This notebook is useful for loopback tests when you have some Borealis data you would like to verify. This notebook is built off of the original test_beamforming.py script that I wrote in Nov/Dec 2018 to verify beamforming algorithms in Borealis. However, these analyses are useful to verify data after any update to the Borealis code. What follows is a list of functions that I plan to build into this script. - Marci Detwiller Feb 2019

If only release-mode data is available for a given time, this notebook will:

  1. Plot the time domain data, or a portion of the data
  2. Verify location of the pulses in the data and pulse length
  3. Plot the frequency spectrum and find the peaks
  4. Verify the beamforming if output_samples_iq is available

If debug-mode data is available (rawrf, txdata, stage_1_iq, etc.), this notebook will also:

  1. Verify the rawrf from the txdata
  2. Find the peaks of the FFT in the rawrf data and compare to the bfiq data to verify the decimation

In [44]:
%matplotlib inline
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

import sys
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import deepdish
import numpy as np
import random

from plotting_borealis_data_utils import *

The autoreload extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
  %reload_ext autoreload

In [64]:
filename = '/data/borealis_data/20190211/20190211.1547.46.sas.0.output_samples_iq.hdf5'
data_file = os.path.basename(filename)
data_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(filename)) # get directory outside of the data (/data/borealis_data)

record_name = None  # or change if you want a specific record

In [65]:
# get the corresponding data files to this data file, including output_samples_iq, bfiq,
# rawrf, txdata if available.

data_file_metadata = data_file.split('.')

date_of_file = data_file_metadata[0]
timestamp_of_file = '.'.join(data_file_metadata[0:3])
station_name = data_file_metadata[3]
slice_id_number = data_file_metadata[4]
type_of_file = data_file_metadata[-2]  # XX.hdf5
if type_of_file == slice_id_number:
    slice_id_number = '0'  # choose the first slice to search for other available files.
    type_of_file = slice_id_number + '.' + type_of_file
file_suffix = data_file_metadata[-1]

if file_suffix != 'hdf5':
    raise Exception('Incorrect File Suffix: {}'.format(file_suffix))

output_samples_filetype = slice_id_number + ".output_samples_iq"
bfiq_filetype = slice_id_number + ".bfiq"
stage_1_filetype = slice_id_number + ".stage_1_iq"
stage_2_filetype = slice_id_number + ".stage_2_iq"
stage_3_filetype = slice_id_number + ".stage_3_iq"
# stage 4 = output_samples_iq so unnecessary
rawrf_filetype = "rawrf"
tx_filetype = "txdata"
file_types_avail = [bfiq_filetype, output_samples_filetype, tx_filetype, rawrf_filetype, 
                    stage_1_filetype, stage_2_filetype, stage_3_filetype]

if type_of_file not in file_types_avail:
    raise Exception(
        'Data type: {} not incorporated in script. Allowed types: {}'.format(type_of_file,

data = {}
print('Available Filetypes: ')
for file_type in list(file_types_avail):  # copy of file_types_avail so we can modify it within.
        filename = data_directory + '/' + date_of_file + '/' + timestamp_of_file + \
                    '.' + station_name + '.' + file_type + '.hdf5'
        data[file_type] = deepdish.io.load(filename)
        if file_type == type_of_file:  # if this is the filename you provided.

Available Filetypes: 

In [66]:
# Choose a record from the provided file, and get that record for each filetype to analyze side by side.
# Also reshaping data to correct dimensions - if there is a problem with reshaping, we will also not use that record.

good_record_found = False
record_attempts = 0
while not good_record_found:
    if record_name is None:
        record_name = random.choice(list(data[type_of_file].keys()))
    print('Record Name Chosen: {}'.format(record_name))
    record_data = {}

        for file_type in file_types_avail:
            record_data[file_type] = data[file_type][record_name]

            if file_type == bfiq_filetype:
                bf_iq = record_data[bfiq_filetype]

            if file_type == output_samples_filetype:
                output_samples_iq = record_data[output_samples_filetype]

            if file_type == rawrf_filetype:
                rawrf = record_data[rawrf_filetype]

            # tx data does not need to be reshaped.
            if file_type == tx_filetype:
                tx = record_data[tx_filetype]

    except ValueError as e:
        print('Record {} raised an exception in filetype {}:\n'.format(record_name, file_type))
        print('\nA new record will be selected.')
        record_attempts +=1
        if record_attempts == 3:
            raise # something is wrong with the files 
    else:  # no errors
        good_record_found = True

if bfiq_filetype not in file_types_avail:
    raise Exception('BFIQ data is required to do tests and could not be loaded.')

Record Name Chosen: 1549900107192

In [67]:

dict_keys(['antenna_arrays_order', 'beam_azms', 'beam_nums', 'blanked_samples', 'data', 'data_descriptors', 'data_dimensions', 'lags', 'pulses', 'sqn_timestamps', 'borealis_git_hash', 'comment', 'experiment_id', 'experiment_string', 'first_range', 'first_range_rtt', 'freq', 'int_time', 'intf_antenna_count', 'main_antenna_count', 'num_lags', 'num_pulses', 'num_samps', 'num_sequences', 'rx_sample_rate', 'samples_data_type', 'scan_start_marker', 'station', 'tau_spacing', 'timestamp_of_write', 'tx_pulse_len'])
['num_antennas' 'num_sequences' 'num_samps']

In [68]:
plot_output_samples_iq_data(record_data[stage_1_filetype], stage_1_filetype)
plot_output_samples_iq_data(record_data[stage_2_filetype], stage_2_filetype)
plot_output_samples_iq_data(record_data[stage_3_filetype], stage_3_filetype)
plot_output_samples_iq_data(record_data[output_samples_filetype], output_samples_filetype)

plot_bf_iq_data(record_data[bfiq_filetype], bfiq_filetype)

# We should see pulses in loopback data. We should see only noise perhaps with some leakage
# if a channel is not connected (i.e. intf channels in loopback tests)

Sequence number: 0
Antennas: ['antenna_0', 'antenna_1']
Sequence number: 0
Antennas: ['antenna_0', 'antenna_1']
Sequence number: 0
Antennas: ['antenna_0', 'antenna_1']
Sequence number: 0
Antennas: ['antenna_0', 'antenna_1']
Sequence number: 0
Beam number: 0

In [69]:

In [76]:
# In loopback data, we expect to see the peak of the FFT at our transmitted frequency. We expect to see 
# other peaks at 666.6 Hz off of the txfreq, because this is the periodicity of our signal (1.5ms = tau)

#fft_samps, xf, fig = fft_and_plot_bfiq_data(record_data[bfiq_filetype], 'bfiq')
#fft_samps, xf, fig = fft_and_plot_output_samples_iq(record_data[output_samples_filetype], 'output_samples')
#fft_samps, xf, fig = fft_and_plot_output_samples_iq(record_data[stage_1_filetype], 'stage 1', plot_width=50)
#fft_samps, xf, fig = fft_and_plot_output_samples_iq(record_data[stage_2_filetype], 'stage 2', plot_width=100)
#fft_samps, xf, fig = fft_and_plot_output_samples_iq(record_data[stage_3_filetype], 'stage 3')

#fft_and_plot_rawrf_data(record_data[rawrf_filetype], 'rawrf', plot_width=20000, start_sample=0, end_sample=-1, center=-500000)
#fft_and_plot_txdata(record_data[tx_filetype], 'txdata')

Sequence number: 0
Antennas: range(0, 2)
Sample number 0 to -1
TODO print center frequency once rawrf files have that included.
KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-76-f64f82968865> in <module>()
      5 #fft_samps, xf, fig = fft_and_plot_output_samples_iq(record_data[stage_3_filetype], 'stage 3')
----> 7 fft_and_plot_rawrf_data(record_data[rawrf_filetype], 'rawrf', plot_width=20000, start_sample=0, end_sample=-1, center=-500000)
      8 #fft_and_plot_txdata(record_data[tx_filetype], 'txdata')
      9 plt.show()

~/borealis/testing/borealis_tests/testing_utils/plot_borealis_hdf5_data/plotting_borealis_data_utils.py in fft_and_plot_rawrf_data(record_dict, record_info_string, sequence, real_only, start_sample, end_sample, antenna_indices, plot_width, center)
    307         #if max(abs(record_dict['data'][index,antenna,18000:20000])) < 0.05:
    308         #    continue
--> 309         fft_samps, xf = fft_to_plot(record_dict['data'][sequence,antenna,start_sample:end_sample], record_dict['rx_sample_rate'], plot_width=plot_width, center=center)
    310         len_samples = len(record_dict['data'][sequence,antenna,start_sample:end_sample])
    311         if antenna < record_dict['main_antenna_count']:

~/borealis/testing/borealis_tests/testing_utils/plot_borealis_hdf5_data/plotting_borealis_data_utils.py in fft_to_plot(samples, rate, plot_width, center)
    349 def fft_to_plot(samples, rate, plot_width=None, center=0):
--> 350     fft_samps = fft(samples)
    351     T = 1.0/float(rate)
    352     num_samps = len(samples)

/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/scipy/fftpack/basic.py in fft(x, n, axis, overwrite_x)
    283     if axis == -1 or axis == len(tmp.shape) - 1:
--> 284         return work_function(tmp,n,1,0,overwrite_x)
    286     tmp = swapaxes(tmp, axis, -1)

/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/scipy/fftpack/basic.py in _fake_cfft(x, n, *a, **kw)
     81         return _fftpack.cfft(x, n, *a, **kw)
     82     else:
---> 83         return _fftpack.zfft(x, n, *a, **kw).astype(numpy.complex64)


In [9]:
fft_samps, xf, fig = fft_and_plot_output_samples_iq(record_data[output_samples_filetype], 'output_samples_iq')

Sequence number: 0
Antennas: ['antenna_0', 'antenna_1']

In [ ]: