pyISC Example: Anomaly Detection with Classes

In this example, we extend the multivariate example to the use of classes. ISC also makes it possible to compute the anomaly score for different classes, so that apples are compared to apples an d not to oranges. In addition, it is also possibel to the anomaly detector to classify unknwon examples.

In [2]:
import pyisc;
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import poisson, norm, multivariate_normal
%matplotlib inline
from pylab import plot, figure

Data with Classification

Create a data set with 3 columns from different probablity distributions.

In [16]:
n_classes = 3
normal_len = 10000
anomaly_len = 15
data = None
for i in range(n_classes):
    po_normal = poisson(10+i)
    po_normal2 = poisson(2+i)
    gs_normal = norm(1+i, 12)
    tmp = np.column_stack(
            [1] * (normal_len),
            [i] * (normal_len),
    if data is None:
        data = tmp
        data = np.r_[data,tmp]
# Add anomalies
for i in range(n_classes):
    po_anomaly = poisson(25+i)
    po_anomaly2 = poisson(3+i)
    gs_anomaly = norm(2+i,30)

    tmp = np.column_stack(
            [1] * (anomaly_len),
            [i] * (anomaly_len),
    if data is None:
        data = tmp
        data = np.r_[data,tmp]

Anomaly Detector

Create an anomaly detector using as first argument the used statistical models. The we use

  • a onesided Poisson distribution for modelling the first fequency column (column 1) (as in the first example),
  • a twosided Poisson distribution for the second frequency column (column 2),
  • and a Gaussin (Normal) distribution for the last column (column 3).

Given that we now have more than one variable, it is necessary to also add a method to combine the output from the statistical models, which in this case is the maximum anomaly score of each component model:

In [17]:
anomaly_detector = pyisc.AnomalyDetector(
        pyisc.P_PoissonOnesided(1,0), # columns 1 and 0
        pyisc.P_Poisson(2,0), # columns 2 and 0
        pyisc.P_Gaussian(3) # column 3

Train the anomaly detector

In [18]:, y=4); # y is the class column or an array with classes

Compute the anomaly scores for each data point

In [6]:
scores = anomaly_detector.anomaly_score(data, y=4)

Anomaly Scores with Classes

Now we can print some example of normal frequencies vs. anomaly scores for the 15 first normal data points:

In [7]:
from pandas import DataFrame
df= DataFrame(data[:15], columns=['Class','#Days', 'Freq1','Freq2','Measure'])
df['Anomaly Score'] = scores[:15]
print df.to_string()

    Class  #Days  Freq1      Freq2  Measure  Anomaly Score
0       1      8      0  -7.697829        0       1.278852
1       1      7      1  -1.986374        0       0.229776
2       1     11      1   4.321750        0       0.299526
3       1     10      2 -13.608744        0       1.485177
4       1      9      1  -5.697421        0       0.543436
5       1     15      0 -10.716751        0       2.487084
6       1     10      1   8.608478        0       0.645070
7       1     13      1   0.740692        0       1.570813
8       1      8      3  -8.460878        0       1.126847
9       1      9      2   2.373379        0       0.098839
10      1      7      1  -8.199543        0       0.804841
11      1      9      2  -2.180858        0       0.229719
12      1     17      0   1.155583        0       3.615028
13      1      9      1  11.452048        0       0.959838
14      1      8      2  -9.418372        0       0.944151

The anomalous frequencies vs. anomaly scores for the 15 anomalous data points:

In [8]:
df= DataFrame(data[-45:], columns=['#Days', 'Freq1','Freq2','Measure','Class'])
df['Anomaly Score'] = scores[-45:]
print df.to_string()

