How to generate topological constraints using the Open Tree of Life

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In [86]:
options(repr.plot.width = 8, repr.plot.height = 3)

To retrieve topologies from the Open Tree of Life, we need the rotl R package. We'll also load the ape package to manipulate the tree.

In [91]:

Installing package into ‘/home/dgkontopoulos/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.3’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)

Now, let's create a vector of species names for which we want a tree topology and match them to those of the Open Tree taxonomy:

In [94]:
species <- c(
    "Homo sapiens", "Felis catus", "Crocodylus niloticus", "Nymphicus hollandicus", 
    "Vitis vinifera", "Geobacter daltonii", "Thermoplasma acidophilum", "Caulophacus agassizi", 
    "Caulophacus arcticus", "Caulophacus cyanae", "Caulophacus galatheae"

resolved_names <- tnrs_match_names(species)

homo sapiens Homo sapiens FALSE 770315 FALSE 1
felis catus Felis catus FALSE 563166 FALSE 2
crocodylus niloticus Crocodylus niloticus FALSE 35864 FALSE 2
nymphicus hollandicus Nymphicus hollandicus FALSE 630645 FALSE 1
vitis vinifera Vitis vinifera FALSE 756728 FALSE 6
geobacter daltonii Geobacter daltonii FALSE 489275 FALSE 1
thermoplasma acidophilumThermoplasma acidophilumFALSE 891210 FALSE 1
caulophacus agassizi Caulophacus agassizi FALSE 2832726 FALSE 1
caulophacus arcticus Caulophacus arcticus FALSE 612407 FALSE 1
caulophacus cyanae Caulophacus cyanae FALSE 4939783 FALSE 1
caulophacus galatheae Caulophacus galatheae FALSE 2832723 FALSE 1

Return the subset of the Open Tree of Life that contains the matched species:

In [81]:
tree <- tol_induced_subtree(ott_ids=ott_id(resolved_names))
plot(tree, cex = 0.8, no.margin = TRUE)

The tree may also contain the names of some of its clades:

In [80]:
plot(tree, cex = 0.8, show.node.label = TRUE, no.margin = TRUE)

To infer phylogenies under the constraints of this tree, we have to remove the ott* IDs from species names and save the tree to a file.

The former can be done with a small regular expression:

In [92]:
tree$tip.label <- gsub("_ott\\d+$", "", tree$tip.label)

write.tree(tree, file = 'constraint_tree.phy')

  1. 'Homo_sapiens'
  2. 'Felis_catus'
  3. 'Nymphicus_hollandicus'
  4. 'Crocodylus_niloticus'
  5. 'Caulophacus_agassizi'
  6. 'Caulophacus_arcticus'
  7. 'Caulophacus_cyanae'
  8. 'Caulophacus_galatheae'
  9. 'Vitis_vinifera'
  10. 'Thermoplasma_acidophilum'
  11. 'Geobacter_daltonii'

Ta-daaa! Our constraint tree is ready! A number of phylogeny inference programs can use it to constrain topological exploration:

  • RAxML and IQ-TREE: -g path_to_constraint_tree
  • PhyML: -u=path_to_constraint_tree --constraint_file=path_to_constraint_tree
  • MrBayes: use the function createMrBayesConstraints in the R package paleotree to generate a MrBayes NEXUS block of topological constraints from the tree. Next, paste the block to the input file to be read by MrBayes.