This is an analysis of complaints data, munged here.

The fields are:

  1. abuse_number: A unique number assigned each complaint.
  2. facility_id: A unique number to each facility building. Stays if ownership changes.
  3. facility_type: NF: Nursing Facility; ALF: Assisted Living Facility; RCF: Residential Care Facility.
  4. facility_name: Name of facility as of January 2017, when DHS provided the facility data to The Oregonian.
  5. abuse_type: A – facility abuse; L – licensing. Note: This does not apply to nursing facilities. All their complaints are either blank in this field or licensing.
  6. fine: Amount that state initialy fined the facility. Not necessarily amount of final fine.
  7. action_notes: DHS determination of what general acts constituted the abuse or rule violation.
  8. incident_date: Date the incident occured
  9. outcome: A very brief description of the consequences of the abuse or rule violation to the resident
  10. outcome_notes: A detailed description of what happened.
  11. year: year incident occured
  12. online_fac_name: If complaint is online, name listed for the facility
  13. public: Whether or not complaint is online
  14. omg_outcome: Field we created to group some similar outcomes.

In [17]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
display(HTML("<style>.container { width:100% !important; }</style>"))
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', -1)

In [18]:
df = pd.read_csv('../../data/processed/complaints-3-29-scrape.csv')

How many total complaints are there?

In [19]:


How many complaints do not appear in the state's public database?

In [20]:


How many complaints do appear in the state's public database?

In [21]:


What percent of complaints are missing?

In [22]:


How many complaints were labelled 'Exposed to potential harm' or 'No negative outcome?'

In [23]:
df[(df['outcome']=='Exposed to Potential Harm') | (df['outcome']=='No Negative Outcome')].count()[0]


Of all missing complaints, what percent are in the above two categories?

In [24]:
df[(df['outcome']=='Exposed to Potential Harm') |
   (df['outcome']=='No Negative Outcome')].count()[0]/df[df['public']=='offline'].count()[0]*100


What's the online/offline breakdown by outcome?

This was used in graphics

In [25]:
totals = df.groupby(['omg_outcome','public']).count()['abuse_number'].unstack().reset_index()

In [26]:
totals.fillna(0, inplace = True)

In [27]:
totals['total'] = totals['online']+totals['offline']

In [28]:
totals['pct_offline'] = round(totals['offline']/totals['total']*100)

In [29]:

public omg_outcome offline online total pct_offline
16 Staffing issues 12.0 0.0 12.0 100.0
1 Denied readmission or moved improperly 35.0 2.0 37.0 95.0
14 Potential harm 2361.0 148.0 2509.0 94.0
3 Fall, no injury 150.0 13.0 163.0 92.0
8 Left facility without attendant, no injury 207.0 18.0 225.0 92.0
9 Loss of Dignity 884.0 97.0 981.0 90.0
12 Medication error 983.0 217.0 1200.0 82.0
5 Inadequate care 496.0 170.0 666.0 74.0
6 Inadequate hygiene 138.0 104.0 242.0 57.0
10 Loss of property, theft or financial exploitation 809.0 737.0 1546.0 52.0
13 Physical abuse 89.0 92.0 181.0 49.0
18 Verbal or emotional abuse 70.0 94.0 164.0 43.0
7 Involuntary seclusion 8.0 11.0 19.0 42.0
2 Failure to address resident aggression 395.0 622.0 1017.0 39.0
4 Fracture or other injury 680.0 1185.0 1865.0 36.0
11 Medical condition developed or worsened 370.0 1046.0 1416.0 26.0
0 Death 7.0 23.0 30.0 23.0
15 Sexual abuse 15.0 49.0 64.0 23.0
17 Unreasonable discomfort or continued pain 115.0 452.0 567.0 20.0
19 Weight loss 20.0 106.0 126.0 16.0

How many offline complaints in the database were found to have "abuse," "neglect" or "exploitation?"

In [30]:
df['outcome_notes'].fillna('', inplace = True)

In [31]:
df[(df['outcome_notes'].str.contains('constitute neglect|constitutes neglect|constitute abuse|constitutes abuse|constitutes exploitation|constitutes financial exploitation')) & (df['public']=='offline')].count()[0]


"The state fined the facilities in hundreds of those cases."

In how many 'potential harm' cases were facilities fined?

In [32]:
df[(df['omg_outcome']=='Potential harm') & (df['fine']>0) & (df['public']=='offline')].count()[0]
