Here are some important course policies. These are also located at
Tentative Grading
There will be 7 challenging homework assignments. Homeworks must be completed individually and will mix programming and short answer questions. At the end of each week of instruction we will have an online multiple choice quiz ("vitamin") that will help you stay up-to-date with lecture materials. Labs assignments will be graded for completion and are intended to help with the homework assignments.
Collaboration Policy
Data science is a collaborative activity. While you may talk with others about the homework, we ask that you write your solutions individually. If you do discuss the assignments with others please include their names at the top of your solution. Keep in mind that content from the homework and vitamins will likely be covered on both the midterm and final.
In this assignment, you'll learn (or review):
library to compute with arrays of numbers.If you haven't already, read through the instructions at
The instructions for submission are at the end of this notebook.
First, let's make sure you have the latest version of okpy.
In [1]:
!pip install -U okpy
If you've set up your environment properly, this cell should run without problems:
In [1]:
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'fivethirtyeight')
from datascience import *
from client.api.notebook import Notebook
ok = Notebook('hw1.ok')
Now, run this cell to log into OkPy.
This is the submission system for the class; you will use this website to confirm that you've submitted your assignment.
In [3]:
Python is the main programming language we'll use in this course. We assume you have some experience with Python or can learn it yourself, but here is a brief review.
Below are some simple Python code fragments.
You should feel confident explaining what each fragment is doing. If not, please brush up on your Python. There a number of tutorials online (search for "Python tutorial"). is a good place to start.
In [64]:
2 + 2
In [65]:
# This is a comment.
# In Python, the ** operator performs exponentiation.
In [66]:
print("Hello" + ",", "world!")
"Hello, cell output!"
In [67]:
def add2(x):
"""This docstring explains what this function does: it adds 2 to a number."""
return x + 2
In [68]:
def makeAdder(amount):
"""Make a function that adds the given amount to a number."""
def addAmount(x):
return x + amount
return addAmount
add3 = makeAdder(3)
In [69]:
# add4 is very similar to add2, but it's been created using a lambda expression.
add4 = lambda x: x + 4
In [11]:
sameAsMakeAdder = lambda amount: lambda x: x + amount
add5 = sameAsMakeAdder(5)
In [12]:
def fib(n):
if n <= 1:
return 1
# Functions can call themselves recursively.
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
In [13]:
# A for loop repeats a block of code once for each
# element in a given collection.
for i in range(5):
if i % 2 == 0:
print("Odd power of 2")
In [14]:
# A list comprehension is a convenient way to apply a function
# to each element in a given collection.
# The String method join appends together all its arguments
# separated by the given string. So we append each element produced
# by the list comprehension, each separated by a newline ("\n").
print("\n".join([str(2**i) if i % 2 == 0 else "Odd power of 2" for i in range(5)]))
Write a function nums_reversed that takes in an integer n
and returns a string
containing the numbers 1 through n
including n
in reverse order, separated
by spaces. For example:
>>> nums_reversed(5)
'5 4 3 2 1'
Note: The ellipsis (...
) indicates something you should fill in. It doesn't necessarily imply you should replace it with only one line of code.
In [9]:
def nums_reversed(n):
return " ".join([str(i) for i in range(n, 0, -1)]) #SOLUTION
In [10]:
_ = ok.grade('q01a')
_ = ok.backup()
In [82]:
def string_splosion(string):
if string == '':
return ''
return string_splosion(string[:-1]) + string
In [83]:
_ = ok.grade('q01b')
_ = ok.backup()
In [19]:
def double100(nums):
if len(nums) < 2: return False
if nums[0] == nums[1] == 100: return True
return double100(nums[1:])
In [84]:
_ = ok.grade('q01c')
_ = ok.backup()
In [21]:
def median(number_list):
n = len(number_list)
in_order = sorted(number_list)
if n % 2 == 1:
return in_order[n // 2]
return (in_order[n // 2 - 1] + in_order[n // 2]) / 2
In [85]:
_ = ok.grade('q01d')
_ = ok.backup()
Let's create some arrays:
In [23]:
array1 = np.array([2, 3, 4, 5])
array2 = np.arange(4)
array1, array2
Math operations on arrays happen element-wise. Here's what we mean:
In [24]:
array1 * 2
In [25]:
array1 * array2
In [26]:
array1 ** array2
This is not only very convenient (fewer for
loops!) but also fast. NumPy
is designed to run operations on arrays much faster than equivalent Python code on lists. Data science sometimes involves working with large datasets where speed is important - even the constant factors!
Jupyter pro-tip: Pull up the docs for any function in Jupyter by running a cell with
the function name and a ?
at the end:
In [27]:
Another Jupyter pro-tip: Pull up the docs for any function in Jupyter by typing the function
name, then <Shift>-<Tab>
on your keyboard. Super convenient when you forget the order
of the arguments to a function. You can press <Tab>
multiple tabs to expand the docs.
Try it on the function below:
In [28]:
Using the np.linspace
function, create an array called xs
that contains
100 evenly spaced points between 0
and 2 * np.pi
. Then, create an array called ys
contains the value of $ \sin{x} $ at each of those 100 points.
Hint: Use the np.sin
function. You should be able to define each variable with one line of code.)
In [29]:
xs = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100) #SOLUTION
ys = np.sin(xs) #SOLUTION
In [86]:
_ = ok.grade('q02')
_ = ok.backup()
The plt.plot
function from another library called matplotlib
lets us make plots. It takes in
an array of x-values and a corresponding array of y-values. It makes a scatter plot of the (x, y) pairs and connects points with line segments. If you give it enough points, it will appear to create a smooth curve.
Let's plot the points you calculated in the previous question:
In [31]:
plt.plot(xs, ys)
This is a useful recipe for plotting any function:
or arange
to make a range of x-values.You might remember from calculus that the derivative of the sin
function is the cos
function. That means that the slope of the curve you plotted above at any point xs[i]
is given by cos(xs[i])
. You can try verifying this by plotting cos
in the next cell.
In [32]:
# Try plotting cos here.
Calculating derivatives is an important operation in data science, but it can be difficult. We can have computers do it for us using a simple idea called numerical differentiation.
Consider the i
th point (xs[i], ys[i])
. The slope of sin
at xs[i]
is roughly the slope of the line connecting (xs[i], ys[i])
to the nearby point (xs[i+1], ys[i+1])
. That slope is:
(ys[i+1] - ys[i]) / (xs[i+1] - xs[i])
If the difference between xs[i+1]
and xs[i]
were infinitessimal, we'd have exactly the derivative. In numerical differentiation we take advantage of the fact that it's often good enough to use "really small" differences instead.
Define a function called derivative
that takes in an array of x-values and their
corresponding y-values and computes the slope of the line connecting each point to the next point.
>>> derivative(np.array([0, 1, 2]), np.array([2, 4, 6]))
np.array([2., 2.])
>>> derivative(np.arange(5), np.arange(5) ** 2)
np.array([0., 2., 4., 6.])
Notice that the output array has one less element than the inputs since we can't find the slope for the last point.
It's possible to do this in one short line using slicing, but feel free to use whatever method you know.
Then, use your derivative
function to compute the slopes for each point in xs
, ys
Store the slopes in an array called slopes
In [33]:
def derivative(xvals, yvals):
return (yvals[1:] - yvals[:-1]) / (xvals[1:] - xvals[:-1]) #SOLUTION
slopes = derivative(xs, ys) #SOLUTION
In [87]:
_ = ok.grade('q03')
_ = ok.backup()
In [35]:
plt.plot(xs[:-1], slopes) #SOLUTION
plt.plot(xs[:-1], np.cos(xs[:-1])) #SOLUTION
In the plot above, it's probably not clear which curve is which. Examine the cell below to see how to plot your results with a legend.
In [36]:
plt.plot(xs[:-1], slopes, label="Numerical derivative")
plt.plot(xs[:-1], np.cos(xs[:-1]), label="True derivative")
# You can just call plt.legend(), but the legend will cover up
# some of the graph. Use bbox_to_anchor=(x,y) to set the x-
# and y-coordinates of the center-left point of the legend,
# where, for example, (0, 0) is the bottom-left of the graph
# and (1, .5) is all the way to the right and halfway up.
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, .5), loc="center left");
In [37]:
# The zeros function creates an array with the given shape.
# For a 2-dimensional array like this one, the first
# coordinate says how far the array goes *down*, and the
# second says how far it goes *right*.
array3 = np.zeros((4, 5))
In [38]:
# The shape attribute returns the dimensions of the array.
In [39]:
# You can think of array3 as an array containing 4 arrays, each
# containing 5 zeros. Accordingly, we can set or get the third
# element of the second array in array 3 using standard Python
# array indexing syntax twice:
array3[1][2] = 7
In [1]:
# This comes up so often that there is special syntax provided
# for it. The comma syntax is equivalent to using multiple
# brackets:
array3[1, 2] = 8
Arrays allow you to assign to multiple places at once. The special character :
means "everything."
In [41]:
array4 = np.zeros((3, 5))
array4[:, 2] = 5
In fact, you can use arrays of indices to assign to multiple places. Study the next example and make sure you understand how it works.
In [42]:
array5 = np.zeros((3, 5))
rows = np.array([1, 0, 2])
cols = np.array([3, 1, 4])
# Indices (1,3), (0,1), and (2,4) will be set.
array5[rows, cols] = 3
Create a 50x50 array called twice_identity
that contains all zeros except on the
diagonal, where it contains the value 2
Start by making a 50x50 array of all zeros, then set the values. Use indexing, not a for
loop! (Don't use np.eye
either, though you might find that function useful later.)
In [43]:
twice_identity = np.zeros((50, 50))
diagonal = np.arange(50)
twice_identity[diagonal, diagonal] = 2
In [88]:
_ = ok.grade('q05')
_ = ok.backup()
Your boss has given you some strange text files. He says they're images, some of which depict a summer scene and the rest a winter scene.
He demands that you figure out how to determine whether a given text file represents a summer scene or a winter scene.
You receive 10 files, 1.txt
through 10.txt
. Peek at the files in a text
editor of your choice.
SOLUTION: Here is what we can tell just by looking at the files. They seem to be tables organized in a space-separate values format. All the files have 3 integer columns, so they're probably 10 different datasets of the same type. The first row always has 2 numbers and looks special; it probably contains some kind of metadata that tells us how to interpret the rows.
Create a function called read_file_lines
that takes in a filename as its argument.
This function should return a Python list containing the lines of the
file as strings. That is, if 1.txt
1 2 3
3 4 5
7 8 9
the return value should be: ['1 2 3\n', '3 4 5\n', '7 8 9\n']
Then, use the read_file_lines
function on the file 1.txt
, reading the contents
into a variable called file1
Hint: Check out this Stack Overflow page on reading lines of files.
In [2]:
def read_file_lines(filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as f: #SOLUTION
return f.readlines() #SOLUTION
file1 = read_file_lines('1.txt') #SOLUTION
In [7]:
_ = ok.grade('q07')
_ = ok.backup()
Each file begins with a line containing two numbers. After checking the length of a file, you could notice that the product of these two numbers equals the number of lines in each file (other than the first one).
This suggests the rows represent elements in a 2-dimensional grid. In fact, each dataset represents an image!
On the first line, the first of the two numbers is the height of the image (in pixels) and the second is the width (again in pixels).
Each line in the rest of the file contains the pixels of the image. Each pixel is a triplet of numbers denoting how much red, green, and blue the pixel contains, respectively.
In image processing, each column in one of these image files is called a channel (disregarding line 1). So there are 3 channels: red, green, and blue.
Define a function called lines_to_image
that takes in the contents of a
file as a list (such as file1
). It should return an array containing integers of
shape (n_rows, n_cols, 3)
. That is, it contains the pixel triplets organized in the
correct number of rows and columns.
For example, if the file originally contained:
4 2
0 0 0
10 10 10
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4
5 5 5
6 6 6
7 7 7
The resulting array should be a 3-dimensional array that looks like this:
[ [0,0,0], [10,10,10] ],
[ [2,2,2], [3,3,3] ],
[ [4,4,4], [5,5,5] ],
[ [6,6,6], [7,7,7] ]
The string method split
and the function np.reshape
might be useful.
Important note: You must call .astype(np.uint8)
on the final array before
returning so that numpy
will recognize the array represents an image.
Once you've defined the function, set image1
to the result of calling
on file1
In [3]:
def lines_to_image(file_lines):
rows, cols = [int(num) for num in file_lines[0].split()]
stripped_lines = [line.strip() for line in file_lines[1:]]
triplets = [[int(num) for num in line.split()]
for line in stripped_lines]
triplet_arr = np.array(triplets)
image_array = triplet_arr.reshape((rows, cols, 3))
return image_array.astype(np.uint8)
image1 = lines_to_image(file1)
In [105]:
_ = ok.grade('q08')
_ = ok.backup()
Images in numpy
are simply arrays, but we can also display them them as
actual images in this notebook.
Use the provided show_images
function to display image1
. You may call it
like show_images(image1)
. If you later have multiple images to display, you
can call show_images([image1, image2])
to display them all at once.
The resulting image should look almost completely black. Why do you suppose that is?
In [4]:
def show_images(images, ncols=2, figsize=(10, 7), **kwargs):
Shows one or more color images.
images: Image or list of images. Each image is a 3-dimensional
array, where dimension 1 indexes height and dimension 2
the width. Dimension 3 indexes the 3 color values red,
blue, and green (so it always has length 3).
def show_image(image, axis=plt):
plt.imshow(image, **kwargs)
if not (isinstance(images, list) or isinstance(images, tuple)):
images = [images]
images = [image.astype(np.uint8) for image in images]
nrows = math.ceil(len(images) / ncols)
ncols = min(len(images), ncols)
for i, image in enumerate(images):
axis = plt.subplot2grid(
(nrows, ncols),
(i // ncols, i % ncols),
axis.tick_params(bottom='off', left='off', top='off', right='off',
labelleft='off', labelbottom='off')
show_image(image, axis)
In [8]:
# Show image1 here:
show_images(image1) #SOLUTION
If you look at the data, you'll notice all the numbers lie between 0 and 10.
In NumPy
, a color intensity is an integer ranging from 0 to 255, where 0 is
no color (black). That's why the image is almost black. To see the image,
we'll need to rescale the numbers in the data to have a larger range.
Define a function expand_image_range
that takes in an image. It returns a
new copy of the image with the following transformation:
old value | new value
========= | =========
0 | 12
1 | 37
2 | 65
3 | 89
4 | 114
5 | 137
6 | 162
7 | 187
8 | 214
9 | 240
10 | 250
This expands the color range of the image. For example, a pixel that previously
had the value [5 5 5]
(almost-black) will now have the value [137 137 137]
Set expanded1
to the expanded image1
, then display it with show_images
This page
from the numpy docs has some useful information that will allow you
to use indexing instead of for
However, the slickest implementation uses one very short line of code.
Hint: If you index an array with another array or list as in question 5, your
array (or list) of indices can contain repeats, as in array1[[0, 1, 0]]
Investigate what happens in that case.
In [5]:
# This array is provided for your convenience.
transformed = np.array([12, 37, 65, 89, 114, 137, 162, 187, 214, 240, 250])
def expand_image_range(image):
return transformed[image] #SOLUTION
expanded1 = expand_image_range(image1) #SOLUTION
In [6]:
_ = ok.grade('q10')
_ = ok.backup()
Eureka! You've managed to reveal the image that the text file represents.
Now, define a function called reveal_file
that takes in a filename
and returns an expanded image. This should be relatively easy since you've
defined functions for each step in the process.
Then, set expanded_images
to a list of all the revealed images. There are
10 images to reveal (including the one you just revealed).
Finally, use show_images
to display the expanded_images
In [13]:
def reveal_file(filename):
return expand_image_range(lines_to_image(read_file_lines(filename))) #SOLUTION
filenames = ['1.txt', '2.txt', '3.txt', '4.txt', '5.txt',
'6.txt', '7.txt', '8.txt', '9.txt', '10.txt']
expanded_images = [reveal_file(filename) for filename in filenames] #SOLUTION
show_images(expanded_images, ncols=5)
Notice that 5 of the above images are of summer scenes; the other 5 are of winter.
Think about how you'd distinguish between pictures of summer and winter. What qualities of the image seem to signal to your brain that the image is one of summer? Of winter?
One trait that seems specific to summer pictures is that the colors are warmer. Let's see if the proportion of pixels of each color in the image can let us distinguish between summer and winter pictures.
To simplify things, we can categorize each pixel according to its most intense
(highest-value) channel. (Remember, red, green, and blue are the 3 channels.)
For example, we could just call a [2 4 0]
pixel "green." If a pixel has a
tie between several channels, let's count it as none of them.
Write a function proportion_by_channel
. It takes in an image. It assigns
each pixel to its greatest-intensity channel: red, green, or blue. Then
the function returns an array of length three containing the proportion of
pixels categorized as red, the proportion categorized as green, and the
proportion categorized as blue (respectively). (Again, don't count pixels
that are tied between 2 or 3 colors as any category, but do count them
in the denominator when you're computing proportions.)
For example:
>>> test_im = np.array([
[ [5, 2, 2], [2, 5, 10] ]
>>> proportion_by_channel(test_im)
array([ 0.5, 0, 0.5 ])
# If tied, count neither as the highest
>>> test_im = np.array([
[ [5, 2, 5], [2, 50, 50] ]
>>> proportion_by_channel(test_im)
array([ 0, 0, 0 ])
Then, set image_proportions
to the result of proportion_by_channel
on each image in expanded_images
as a 2d array.
Hint: It's fine to use a for
loop, but for a difficult challenge, try
avoiding it. (As a side benefit, your code will be much faster.) Our solution
uses the NumPy
functions np.reshape
, np.sort
, np.argmax
, and np.bincount
In [33]:
def proportion_by_channel(image):
n_pixels = image.shape[0] * image.shape[1]
flattened = image.reshape((n_pixels, NUM_CHANNELS))
sorted_by_channel_value = np.sort(flattened, axis=1)
indices_with_winner = sorted_by_channel_value[:,NUM_CHANNELS-1] != sorted_by_channel_value[:,NUM_CHANNELS-2]
pixels_with_winner = flattened[indices_with_winner,:]
counts = np.bincount(np.argmax(pixels_with_winner, axis=1), minlength=NUM_CHANNELS)
return counts / n_pixels
image_proportions = np.array(
[proportion_by_channel(image) for image in expanded_images])
In [34]:
_ = ok.grade('q12')
_ = ok.backup()
Let's plot the proportions you computed above on a bar chart:
In [45]:
# You'll learn about Pandas and DataFrames soon.
import pandas as pd
'red': image_proportions[:, 0],
'green': image_proportions[:, 1],
'blue': image_proportions[:, 2]
}, index=pd.Series(['Image {}'.format(n) for n in range(1, 11)], name='image'))\
What do you notice about the colors present in the summer images compared to the winter ones?
Use this info to write a function summer_or_winter
. It takes in an image and
returns True
if the image is a summer image and False
if the image is a
winter image.
Do not hard-code the function to the 10 images you currently have (eg.
if image1, return False
). We will run your function on other images
that we've reserved for testing.
You must classify all of the 10 provided images correctly to pass the test for this function.
In [46]:
# The easiest solution is to find the proportion of red pixels in the image and
# threshold on that.
def summer_or_winter(image):
return proportion_by_channel(image)[0] > RED_PROP_THRESHOLD
[summer_or_winter(image) for image in expanded_images]
In [47]:
_ = ok.grade('q13')
_ = ok.backup()
Congrats! You've created your very first classifier for this class.
SOLUTION: The images on which we "trained" our classifier seem typical of images that try to portray summer and winter, so I would expect our function to work okay in general. (Perhaps 80% classification accuracy.) We are likely to get false positives from winter images that prominently feature fires or brown trees. We'd get false negatives from summer images that are mostly blue sky and green grass, like golf courses.
Final note: While our approach here is simplistic, skin color segmentation -- figuring out which parts of the image belong to a human body -- is a key step in many algorithms such as face detection.
Here are the functions we used to generate the text files for this assignment.
Feel free to send not-so-secret messages to your friends if you'd like.
In [58]:
import skimage as sk
import as skio
In [59]:
def read_image(filename):
'''Reads in an image from a filename'''
return skio.imread(filename)
In [60]:
def compress_image(im):
'''Takes an image as an array and compresses it to look black.'''
res = im / 25
return res.astype(np.uint8)
In [61]:
def to_text_file(im, filename):
Takes in an image array and a filename for the resulting text file.
Creates the encoded text file for later decoding.
h, w, c = im.shape
to_rgb = ' '.join
to_row = '\n'.join
to_lines = '\n'.join
rgb = [[to_rgb(triplet) for triplet in row] for row in im.astype(str)]
lines = to_lines([to_row(row) for row in rgb])
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
f.write('{} {}\n'.format(h, w))
In [ ]:
summers = skio.imread_collection('orig/summer/*.jpg')
winters = skio.imread_collection('orig/winter/*.jpg')
In [ ]:
sum_nums = np.array([ 5, 6, 9, 3, 2, 11, 12])
win_nums = np.array([ 10, 7, 8, 1, 4, 13, 14])
for im, n in zip(summers, sum_nums):
to_text_file(compress_image(im), '{}.txt'.format(n))
for im, n in zip(winters, win_nums):
to_text_file(compress_image(im), '{}.txt'.format(n))
First, run this cell to run all the autograder tests at once so you can double- check your work.
In [ ]:
_ = ok.grade_all()
Now, run this code in your terminal to make a
git commit
that saves a snapshot of your changes in git
. The last line of the cell
runs git push, which will send your work to your personal Github repo.
# Tell git to commit all the changes so far
git add -A
# Tell git to make the commit
git commit -m "hw1 finished"
# Send your updates to your personal private repo
git push origin master
Finally, we'll submit the assignment to OkPy so that the staff will know to grade it. You can submit as many times as you want and you can choose which submission you want us to grade by going to
In [12]:
# Now, we'll submit to okpy
_ = ok.submit()
Congrats! You are done with homework 1.