=channel, colour=channel))
In [11]:
#Visualize only the synapsin marginal without log scaling
featKDE <- as.matrix(featF0s[,1])
df <- melt(featKDE)
names(df) <- c("ind","channel","value")
ggplot(df, aes(x=value)) + geom_density()
In [12]:
#Visualize only the synapsin marginal with log scaling
featKDE <- as.matrix(flog[,1])
df <- melt(featKDE)
names(df) <- c("ind","channel","value")
ggplot(df, aes(x=value)) + geom_density()
It seems reasonable that the "synapses" with a low synapsin fluorescence are actually outliers. We will attempt to get rid of them in 3 main ways: (1) Remove any synapses with high DAPI fluorescence (2) Remove any synapses with high tubuli fluorescence (3) Remove the remaining synapses with low Synapsin fluorescence
We start with DAPI:
In [13]:
#Visualize only the DAPI marginal without log scaling
featKDE <- as.matrix(featF0s[,24])
df <- melt(featKDE)
names(df) <- c("ind","channel","value")
ggplot(df, aes(x=value)) + geom_density()
Remove the synapses with high DAPI fluorescence:
In [14]:
keep_index <- which(featF0s[,24] < 0.1)
reject_index <- which(featF0s[,24] > 0.1)
featF0s_rmdapi <-featF0s[keep_index,]
flog_rmdapi <- flog[keep_index,]
In [15]:
#Check the DAPI marginal
featKDE <- as.matrix(featF0s_rmdapi[,24])
df <- melt(featKDE)
names(df) <- c("ind","channel","value")
ggplot(df, aes(x=value)) + geom_density()
In [16]:
#Visualize the synapsin marginal of the rejected synapses (due to DAPI)
featKDE <- as.matrix(featF0s[reject_index,1])
df <- melt(featKDE)
names(df) <- c("ind","channel","value")
ggplot(df, aes(x=value)) + geom_density()
Next we remove the synapses wit high tubuli fluorescence:
In [17]:
#Visualize only the tubuli marginal without log scaling
featKDE <- as.matrix(featF0s_rmdapi[,23])
df <- melt(featKDE)
names(df) <- c("ind","channel","value")
ggplot(df, aes(x=value)) + geom_density()
In [18]:
keep_index <- which(featF0s_rmdapi[,23] < 0.1)
reject_index <- which(featF0s_rmdapi[,23] > 0.1)
featF0s_rmdt <-featF0s_rmdapi[keep_index,]
flog_rmdt <- flog_rmdapi[keep_index,]
In [19]:
#Check the tubuli marginal
featKDE <- as.matrix(featF0s_rmdt[,23])
df <- melt(featKDE)
names(df) <- c("ind","channel","value")
ggplot(df, aes(x=value)) + geom_density()
In [20]:
#Visualize the synapsin marginal of the rejected synapses (due to tubuli)
featKDE <- as.matrix(featF0s_rmdapi[reject_index,1])
df <- melt(featKDE)
names(df) <- c("ind","channel","value")
ggplot(df, aes(x=value)) + geom_density()
Let's see what is left:
In [21]:
#Visualize the synapsin marginal without log scaling of the remaining data
featKDE <- as.matrix(featF0s_rmdt[,1])
df <- melt(featKDE)
names(df) <- c("ind","channel","value")
ggplot(df, aes(x=value)) + geom_density()
Ok, now let us remove synapses with low Synapsin fluorescence:
In [22]:
keep_index <- which(featF0s_rmdt[,1] > 1)
reject_index <- which(featF0s_rmdt[,1] < 1)
featF0s_rmdtc <-featF0s_rmdt[keep_index,]
flog_rmdtc <- flog_rmdt[keep_index,]
Let's visualize the marginals again:
In [23]:
df <- melt(as.matrix(flog_rmdtc))
names(df) <- c("ind","channel","value")
ggplot(df, aes(x=value)) +
scale_color_manual(values=ccol) +
geom_density(aes(group=channel, colour=channel))
In [24]:
cl <- makeCluster(4)
K1 <- 12 ## Set the upperbound for k-means.
## Run kmeans on the scaled data
kvecF0 <- foreach(i = 1:K1) %dopar% {
set.seed(2^13 - 1)
## Run kmeans on the
## log scale transformed data
kvecflog <- foreach(i = 1:K1) %dopar% {
set.seed(2^13 - 1)
We now try to cluster the markers:
In [25]:
## Formatting data for heatmap
feat2 <- aggregate(featF0s_rmdtc,by=list(lab=kvecF0[[2]]$cluster),FUN=mean)
feat2 <- as.matrix(feat2[,-1])
colnames(feat2) <- gsub('_Int_Bright','',colnames(feat2))
ford <- order(fchannel)
heatmap.2(as.matrix(feat2), trace="none",col=mycol,colCol=ccol,cexRow=0.8, keysize=1,symkey=FALSE,symbreaks=FALSE,scale="none", srtCol=90) #
In [26]:
## Formatting data for heatmap
feat2 <- aggregate(flog_rmdtc,by=list(lab=kvecflog[[2]]$cluster),FUN=mean)
feat2 <- as.matrix(feat2[,-1])
colnames(feat2) <- gsub('_Int_Bright','',colnames(feat2))
ford <- order(fchannel)
heatmap.2(as.matrix(feat2), trace="none",col=mycol,colCol=ccol,cexRow=0.8, keysize=1,symkey=FALSE,symbreaks=FALSE,scale="none", srtCol=90) #
It seems like they cluster pretty well. Now let us try to cluster the synapses.
In [27]:
#PCA all data down to 2 dimensions
fit <- prcomp(x = flog_rmdtc,center = TRUE,scale = TRUE)
data_embed <- fit$x[,1:2];
embed_graph <-;
clust_graph <-,kvecF0[[2]]$cluster))
colnames(clust_graph)[3] <- 'Clusters'
clust_graph[,3] <- as.factor(clust_graph[,3])
p1 <- ggplot(clust_graph,aes(PC1,PC2,color = Clusters)) + geom_point(alpha = 0.75) +
theme(legend.text=element_text(size=14), legend.title = element_text(size = 20),panel.background = element_blank(), plot.background = element_blank()) +
ggtitle('PCA Embedding with 2-means Clusters')
In [28]:
ex_mean <- rowMeans(flog_rmdtc[,c(1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,19,23)])
in_mean <- rowMeans(flog_rmdtc[,c(6,11,12,13,14,15,16,17)])
exgin <- ex_mean > in_mean
index_true <- which(exgin == 1)
index_false <- which(exgin == 0)
exgin[index_true] <- 'Excitatory'
exgin[index_false] <- 'Inhibitory'
clust_graph <-
clust_graph <- cbind(clust_graph,
colnames(clust_graph)[3] <- 'Type'
clust_graph[,3] <- as.factor(clust_graph[,3])
p2 <- ggplot(clust_graph,aes(PC1,PC2,color = Type)) + geom_point(alpha = 0.75) +
theme(legend.text=element_text(size=14), legend.title = element_text(size = 20),panel.background = element_blank(), plot.background = element_blank()) +
ggtitle('PCA Embedding')
In [29]:
ex_mean <- rowMeans(flog_rmdtc[,c(1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,19,23)])
in_mean <- rowMeans(flog_rmdtc[,c(6,11,12,13,14,15,16,17)])
exgin <- (0.965 * ex_mean) > in_mean
index_true <- which(exgin == 1)
index_false <- which(exgin == 0)
exgin[index_true] <- 'Excitatory'
exgin[index_false] <- 'Inhibitory'
clust_graph <-
clust_graph <- cbind(clust_graph,
colnames(clust_graph)[3] <- 'Type'
clust_graph[,3] <- as.factor(clust_graph[,3])
p3 <- ggplot(clust_graph,aes(PC1,PC2,color = Type)) + geom_point(alpha = 0.75) +
theme(legend.text=element_text(size=14), legend.title = element_text(size = 20),panel.background = element_blank(), plot.background = element_blank()) +
ggtitle('PCA Embedding')
In [30]:
ex_mean <- rowMeans(flog[,c(1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,19,23)])
in_mean <- rowMeans(flog[,c(6,11,12,13,14,15,16,17)])
exgin <- (0.965 * ex_mean) > in_mean
index_true <- which(exgin == 1)
index_false <- which(exgin == 0)
exgin[index_true] <- 'Excitatory'
exgin[index_false] <- 'Inhibitory'
fit_old <- prcomp(x = flog,center = TRUE,scale = TRUE)
data_embed_old <- fit_old$x[,1:2];
clust_graph <-
clust_graph <- cbind(clust_graph,
colnames(clust_graph)[3] <- 'Type'
clust_graph[,3] <- as.factor(clust_graph[,3])
p4 <- ggplot(clust_graph,aes(PC1,PC2,color = Type)) + geom_point(alpha = 0.75) +
theme(legend.text=element_text(size=14), legend.title = element_text(size = 20),panel.background = element_blank(), plot.background = element_blank()) +
ggtitle('PCA Embedding')
In [31]:
ex_mean <- rowMeans(flog_rmdtc[,c(1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,19,23)])
in_mean <- rowMeans(flog_rmdtc[,c(6,11,12,13,14,15,16,17)])
exgin <- (0.965 * ex_mean) > in_mean
index_true <- which(exgin == 1)
index_false <- which(exgin == 0)
exgin[index_true] <- 'Excitatory'
exgin[index_false] <- 'Inhibitory'
fit_new <- prcomp(x = flog_rmdtc[,c(1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,19,23,6,11,12,13,14,15,16,17)],center = TRUE,scale = TRUE)
data_embed_new <- fit_new$x[,1:2];
clust_graph <-
clust_graph <- cbind(clust_graph,
colnames(clust_graph)[3] <- 'Type'
clust_graph[,3] <- as.factor(clust_graph[,3])
p5 <- ggplot(clust_graph,aes(PC1,PC2,color = Type)) + geom_point(alpha = 0.75) +
theme(legend.text=element_text(size=14), legend.title = element_text(size = 20),panel.background = element_blank(), plot.background = element_blank()) +
ggtitle('PCA Embedding')
In [32]:
ex_mean <- rowMeans(flog_rmdtc[,c(1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,19,23)])
in_mean <- rowMeans(flog_rmdtc[,c(6,11,12,13,14,15,16,17)])
exgin <- (0.965 * ex_mean) > in_mean
index_true <- which(exgin == 1)
index_false <- which(exgin == 0)
exgin[index_true] <- 'Excitatory'
exgin[index_false] <- 'Inhibitory'
fit_new <- prcomp(x = apply(flog_rmdtc[,c(1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,19,23,6,11,12,13,14,15,16,17)],2,rank),center = TRUE,scale = TRUE)
data_embed_new <- fit_new$x[,1:2];
clust_graph <-
clust_graph <- cbind(clust_graph,
colnames(clust_graph)[3] <- 'Type'
clust_graph[,3] <- as.factor(clust_graph[,3])
p6 <- ggplot(clust_graph,aes(PC1,PC2,color = Type)) + geom_point(alpha = 0.75) +
theme(legend.text=element_text(size=14), legend.title = element_text(size = 20),panel.background = element_blank(), plot.background = element_blank()) +
ggtitle('PCA Embedding')
In [33]:
tsne_data <- tsne(flog_rmdtc, perplexity=30,epoch = 100)
tsne_embed <- tsne_data
colnames(tsne_embed) <- c('E1','E2')
df <-,tsne_embed))
p7 <- ggplot(df, aes(E1, E2)) + geom_point()
In [34]:
tsne_data <- tsne(apply(flog_rmdtc,2,rank), perplexity=20,epoch = 100)
tsne_embed_alt <- tsne_data
colnames(tsne_embed_alt) <- c('E1','E2')
df <-,tsne_embed_alt))
p8 <- ggplot(df, aes(E1, E2)) + geom_point()
In [35]:
ex_mean <- rowMeans(flog_rmdtc[,c(1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,19,23)])
in_mean <- rowMeans(flog_rmdtc[,c(6,11,12,13,14,15,16,17)])
exgin <- (0.965 * ex_mean) > in_mean
index_true <- which(exgin == 1)
index_false <- which(exgin == 0)
exgin[index_true] <- 'Excitatory'
exgin[index_false] <- 'Inhibitory'
df <-,tsne_embed))
df <- cbind(df,
p7 <- ggplot(df, aes(E1, E2)) + geom_point(aes(color = exgin), alpha = 0.75)
Now let's switch gears. From literature, we know that about 20-25% of the synapses are inhbitiory, while the rest are excitatory. Perhaps we can use this to make pseudo-class labels for our synapses. Hopefully the structure of the labels will reveal something about the structure of the data.
In [45]:
ex_mean <- rowMeans(flog_rmdtc[,c(1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,19,23)])
in_mean <- rowMeans(flog_rmdtc[,c(6,11,12,13,14,15,16,17)])
possible_vals <- seq(0,2,0.01)
ex_per<- c()
for (i in possible_vals){
ex_per[round(i * 100 + 1)] <- sum((i * ex_mean) > in_mean) / length(ex_mean)
df <-,ex_per))
p8 <- ggplot(df,aes(possible_vals,ex_per)) + geom_line()
The threshold to use to have 80% of synapse labels be excitatory is ~0.985.
In [50]:
ex_mean <- rowMeans(flog_rmdtc[,c(1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,19,23)])
in_mean <- rowMeans(flog_rmdtc[,c(6,11,12,13,14,15,16,17)])
exgin <- (0.985 * ex_mean) > in_mean
exgin_n <- exgin
index_true <- which(exgin == 1)
index_false <- which(exgin == 0)
exgin[index_true] <- 'Excitatory'
exgin[index_false] <- 'Inhibitory'
fit_new <- prcomp(x = apply(flog_rmdtc,2,rank),center = TRUE,scale = TRUE)
data_embed_new <- fit_new$x[,1:2];
clust_graph <-
clust_graph <- cbind(clust_graph,
colnames(clust_graph)[3] <- 'Type'
clust_graph[,3] <- as.factor(clust_graph[,3])
p9 <- ggplot(clust_graph,aes(PC1,PC2,color = Type)) + geom_point(alpha = 0.75) +
theme(legend.text=element_text(size=14), legend.title = element_text(size = 20),panel.background = element_blank(), plot.background = element_blank()) +
ggtitle('PCA Embedding')
Let's treat the marker intensities as gene expression levels and look at which genes are most differentially expressed relative to the class labels.
In [62]:
#Find Wilcoxon rank sums
N1 <- sum(exgin_n)
N0 <- length(exgin_n) - N1
ranks <- apply(flog_rmdtc, 2, rank, ties.method = "average")
rank_sums <- colSums(ranks[exgin_n == 1,])
#Compare to mean
mean_sum <- N1 * (N0 + N1 + 1) / 2
rank_sums_centered_abs <- abs(rank_sums - mean_sum)
df <-
df <- cbind('_Int_Bright','',colnames(flog_rmdtc))),df)
colnames(df) <- c('name','val')
df$name <- factor(df$name, levels=unique(as.character(df$name)) )
p10 <- ggplot(df,aes(name,val)) + geom_point(color = ccol) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, color=ccol))
It looks like NDAR1, 5HT1A, NOS, TH, VACht, Synapo, Tubuli, and DAPI are not differentially expressed for the exitatory/inhbitiory labels. Note that we express the excitaotry to show greater differentialy expression than the inhbitiory become 80% of the markers are excitatory. Let's remove these 8 (columns 9, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24).
In [63]:
ex_mean <- rowMeans(flog_rmdtc[,c(1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,19,23)])
in_mean <- rowMeans(flog_rmdtc[,c(6,11,12,13,14,15,16,17)])
exgin <- (0.985 * ex_mean) > in_mean
exgin_n <- exgin
index_true <- which(exgin == 1)
index_false <- which(exgin == 0)
exgin[index_true] <- 'Excitatory'
exgin[index_false] <- 'Inhibitory'
fit_new <- prcomp(x = apply(flog_rmdtc[,-c(9,18,19,20,21,22,23,24)],2,rank),center = TRUE,scale = TRUE)
data_embed_new <- fit_new$x[,1:2];
clust_graph <-
clust_graph <- cbind(clust_graph,
colnames(clust_graph)[3] <- 'Type'
clust_graph[,3] <- as.factor(clust_graph[,3])
p10 <- ggplot(clust_graph,aes(PC1,PC2,color = Type)) + geom_point(alpha = 0.75) +
theme(legend.text=element_text(size=14), legend.title = element_text(size = 20),panel.background = element_blank(), plot.background = element_blank()) +
ggtitle('PCA Embedding')
There is better separability now. Just for sake of interest, let's look at 5HT1A, TH, VACht only (columns 18, 20 ,21).
In [64]:
fit_new <- prcomp(x = apply(flog_rmdtc[,c(18,20,21)],2,rank),center = TRUE,scale = TRUE)
data_embed_new <- fit_new$x[,1:2];
clust_graph <-
p11 <- ggplot(clust_graph,aes(PC1,PC2,)) + geom_point(alpha = 0.75) +
theme(legend.text=element_text(size=14), legend.title = element_text(size = 20),panel.background = element_blank(), plot.background = element_blank()) +
ggtitle('PCA Embedding')
Doesn't look like there is too much there. Let's return to the excitatory/inhibitory marker. In the future we can try generating labels for pre/post-synaptic excitoatory/inhibitory under the assumption that 50% are pre-synaptic and 50% are post-synaptic.