Each question that has a discussion of results is analised in the respective question markdown block before the code block.
All weather data was sourced from weatherUnderground (https://www.wunderground.com/) using their API.
The Git repo, storing this code, can be seen here: https://github.com/SoIidarity/ICAO-Weather-Analysis-Python This main file, showing all code execution, can be seen here: https://github.com/SoIidarity/ICAO-Weather-Analysis-Python/blob/master/MainFile.ipynb
Both a PDF version and HTML version of this report are included in this submission. For an optimal viewing experience, please view the HTML version as the formatting is persistent from the Jupyter notebook. Additionally, the PDF version has HTML elements stripped out, such as some images. Alternativly, view the second Git link above to view the notebook online, through Github.
Images in this notebook are not vectors. For full vector images, in PDF form, please seen the Figures directory on Github.
The weather for this location is very cold with high swings in temperature during the year so large variance in the data is to be expected.
First, Import libraries and such needed for program execution.
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
from statsmodels.graphics.tsaplots import plot_acf
import scipy.stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import HTML, display
from io import BytesIO
from base64 import b64encode
import scipy.misc as smp
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator
from scipy.stats import norm
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (26, 13)
First, define some useful functions. These are used in the printing of data later on. Also used for rendering images to the HTML page.
In [2]:
def printMatrix(data): #used to print matricies to HTML
.join(str(_) for _ in row)) for row in data)
def printText(text):
display(HTML('<p>' + text + '<p>'))
def displayHTML(html):
def drawImg(img):
b = BytesIO()
img.save(b, format='png')
displayHTML("<img src='data:image/png;base64,{0}'/>"
In [3]:
w1995 = np.genfromtxt('Data/1995.csv', delimiter=',')
w2000 = np.genfromtxt('Data/2000.csv', delimiter=',')
w2005 = np.genfromtxt('Data/2005.csv', delimiter=',')
w2010 = np.genfromtxt('Data/2010.csv', delimiter=',')
w2015 = np.genfromtxt('Data/2015.csv', delimiter=',')
weatherData = [w1995, w2000, w2005, w2010, w2015]
Next, identify the minimum, maximum, mean and standard deviation for each year. As the matricies are in a vector, we can do this sequentially in a loop. These outputs are produced in a matrix, where the columns are the years (1995,2000,2005,2010,2015) and the rows are the minimum, maximum, mean and standard deviation for each year. This can be seen in the table below.
The mean is calculated with the standard numpy mean equation that calculates the following. This is the average of the data set: $$\bar{x} = \frac{1}{n}\left (\sum_{i=1}^n{x_i}\right ) = \frac{x_1+x_2+\cdots +x_n}{n}$$
Standard deviation is used to quantify variance in the data, as defined by: $$s = \sqrt{\frac{\sum_{i=1}^N (x_i - \overline{x})^2}{N-1} }$$
The minimum, maximum, mean and standard deviations are very similar for each year. This is to be expected as they were taken from the same location. However, as time went on over the past 20 years, it seems that the averages became walmer with both the maximums and minimums increasing over time. There are outlyers in this trend as seen in 2010's minimum tempreture. This trend is also verified by looking at the mean where each year is shown to be getting walmer.
The high standard deviation seen is accounted for by the large tempreture changes during the course of the year. A delta between the maximum of 37 and minimum of -45 of 82 degrees is rather high.
In [4]:
dataValues = np.zeros((4, 5))
counter = 0;
for year in weatherData:
dataValues[0, counter] = year[:, 3].min() #max of max values
dataValues[1, counter] = year[:, 1].max() #min of min values
dataValues[2, counter] = round(year[:, 2].mean(), 2) #average of average values
dataValues[3, counter] = round(year[:, 2].std(), 2) #Standard deviation of average values
counter = counter + 1;
columns = ['1995', '2000', '2005', '2010', '2015'],
index = ['Minimum', 'Maximum', 'Mean', 'Standard Deviation']).to_html())
Each Years probability distribution functions are now plotted, for each year, on the same set of axes. To achive this, a fixed plot of univariate distributions is generated. This is done with the Seaborn displot function.
This value is calculated by using the seaborn distplot function that recreates the standard PDF equation as: $$\operatorname{E}[X] = \int_{-\infty}^\infty x\,f(x)\,dx$$
Each year has a similar general probobility distribution function. They apear to be close to normal in shape. general average trends can also be seen through this graph such as 2005 had higher distribution of both highs and lows, with a lower distribution in the middel. This indicates more extreme weather during this year.
The PDF also can show the most likely distribution of temperatures, indicating the temperature range of the sets. From this, one can clearly see the most likely temperatures for the range between -30 and 15 degrees celsius.
In [5]:
counter = 0;
for year in weatherData:
sns.distplot(year[:, 2], hist=False,
label=1995 + counter * 5,
axlabel="Temperature (C)")
counter = counter + 1;
plt.title('Probability Distribution Function')
plt.savefig("Figures/probability distribution function.pdf")
The cross-correlation between each year’s annual temperatures is now calculated. This is shown as a matrix output Note here that we are slicing the data on each year to ignore the leap year in 2000. This is done as the correlation needs matricies of the same dimension.
Additionally note that we need to normalise the data. This is the same as using the numpy corrfoef function.
To calculate this, the numpy correlate function was used. This function makes use of this equation:
$$(f \star g)(\tau)\ \stackrel{\mathrm{def}}{=} \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f^*(t)\ g(t+\tau)\,dt$$Through the cross-correlation of the presented data, one can see the relationship between each years weather. The closer these values are to 1, the more closely correlated the data is. The highest correlation is seen between 2010 and 1995 intrestingly enough with a 94% correlation. The main diagonal of 1's indicates the full correlation, with each year corelated against its self.
In [6]:
autoCorrelation = np.zeros((5, 5))
for x in range(0, 5):
for y in range(0, 5):
a = weatherData[x][0:365, 2]
b = weatherData[y][0:365, 2]
a = (a - np.mean(a)) / (np.std(a) * len(a))
b = (b - np.mean(b)) / (np.std(b))
autoCorrelation[x, y] = np.correlate(a, b)
columns = ['1995', '2000', '2005', '2010', '2015']
index = ['1995', '2000', '2005', '2010', '2015']
displayHTML(pd.DataFrame(autoCorrelation, columns, index).to_html())
The autocorrelation function for each year’s data, where τ ranges from 0 to 364 is now generated.
Confidence intervals are drawn as a cone. By default, this is set to a 95% confidence interval, suggesting that correlation values outside of this code are very likely a correlation and not a statistical fluke.
First, each Autocorrelation is drawn on its own graph. After, they are overlayed.
Autocorrelation is found through the use of the plot_acf function from the tsaplots statistics library. From a signal processing point of view, this can be seen as:
$$R_{ff}(\tau) = (f * g_{-1}(\overline{f}))(\tau) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty f(u+\tau)\overline{f}(u)\, {\rm d}u = \int_{-\infty}^\infty f(u)\overline{f}(u-\tau)\, {\rm d}u$$This autocorrelation shows how each year is related to a time-shifted version of itself. This can be seen as an effective convolution process. From this, one can see how each part of the year is related to the rest of the year for a given shift amount τ. For example, at τ=0, the magnitude is 1. At this time, no shifting has occurred. At approximately τ=150, there is the highest negative correlation seen. This is due to the correlation between the middle of summer and winter of the two data sets. At this negative region, the corilation is comparing the increase in summer against the decrease in winter showing a negative value.
In [7]:
counter = 0;
for year in weatherData:
if (counter == 0): #on the first loop, generate the subplots
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2)
if counter == 4: # if we are at the last figure, we want it to be on its own line
plot_acf(year[:, 2],
title = "Autocorrelation for {}"
.format(1995 + 5 * counter))
plt.savefig("Figures/Autocorrelation for 2015.pdf")
plot_acf(year[:, 2],
title = "Autocorrelation for {}"
.format(1995 + 5 * counter),
ax=axs[counter % 2])
if counter % 2 == 1: # every two figures, we need to generate a new row
plt.savefig("Figures/Autocorrelation for {} and {}.pdf"
.format(1995 + 5 * counter-5,1995 + 5 * counter))
if (counter < 2): #a new sub plot is needed on second row
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2)
counter = counter + 1
counter = 0;
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1)
for year in weatherData:
plot_acf(year[:, 2],
title = "Autocorrelation All 5 years together"
.format(1995 + 5 * counter),
plt.savefig("Figures/All years Autocorrelation.pdf")
Next, each year, temp is broken down into subdivisions in the range: $$[minimum-0.1=t_0,maximum+0.1=t_10]$$ into ten equal intervals. This is then used to generate 10 intervals, as: $$[[t_0,t_1],...,[t_9,t_10]]$$
The output below this code shows first the bins for each year, for question 6.a. Then, the blankets are drawn for question 6.b
In [10]:
binColours = [[0.139681, 0.311666, 0.550652], [0.276518, 0.539432, 0.720771],
[0.475102, 0.695344, 0.802081], [0.670448, 0.803486, 0.824645],
[0.809791, 0.848259, 0.777550], [0.861927, 0.803423, 0.673050],
[0.830690, 0.667645, 0.546349], [0.742023, 0.475176, 0.424114],
[0.613033, 0.281826, 0.306352], [0.450385, 0.157961, 0.217975]]
counter = 0;
for year in weatherData:
num = 10
binsLow = np.linspace(year[:, 3].min() - 0.1, year[:, 3].max() + 0.1, num)
binsHigh = np.linspace(year[:, 1].min() - 0.1, year[:, 1].max() + 0.1, num)
digitizedLow = np.digitize(year[:, 3], binsLow) #put the data into the bins
digitizedHigh = np.digitize(year[:, 3], binsHigh)
rows = 2 * len(year[:, 3])
image = np.zeros((rows, 451, 3)) #make a matrix to store the image
#itterate over each year's values from the above values and set pixels colours
for x in range(0, rows, 2):
image[x - 1, 0:451] = binColours[int(digitizedLow[int(x / 2)])]
image[x, 0:451] = binColours[int(digitizedHigh[int(x / 2)])]
printText("Tempreture blanket for year: {}".format(1995 + 5 * counter))
displayHTML(pd.DataFrame(np.column_stack((binsLow.reshape(10, 1),
(binsHigh.reshape(10, 1)))),
columns=["Low bin", "High bin"]).to_html())
outputImage = smp.toimage(image)
outputImage.save('WeatherBlancketsOutput/{}.jpg'.format(1995 + 5 * counter))
drawImg(outputImage) #Draw image to screen, using custom draw function to put output in window
counter = counter + 1;
Next, a surface plot of a stochastic process is generated. For this, avarages are generated over all 5 sets of data for each year, as well as a standard diviation for each day. Next, a linear space is generated representing the posible tempreture ranges. finally, the PDF is found then plotted in 3D.
In [9]:
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (30, 20) #Make the figure for this question bigger
#define the variables to store the mean, std deviation,
# range for each day(temp), pdfs and a vector for number of days
meanDay = np.zeros((365, 1))
stdDay = np.zeros((365, 1))
dayArray = np.zeros((5, 1))
pdf = np.zeros((365, 365))
dayRange = range(0, 365, 1)
for day in dayRange:
for inx, year in enumerate(weatherData):
dayArray[inx, 0] = year[:, 2][day]
meanDay[day] = dayArray.mean() #calculate the mean
stdDay[day] = dayArray.std() # calculate the standard deviation
#generate a linear space of all days in the region, for the min to max temp
tempretureSpace = np.linspace(meanDay.min(),
len(weatherData[0][:, 2]))
#itterate over the days again, now generating the pdf
for day in dayRange:
pdf[day, :] = norm.pdf(tempretureSpace,
#convert the values to a meshgrid
# (return coordinate matrices from coordinate vectors)
tempretureSpace, dayRange = np.meshgrid(tempretureSpace, dayRange)
#finally, plot it as a 3d surf
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
surf = ax.plot_surface(tempretureSpace,
ax.set_xlabel('Temperature (C)')
#add a colour bar on the side to see magnitudes
fig.colorbar(surf, shrink=0.5, aspect=5)
plt.title('Surface plot of stochastic process')
plt.savefig("Figures/surface plot of stochastic process.pdf")
In [ ]: