Anomaly Detection Overview

An anomaly detector for computing anomaly scores is constructed by providing a set of component distributions that defines the models used by the anomaly detector. Then, in order to train the anomaly detector, the $fit$ method can be called with some training data, and then compute the anomaly scores with the $anomaly\_score$ method. Below, we show how to create and train a bivariate Gaussian distribution and how to compute anomaly scores.

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import numpy as np
import pyisc

# Get some data:
X = np.array([[20, 4], [1200, 130], [12, 8], [27, 8], [-9, 13], [2, -6]])

# Create an anomaly detector where the numbers are column indices of the data:
anomaly_detector = pyisc.AnomalyDetector(

# The anomaly detector is trained 

# Then, we can compute the anomaly scores for the data:

# The result is anomaly scores (with two decimal precision):
#array([ 0.10,  1.08,  0.10,  0.05,  0.67, 0.77])

array([ 0.09595115,  1.07745075,  0.0999642 ,  0.05291047,  0.67480946,

By comparing the number pairs in the list, the second element easily stands out as the "most anomalous". Similarly, we can create a anomaly detector with the Gamma or Poisson distributions where the numbers are the column indices into the input data:

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In case we have more than one known class of data points, it is also possible to train the detector to make a separate model for each class. In this case, if $y$ is an array with two or more class labels, the anomaly detector can still be similarly trained and likewise compute the anomaly scores:

In [28]:
#Create classes (only one class)
y = np.zeros(len(X))

#Fit classes,y)


array([ 0.09595115,  1.07745081,  0.0999642 ,  0.05291047,  0.67480948,

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