In [1]:
# create entry points to spark
from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession(sparkContext=sc)

Boolean column expression

Create a column expression that will return boolean values.

Example data

In [3]:
mtcars ='../../data/mtcars.csv', inferSchema=True, header=True)
mtcars = mtcars.withColumnRenamed('_c0', 'model')

|              model| mpg|cyl| disp| hp|drat|   wt| qsec| vs| am|gear|carb|
|          Mazda RX4|21.0|  6|160.0|110| 3.9| 2.62|16.46|  0|  1|   4|   4|
|      Mazda RX4 Wag|21.0|  6|160.0|110| 3.9|2.875|17.02|  0|  1|   4|   4|
|         Datsun 710|22.8|  4|108.0| 93|3.85| 2.32|18.61|  1|  1|   4|   1|
|     Hornet 4 Drive|21.4|  6|258.0|110|3.08|3.215|19.44|  1|  0|   3|   1|
|  Hornet Sportabout|18.7|  8|360.0|175|3.15| 3.44|17.02|  0|  0|   3|   2|
|            Valiant|18.1|  6|225.0|105|2.76| 3.46|20.22|  1|  0|   3|   1|
|         Duster 360|14.3|  8|360.0|245|3.21| 3.57|15.84|  0|  0|   3|   4|
|          Merc 240D|24.4|  4|146.7| 62|3.69| 3.19| 20.0|  1|  0|   4|   2|
|           Merc 230|22.8|  4|140.8| 95|3.92| 3.15| 22.9|  1|  0|   4|   2|
|           Merc 280|19.2|  6|167.6|123|3.92| 3.44| 18.3|  1|  0|   4|   4|
|          Merc 280C|17.8|  6|167.6|123|3.92| 3.44| 18.9|  1|  0|   4|   4|
|         Merc 450SE|16.4|  8|275.8|180|3.07| 4.07| 17.4|  0|  0|   3|   3|
|         Merc 450SL|17.3|  8|275.8|180|3.07| 3.73| 17.6|  0|  0|   3|   3|
|        Merc 450SLC|15.2|  8|275.8|180|3.07| 3.78| 18.0|  0|  0|   3|   3|
| Cadillac Fleetwood|10.4|  8|472.0|205|2.93| 5.25|17.98|  0|  0|   3|   4|
|Lincoln Continental|10.4|  8|460.0|215| 3.0|5.424|17.82|  0|  0|   3|   4|
|  Chrysler Imperial|14.7|  8|440.0|230|3.23|5.345|17.42|  0|  0|   3|   4|
|           Fiat 128|32.4|  4| 78.7| 66|4.08|  2.2|19.47|  1|  1|   4|   1|
|        Honda Civic|30.4|  4| 75.7| 52|4.93|1.615|18.52|  1|  1|   4|   2|
|     Toyota Corolla|33.9|  4| 71.1| 65|4.22|1.835| 19.9|  1|  1|   4|   1|
only showing top 20 rows

between(): true/false if the column value is between a given range

In [4]:
mpg_between = mtcars.cyl.between(4,6)

Column<b'((cyl >= 4) AND (cyl <= 6))'>

In [5]:, mpg_between).show(5)

|cyl|((cyl >= 4) AND (cyl <= 6))|
|  6|                       true|
|  6|                       true|
|  4|                       true|
|  6|                       true|
|  8|                      false|
only showing top 5 rows

contains(): true/false if the column value contains a string

In [6]:
model_contains = mtcars.model.contains('Ho')

Column<b'contains(model, Ho)'>

In [7]:, model_contains).show(5)

|            model|contains(model, Ho)|
|        Mazda RX4|              false|
|    Mazda RX4 Wag|              false|
|       Datsun 710|              false|
|   Hornet 4 Drive|               true|
|Hornet Sportabout|               true|
only showing top 5 rows

endswith(): true/false if the column value ends with a string

In [8]:
model_endswith = mtcars.model.endswith('t')

Column<b'endswith(model, t)'>

In [9]:, model_endswith).show(6)

|            model|endswith(model, t)|
|        Mazda RX4|             false|
|    Mazda RX4 Wag|             false|
|       Datsun 710|             false|
|   Hornet 4 Drive|             false|
|Hornet Sportabout|              true|
|          Valiant|              true|
only showing top 6 rows

isNotNull(): true/false if the column value is not Null

In [10]:
from pyspark.sql import Row
df = spark.createDataFrame([Row(name='Tom', height=80), Row(name='Alice', height=None)])

|height| name|
|    80|  Tom|
|  null|Alice|

In [11]:
height_isNotNull = df.height.isNotNull()

Column<b'(height IS NOT NULL)'>

In [12]:, height_isNotNull).show()

|height|(height IS NOT NULL)|
|    80|                true|
|  null|               false|

isNull(): true/false if the column value is Null

In [13]:
height_isNull = df.height.isNull()

Column<b'(height IS NULL)'>

In [14]:, height_isNull).show()

|height|(height IS NULL)|
|    80|           false|
|  null|            true|

isin(): true/false if the column value is contained by the evaluated argument

In [15]:
carb_isin = mtcars.carb.isin([2, 3])

Column<b'(carb IN (2, 3))'>

In [16]:, carb_isin).show(10)

|carb|(carb IN (2, 3))|
|   4|           false|
|   4|           false|
|   1|           false|
|   1|           false|
|   2|            true|
|   1|           false|
|   4|           false|
|   2|            true|
|   2|            true|
|   4|           false|
only showing top 10 rows

like(): true/false if the column value matches a pattern based on a SQL LIKE

In [17]:
model_like ='Ho%')

Column<b'model LIKE Ho%'>

In [18]:, model_like).show(10)

|            model|model LIKE Ho%|
|        Mazda RX4|         false|
|    Mazda RX4 Wag|         false|
|       Datsun 710|         false|
|   Hornet 4 Drive|          true|
|Hornet Sportabout|          true|
|          Valiant|         false|
|       Duster 360|         false|
|        Merc 240D|         false|
|         Merc 230|         false|
|         Merc 280|         false|
only showing top 10 rows

rlike(): true/false if the column value matches a pattern based on a SQL RLIKE (LIKE with Regex)

In [19]:
model_rlike = mtcars.model.rlike('t$')

Column<b'model RLIKE t$'>

In [20]:, model_rlike).show()

|              model|model RLIKE t$|
|          Mazda RX4|         false|
|      Mazda RX4 Wag|         false|
|         Datsun 710|         false|
|     Hornet 4 Drive|         false|
|  Hornet Sportabout|          true|
|            Valiant|          true|
|         Duster 360|         false|
|          Merc 240D|         false|
|           Merc 230|         false|
|           Merc 280|         false|
|          Merc 280C|         false|
|         Merc 450SE|         false|
|         Merc 450SL|         false|
|        Merc 450SLC|         false|
| Cadillac Fleetwood|         false|
|Lincoln Continental|         false|
|  Chrysler Imperial|         false|
|           Fiat 128|         false|
|        Honda Civic|         false|
|     Toyota Corolla|         false|
only showing top 20 rows

startswith(): true/false if the column value starts with a string

In [21]:
model_startswith = mtcars.model.startswith('Merc')

Column<b'startswith(model, Merc)'>

In [22]:, model_startswith).show()

|              model|startswith(model, Merc)|
|          Mazda RX4|                  false|
|      Mazda RX4 Wag|                  false|
|         Datsun 710|                  false|
|     Hornet 4 Drive|                  false|
|  Hornet Sportabout|                  false|
|            Valiant|                  false|
|         Duster 360|                  false|
|          Merc 240D|                   true|
|           Merc 230|                   true|
|           Merc 280|                   true|
|          Merc 280C|                   true|
|         Merc 450SE|                   true|
|         Merc 450SL|                   true|
|        Merc 450SLC|                   true|
| Cadillac Fleetwood|                  false|
|Lincoln Continental|                  false|
|  Chrysler Imperial|                  false|
|           Fiat 128|                  false|
|        Honda Civic|                  false|
|     Toyota Corolla|                  false|
only showing top 20 rows

In [ ]: