
This notebook contains all the code needed to automatically calculate the Facial-Width-Height ratio based on an image using the face_recognition package.

In [1]:
NAME = 'FWHR_calculator'
AUTHOR = 'Ties de Kok'

Looking for examples? Click here: Examples



In [2]:
%pylab inline

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

In [3]:
import math

from matplotlib.pyplot import imshow
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
import face_recognition

import urllib.request

All the heavy-lifting is done by the face_recognition package, you need to have it installed!

Main Code

Function to load an image

This function loads an image from the drive or downloads it from a link if url is set to True.

In [4]:
def load_image(path, url=False):
    if not url:
        return face_recognition.load_image_file(path)
        if path[-3:] == 'jpg' or  path[-3:] == 'peg':
            urllib.request.urlretrieve(path, 'tmp.jpg')
            return face_recognition.load_image_file('tmp.jpg')
        elif path[-3:] == 'png':
            urllib.request.urlretrieve(path, 'tmp.png')
            return face_recognition.load_image_file('tmp.png')
            print("Unknown image type")

Function to get the contour face points

This function calculates the coordinates for the corners of the "FWHR" box.
Note 1: it is possible to calculate the top line based on either the bottom of the eyebrows (top = "eyebrow") or the eyelids (top = "eyelid").
Note 2: to counter-act small amounts of rotation it will by default take the average between the height of the two top points.

In [5]:
def get_face_points(points, method='average', top='eyebrow'):
    width_left, width_right = points[0], points[16]
    if top == 'eyebrow':
        top_left = points[18]
        top_right = points[25]
    elif top == 'eyelid':
        top_left = points[37]
        top_right = points[43] 
        raise ValueError('Invalid top point, use either "eyebrow" or "eyelid"')
    bottom_left, bottom_right = points[50], points[52]
    if method == 'left':
        coords = (width_left[0], width_right[0], top_left[1], bottom_left[1])
    elif method == 'right':
        coords = (width_left[0], width_right[0], top_right[1], bottom_right[1])
        top_average = int((top_left[1] + top_right[1]) / 2)
        bottom_average = int((bottom_left[1] + bottom_right[1]) / 2)
        coords = (width_left[0], width_right[0], top_average, bottom_average)
    ## Move the line just a little above the top of the eye to the eyelid    
    if top == 'eyelid':
        coords = (coords[0], coords[1], coords[2] - 4, coords[3])
    return {'top_left' : (coords[0], coords[2]),
            'bottom_left' : (coords[0], coords[3]),
            'top_right' : (coords[1], coords[2]),
            'bottom_right' : (coords[1], coords[3])

Function to check suitability of picture

This function checks whether a picture contains a person that is looking straight at the camera.

In [6]:
def good_picture_check(p, debug=False):
    ## To scale for picture size
    width_im = (p[16][0] - p[0][0]) / 100
    ## Difference in height between eyes
    eye_y_l = (p[37][1] + p[41][1]) / 2.0
    eye_y_r = (p[44][1] + p[46][1]) / 2.0
    eye_dif = (eye_y_r - eye_y_l) / width_im
    ## Difference top / bottom point nose 
    nose_dif = (p[30][0] - p[27][0]) / width_im
    ## Space between face-edge to eye, left vs. right
    left_space = p[36][0] - p[0][0]
    right_space = p[16][0] - p[45][0]
    space_ratio = left_space / right_space
    if debug:
        print(eye_dif, nose_dif, space_ratio)
    ## These rules are not perfect, determined by trying a bunch of "bad" pictures
    if eye_dif > 5 or nose_dif > 3.5 or space_ratio > 3:
        return False
        return True

Function to calculate the FWHR

This function calculates the FWHR based on the corners: Width / Height

In [7]:
def FWHR_calc(corners):
    width = corners['top_right'][0] - corners['top_left'][0]
    height = corners['bottom_left'][1] - corners['top_left'][1]
    return float(width) / float(height)

Function to show the FWHR box on the image

This function shows the FWHR box on the original image.

In [8]:
def show_box(image, corners):
    pil_image = Image.fromarray(image)
    w, h = pil_image.size
    ## Automatically determine width of the line depending on size of picture
    line_width = math.ceil(h / 100)
    d = ImageDraw.Draw(pil_image) 
    d.line([corners['bottom_left'], corners['top_left']], width = line_width)
    d.line([corners['bottom_left'], corners['bottom_right']], width = line_width)
    d.line([corners['top_left'], corners['top_right']], width = line_width)
    d.line([corners['top_right'], corners['bottom_right']], width = line_width)

Final function that combines the previous functions

This function combines all the previous logic into one function.


image_path $\rightarrow$ path or URL to image
url $\rightarrow$ set to True if image_path is a url
show $\rightarrow$ set to False if you only want it to return the FWHR
method $\rightarrow$ determines which eye to use for the top point: left, right, or average
top $\rightarrow$ determines whether to use the eyebrow as top point or eyelid as top point

In [9]:
def get_fwhr(image_path, url=False, show=True, method='average', top='eyelid'):
    image = load_image(image_path, url)
    landmarks = face_recognition.api._raw_face_landmarks(image)
    landmarks_as_tuples = [(p.x, p.y) for p in landmarks[0].parts()]
    if good_picture_check(landmarks_as_tuples): 
        corners = get_face_points(landmarks_as_tuples, method=method, top = top)
        fwh_ratio = FWHR_calc(corners)
        if show:
            print('The Facial-Width-Height ratio is: {}'.format(fwh_ratio))
            show_box(image, corners)
            return fwh_ratio
        if show:
            print("Picture is not suitable to calculate fwhr.")
            return None


Basic example

In [10]:
guy_url = ''
get_fwhr(guy_url, url=True)

The Facial-Width-Height ratio is: 1.9367088607594938

Difference eyelid vs. eyebrow

In [11]:
obama_url = ''
get_fwhr(obama_url, url=True, top = 'eyelid')

The Facial-Width-Height ratio is: 1.9285714285714286

In [12]:
get_fwhr(obama_url, url=True, top = 'eyebrow')

The Facial-Width-Height ratio is: 1.8

FWHR only

In [13]:
get_fwhr(obama_url, url=True, top = 'eyebrow', show=False)


Detection of bad picture

In [14]:
bad_img_url_1 = ''
get_fwhr(bad_img_url_1, url=True)

Picture is not suitable to calculate fwhr.

In [15]:
bad_img_url_2 = ''
get_fwhr(bad_img_url_2, url=True)

Picture is not suitable to calculate fwhr.


The data points used in the functions above use this picture as reference:

In [102]:
from IPython.display import Image as ImageShow
ImageShow(url = '*AbEg31EgkbXSQehuNJBlWg.png')
