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examples in this notebook are based on Nicholas Hunt-Walker's plotting tutorial and Jake VanderPlas' matplotlib tutorial
In this notebook we will learn how to make basic plots like scatter plots, histograms and line plots in using matplotlib in python.
If you know what you want a plot to look like, but you don't know the code to make it, go to the matplotlib gallery, where you can see examples and see the source code that generated them.
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#The following set of commands are needed if you're on a MacOS and not Linux, which is none of you in class, so don't worry about it!
#import matplotlib
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# we use matplotlib and specifically pyplot
# the convention is to import it like this:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# We'll also read some data using astropy, so let's import that
import numpy as np
from import ascii
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# I'm also using this "magic" function to make my plots appear in this notebook
# Only do this when working with notebooks
%matplotlib inline
Let's make some sample x
and y
data, and plot it with the plt.plot
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# Sample data
x = np.arange(10)
y = np.arange(10, 20)
# Make the plot, then show the plot
plt.plot(x, y)
You can customize a bunch of features within the plot:
sets the symbol size color
sets the colorx
, .
, o
, +
, --
, -.
, :
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plt.plot(x, y, '.', markersize=20, color='red')
Let's plot a sine function:
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# Let's make x go from zero to 4*pi
x = np.linspace(0, 4*np.pi, 50)
y = np.sin(x)
# This will be a thick dashed line:
plt.plot(x, y, linestyle='--', linewidth=5)
# Add labels to the axes
# Set the plot title
plt.title('Sine Curve')
Let's plot a figure with errorbars:
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# Let's plot y=x^3
x = np.arange(10)
y = x**3
# Let's make up some errorbars in x and y
xerr_values = 0.2 * np.sqrt(x)
yerr_values = 5 * np.sqrt(y)
# Call the errorbar function
plt.errorbar(x, y, xerr=xerr_values, yerr=yerr_values)
There are three options for log-plots: plt.loglog()
, plt.semilogx()
, plt.semilogy()
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x = np.linspace(0, 20)
y = np.exp(x)
plt.semilogy(x, y)
To add a legend to your plot, include the label
argument in the plot command, then call plt.legend()
at the end of the plotting commands, before
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xred = np.random.rand(100)
yred = np.random.rand(100)
xblue = np.random.rand(20)
yblue = np.random.rand(20)
plt.plot(xred, yred, '^', color='red', markersize=8,
label='Red Points')
plt.plot(xblue, yblue, '+', color='blue', markersize=12,
markeredgewidth=3, label='Blue Points')
# You can also place the legend in different places using this:
# plt.legend(loc='lower left')
To save figures in python you just use plt.savefig()
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x = np.linspace(0, 10)
y = np.sin(x)
plt.plot(x, y)
# just give savefig the file name, or path to file name that you want to write
Let's make a log-log plot displaying Kepler's law:
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# Semimajor-axis in units of AU:
a_AU = np.array([0.387, 0.723, 1. , 1.524, 5.203, 9.537, 19.191, 30.069, 39.482])
# Orbital period in units of years
T_yr = np.array([0.24, 0.62, 1., 1.88, 11.86, 29.46, 84.01, 164.8, 247.7])
# Let's set gravity and mass of the sun in [cgs] units:
G = 6.67e-8
Msun = 1.99e+33
plt.loglog(a_AU, T_yr, 'o')
plt.xlabel('Semi-Major Axis [AU]')
plt.ylabel('Period [yrs]')
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# now plot a function over the data
# as you work more in python you will learn how to actually fit models to your data
def keplers_third_law(a, M):
return np.sqrt((4*np.pi**2 * a**3) / (G * M))
# Convert semimajor-axis into centimeters
a_cm = a_AU * 1.496e+13
# Convert period into seconds
T_s = T_yr * 3.154e+7
plt.loglog(a_cm, T_s, 'o')
plt.loglog(a_cm, keplers_third_law(a_cm, Msun), '--',
label='Keplers Third Law') # try swapping out Msun with something else and see what it looks like
plt.xlabel('Semi-Major Axis [cm]')
plt.ylabel('Period [s]')
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# first let's read in some data to use for plotting
galaxy_table ='data/mygalaxy.dat')
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# simple scatter plot
plt.scatter(galaxy_table['col1'], galaxy_table['col2'])
SIDE NOTE: If you are running things in the IPython environment or from a script you would want to do something like the following to get your plots to show up in a new window:
plt.scatter(galaxy_table['col1'], galaxy_table['col2'])
In an IPython Notebook, you will see the plot outputs whether or not you call
because we've used the %matplotlib inline
magic function.
Let's break down these basic examples:
With plt.scatter() you can change things like point color, point size, point edge color and point type. The argument syntax for adding these options are as follows:
or 'colorname''s'
for square, 'o'
for circle, '+'
for cross, 'x'
for x, '*'
for star, '^'
for triangle, etc.Let's do an example:
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plt.scatter(galaxy_table['col1'], galaxy_table['col2'],
color='blue', s=1, edgecolor='None', marker='o')
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# here would be the equivalent statement using plt.plot(), note that the syntax is a little different
plt.plot(galaxy_table['col1'], galaxy_table['col2'], 'o',
color='blue', markersize=1, markeredgecolor='None')
The plot is starting to look better, but there is one really important thing that is missing: axis labels. These are very easy to put in in matplotlib using plt.xlabel() and plt.ylabel().
These functions take strings as their arguments for the labels, but can also take other arguments that case the text format:
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plt.scatter(galaxy_table['col1'], galaxy_table['col2'], color='blue',
s=1, edgecolor='None', marker='o')
plt.xlabel('Galactic Longitude (degrees)',
fontweight='bold', size=16)
plt.ylabel('Galactic Latitude (degrees)',
fontweight='bold', size=16)
We can also change things like the axis limits with plt.xlim()
and plt.ylim().
For these we just want to feed it a range of values for each axis:
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plt.scatter(galaxy_table['col1'], galaxy_table['col2'],
color='blue', s=1, edgecolor='None', marker='o')
plt.xlabel('Galactic Longitude (degrees)',
fontweight='bold', size=16)
plt.ylabel('Galactic Latitude (degrees)',
fontweight='bold', size=16)
The axis labels are easy to read, but the numbers and tick marks on the axis are pretty small. We can tweak lots of little things about how the tick marks look, how they are spaced, and if we want to have a grid to guide the reader's eyes. I will give just a couple of examples here:
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plt.scatter(galaxy_table['col1'], galaxy_table['col2'],
color='blue', s=1, edgecolor='None', marker='o')
# Labels
plt.xlabel('Galactic Longitude (degrees)',
fontweight='bold', size=16)
plt.ylabel('Galactic Latitude (degrees)',
fontweight='bold', size=16)
# Set limits
# Choose axis ticks
plt.xticks(range(-180,210,60), fontsize=16, fontweight='bold') # change tick spacing, font size and bold
plt.yticks(range(-90,120,30), fontsize=16, fontweight='bold')
# turn on minor tick marks
plt.grid() # turn on a background grip to guide the eye
By default the figure is square, but maybe this is not the best way to represent our data. If this is the case we can change the size of the figure:
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plt.figure(figsize=(10,4)) # change figure size
plt.scatter(galaxy_table['col1'], galaxy_table['col2'],
color='blue', s=1, edgecolor='None', marker='o')
# Labels
plt.xlabel('Galactic Longitude (degrees)',
fontweight='bold', size=16)
plt.ylabel('Galactic Latitude (degrees)',
fontweight='bold', size=16)
# Set limits
# Choose axis ticks
plt.xticks(range(-180,210,60), fontsize=16, fontweight='bold') # change tick spacing, font size and bold
plt.yticks(range(-90,120,30), fontsize=16, fontweight='bold')
# turn on minor tick marks
plt.grid() # turn on a background grip to guide the eye
The last thing I'll mention here is how to put text on plots. This too is simple as long as you specify (x,y) coordinates for the text.
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plt.figure(figsize=(10,4)) # change figure size
plt.scatter(galaxy_table['col1'], galaxy_table['col2'],
color='blue', s=1, edgecolor='None', marker='o')
# the next three lines put text on the figure at the specified coordinates
plt.text(-90, -50, 'LMC', fontsize=20)
plt.text(-60, -60, 'SMC', fontsize=20)
plt.text(0, -30, 'MW Bulge', fontsize=20)
plt.xlabel('Galactic Longitude (degrees)',
fontweight='bold', size=16)
plt.ylabel('Galactic Latitude (degrees)',
fontweight='bold', size=16)
plt.xticks(range(-180,210,60), fontsize=16, fontweight='bold') # change tick spacing, font size and bold
plt.yticks(range(-90,120,30), fontsize=16, fontweight='bold')
plt.minorticks_on() # turn on minor tick marks
plt.grid() # turn on a background grip to guide the eye
Take the plot of that demonstrates Kepler's laws in our solar system, and:
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Histograms can be a great way to visualize data, and they are (surprise) easy to make it python! The basic command is
num, bins, patches = plt.hist(array, bins=number)
Num refers to the number of elements in each bin, and bins refers to each bin on the x-axis. Note that bins actually gives you bin EDGES, so there will always be num+1 number of bins. We can ignore patches for now. As arguments plt.hist() takes an array and the number of bins you would like (default is bins=10). Some other optional arguments for plt.hist are:
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# plots histogram where the y-axis is counts
x = np.random.randn(10000)
num, bins, patches = plt.hist(x, bins=50)
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# plots histogram where the y-axis is a probability distribution
plt.hist(x, bins=50, normed=True)
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# plots a histogram where the y-axis is a fraction of the total
weights = np.ones_like(x)/len(x)
plt.hist(x, bins=50, weights=weights)
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# print out num and bins and see what they look like! what size is each array?
# how would you plot this histogram using plt.plot? what is the x value and what is the y value?
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# make two side by side plots
x1 = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0)
x2 = np.linspace(0.0, 2.0)
y1 = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x1) * np.exp(-x1)
y2 = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x2)
plt.subplot(1,2,1) # 1 row, 2 columns, 1st figure
plt.subplot(1,2,2) # 1 row, 2 columsn, 2nd figure
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# stack two plots on top of one another
plt.subplot(2,1,1) # 1 row, 2 columns, 1st figure
plt.subplot(2,1,2) # 1 row, 2 columsn, 2nd figure
You can do fancier things with subplots like have different plots share the same axis, put smaller plots as insets to larger plots, etc. Again, take a look at things like the matplotlib library for examples of different plots.
Let's try to make some plots with a new dataset. The file that we'll use is taken from
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# don't worry about this way to read in files right now
import pandas as pd
exoplanets = pd.read_csv('data/exoplanet.eu_catalog_1022.csv')
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# get rid of some rows with missing values to be safe
exoplanets = exoplanets[np.isfinite(exoplanets['orbital_period'])]
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# let's see what the data table looks like
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# plot distance from host star versus mass (in jupiter masses) for each exoplanet
plt.loglog(exoplanets['semi_major_axis'], exoplanets['mass'],'.')
plt.annotate("Earth", xy=(1,1/317.), size=12)
plt.annotate("Jupiter", xy=(5,1), size=12)
plt.xlabel('Semi-Major Axis [AU]',size=20)
plt.ylabel('Mass [M$_{Jup}$]', size=20)
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# let's try to find out if the blobs above separate out by detection type
import seaborn as sns; sns.set()
transits = exoplanets[exoplanets['detection_type'] == 'Primary Transit']
radial_vel = exoplanets[exoplanets['detection_type'] == 'Radial Velocity']
imaging = exoplanets[exoplanets['detection_type'] == 'Imaging']
ttv = exoplanets[exoplanets['detection_type'] == 'TTV']
plt.loglog(transits['semi_major_axis'], transits['mass'], '.', label='Transit',markersize=12)
plt.loglog(radial_vel['semi_major_axis'], radial_vel['mass'], '.', label='Radial Vel', markersize=12)
plt.loglog(imaging['semi_major_axis'], imaging['mass'], '.', label='Direct Imaging', markersize=16)
plt.loglog(ttv['semi_major_axis'], ttv['mass'], '.', label='TTV', color='cyan', markersize=16)
plt.annotate("Earth", xy=(1,1/317.), size=12)
plt.annotate("Jupiter", xy=(5,1), size=12)
plt.xlabel('Semi-Major Axis [AU]', size=20)
plt.ylabel('Mass [M$_{Jup}$]', size=20)
plt.legend(loc=4, prop={'size':16})
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# and now just for fun an xkcd style plot!
plt.scatter(exoplanets['discovered'], exoplanets['radius']*11)
plt.xlabel('Year Discovered')
plt.ylabel('Radius [R_Earth]')
# to revert back to regular plotting:
Take the seaborn plot of exoplanet detections, and edit it so that Earth, Mars, and Jupiter are plotted as data points with labels, instead of Earth and Jupiter being just text annotations.
After you've made the changes, let's try to interpret this plot. Answer the following questions:
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A Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram is a type of scatter plot that is widely used by astronomers. On the x-axis is the color (B-V value), or effective temperature, and on the y-axis is the absolute magnitude, or luminosity. In other words, it is a plot of a star's brightness (y-axis) against its temperature (x-axis). As you can see in the plot below, temperature increases to the left, and brightness increases as you move up the y-axis. Note that this is an idealized depiction of an HR diagram. Observations will always show more scatter!
It is also apparent that when plotted in this way, stars fall into distinct groups. The most prominent group is the line extending diagonally across the plot. This is referred to as the "main sequence," and is the stage of stellar evolution where stars spend most of their time. During this stage stars are fusing hydrogen into helium in their cores. When stars eventually move off the main sequence they undergo different pathways of evolution depending on their masses. Some stars will fuse all the way up to iron in their cores, while some, like our sun, will only get to fusing helium.
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