This little example demonstrates how to use scikit-rf for a basic TRL calibration.
In [ ]:
import skrf as rf
from skrf.calibration import TRL
%matplotlib inline
from skrf.plotting import stylely
Load the calibration standard's measurements and the switch terms from touchstone files. ( If you dont know what switch terms are, see this section below. )
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T = rf.Network('trl_data/thru.s2p')
R = rf.Network('trl_data/reflect.s2p')
L = rf.Network('trl_data/line.s2p')
switch_terms = (rf.Network('trl_data/forward switch term.s1p'),
rf.Network('trl_data/reverse switch term.s1p'))
measured = [T,R,L]
In [ ]:
trl = TRL(measured = measured,
switch_terms = switch_terms)
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dut_raw = rf.Network('trl_data/mismatched line.s2p')
dut_corrected = trl.apply_cal(dut_raw)
Described in [1] by Roger Marks, switch-terms account for the fact that the 8-term (aka error-box ) model is overly simplified. The two error networks change slightly depending on which port is being excited. This is due to the internal switch within the VNA. The change in reflection coefficient at the VNA's internal switch is known as a switch term, it can be directed measured and removed.
To measure the switch terms manually, you can define custom traces as ratio's of receivers and save the data to touchstone files. Assume ports are labeled 1 and 2, and incident waves are a's and reflected waves are b's. Then, the
with source port 1
with source port 2
Yes. There is a PNA driver in the module
. It has code to pull the switch terms.
Yes. See the image below for an example of setting this up on a PNA.
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from IPython.display import Image