This notebook is useful for loopback tests when you have some Borealis data you would like to verify. This notebook is built off of the original script that I wrote in Nov/Dec 2018 to verify beamforming algorithms in Borealis. However, these analyses are useful to verify data after any update to the Borealis code. What follows is a list of functions that I plan to build into this script. - Marci Detwiller Feb 2019
If only release-mode data is available for a given time, this notebook will:
If debug-mode data is available (rawrf, txdata, stage_1_iq, etc.), this notebook will also:
In [44]:
%matplotlib inline
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import sys
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import deepdish
import numpy as np
import random
from plotting_borealis_data_utils import *
In [64]:
filename = '/data/borealis_data/20190211/'
data_file = os.path.basename(filename)
data_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(filename)) # get directory outside of the data (/data/borealis_data)
record_name = None # or change if you want a specific record
In [65]:
# get the corresponding data files to this data file, including output_samples_iq, bfiq,
# rawrf, txdata if available.
data_file_metadata = data_file.split('.')
date_of_file = data_file_metadata[0]
timestamp_of_file = '.'.join(data_file_metadata[0:3])
station_name = data_file_metadata[3]
slice_id_number = data_file_metadata[4]
type_of_file = data_file_metadata[-2] # XX.hdf5
if type_of_file == slice_id_number:
slice_id_number = '0' # choose the first slice to search for other available files.
type_of_file = slice_id_number + '.' + type_of_file
file_suffix = data_file_metadata[-1]
if file_suffix != 'hdf5':
raise Exception('Incorrect File Suffix: {}'.format(file_suffix))
output_samples_filetype = slice_id_number + ".output_samples_iq"
bfiq_filetype = slice_id_number + ".bfiq"
stage_1_filetype = slice_id_number + ".stage_1_iq"
stage_2_filetype = slice_id_number + ".stage_2_iq"
stage_3_filetype = slice_id_number + ".stage_3_iq"
# stage 4 = output_samples_iq so unnecessary
rawrf_filetype = "rawrf"
tx_filetype = "txdata"
file_types_avail = [bfiq_filetype, output_samples_filetype, tx_filetype, rawrf_filetype,
stage_1_filetype, stage_2_filetype, stage_3_filetype]
if type_of_file not in file_types_avail:
raise Exception(
'Data type: {} not incorporated in script. Allowed types: {}'.format(type_of_file,
data = {}
print('Available Filetypes: ')
for file_type in list(file_types_avail): # copy of file_types_avail so we can modify it within.
filename = data_directory + '/' + date_of_file + '/' + timestamp_of_file + \
'.' + station_name + '.' + file_type + '.hdf5'
data[file_type] =
if file_type == type_of_file: # if this is the filename you provided.
In [66]:
# Choose a record from the provided file, and get that record for each filetype to analyze side by side.
# Also reshaping data to correct dimensions - if there is a problem with reshaping, we will also not use that record.
good_record_found = False
record_attempts = 0
while not good_record_found:
if record_name is None:
record_name = random.choice(list(data[type_of_file].keys()))
print('Record Name Chosen: {}'.format(record_name))
record_data = {}
for file_type in file_types_avail:
record_data[file_type] = data[file_type][record_name]
if file_type == bfiq_filetype:
bf_iq = record_data[bfiq_filetype]
if file_type == output_samples_filetype:
output_samples_iq = record_data[output_samples_filetype]
if file_type == rawrf_filetype:
rawrf = record_data[rawrf_filetype]
# tx data does not need to be reshaped.
if file_type == tx_filetype:
tx = record_data[tx_filetype]
except ValueError as e:
print('Record {} raised an exception in filetype {}:\n'.format(record_name, file_type))
print('\nA new record will be selected.')
record_attempts +=1
if record_attempts == 3:
raise # something is wrong with the files
else: # no errors
good_record_found = True
if bfiq_filetype not in file_types_avail:
raise Exception('BFIQ data is required to do tests and could not be loaded.')
In [67]:
In [68]:
plot_output_samples_iq_data(record_data[stage_1_filetype], stage_1_filetype)
plot_output_samples_iq_data(record_data[stage_2_filetype], stage_2_filetype)
plot_output_samples_iq_data(record_data[stage_3_filetype], stage_3_filetype)
plot_output_samples_iq_data(record_data[output_samples_filetype], output_samples_filetype)
plot_bf_iq_data(record_data[bfiq_filetype], bfiq_filetype)
# We should see pulses in loopback data. We should see only noise perhaps with some leakage
# if a channel is not connected (i.e. intf channels in loopback tests)
In [69]:
In [76]:
# In loopback data, we expect to see the peak of the FFT at our transmitted frequency. We expect to see
# other peaks at 666.6 Hz off of the txfreq, because this is the periodicity of our signal (1.5ms = tau)
#fft_samps, xf, fig = fft_and_plot_bfiq_data(record_data[bfiq_filetype], 'bfiq')
#fft_samps, xf, fig = fft_and_plot_output_samples_iq(record_data[output_samples_filetype], 'output_samples')
#fft_samps, xf, fig = fft_and_plot_output_samples_iq(record_data[stage_1_filetype], 'stage 1', plot_width=50)
#fft_samps, xf, fig = fft_and_plot_output_samples_iq(record_data[stage_2_filetype], 'stage 2', plot_width=100)
#fft_samps, xf, fig = fft_and_plot_output_samples_iq(record_data[stage_3_filetype], 'stage 3')
#fft_and_plot_rawrf_data(record_data[rawrf_filetype], 'rawrf', plot_width=20000, start_sample=0, end_sample=-1, center=-500000)
#fft_and_plot_txdata(record_data[tx_filetype], 'txdata')
In [9]:
fft_samps, xf, fig = fft_and_plot_output_samples_iq(record_data[output_samples_filetype], 'output_samples_iq')
In [ ]: