After the web opening, admin tells the user that they have to change the password because we don't migrate them from Prestashop. The problem is old users don't have a user nicename, so they can't change their password. We solve this problem by copy the information of "user_login" column to fill nan values in "user_nicename" column of wp_post_meta.
Import library
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import pandas as pd
Load the data
users = pd.read_csv('sql_prestashop/wp_users_2018.csv', index_col=False)
Sort dataframe by ID for comfortable look.
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users = users.sort_values('ID')
Select only the the nan value rows.
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users_no_nice = users[users['user_nicename'].isnull()]
Set user_nicename column eqaul to user_login column.
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users_no_nice['user_nicename'] = users_no_nice['user_login']
There are some entries have uppercase letter. Change them to lowercase.
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users_no_nice['user_nicename'] = users_no_nice['user_nicename'].str.lower()
The some entries are in e-mail form. We must change the "@" and "." to "-".
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users_no_nice['user_nicename'] = users_no_nice['user_nicename'].str.replace('@', '-')
users_no_nice['user_nicename'] = users_no_nice['user_nicename'].str.replace('.', '-')
Fill nan value with the "user_no_nice" dataframe.
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users['user_nicename'].fillna(users_no_nice['user_nicename'], inplace=True)
Export to .csv
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users.to_csv('customer_import_to_woo/wp_users_with_nicename.csv', encoding='utf-8', index=False)