    #Days  Freq1  Freq2    Measure  Class  Anomaly Score
0       1     33      3 -16.019313      0      18.737237
1       1     23      2   1.292442      0       8.133544
2       1     35      3 -39.878326      0      21.236506
3       1     30      3   3.261550      0      15.208356
4       1     28      6 -29.670542      0      13.012713
5       1     22      4  58.718210      0      13.336878
6       1     19      1 -42.820249      0       8.188949
7       1     30      1  46.779072      0      15.208356
8       1     20      3   3.783350      0       5.674221
9       1     27      3 -10.263894      0      11.964916
10      1     21      3  24.046144      0       6.451688
11      1     19      1  15.276674      0       4.941169
12      1     20      5 -73.381322      0      21.117687
13      1     27      2  -2.798956      0      11.964916
14      1     23      5  36.579071      0       8.133544
15      1     29      3 -16.861937      1      12.192423
16      1     27      1 -21.120454      1      10.257969
17      1     34      2  34.661100      1      17.580467
18      1     18      1  15.717274      1       3.402077
19      1     30      2 -20.765808      1      13.208815
20      1     24      1 -23.980914      1       7.617997
21      1     41      5  26.982274      1      26.289043
22      1     31      4  31.152938      1      14.256697
23      1     25      2  -6.049659      1       8.461588
24      1     28      4  31.254956      1      11.208473
25      1     31      1 -36.336422      1      14.256697
26      1     30      5  19.847507      1      13.208815
27      1     23      4  41.774339      1       6.994651
28      1     24      5   9.372034      1       7.617997
29      1     34      2 -11.322955      1      17.580467
30      1     27      4  -0.253022      2       8.885002
31      1     25      5 -11.979734      2       7.252335
32      1     21      6  31.566056      2       4.433246
33      1     20      5  43.796360      2       7.097478
34      1     29      4  36.799694      2      10.654535
35      1     25      2 -20.016109      2       7.252335
36      1     28      5 -33.381069      2       9.753176
37      1     27      5  13.976541      2       8.885002
38      1     22      4  75.721336      2      19.765671
39      1     26      2   1.171927      2       8.051033
40      1     29      2  23.561053      2      10.654535
41      1     28      5  -0.414614      2       9.753176
42      1     27      8   3.528593      2       8.885002
43      1     34      6  27.775596      2      15.626730
44      1     38      5  41.101175      2      20.114275

As can be seen above, the anomalous data also have higher anomaly scores than the normal frequencies as it should be.</b>

This becomes even more visible if we plot the anomaly scores (y-axis) against each data point (x-axis):

In [9]:
plot(scores, '.');

We can also look at the details of each column in terms of their individual anomaly scores:

In [10]:
score_details = anomaly_detector.anomaly_score_details(data,y=4)

In [11]:
df= DataFrame(data[-45:], columns=['#Days', 'Freq1','Freq2','Measure','Class'])
df['Anomaly:Freq1'] = [detail[2][0] for detail in score_details[-45:]]   # Anomaly Score of Freq1
df['Anomaly:Freq2'] = [detail[2][1] for detail in score_details[-45:]]   # Anomaly Score of Freq2
df['Anomaly:Measure'] = [detail[2][2] for detail in score_details[-45:]] # Anomaly Score of Measure
df['Anomaly Score'] = [detail[0] for detail in score_details[-45:]]      # Combined Anomaly Score

#Days Freq1 Freq2 Measure Class Anomaly:Freq1 Anomaly:Freq2 Anomaly:Measure Anomaly Score
0 1 33 3 -16.019313 0 18.737237 1.126847 1.841315 18.737237
1 1 23 2 1.292442 0 8.133544 0.067769 0.022936 8.133544
2 1 35 3 -39.878326 0 21.236506 1.126847 7.269857 21.236506
3 1 30 3 3.261550 0 15.208356 1.126847 0.165193 15.208356
4 1 28 6 -29.670542 0 13.012713 4.094353 4.512347 13.012713
5 1 22 4 58.718210 0 7.271971 1.942310 13.336878 13.336878
6 1 19 1 -42.820249 0 4.941169 0.229776 8.188949 8.188949
7 1 30 1 46.779072 0 15.208356 0.229776 8.865386 15.208356
8 1 20 3 3.783350 0 5.674221 1.126847 0.205888 5.674221
9 1 27 3 -10.263894 0 11.964916 1.126847 1.045506 11.964916
10 1 21 3 24.046144 0 6.451688 1.126847 2.899835 6.451688
11 1 19 1 15.276674 0 4.941169 0.229776 1.452553 4.941169
12 1 20 5 -73.381322 0 5.674221 2.939246 21.117687 21.117687
13 1 27 2 -2.798956 0 11.964916 0.067769 0.280470 11.964916
14 1 23 5 36.579071 0 8.133544 2.939246 5.782001 8.133544
15 1 29 3 -16.861937 1 12.192423 0.238893 2.134855 12.192423
16 1 27 1 -21.120454 1 10.257969 0.958507 2.894499 10.257969
17 1 34 2 34.661100 1 17.580467 0.013653 5.042347 17.580467
18 1 18 1 15.717274 1 3.402077 0.958507 1.382516 3.402077
19 1 30 2 -20.765808 1 13.208815 0.013653 2.827063 13.208815
20 1 24 1 -23.980914 1 7.617997 0.958507 3.466532 7.617997
21 1 41 5 26.982274 1 26.289043 1.713305 3.294996 26.289043
22 1 31 4 31.152938 1 14.256697 0.597893 4.198219 14.256697
23 1 25 2 -6.049659 1 8.461588 0.013653 0.678233 8.461588
24 1 28 4 31.254956 1 11.208473 0.597893 4.221672 11.208473
25 1 31 1 -36.336422 1 14.256697 0.958507 6.525818 14.256697
26 1 30 5 19.847507 1 13.208815 1.713305 1.996556 13.208815
27 1 23 4 41.774339 1 6.812430 0.597893 6.994651 6.994651
28 1 24 5 9.372034 1 7.617997 1.713305 0.625275 7.617997
29 1 34 2 -11.322955 1 17.580467 0.013653 1.306628 17.580467
30 1 27 4 -0.253022 2 8.885002 0.196422 0.232847 8.885002
31 1 25 5 -11.979734 2 7.252335 0.497853 1.509430 7.252335
32 1 21 6 31.566056 2 4.433246 1.556908 3.955011 4.433246
33 1 20 5 43.796360 2 3.828511 0.497853 7.097478 7.097478
34 1 29 4 36.799694 2 10.654535 0.196422 5.186685 10.654535
35 1 25 2 -20.016109 2 7.252335 0.791935 2.815852 7.252335
36 1 28 5 -33.381069 2 9.753176 0.497853 5.836127 9.753176
37 1 27 5 13.976541 2 8.885002 0.497853 1.002358 8.885002
38 1 22 4 75.721336 2 5.079254 0.196422 19.765671 19.765671
39 1 26 2 1.171927 2 8.051033 0.791935 0.123967 8.051033
40 1 29 2 23.561053 2 10.654535 0.791935 2.390271 10.654535
41 1 28 5 -0.414614 2 9.753176 0.497853 0.245782 9.753176
42 1 27 8 3.528593 2 8.885002 3.003881 0.037687 8.885002
43 1 34 6 27.775596 2 15.626730 1.556908 3.166652 15.626730
44 1 38 5 41.101175 2 20.114275 0.497853 6.325301 20.114275

Above, the last column corresponds to the same anomaly score as before, where we can se that it corresponds to the maximum of the individual anomaly score to the left, thus, it is the result of the combination rule specified to the anomaly detector.

Anomaly Detector as Classifier

Let us create a data set with unkown classes from the same distributions as above:

In [19]:
data2 = None
true_classes = []
length = 1000
for i in range(n_classes):
    po_normal = poisson(10+i)
    po_normal2 = poisson(2+i)
    gs_normal = norm(1+i, 12)
    tmp = np.column_stack(
            [1] * (length),
            [None] * (length),
    true_classes += [i] * length
    if data2 is None:
        data2 = tmp
        data2 = np.r_[data2,tmp]

Then, we can also use the anomaly detector as a classifier to predict the class for each instance as below:

In [20]:
from pandas import DataFrame
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
result = DataFrame(columns=['Algorithm','Accuracy'])
clf = pyisc.SklearnClassifier.clf(anomaly_detector)
predicted_classes = clf.predict(data2)
acc = accuracy_score(true_classes, predicted_classes)
result.loc[0] = ['pyISC classifier', acc]

[0 1 2]

We can also compare it to some available classifiers in Scikit-learn (

In [21]:
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

X = data.T[:-1].T
y = data.T[-1]
count = 1
for name, clf in zip(['GaussianNB',
                      RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=5, n_estimators=10, max_features=1)]):,y);

    predicted_classes_SK= clf.predict(data2.T[:-1].T)
    acc = accuracy_score(true_classes,predicted_classes_SK)
    result.loc[count] = [name, acc]
    count += 1


Algorithm Accuracy
0 pyISC classifier 0.520333
1 GaussianNB 0.510000
2 KNeighborsClassifier 0.488000
3 RandomForestClassifier 0.509000

The pyISC classifier performce better, most likely due to being closer to using the true distributions.

In [ ]: